InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where the heroes lay ❯ Chapter 5

[ A - All Readers ]
A/N: Thank you, to Ratgirl407 for editing the first half of fighting scene and making it good. I appreciate the help. Also; thank you to those who reviewed, and alerted/favored this story.
Sorry about the not epic fighting scene, that's my bad. Fighting scenes are a major weakness in my writing, but hopefully this was okay.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Naruto nor Inuyasha.

The sun began to rise, lighting up the village below. The higher the sun rose, the stronger the light in the village got. All sleeping occupants of the village were beginning to rise, as the sun filtered through their blinds, making them wake if they hadn't already been.

Amongst the streets was an earlier riser, who had been awake even before the sun had. The slim figure walking comfortably through the village streets, they were bare now, making it so they didn't have to rush to get through the crowd.

A slight breeze filtered through the empty streets, causing the figure walking amongst them to shiver and huddle more into their light coat. A pale hand rose, brushing back the wild fringe from going into its eyes. The pale had signaling the person, was in fact, a woman.

The woman returned to her quest, quickening her pace, as she noticed the village shop owners were beginning to set up for the upcoming day. The woman finally stopped, bringing her hand up, she shielded her eyes from the harsh rays of the sun. Looking around the empty streets, she frowned. "I guess they wouldn't be here" she mumbled lightly to herself.

"Kagome? What are you doing here?" A voice questioned.

The woman, known as Kagome. Turned her head slightly, to look at whoever called her. She was surprised to see her brother, Kotetsu, on guard duty. Smiling lightly, she approached the desk, near the entrance of the gate. Where her brother was standing.

"Hey Kotetsu, I didn't know you had guard duty this morning"

Kotetsu nodded, making his spiky hair move also. He sighed as he answered her, "Yeah, well actually I had guard duty last night, I thought I told him"

Kagome frowned lightly, as she thought it over. She didn't remember him telling her that he had to work last night, but that he wouldn't be able to have dinner with her. She shook her head slightly. "No, you didn't. You said you couldn't come to dinner. I thought you had a date."

A snort was heard from behind her brother, coming from the desks' shelter, another male came out, one Kagome recognized as Izumo. "Your brother wouldn't know what to do with a woman, Kagome" he stated, before titling his head slightly to the side as he looked at her in confusion. "What are you doing out here, do you have a shift at the hospital?"

Kagome shook her head, "No, I have a mission today with Team 7."

Izumo nodded, "Ah, so that's what Kotetsu was complaining about last night."

Kotetsu snorted and got back at his position behind the desk, as a ninja returned from the village he wrote down the name, before laying his head on the desk. "Whatever, I still don't see why you need to go on this mission." he was worried about his sister going with, he had seen the guy they were escorting and something about the guy, didn't sit right with him.
The only thing that eased his panic, was that Kakashi would be with them, yet that in itself caused a lot more worries.

Kagome sighed, approaching her brother, she lightly combed her hand through his hair. She understood what was bothering him, this would be her first time away from the village since she first got here. She would admit, that thought on it own, scared her badly.

But she use to travel through demon filled forests. She knew she would be fine, "Don't worry Kotetsu. I'll be fine. I won't leave you, and this will be a great experince for me." she told him softly, hoping to ease his worries the best she could.

Kotetsu scoffed, he still didn't like it. "Fine, but if Kakashi tries anything, tell me, and I'll beat him."

Kagome shook her head lightly, as she walked away from the desk. She was glad she hadn't told him, of Kakashi's training. "Don't worry I can handle him too" she responded, seeing his glare she continued. "But, if he tries anything, I'll tell you" she added with a light chuckle.

Seeing her brothers nod, she looked at Izumo, and noticed him taking his seat next to her brother. She sighed lightly, leaning against the wall of the village. "I'm bored" she stated softly.

Izumo chuckled, "When was the meeting time?" he questioned curiously, given that Kakashi was on the team. It would be an hour after that they would actually leave, something Kagome should know since she had been training with them.

Kagome hummed lightly, as she thought it over. "Seven A.M I think" she replied.

Kotetsu picked his head up from the desk, to look at his sister curiously. "You do know, its only six?"

Kagome's eyes widened slightly, as she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Not really, I was so excited I just left this morning when it looked around the right time" she stated with a small smile.

Her answer caused both males to smirk, and shake their heads at the woman's behavior. Kagome sighed, shifting the weight of her backpack. Feeling the light strain, she took the pack off and laid it down next to her feet. "I think I'm going to go meditate. Can you watch my pack?" she questioned.

