InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where the heroes lay ❯ Chapter 4

[ A - All Readers ]
A gray eye glanced around at the surroundings quickly; left and then right, checking above and below too. His other eye was covered by the cloth of his headband, one would think only having one eye to see from would leave him with a disadvantage. Quite the opposite, years of living with it gave him the advantage. He was far from weak, training himself he had heightened his senses to make up for having one eye to see from; hearing and smell being his strongest.

He regained his footing, as he landed on the thick branch of one of the trees, he was traveling through. Before bounding off again, traveling through the trees had always been the fastest way of travel, along with his favorite. Without needing to look back, he knew his team was close behind him. Knowing they were well trained, allowed him to keep his attention focused ahead.

The fatigue that overwhelmed his body and mind made him wary, he was sure the same applied for his team. Add on the fact that they were ten or so years younger then him, their bodies were not use to moving without rest for a long period of time, no matter the training they had gone through while in the academy.

What was meant to be a few day mission, had turned into a week long one. They had no wounds that stopped their return home, just some miscalculations. None of that mattered now though, as they almost neared the gates of their home.

It layed just a few miles ahead, but that didn't stop his worry. He felt that faint impression that they were being watched, or followed, and not by an ally either. His suspicions were proven correct , as he saw quick movement and the shadow of a being not that far off in the surrounding foliage.

Quickly, he came to a stop on one of the thick branches, signaling his team to do the same. His keen eye taking in the now still surroundings, as he felt his team stop behind him. He practically felt the curiosity rolling off all three of the youths, but amazingly all three stayed quiet.

Allowing him to access the space around them, it was now mid day. The sun was above them, shining through the little space the leafs of the trees provided. Most of the space where he and his team stood was shadowed, the light from the sun only lit the ground beneath them. The shadows providing perfect hiding spots, if any enemy nin did want to attack.

Might it have been a bird? he shook his head at that thought. No, the Shadow he had seen, the movement for that split second had been bigger then the size of a bird, or insect for that matter. Unless of course, one believed in such things as the moth man or another he had heard about, an owl that feasts on humans.

His body shivered at that random thought, he never was fond of owls. They usually meant a bad omen was approaching, that or an evil spirit was near.

He spread his senses further, almost near the gates of home. Still, he felt nothing. He frowned, maybe this really was all fatigue catching up to him.

“Kakashi-Sensei, why did we stop?” The question would be considered spoken quietly, for his student anyways.

He turned his head slightly, still focusing otherwise on their surroundings he looked at the one who had asked the question; his blond team mate, and student. “I thought I saw something Naruto, apparently I was mistaken, lets go.” Keeping the response clipped and quiet, for if they were being spied on he wanted no information revealed.

He gave them no time to answer, as he quickly moved forward. With no delay he felt his team following him once more, hopefully with the rate they were moving. They would be into the safety of the village in no time.

Without a doubt. They had reached the village gates, within thirty minutes at the most, he frowned slightly. He really needed to get a watch, but they were such a inconvenience. He nodded in greeting towards the two men on gate duty. His frown increased , as he noted the one he actually wanted to see wasn't there today.

He sighed lightly, of course even they deserved time off, but this meant a little more work for him. Being a man of his word, he was going to keep his promise. While on this mission, he had time read his new book, a few times actually. Now he wanted to lend the book to his old friend, Kotetsu. He came to a stop, a few feet into town and away from the village gates to look at his team.

All seemed rather antsy; whether it was to go home, catch up with friends, or getting something to eat all seemed to be anxious to go on their own. He took in a deep breath of air, drawing out the minutes as he looked at each student critically. He enjoyed spending time with his team, but then he also liked to see them squirm with anxiousness, it always looked as though one was about to explode, a pitiful amusement he knew, but it was none the less amusement. Releasing the breath he had been holding, he smiled at his team.

Though the motion would have been unnoticeable, as his mouth was covered by his mask. His team recognized the smile, as his visible eye closed. “You are all free to do whatever you choose, I'm sure we won't have another mission for awhile. You have tomorrow off, use this time to rest” he stated, with a small smirk still in place as he watched all of them relax their stances.

