InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where is the Light? ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello, and welcome to the long-awaited final installment of the Light series archive. This fiction will follow the other fics "Out of the Closet, Into the Light," "So This is the Light?," and "To Shed Light On Truth." Please read these other fics before you read this one, because I will assume that you know what's going on and I WILL NOT BE EXPLAINING ANYTHING YOU CAN READ FOR YOURSELF! The fics aren't that long. Less than 20 chapters at least.
(Beta: too damn short if you ask me *glare* lolz)
I'll try to respond to comments, but at times, I'm busy and I have just enough time to update. That, and I'm graduating this semester! YES! ^_^
Now on with the fic!
Inu-yasha stood in the bathroom mirror, looking at his reflection. He thought he could see the changes in his face and body, but nothing out of the ordinary could be seen. He smiled as his husband wrapped strong, loving arms around him, pressing his hands against his slightly flat stomach.
"Are you ready to tell them?" Kouga asked, kissing the other's neck with loving kisses.
Inu-yasha tilted his head, exposing more of his neck for the other to cover in the affectionate kisses. "With encouragement like this, I think so..."
Kouga looked at the other through the mirror, cerulean meeting amber. He smiled softly as he gave his uda a gentle squeeze of reassurance. "Your family loves you. They want you happy, and if this makes you happy, they have no choice but to accept it."
"You're right. I'm just nervous; with good reason." Inu-yasha turned to Kouga who chuckled softly.
"Yeah, I mean; YOU pregnant? It's a bit hard to swallow. Especially with you being a guy. But I want to see the looks on their faces. I can just imagine it..."
"I just want to surprise them, not kill them, Kouga..." Inu-yasha shook his head in amusement, his husband one for causing mischief. He watched the other bend down onto his knees and lift his shirt and kiss his growing stomach, nuzzling it affectionately. Inu-yasha felt his heart stir at the tender action, running his hand through the other's front bangs.
Kouga looked up at his husband, the carrier of their unborn child, with adoration and love. He kissed the palm that traveled from his bangs to his cheek, never ceasing the soft nuzzling he gave the tummy. "Jiraha..."
"Jiraha, uda..."
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~
Sora ate a massive plate filled with salad, cake, watermelon, chicken, and other foods as she sat under the shadow of a massive tree. The family decided it would be a wonderful to have a picnic with the weather so perfect. Sesshoumaru sat behind his wife, supporting her as she ate. He idly rubbed small, soothing circles to the belly with closed eyes, enjoying the peacefulness of the day.
Shishio and Aoji were busy on the other side of the massive tree, tumbling around on the picnic blanket; tongues meshed together, soft moans and caresses every now and then. Celestine shook his head to them as he cooked on the barbeque grill with Mifune, who made her famous shish kabobs. Although, she had to make more, as they were a bit too famous with Sora.
"Well I see everything is normal here..." Sora turned to the new voice and smiled brightly.
"YOU CAME!" She opened her arms for the other, her plate empty. Inu-yasha walked over and leaned down to hug her, seeing as it would be difficult for her to move.
"Of course we did." Kouga joined them, hugging his sister and gently touching her swollen belly. "I see your little one is growing so well. I can't believe in four more months we'll see him or her."
Inu-yasha went over to hug Mifune tightly. "Okaasan..."
"It's about time you came. I was about to come over there." She laughed lightly and offered her son a hamburger.
"And risk being scarred for life? It isn't worth it." He smirked softly before taking a bite.
Kouga went around the tree, finding the other couple in a heated lip-lock. He rolled his eyes and went to sit at the other blanket, deciding it was best not to disturb.
After a few plates of food, prying apart the newly engaged couple, and settling into a light conversation - filled with catching up, Inu-yasha cast Kouga a few glances, his amber eyes filled with nervousness. Kouga took the other's hand into his own and entwined their fingers.
"I think this is a good a time as any to announce this..." All attention was given to the couple.
Inu-yasha looked down and sighed before speaking. "Well, Kouga and I have been thinking long and hard about this, and we weighed the pros and cons and made a decision. I hope you all accept it, since we can't undo it..."
"We're...going to have a child. Inu-yasha is already pregnant..." Kouga looked around at stunned expressions. He heard only the wind blow before a barrage of questions came forth.
Kouga looked to Inu-yasha as the questions continued. Inu-yasha sighed, awaiting the questions to stop, but of course they didn't. This was his family they were talking about. They began to converse and question amongst themselves before resuming with new questions for the married couple.
**Maybe we should have said something when their mouths were full...** Kouga shook his head at the never-ending questions.
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So there you go. A short intro chapter. Lots of questions asked, but no answers. But that's alright. Hope everyone enjoyed this and I'll try to update soon. *bows*
Beta: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! HOW COULD YOU TAS-CHAN?? *cries* waited so long ... for such a short *yet amazingly written* chappie!! I WAITED SOOOOO LOOONNNGGGG!! *tears* oh wells!
~superman cape~ EVERYONE REVIEW!!! *runs to compy* ~trips on cape~ *falls on face* ... I ... ment to do that ...... <.< .... >.> ..... >.< anyways!! REVIEW!! KEEP TAS-CHAN'S INSPIRATION GOING!! *and this poor pethetic beta in work* ~big anime puppy eyes~ you don't wanna see this beta out of word .... DO YOU? T^T
*love to all those that review!* .... now where'd Tas-chan put that pink kitty? <3