Both males nodded. Satisfied with the answer, Kagome went a little ways away from the front gate. Finding a shaded area, she sat on the ground. She would use this hour to clear her mind, seeing as how she didn't get that much sleep the night before. She wasn't feeling exactly tired, but meditation always helped ease her mind and body, as it was supposed to.
Slowly she felt herself drift into a light trance, as she listened to the quiet sounds of Nature.

* * *

The sounds of the shopping market coming to life, brought her from her trance. She looked around curiously, noting that the streets were now very busy. Getting up she stretched lightly, before approaching the gate desk. Seeing her brother and Izumo still on duty, "Hey, what time is it now?"

Both men jumped at the sudden voice, and figure. Before Kotetsu looked at the clock he smirked, "I guess Kakashi isn't the only one running late today." he mumbled towards Izumo, who smirked and nodded. Looking towards his sister, he answered her question. "Its almost 8"

Kagome huffed, and grabbing her pack she put it onto her back. Before looking around the busy streets, trying to find any of the three familiar figures she would be traveling with. After a few moments she smiled, as she noticed the familiar head of yellow hair.

"Naruto!" she shouted.

The boy who's name was yelled, turned in a full 360 looking for whoever had called his name. Seeing the familiar face at the gate entrance, he smiled and nudged the boy beside him with his elbow. Before gesturing towards her, finally he waved at her enthusiastically. "Hey Kagome!!" grabbing the boy next to him, he quickly ran towards Kagome.

Within a few seconds later, Kagome smiled as Naruto, and Sasuke reached her. She brought her hand up to cover the giggle, as she noticed Sasuke glaring at Naruto.
"Hello Naruto, Sasuke" she greeted, before turning a glare towards them. "Why are you an hour late?" she questioned.

Naruto rubbed the back of his neck, as he looked at the ground guiltily. "Sorry, we were training and lost track of time."

Sasuke titled his head slightly, "Hn" with that he turned his head to look in the busy streets.

The three stood in silence, as they waited for the others to arrive. A few moments of silence later, Naruto huffed in annoyance. "Where is everyone?! Does Kakashi need to beat us at being late or something? Where is Sakura?" he questioned loudly, as he looked into the streets annoyed.

Sasuke scoffed from next to them, "Idiot, lower your voice. Sakura is the one that let us know we were late, and remember, she said she had to get medical supplies. As for Kakashi, do you really expect anything less?"

Naruto huffed, and pouted slightly. He hated when Sasuke was right, but damn, he wanted to go on this mission already. "Hey you guys!!' a familiar voice yelled. All three looked towards the owner of the voice, Naruto and Kagome smiled as they noticed not only Sakura, but Kakashi and the man they were transporting were with her.

Soon all six were standing at the gate entrance, Kakashi looked over his team. "Alright, are you ready to go?" he questioned.

Seeing all of their nods, he motioned for them to get into position before they all left out the gates of town.

* * *

The walk had been quiet thus far, after two hours of travel in silence. It was beginning to get on Kagome's nerves, not the walking, but the silence was making her on edge.
Which she thought, may be a good thing. Silently, she looked around. Her companions all seemed comfortable, relaxed but at the same time ready for a chance attack.

She smiled slightly, as she noticed Sasuke and Naruto begin their usual banter ahead of her. As it was now, Sasuke and Naruto took the lead. While she and Sakura took in the middle, the man they were guarding a few feet ahead of them, and behind the boys.
Kakashi took up the rear, keeping an eye out for anyone that might be a threat.

Sighing lightly, Kagome studied the man they were escorting. The man wore baggy clothing,along with a jacket that covered most of the bottom half of his face, much like Kakashi's mask covered his. The mans eyes were covered by his over grown fringe. Kagome frowned at that, she had heard from Kakashi that the man was a royal of some sort. The clothing didn't seem to fit his position, Kagome shrugged mentally. The man was trying to stay away from attention, maybe this was the best thing he thought of.

Kagome's eyes widened slightly, as the mans aura began to change erratically. She looked on at him, confused. That wasn't normal, one's aura usually didn't change that quickly, or have that much trouble. Unless the one it belonged to was a half breed of some sort.

Her observation was cut short was Sakura called her name. "Kagome?" the pinkette questioned.

Kagome turned her attention away from the man, and looked at her companion. "Yes Sakura?"

"Do you think you can help me a bit more, when we stop?" Sakura questioned.

Kagome nodded, "Yes, I need to train a bit too." she replied with a soft smile.

Sakura nodded. The next few hours were spent in mostly silence, aside from chit-chat between the companions. When the sun began to set, Kakashi decided to speak.
"There is a clearing up above, we will stop there for the night. Naruto and Sasuke, you get the food. Sakura and Kagome, you get the water, I'll set up camp." his voice was quiet, but held a tone of authority.