Without another word, all three disappeared to do who knows what. Shaking his head, the heavy feeling in his back pocket reminded him of his thoughts before he had dismissed his students.

He looked around the streets of the town, trying to remember what path would be the fastest to his friends home. Right now, it being the middle of the day, the streets were in their prime. Almost all stores busy, as people wanted to catch the best deals at this time. When the sun fell, even in this village, a home of ninja. The streets still allowed hazard to roam, making it dangerous for all villagers to be out when the sky darkened.

Jumping atop a rather large building he looked through the town from his perch, Finding the best route, he quickly jumped to the streets, and took it. He hadn't been to Kotetsu's home for a little under a year. Hopefully, his friend hadn't moved. If that was the case he would have to give it to Kagome, but he really wanted to talk to another fan of the book series.

It didn't take long to reach the building he wanted, finding the correct door he stood in front of it. Bringing his hand up, he knocked lightly, yet rapidly. Leaning against the railing outside the door, he waited patiently. He heard movement inside, along with soft mumblings. Soon enough, the door was open, revealing a disheveled Kotetsu.

Kakashi smiled sheepishly at him, while waving in greeting. He suddenly felt bad, but it was mid-day he thought the man would have been up and ready for the day by now.

“Hey Kotetsu.” he greeted. Kotetsu looked at him curiously, looking rather baffled by the sudden visit. The Black haired nin, shook his head causing his hair to move into his eyes. He squinted against the sun, as he looked Kakashi over. Yawning Kotetsu finally moved aside, opening the door wider.

“Come on in Kakashi, go ahead and sit in the living room, I'll be out shortly.”

Kakashi nodded, Seeing Kotetsu leave the door entry and make his way to another part of the house, most likely his room. Kakashi closed the door behind himself, before walking the familiar path to the living room. Once there he sat on one of the chairs available, looking around the room he noted not much had changed. Aside from the fact that it was cleaner.

Within a few more moments, a more awake looking Kotetsu entered the room. Taking the seat across from him, they sat in silence for a few moments before Kotetsu spoke.

“Not that I don't enjoy your visits Kakashi, but why the sudden one?” he questioned.

Kakashi smiled, he would have asked the same question, had he gotten a sudden visit. Pulling the book out of his pocket, he laid it on the table that was between them. “I came to bring the new book from Jiraiya's series for you.” he replied, pushing it more towards the man across from him.

Kotetsu furrowed his brow, picking up with book he looked at it with confusion. After a few moments he chuckled lightly, Kotetsu then put the book back on the table and looked at Kakashi with a small smile. “Sorry to say this Kakashi, but I stopped reading those books a year ago. I didn't even know they had new ones out.” he stated, scratching his head making his hair even messier. He continued speaking, “But thanks for the thought, of bringing me it?” he stated, with an amused expression.

Kakashi stared at the man, his mouth slightly open. A few seconds later he shook his head, and closed his mouth , before smiling at Kotetsu.

“My apologizes then, I thought you were still a fan of the series.” he stated, while getting up. Picking the book up he put it back into his pocket. Looking at his friend he smiled, “Sorry about the intrusion, and short visit- but I had just gotten back from a mission so I think I'm going to go.” he stated, faking a yawn. Although he was tired, he was suddenly feeling rather mischievous. In occasions like this, he let his mischievous nature overtake the fatigue, giving his body the energy it needed to cause some ruckus. Besides this shouldn't take very long. He thought, mentally giggling in glee, he was suddenly feeling very playful-and had the perfect game in mind.

Kotetsu nodding, as he actually yawned. “Its no problem” he replied, waving a hand to dismiss the thought. “I think I'm going back to sleep-Tsunade has been working me like a dog. Remember to turn in your mission report!” he spoke as he escorted Kakashi towards his door. When Kakashi was outside of his house, Kotetsu bid him goodbye, before closing the door. Kakashi could still faintly hear him mumbling about his bed, and wanting to sleep in it forever.

Looking out at the town from the railing, Kakashi smirked. So, that book was meant for your brother hm? He thought with a chuckle. Smiling as though he was a cat that had just caught a canary. He quickly hopped over the railing and made his way into the still busy streets .

