InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where Love Lies ❯ "Snow Angel" ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
a/n - hey everyone, and thanks for the reviews! ^_^ I guess I'm doing pretty good so far, so I'll continue....


shippo's pov [again]:

We were out on the road at the crack of dawn. It was still pretty cold, nearing winter actually, and I could see my breath. Demons are becoming fewer and fewer these days. I don't know why. Maybe it's because we're always fighting and killing each other?

I just hope all the strong ones died... I'm getting tired of fights. Though I don't think Inuyasha feels the same way.

...Something's different about today, though, Inuyasha isn't strolling way up ahead and a his usual fast pace. He's walking a bit slower, I even caught up to him. Maybe he's cold and doesn't feel like walking fast.

"Hey Inuyasha," I started up, "Are you cold?"

Inuyasha snorted, "What makes ya think that?"

Honestly, I don't know what did make me think that... Oh yeah, his slowness... If that's even a word. "You just seem different today." I'm not sure if that sounded too good.

"What's different?" There was that annoyed tone in his voice again. It's like you can never try and hold at least one decent conversation with him. And if you try, he gets mad. Well, he's been like that for years, so I'm not too surprised. I wonder if it's because he lost both Kikyo and Kagome. That can have something to do with it... Memories.

I feel sorry for him sometimes, "Do you miss Kagome?"

"............" He gave me a glare and turned away. Looks like I got him in another bad mood. "....Why are you asking me all these stupid questions?"

I have no idea.

We remained silent for a while, trotting down the cold dirt path to almost nowhere. For as far as you could see, there were nothing but a pathway, grass lands, a few hills and trees scattered here and there, and a few animals. Animals are becoming a lot more common to see these days, too. I looked up wearily into the sky to be greeted by the pleasant sight of gathering grey clouds.

Rain? Probably not yet. They didn't look too thick. As I was looking up, I bumped into Inuyasha again. Big mistake...

"Damn it!!! What the Hell is with you?!" He yelled, whirling around and fists clenched, "Like if it weren't a dumb mistake the first time! You gotta go and do it again. This better not become some kind of stupid habit of yours!!"

"Stop yelling at me already!" I yelled back. I know he's right, but I don't like being scolded, and by Inuyasha of all people!

"Well how else am I supposed to get it through to your thick skull?!"

"My skull isn't as thick as yours! You stupid dog!"

"You're gonna be eating my fists if you keep that up, kid."

I know I should have probably stopped... But I just couldn't take defeat from Inuyasha yet again. If he wanted to fight, I've got no problem, "Do what ya have to, but don't expect to leave without a scratch!"

I took a step back as he cracked his knuckles. I guess that was a bit overboard. Now, if I still have my wits about me at this very moment, I'd run for it, but unfortunately I don't... Taking a brave leap forward, I dived at him and knocked him off his feet.... But that wasn't any good, after he grabbed my shoulders and switched our bodies around so that I broke his fall.

Some of the fabric got ripped off my back as I slided with him above me. I saw him raise his fist, and the best I could do was cross my arms over my face to form an X and close my eyes tightly..... But the blow never came.

After a few seconds I felt a load of weight be lifted from my abdomen, and I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me with another annoyed frown.

"Stupid little fox. I'd like to see you survive on your own with those skills." He grunted, roughly grabbing my shoulders and pulling me to my feet.

I felt my cheeks burn red in anger and embarrasment. "Maybe I'll just go on my own and see what happens." I said more to myself than him, but of course he heard.

"Is that so? Well, what's stopping you? Go on, go!"

He looked pretty mad too, and ready to hit me again, "Fine! I will! I don't need you to survive, you dumb dog!" Without even thinking, I ran off towards the slightest hint of forest. All I want is to get away from him. It's not like I did anything wrong in the first place! He's always getting mad over nothing.

I venture farther among the tall trees, and things began to get more and more silent. Small animals were appearing less and less as I went along, and something about the scent was a bit off to me.

But I kept going anyway, I'm not a quiter. And I'm certainly not going back to Inuyasha. That jerk.

"Hey..." I was a little startled at the sound of a woman's voice. When I turned around, there was a tall pretty lady with long black hair, "What brings you here?"

I know I shouldn't trust her, but there's no harm in talking to her, right? "I got in a fight with someone." No harm in being honest either.