The team nodded, the man they were escorting however, spoke up. "Are you sure we should stop, if we continue going we will get there in a few hours." he stated quietly.

Kagome was confused by this, surely even this man knew it was never safe to travel at night. Kakashi voiced her thoughts, " We will stop, we will leave early in the morning, and get to your home before noon time" he replied.

The man said nothing, aside from nodding.

Within half an hour, they reached the clearing that Kakashi had been talking about, and went to their assigned chores. Dinner had been a quiet event, nothing out of the normal happened during the time.

When Dinner was over, and first guarding duty had been chosen. Kagome noticed something odd about the man they had been escorting, he was sitting by himself. His back towards them, that wasn't what stopped her from going to bed though.

His aura was acting more erratic then it had been earlier, She chewed on her lip nervously. Coming to a decision, she approached the man quietly, carefully she put her hand on the man's shoulder as she quietly asked him a question. "Sir, are you okay?"

It happened to fast for Kagome to avoid it, her eyes widened as she felt her wrist clutched in a tight grasp, the bones straining under the pressure, she gasped as she looked into the mans leveled glare. It wasn't the glare that shocked her, but instead his eyes.

The pupil had circles within them, as he stared at her he let a sickening smirk escape. Kagome barely had enough time to dodge after sensing the malicious intent coming from the man; she could feel the wind from the motion as he attempted to stab her.

"What are you doing?!" she exclaimed.

The motion caught the team's attention, and she soon she felt herself being heaved from the man's grasp and whisked back as Kakashi held her firmly in his arms.

Kagome watched intently as the man they had been escorting got up slowly, and turned to face them. A smirk evident on his face, he chuckled dryly.

"Well, I was hoping to do this in a more closed place. But no matter, the mission will still be completed." turning his attention away from the team, he looked towards the forest. "I will leave this to you, make sure you hurry." he stated before disappearing in thin air, leaving everything as though he had never been there in the first place.

Kagome could feel Kakashi's body tense along with her's as they felt four new aura's make themselves known, "Get over here quickly" he ordered his team immediately sensing the dangers that were approaching. They did as they were told, and looked anxiously into the forest; soon four people entered the clearing.

All of them were male; one was a blond who was looking at them with a confident smirk. The other was bulky; Kagome could feel that wasn't his true appearance, but more of a shield. The other one was blue, and he had a big sword strapped to his back. His appearance reminded her of a shark. The other male, however, seemed to be the less frightening physically, but otherwise Kagome could tell that he was a strong opponent. But what surprised Kagome the most was the fact that he looked similar to Sasuke.

Sasuke growled from beside her, anger lacing his voice as he spoke. "Itachi"

The man, who looked like Sasuke, looked over at him with a glare, "Hn, little brother? I'm guessing that you are still as weak as always" his voice was taunting, as he pushed on his younger brother's weakness.

Kagome's eyes widened at the new revelation. She had thought that Sasuke's whole family had been deceased; that had been what her brother had told her anyway.

Kagome's face sported a deep frown, looking over at Kakashi she saw him just as tense just how Sasuke was. The next movement, however, happened to quickly for either adult to prevent it. Sasuke's body shot forward as a black blur, his main target being the form of his brother.

"I'll take care of this pest, fight whoever you wish just don't forget the goal of this mission" Itachi told his companions just before he shifted his body to the side easily dodging his brother's sloppy movements.

As she watched what was happening with the two brothers she was oblivious to the pain in her side, she had thought that maybe Kakashi had pushed her back too quickly. Until of course she hit a tree hard, she gasped as she tried to catch the breath that had been knocked from her. As quickly as she could she pushed herself up, glancing to see what had happened. She looked ahead of and noticed the man with blond hair was smirking at her, so it was him. She thought with a growl.

Giving him the best glare she could conjure up. Quickly she shifted her body gracefully into a defensive position getting ready for whatever this man had. She tensed even more as she felt an aura beside her. She looked next to her out of the corner of her eye, sighing in relief as it was just Sakura.

"Who are these guys?" she asked the girl behind her.

Sakura got into a position much like her own, also getting ready for the fight, "From what I have heard they are members of the Akatsuki".

Her movements becoming quick she dodged as the blond man moved forward sharply, Kagome looked back at her curiously. "The Akatsuki? What are they, some village?"

She could hear Sakura grunt as she dodged one of the oncoming bombs, jumping to avoid it. "No, they are a group of missing nin" she glared at the blond before her, before throwing some weapons in his direction.

The blond man laughed, "Is this everything?! Come on!! Konoha nin was supposed to be some of the strongest, am I just fighting the rejects?" he continued to laugh.