He was now a man on a mission.

* * *

It hadn't taken him long to find out where she currently was, at her job, in the hospital. He despised hospitals so instead of going in and bothering her within the invisible prison, that the hospital created. He decided it would be best to wait outside, as her shift was almost over anyways. Sure, he could have gone home and written the mission report, and then turned it in to the Hokage. But that would take to long, and he didn't want to miss her, or this chance.

The mission report could be written and turned in tomorrow. He had given the Hokage daily updates, after they had been late on their return from the mission, and she already knew of their arrival to the village. Whether it was from the guards at the gate, or Naruto in her office complaining about not being given more challenging missions. He didn't really care at the moment, the point of the matter was, returning the mission report in late never killed anyone before.

Hearing the door at the entrance of the hospital be pushed open, he returned his attention towards the entrance. Smiling he stood straight, as he noticed his target come out of the building.

It didn't take long for her to notice him, from her facial expression, she was obviously shocked to see him there. Her expression quickly went from shocked to confusion to worry, and quickly she approached him. Seeing her concern almost made him feel bad, almost being the key word. After a few moments of looking him over, he noticed she frownedslightly. “Are you hurt?” she questioned.

He shook his head, “No I'm not hurt, I just came to escort you home, I heard you got off soon”

She rose a brow, obviously questioning his motives before shrugging her shoulders. “I doubt that is your only reason” she sighed and continued talking, “But lets go, its getting rather chilly.” Kagome stated while rubbing her arms in attempt to get the chill to leave. Cursing herself for leaving her jacket at home, she sighed once more, looking at Kakashi she signaled him to follow. Before heading down the street, in the direction of her home.

Kakashi wasted no time in catching up with her, and walking beside her. After a few moments of silence, Kagome decided to speak. “So, you finally returned from your mission, how are the kids?”

He shrugged as he looked towards the sky, he inclined his head slightly towards her as he responded. “They are fine, though a little tired. Nothing sleep won't heal.”. She nodded, but otherwise said nothing.

Kakashi decided now was probably the best time to poke some fun. He turned his attention completely towards her. Gasping, He raised his arm out slightly, his index finger and thumb pointed forward, while the others were gently curled, a position making it look as though he just remembered something that had been floating around his mind.

The motion served its purpose, as it had gained her attention, so he spoke. “Thatsright! I finished the new book, and I wanted to take it to your brother, but I have no clue where he lives, Could you give me his address?”he questioned.

Kagome stopped suddenly, it looked as though she was trying to figure out what to say. Finally she responded. “You really don't need to do that, I'll be more then happy to take it to him.” Her voice was steady as she spoke, hiding any nervous feelings she may have had.

Kakashi frowned, heaving a sigh so she would note that he was disappointed with that answer. “Oh, but I really wanted to talk to a fellow fan. You know, discuss the writings of the recent books, aside from this one” he replied, as he mentioned the book, he pulled it from his pocket.

Kagome looked at it anxiously, mentally deciding on what she should do next. She bit her lip slightly, as she thought over the options. Finally, she shook her head. “See, I'd give the address to you. But my brother really doesn't want anyone to know of his favor for the book series.” she replied, smiling afterwards. Obviously, she was rather pleased with her answer.

He rose a brow, and contained his chuckle. He sighed once more, lowering the book towards her. Though he made it look as though he was debating on if he should give it to her, or not.

Finally after a few moments he pulled the book back, and returned it to his pocket. Hearing her outraged gasp at the action, he shrugged. “Sorry, Although I did promise I'd let your brother borrow the book. I don't know if I could support someone who doesn't share their interest in it, openly.”

Kagome growled, her annoyance at the situation was starting to show. She had just gotten off a long shift, she was excited about the fact that she may be able to read the newest book, and he was keeping it from her. Jerk She grumbled mentally.

Sighing, she folded her arms at her chest. Looking at the silver haired nin with an annoyed expression, which just made him mentally chuckle. Finally she growled in aggravation, “Fine! I wanted the book, I like them. So can you please,please let me borrow it?” she questioned, although it sounded more like a whine and beg mixed together, she didn't care. She was dying to know what happened next, in the series. Sure, it had smut but that never hurt anyone right?Aside from the smut, she would admit the story was very good.

