InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where Loyalties Lay ❯ Meeting Inuyasha ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inuyasha stood there, back against the wall of the alley, smoking a newly lit cigarette. It was late and he was tired but his contact would be here soon. Then he'd be able to go home.

A sudden gust of cold wind passed by and he pulled up the collar of his leather jacket to keep warm. To make it worse it had just finished raining and he was soaked. He looked out into the empty streets, scowling at the run down buildings with open or broken windows. The streetlight nearest to him flickered and went out making it more dark and damp, if it were possible.

"Fuck." He said taking another long drag of his cig. "I'm going to kill this guy." He blew the smoke out from his nose and stuck his hands in his pockets. Until finally, he heard a voice emitting from the end of the alley behind him.

He turned towards the shadows. "Well it's about fuckin' time." Inuyasha said angrily. A man stepped out into the dim light of the other streetlight that shone from across the street.

"Watch you're mouth." He said roughly. He was short with a balding head. He had small beady eyes that darted back and forth, looking out for any trouble. He stood, slightly hunched over and stunk of alcohol and urine.

"Where is it?" he asked quietly. He stuck out his hand impatiently.

"Whoa, hold on there. You know the game. Plus, you know my price." Inuyasha replied smoothly.

The man dug his hand into his coat pocket and pulled out a large roll of twenty-dollar bills.

"It's all there. Count it if you want." He said tossing it to Inuyasha, who caught it and stuck it in his own pocket. In return he gave the man, the package he had been holding and began walking away.

"That's alright." He said dropping his cig and stepping on it. "I trust you. I know you're not dumb enough to cross Naraku."

He walked up to his sleek red and black motorcycle and threw a leg over one side while. He started up the engine, took off the kickstand and rode away without another word.


^______________^ ( Vroom?)

The bell rang. Signaling sixth period lunch for Kagome Higurashi and her friends who attended Halliwell High. She was a popular one. She was rich, beautiful, and one of the top students of her class.

All of her friends envied her and all the boys wanted her. She was always polite and caring, which only added more to her popularity. So of course she always had a little fan club of girls following her, everywhere she went.

As to when she's sat down on an outside lunch table it would become so full that people would even sit on the grass before her. Everyone who was anyone loved this girl.

'Except him.' Kagome thought glancing over at an empty table. One boy sat there with headphones over his short puppy-like ears. He was smoking, which was against school rules and was staring out into space, just wasting his life away.

"Cute isn't he?" a girl said to her, crashing her train of thought. Kagome looked at Sango, her best friend and nodded slightly blushing.

"I've never seen him before." She said looking back. He took a drag from his cig and looked at her. His gold eyes boring into her. He licked his lips, winked, and looked away again. Kagome turned away, cheeks pink with embarrassment and began to pick at her lunch.

"That's because he always skips. I'm surprised he hasn't just dropped out yet." She said carelessly. She took Kagome's fruit cocktail and opened it.

"What's his name?" she asked, trying to sound casual. Though to get right down to it, she was just plain nosy.

"Inuyasha…something or other. I forgot his last name." Sango replied taking a scoop out of the fruit cocktail and smiling at the sweet taste.

"You know him?"

Sango took another taste of the cocktail and shook her head. " Mmp," she said as she swallowed the fruit "I've heard about him, though. Miroku told me. He says he's somewhat of a loner." She said.

Kagome nodded. Miroku was Sango's boyfriend. Though they didn't really act like a couple, due to Miroku's wandering hands on other girls. But Sango was fond of him and in the end they would make up. Kagome loved watching them. It was predictable but somehow sweet.

They fell into a comfortable silence letting the chatting of their friends wash over them.

Until, no longer being able to resist it she looked at Inuyasha again. His cigarette was being held in-between his fingers while he mouthed along with whatever he was listening to. He was looking over at a table of girls who were waving to him and inviting him over.

He rolled his eyes and gave them the finger and looked away again.

"Don't tell me you like the bad types, Kagome." Sango said jokingly. Some of the girls and boys quieted at this comment.

"He has the reputation of breaking a girl's reputation, if you catch my drift." Hirai, Kagome's second closest friend said with a wink.

"Besides," Koga said coming next to her and draping his arm of her shoulder, protectively. "You'd much rather prefer a rich, well raised man," He said bragging about himself "Then a poor and barbaric little boy." He said throwing Inuyasha a glare.