"Oh really? You should rest then."

"It's nothing serious... Do you know any villages that might be nearby?" I need a new set of clothes, now that my shirt was almost completely torn off.

She smiled, "Yes, there's one to the east of here. That's where I live. You can come with me if you want. By the way, what's your name?"


"That's nice, Kira. So, are you coming?"

"Yeah, sure." I had no where else to go, and this Kira person seemed like a pretty nice lady. Just a bit ominous looking. The clouds were becoming thicker with each passing minute, but still the lady kept a slow and steady pace as we walked on east. And at that moment, I began thinking about Inuyasha.

Where is he? What is he doing? Where did he go? How is he? I don't know why I was asking myself those things. Suddenly the woman came to a halt, in an area with a few trees cluttered together.

"Here's my home." She said, a nasty tone in her voice.

I looked closer, but there was nothing but trees. "I don't see any home." I said, suddenly becoming extremely suspicious, as I should have been before. She might be trying to trick me...

"That's because there isn't any." Came a rough grunt from behind us. I turned to see who it was, when I felt a clawed hand grab my wrist and pull me away. It was Kira, and her eyes were glowing red and glaring at Inuyasha.

"Go you mutt, this is MY prey!" She hissed, he hands becoming black and large enough to wrap her fingers around my waist.

Angrily I bit down on one of her fingers and she screeched in shock. "You tricked me!" I shouted, but got a tight squeeze in return. The air left my lungs almost immediately, and I could hear Inuyasha shouting all sorts of insults and threats. I'm not sure, with all this jumping around, I'm so dizzy, but I get the feeling the reason why things look like they were moving so fast was because we were.

Inuyasha was climbing on thin air following me and Kira, who had just grown about 4 pairs of long thin black legs. What were we climbing up? As we went farther about and around in the air, I realized that we were going through Kira's home! Of course, the invisible strings of spider webs.

"Let me go!" I cried, clawing at the claw that held me. It was no use, Kira's claws were as hard as a rock.

Finally, we touched the ground as we must've reached the end of Kira's net, and as I looked back, I saw that Inuyasha was trapped. The claw that held me began to crush me and I could barely breath.

"Shippo!" I heard him say.

I needed help. Kira began climbing up a rocky hillside, that didn't serve as a good dead end, since she was a spider. I know that Inuyasha was my only hope, and I know I'll regret saying this later, but for the sake of life, I had to say it now or never, "Inuyasha!! Please, heeeelp meeee!!!!!!!!!!!"

The next thing I knew, the angry Kira stuck me against the rock wall, and things are beginning to fade. And then darkness....

.......................................................................W hen I awoke, I don't know how long I had been asleep, I saw..............................

General pov:

Inuyasha heaved a heavy sigh as he looked up into the sky, which had many clouds covering the dark night sky. The carcass of Kira lay at the bottom of the cliff, and Shippo was lying at his feet. He hadn't noticed that his fox companion's eyes had now opened, he was focused on the sky.

What looked to be a single white dot fell by its lonesome.... He watched carefully as it took its time, slowly descending, and finally, gently landing on his nose.

"It's.... cold..." He whispered, seeing his breath come out in a puff of white fog. In no time, many of its kind followed. Sparkling white dots fell from the sky, some going fast, some going slow. "The snow came early this year," he muttered to himself, still looking up.

All the while, Shippo had been watching in awe from the ground. 'Looking up at Inuyasha..... He looks like..... A snow angel!...... What am I thinking?!'

He slowly began to sit up, hearing a few bones snap and catching Inuyasha's attention.


"Took ya all day to wake up? Pathetic."

"....Did you... Save me?"

Inuyasha blushed and looked away, snorting the words, "...Don't get used to it..."

Shippo felt like he was about to laugh. Inuyasha was blushing! But over what? That didn't really matter. Inuyasha caught the smirk and got a bit offensive.

"What are you smirkin' at?!" He fumed.

"Nothing... Hey Inuyasha?"


"Can I borrow your shirt? It's cooold!!!"

His eyes twitched in annoyance, "I just saved ya life n' you're already complainin'?!" Shippo grinned, after all these years, maybe it's worth hanging around Inuyasha still anyways! Snow Angel, riiight.


a/n - XD yup that's the chapter for now!!! hopes you likies! :) until next time..... XDDD