Kakashi smirked, she could practically feel the smugness rolling off of him like a thick cologne. She frowned, as he started talking. “Ah, I was wondering how long it would take you to confess. I'm sort of disappointed though, I had hoped that it would take longer.” he stated, finishing with sigh of disappointment as he handed her the book.

Her eyes widened at his words, her brain absorbing them. She growled lightly in annoyance as she snatched the book from his hands. She put her hands to her hips, her body language made Kakashi wonder if he went to far. “You knew and made me tell you. That's so-so mean!” she exclaimed.

Kakashi put his hands up, a sign of surrender he hoped she would noticed. “I was just playing, I don't know why you lied in the first place.”he replied.

She huffed, “Because! I'm a girl reading these sort of books openly would make me look bad.” after replying to him, she took off her backpack she always brought to work with her. Carefully, she made room for the book, and then she put her backpack back at its previous position. “Well, thanks for the book. I'll see you later.” She responded, before walking off in a fast pace.

Kakashiscoffed, obviously not going to let her go so easily. He caught up with her quickly, and continued walking beside her , “If it makes you look bad, what does it make me look like?” he questioned.

She stared at him from the corner of her eye, before rolling her eyes. She snickered, “A pervert” with that reply she again quickened her pace,into a light jog, a stunned Kakashi soon began trailing after her.

They had bantered back and forth the whole way to her home. About nothing, the book, nothing and other things. If one would walk past them, the insults said between them, would make them think they were watching a fight between children instead of adults. Their banter came to an end, as they reached Kagome's home, and she noticed quickly that she had another guest waiting in front of the building.

Kagome turned her attention away from Kakashi, and towards her visitor. “Hey Naruto!” she yelled, while quickly running up and giving him a hug. Oh how she had missed her little buddy.

Naruto returned the hug, glad for the affection. He smiled up at her, “Hey Kagome!” he greeted in return. He then turned towards Kagome's companion, and looked confused for a moment before smiling suggestively.

“and Kakashi” he finished, the tone he used in the last greeting meant he was obviously suggesting something was going on between to the two.

Kagome scoffed and ruffled Naruto's hair, “What are you doing here, do you need anything?” she questioned, the concern she felt for the blond was obvious with the tone she had used. When he didn't answer right away her eyes widened, as she leaned down towards his level before speaking in a hushed tone, “Was Kakashi being mean to you?” she asked, while pointing a playful glare at the man in question, knowing that he had heard it.

Naruto laughed, waving his hand as if to dismiss the thought, “Nah Kagome! Kakashi is never mean to me” he replied in normal tone, Kagome pouted as he didn't play the game.

“But I have a question” he stated quietly, whenever Naruto was quiet it either meant he was nervous or serious, to the adults it seems as though it was nervousness that caused the quiet question. Because of this, the question and his stance caught both Kagome and Kakashi's attention.

Kagome leaned her head to the side slightly, as she looked at the boy questionably. “What is it?” she asked.

Naruto sighed, leaning against the wall outside her apartment. “I was wondering, would you train me? You know with those powers you have.”

Kagome frowned, oh how she wish she could say yes. She shook her head, “I'm sorry Naruto. I can't do that, you need miko energy to do as I” she replied with a sad smile.

Naruto sighed and pouted, but nodded in understanding. She was about to say something to comfort the blond, but the voice of Kakashi interrupted what she was going to say.

“How about you come to our training Kagome? I heard from someone, that your combat skills aren't exactly great. I can train you, as my team trains.” he offered.

Kagome hummed, as she thought the proposal over. She did want to up her combat skills, healing was great and everything but what would she do if she mugged while alone, heal the guys? She chuckled mentally at her own thoughts, before nodding slowly. “That would be great.”

“YES!” Naruto shouted, pleased with how this conversation was going. He liked Kagome, so spending time with her was always a pleasure.

“But” Kakashi's voice interrupted, both Kagome and Naruto's excitement deflated slightly. “I have a favor to ask of you in return” he finished.

Kagomerose a brow, looking him in the eye she questioned. “What favor exactly?”