Kagome removed his arm from her shoulder breezily and rolled her eyes. "Koga-kun, I think I can choose my own types, thanks."

"So you like him, then?" Hirai asked eagerly. Everyone at the table stopped to listen.

"Well I-.I hardly know him and well-"

"Love at first sight, Kagome." Sango said teasingly. "Why don't you go over and see what his type is."

"Why would she when her perfect man is right here?" Koga said. Kagome gave him a warning look and grabbed her lunch tray, standing up.

"Fine, Sango. I will go see." She said looking Koga in the eyes daringly.

As she began to walk over to his table, she felt every eye on her. Watching her every move. She gulped. 'I will not back down. I will not back down.' She thought over and over again. Sometimes Koga was just a cocky jerk that she felt determined to prove him wrong.

"Hi." She said cheerily as she stood next to Inuyasha. His back was turned to her and the music was so loud through his headphones that Kagome could hear it.

I've got a bad feeling about this; I've got a bad feeling about this…

How appropriate that was! Kagome smiled a bit, swallowing her nervousness. "Excuse me," she said, reaching to tap his shoulder. She paused and thought the better of it…

"You know what I hate?" Inuyasha said, his voice level even though the music was loud. "Do you know what I can't absolutely fucking stand?"

Kagome jumped by his sudden speech, startled. "Umm…no?" she replied.

"Girls who walk up behind me and try to get my attention when they know, I shouldn't be able to hear over my music," he said and took another drag of his cig. He turned in his seat and looked at her, eyeing her up and down. "Something for you?"

"My name is Higurashi Kagome, pleased to meet you." She said politely, ignoring his slight rudeness. She stuck out her hand and he glanced at her, took another drag from his cig, and blew the smoke in her face. Then put it out and placed it in her hand.


She coughed repeatedly, waving her hand in front of her nose rapidly trying to clear the smoke.

"Inuyasha. Likewise" He replied. " What do you want?"

Kagome kept coughing even after the smoke had cleared. 'How dare he!' She was just about ready give him a piece of her mind, when suddenly Koga and her friends caught her attention.

They were still staring at her, watching to see what she would do next. She couldn't give up. Not just yet.

"Oh, nothing." She answered smiling, the last cough leaving her abused lungs. "Just felt like making your acquaintance."

"Oh." Inuyasha said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill. He handed it to her.

"I'm a bit busy at the moment." He said. "So go make some other guy's acquaintance. Though it was a very nice try. Maybe we can play some other time." He said getting up and taking of his headphone off and sticking it in his red bag.

"Excuse me?" Kagome said looking at the dollar. "What's this all about?" she held up the bill.

"For trying to get me to sleep with you." He said simply.

"What!? You think I-"

The bell rang. Students began collecting their lunch trays and book bags, heading back to the cafeteria.

"Run along, Higurashi." Inuyasha said walking away. "Wouldn't want you to be late for class."

As he disappeared in the mass of students, Kagome's friends and Koga appeared by her side.

"Well? What happened?" Sango asked eagerly.

"He thought I wanted to sleep with him!" she shouted angrily. A few of her friends gasped and whispered.

"Can you blame him, Kagome?" Hirai asked her. "He's cocky. Most girls do want a bit of his action."

Sango nudged her. "But if you want him too then there'll be no competition." She said winking.

Kagome's face flushed then turned red with anger. "NO WAY!" she shouted. "There's no way I could ever like someone like him. Now let's get to class before the late bell rings." She said dismissing the subject and gathering her lunch tray. Someone handed her backpack to her.

As they walked off to class, Koga put his arm around Kagome's shoulder and whispered in her ear.

"So what are you doing Saturday night?" he asked.

"Staying home and babysitting."

"Need help?" he asked.

"No thanks Koga. My brother is allergic to strangers. Sorry." She said and brushed his arm off.

She dumped her tray and was about to throw the dollar away too when she realized it had writing on it.

'Call me Higurashi.' It read along with Inuyasha's number. She stared at it blankly, not sure what to do with it.

"How did he…when did he write this?" she asked and looked around for any sign of him. Her friends waited nearby patiently.

"Kagome come on! We've got Art next and Mr. Taiga is a total pain in the ass!"

Kagome tried not to smile, an evil thought coming into her mind…rudeness should be treated with rudeness, her mother always said…so she put the dollar in her pocket and smiling inwardly she went along with the others and began walking to her next class.