Kakashi smiled, “Nothing your thinking, I'm sure.” chuckling at her facial expression he continued, “I would like for you train Sakura in healing, she needs to advance in that”

Kagome tapped her chin, as she thought it over. Though there wasn't much to think about, maybe she could also get the girl to focus on her work rather then the boys, or a boy . She nodded, “Sure”

Kakashi smirked, “Sounds good, the day after tomorrow. Naruto will escort you to our training grounds, don't be late” he stated, before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

Kagome smiled towards Naruto, “Well this will be fun” seeing the boys enthusiastic nod, she motioned her head towards the door. “Want to come in? I'll fix you some dinner”

Naruto smiled, he really did love Kagome's cooking, as he had come to dinner with her and her brother a few times. It always made him question if ramen really was his favorite food. Nodding, he followed Kagome inside, both looking forward to when they could start training together

* * *

The sun had just started to rise, its bright light casting into the windows of the homes below. Waking all sleeping occupants as its light shined into their homes. The light shined through one window, going through the light curtain that was covering it, instantly lighting up the room.

A pale hand rose up, covering the eyes of the woman the hand belonged to. The woman groaned, as she failed to block out the bright light, all she wanted was to sleep some more. Her body was sore, as it was just getting use to the constant exercise she had been undergoing for the past week. The only time she was really able to rest, was when she got back from work around midnight, and was able to climb into her bed.

She would give anything, to just have one day to do nothing but sleep, or just lay in her bed for that matter. Feeling the warmth on her skin , she groaned once more,her mind was already beginning to wake, though her body was protesting at the thought of getting up and starting the day.

She stretched slightly, hoping to ease some of the pain in her muscles. Sighing, she rolled over wanting to get some more sleep, her hopes were dashed however, as her body tensed when realizing that it was missing the solid feeling of the bed. She shrieked as she fell to the ground, pouting as her body hit the hard surface of the ground. Sighing she sat up, rubbing her bruised arm. Well, thats one way to wake up. She thought with annoyance.

Kagome blinked a few times, letting her eyes adjust to the sudden brightness of her room, once she could see clearly, she looked at the clock hanging on her wall. Her eyes widened at the time, cursing under her breath she got up and grabbed some fresh clothing, before rushing to the bathroom.

After showering, she quickly dried herself off before getting dressed. She would have loved to go to training in her sweats, the most comfortable clothing to work out in. Sadly, the training she was doing wasn't your normal work out routine,that one would find at the gym. So she had to go with a more reliable outfit to wear.

Her outfit was rather simple, but it wasn't embarrassing to go out in public with-meaning she could go run errands after training before going to work. The outfit was also still comfortable while functional. She had a simple pair of gray straight pants, they were made of an elastic material instead of the denim material she had seen when she was in the other time.

These pants were fitted to her body. It was better that way, so they didn't get caught on anything while she was training, nor did they feel heavy in warm weather.

The material they were made from let her move quickly, for they stretched with her as she moved. The upper part of her outfit was made from the same material. She wore a simple blank tank top, as her main shirt. Over that, she wore a gray vest, it looked like a mix of the jonin/chuunin vest, along with the ANBU vest. It wasn't a bulky as the chuunin vest was, but unlike the ANBU vest it had sleeves that stopped just before her elbow.

After she finished dressing, she looked in the mirror and frowned, while debating whether or not she should wear her hair up or down as she towel dried it. Huffing when she couldn't decide she simply decided to leave it down, grabbing an extra hair Tye she had, she put it on her wrist. Encase she decided to put her hair up while training. Making sure she had everything on, she nodded to herself before hanging up the towels and heading towards her front door.

Once there she slipped on her shoes, they were black and looked like most of the ninja shoes. Though her shoes reached almost to her knees, she liked them because she could tuck her pants into them.

After putting her shoes on she opened the door, shivering as the cold air hit her slightly damp hair. She quickly locked her door before heading off to the training ground area.

Half way towards the training field she ran into Naruto, and began walking with him. The blond was rather disappointed with the fact that his team hadn't been on a mission for this last week. But, he still liked the fact that she was training with them. Well, it was more like she would spar with either Naruto, or Sakura. It was usually Sakura, as Naruto usually took to sparing with Sasuke.


Kagome shook her head, clearing it of wandering thoughts. She looked towards her blond companion. “Yes Naruto?” she questioned.

Naruto huffed before shrugging his shoulders. “Ah nothing, I'll talk to you about it later. Look there is Sakura and Sasuke!” he exclaimed before running ahead of her.

Kagome smirked and the blond's short attention span, and walked at the pace they had been walking in the first place. She shook her head, as she watched the blond greet his friends enthusiastically. She was glad that, with the training Sakura had lessened her abuse on Naruto, not becoming annoyed with him as quickly as she use to. Sasuke was still quiet when Kagome was around, but Naruto saw something good in the black haired male, so she guessed that she could trust his judgment.

She waved in greeting as she finally reached where the youths were resting, she sighed slightly as she looked around and noticed their teacher wasn't here, as always.

“If Kakashi was a period, I'd feel bad for any girl that was unlucky enough to have him” she grumbled, as she leaned against one of the surrounding trees. They had been at least an hour late from the meeting time, and that man still wasn't here.

Kagome turned towards her companions, as Naruto took a break from annoying Sasuke to question her statement“What do you mean Kagome?”

Kagome smirked at his confused expression, of course the boys wouldn't know what she meant, but by the amused expression on Sakura's face she figured that the pinkette knew what she was talking about.

“Because Naruto, the poor girl or woman that had him would probably end up thinking she was pregnant, as the man is always late.” She replied with a chuckle at the thought, her mind always did seemed to wander when she was bored.

All four on the field, jumped at the sound of the voice of the man they had been talking about.

“Now, Now that isn't true, when it comes to meeting a lady, I'm never late.” He then appeared not far off from them, book in hand as he looked at all of his students, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Kagome snorted at his retort, “Right, then why are you never here on time, Sakura and I are ladies after all.”

Kakashi smirked underneath his mask, as he put his book away. “I said I'm never late to meet a lady, I never rush to meet an annoyance.” he replied, while shrugging his shoulders, as if the thought of rushing to meet them was no big deal.

Kagomehuffed and glared at the male, her jaw clenched as she tried to think of a comeback, oh how she wished to be able to sit this man right now. After a few moments, and finding nothing to retort with she simply turnedaway from him and sighed. “Fine, whatever. What are we doing today, the same as always?” she questioned, her tone showed that she was still annoyed with him.

Kakashi chuckled mentally, his new favorite past time had become annoying the woman before him, and in his defense this is the first time in a long time, that he has only been an hour late. Humming he thought over what to do, this whole week he had been watching what fighting skills she did have, and today he planned on correcting and teaching her new ones.

“I'm going to train you today, while they go over the exercises they have been neglecting” he responded, as he looked at each of his students with a pointed glare. He knew they were slacking, because aside from sparring they haven't been doing the correct exercises that they usually did after or before training.

As expected all of them groaned at the thought, well Sakura and Naruto's groans were more pronounced then Sasuke's. As he merely grunted. But after another glare from their teacher, all went off to different sides of the clearing to do their exercises.

Kagome shifted her weight nervously, from one foot to the other. As she stood there waiting for Kakashi telling her what to do next. After telling the youths of the group to do their exercises and seeing that they had started them, Kakashi just stood a few feet away from Kagome, watching her.

After a few more moments Kagome huffed in annoyance, “Are we going to do any training, or are we just going to stare at each other all day?” she questioned. Kagome really had a bad time when it came to waiting, or being stared at for that matter.

Kakashi hummed as he brought his hand to his chin, thinking over what exactly he should have her do. She knew some of the basic offense and defense moves, but WHAT to help her on was the problem.

From what he had heard, along with the results of training Sakura, he could see that her healing abilities were above average. Her fighting however, was less then average. Nodding to himself as he reached a decision, he stepped closer to her until he was standing a few inches away from her.

“I want you to go through the most basic moves, after those are corrected we will have a small spar, so your in action fighting skills can also be corrected” he stated, as he motioned for her to begin.

Kagome pouted, “Is my fighting ability really that bad?” she questioned.

Kakashi smiled, something Kagome was able to now recognize. He chuckled lightly, “Would you like the honest answer or the nice answer?”

Kagome frowned, as she rose a brow in question. After a few moments she shrugged, “The honest answer”

Kakashi's smile seemed to widen, “Your fighting skills are terrible, a toddler could probably fight better then you.”

Ouch Kagome thought, But then I did ask him for honest, I feel bad though all of those lessons from Sango and I'm still bad. She looked at him questionably “Really a toddler?” she asked.

Kakashi nodded,with a shrug “Or a small child either way, they are bad. Now start!”

Kagome sighed, ignoring the snickers coming from Sakura and Naruto as they did their exercises ,she began going through the basic movements. Kagome had began with some of the most basic stances, clenching her jaw each time Kakashi made a sound of disappointment.

Yet, he hadn't stopped her, which is why she continued. Just as she was about to start on another set of stances, she jumped and with held a yelp of surprise as she felt hands grab her arms. She turned to look at the owner of the hands, and noticed Kakashi staring at her with an amused expression.

"What?" she questioned, she was already paranoid in the first place, she was never very sure about her combat skills. Sure, this past week she had been training with the team, but it was usually with someone. Not leaving her by herself, when she could feel Kakashi watching her eye movement. She hated being the center of attention. "What are you doing?" she asked again, after not receiving an answer from the man

Kakashi shook his head slightly, as he corrected her current stance, "Your worse then I originally thought, which is pretty bad. I'm going to correct each of your stances, as I said I would" he replied, his tone as aloof as ever. Though from looking at him, one could tell he was enjoying annoying her.

Kagome stayed still, in the same position, making Kakashi sigh slightly. "Well don't just stand there, continue"

Kagome growled in annoyance, but did as she was told. She really did appreciate him taking the time to teach her but still, this gives a new definition to hands on training. Each time she messed up, or was slacking as she went through the routine, Kagome had to control herself from blushing as his hands glided across her clothed skin to correct her.

She swore by at the end of today, all of her sense would be on haywire. Kakashi himself had an overwhelming aura, the mask of his added to the appeal. But when one was close to him, it felt weird.

The fact that right now her heart, felt as though it was playing on the elevator of her body, going from its original place, to her head made her want to walk away from him. He just had the affect on people, or maybe it was just her. Kagome shook her head to clear her thoughts, as she continued training, trying her best to ignore the man behind her.

All occupants of the field pulled their attention away from their training, as a puff of smoke made its way into the clearing. As the smoke cleared, Izumo stepped out. He looked around at all of the occupants, raising a brow at Kakashi and Kagome's standing. Kagome 'eeped, while blushing and she quickly distanced herself from Kakashi.

Izumoshook his head, "Do I even want to know?" he questioned.

Kakashi chuckled as he approached the man, "Probably not" he replied. Izumo nodded, he then pulled out a scroll from his vest and handed it to Kakashi. "What's that?" Naruto asked, as he got closer to look at it.

Kakashi held it out of his students view as he looked over the contents, "Lady Tsunadeis calling all of our teams? What for, is there an emergency?" he questioned.

Izumo shook his head, "Not that I know of" he rubbed his chin as he thought over what his superior had told him prior to sending him out. "I thought she had put what would be happening on the paper, but still- make sure you leave now." he replied, giving Kakashi a pointed glare he added "Don't be late either" With that said, Izumo left.

Naruto tried to look at the paper his teacher was holding again, "What is it?" he asked again, his once sour mood was gone at the thought of a mission.

His teacher however didn't answer him, instead the question was answered by his raven haired team mate. "Didn't you listen, idiot. Kakashi-sensei said that all teams are being called to the Hokage office"

Naruto turned around to glare at his team-mate, "I knew that I was just wondering" he huffed in annoyance. "Oh never mind, an idiot like you wouldn't understand what I meant." with that both boys huffed at one another, and turned the opposite way, so their backs were facing the others.

Kagome laughed lightly at the scene, "Now, Now boys. Be nice- well I guess that means I have to go now, see you guys later!" she exclaimed, before she began to walk back to the town. She was stopped however, as Kakashi placed his hand on her shoulder. "Now where do you think your going Kagome?" he questioned.

Kagome looked at him as though he had lost his mind, "You said that she was calling all teams, I'm not on a team. So I was going home."

Kakashi shook his head, as he smiled slightly. "Ah, but you are on our team- so you are coming with us."

Kagome glared at him, "You just want me to come with so you don't have to do that much work, if it is a mission."

Kakashi shrugged his shoulders, "Possibly, but you are still coming." turning to his team he added "Come on lets go!"

He didn't wait for his team, or Kagome to follow before he took off. All four quickly fell into step behind him, and within minutes they reached the hokage tower. They made their way through the hallways, until they finally reached the room they needed to enter. Kakashi knocked on the door, a few moments later they heard a quiet command to come inside.

Kakashi opened the door, allowing his students to enter. Once everyone was in he followed inside after them, closing the door behind him. He was surprised to see that the other teams were here at this time, he looked at Tsunade questionably. "What did you need us here for?" he asked.

Tsunade smiled at them all, "I called you here for a game" she replied.

"A GAME?! you called us out of training for a stupid game, I thought I would finally be able to go on a mission!!!" Naruto exclaimed, pouting at the end of his outburst. Kagome gripped his shoulder tightly, a sign for him to be quiet, as she sent to Hokage a apologetic smile.

Tsunade sighed, but frowned. Looking at the rest of the team's students she noticed they all had the same expression as Naruto. "Now, Now" she stated "No need to get sad, I didn't tell you what the game was yet"

"What is the game Lady Hokage?" questioned Sakura.

Tsunade smirked, "Its a scavenger hunt, the first team to gather all five items and get back here, gets their choice of a B ranked mission"

Kagome noticed a brunette boy off to the side scoffed, before he sighed. "Man this is troublesome, What kind of prize is that?" he questioned, his lazy voice drawing out each word.

Naruto looked at the boy as though he had just lost his mind, "THE BEST PRIZE EVER" he shouted, happy with how this was now starting to turn out. Tsunade smirked, as the rest in the room just shook their heads at the denseness of the blond. As most of them have figured out what they would need to do, for this 'scavanger' hunt.

Tsunade pulled out four scrolls, and tossed them to each jonin in the room. "On that scroll is a list of all you are going to collect, with detailed clues on how to find the items. Now you are all dismissed good luck!" she stated, while waving goodbye to them.

With that each team left the room, when they were finally outside the building Naruto was nearly jumping in place, as he waited for the first thing to find.

Sighing Kakashi unrolled the scroll and looked it over; he rose a brow as he looked over the first item. "The first item is, a small bell. The note says it can be found in the rice fields at the edge of town, but the easiest way to find it would be to harvest the rice."

Naruto whooped, "Well what are we standing here for? We need to find the bell, come on!" he stated, before running off to the rice fields. His team sighed, but followed behind him quickly.

The next four 'places to search' in the scavenger hunt were just the same, and soon the team realized that they were basically just doing D- ranked missions. Kagome frowned as she looked at thier collected items so far, she looked at Kakashi. "Is this really want Ninja do?" she questioned.

Kakashi shook his head, as he and his team walked back to the hokage office with their findings. "Not usually, only the D-ranked mission, which are usually used for new genin. I guess she got overwhelmed with them" he stated with a sigh. Kagome nodded but said nothing in return.

When they finally reached the Hokage office, Tsunade greeted them with a smile. "Congratulations! You won! Although I said the prize would be your pick, I have an urgent mission you need to do."

"What is it?" Naruto questioned. "Can Kagome come with too?"

Tsunade hummed as she thought it over, before nodding. "Yes, she can come since she did help you with the hunt. As for the mission you will be escorting someone to his village, the reason what it is ranked so high is because he said he is being hunted by an organization."

Kakashi frowned, "Are you sure we can do that?" he questioned.

Tsunade nodded, "Of course, Now go get some rest, you will leave in a week- when this man is suppose to arrive."

Kakashi nodded, before beckoning his team out of the room. As they walked outside, Kagome felt nervous- although she was excited to get out of the town. This would be her first, and only mission.