Kagome growled in annoyance, channeling her chakra to her feet. She sprung towards the man, pulling kunai from the holder she threw them at him before quickening her speed. As he dodged the weapons, she brought her leg up, putting all force into it, she tried to kick him.

She frowned in annoyance as she barely nicked him in the side. She took one moment to look at her companions as she dodged the man's attacks. She noted that Kakashi and Naruto were paired up, just as she and Sakura were doing. Yet, they were taking on both the burly man, and the fish one. She narrowed her eyes, as she noticed that they were trying to get Naruto away from Kakashi.

Kagome was brought back to the reality that she was still in a fight as she was struck in the side, making her fall into the dirt almost as full speed; her body was like a rag doll as it tumbled across the ground and slammed into the hard bark of a tree.

Her eyes widened at the pain, gripping her side she stood up on shaky legs. That was when she noticed Naruto had got knocked by the water attack by the fish; he flew deep into the foliage around them.

"Naruto!" she shouted, and worry began to overwhelm her being. She went to go follow the path he had been sent flying in but was stopped instantly as an explosion went off before her, making it so she couldn't follow.

Turning towards the blond haired man, she had been previously fighting, she glared at him in annoyance. Looking one last time towards where Naruto had flew, she sighed in worry. Before facing the battle once more, seeing the man had begun targeting Sakura once more. Kagome grabbed an extra kunai off the ground, throwing it at the blond haired man.

She smirked in satisfaction, as the kunai cut the unsuspecting mans arm, making him glare at her. "That's it bitch" he spoke lowly, before quickly coming at her. Kagome did her best to dodge, but squinted her eyes, as she held in a scream when one of the mans weapons lodged itself in her leg.

Looking towards Sakura, she frowned as the girl was down on the ground, not moving. She cursed herself mentally for not noticing it, Channeling her miko ki, she formed a barrier around the unconscious girl, blocking her from any stray attacks. When the barrier went around Sakura, she felt that the girl was still alive, much to her relief.

Grunting in annoyance, as she once more dodged. Kagome went towards her backpack quickly, glad that she had bought and brought her bow and arrows. Grabbing them from her pack, and thanking the heavens that nothing had broke.

She strung her arrow, and fired it towards the man who was now airborne on one of his clay creations. It hit the creation, instantly purifying it, making Kagome's eyes widen slightly. She hadn't noticed that the creation contained a demonic presence.

Kagome stiffened as she felt a strong demonic aura come from the forest, where Naruto had landed previously. Her heartbeat quickened, as she began to panic once more. She had no clue, if this demonic presence was friend or foe. But it did feel oddly familiar.

She let out a startled gasp, as she dodged another bomb. She cringed as she felt the extra embers burn her skin. She looked once more towards the side, where she felt the presence. It was coming, and fast.

As soon as that thought left her mind, a orange blue came charging out of the forest and right into the heavy man. Shattering his armor, Kagome's eyes widened as she took in the form of the one who shattered it.

It was Naruto, that she could tell by first glance. But he had a red glow surrounding his body, it was leaking the demonic energy she had 's blond hair was crazier, and looked more ragged. She saw that instead of regular human finger nails, he now had canine claws.

its the demon energy i felt from him upon our first meeting, she thought with a frown. In all honesty over the time she had forgotten the energy with the time she spent with him.
Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she worried as Naruto began attacking the red haired male with all of his force.

It was then she noticed that, the black haired male Sasuke had been fighting, was now joining the fish man in battling Kakashi. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed that the fish man, had begun a sneak attack on Kakashi, as he was busy with the other male.

Stringing another arrow, she channeled more of her miko ki into it before letting the arrow fly towards the shock man. She smirked in satisfaction, as the man howled in pain. It had been just as she thought, he did have demonic blood in him.

Quickly turning her attention towards Sasuke, she noticed he was unconscious, but still breathing. She quickly threw up a barrier around him, and then dodged as another weapon was thrown towards her.

She landed shakily on her feet, the affects of using to much of her ki and chakra were beginning to take its tole on her body. She didn't know how long she would be able to stand, let alone defend.

The man, Sasuke's brother, stilled his movements. Dodging Kakashi's attack quickly, he looked at his team. "Lets leave for now, this isn't over" The last of the sentence, was directed towards them. The team made no arguments and soon they left, leaving Kakashi and the others to wonder why they suddenly left.

Kagome frowned as she squinted her eyes, trying to get rid of the blurry vision. Hearing a falling sound, Kagome turned her attention towards where Naruto and Kakashi were. Noticing that Naruto was back to his normal self, but out cold.

Kagome felt the darkness clouding in on her, trying to lure her into the unconscious world. Hearing footsteps Kagome and Kakashi looked towards the sound, and sighed in relief as Konoha nin came out of the foliage, along with medic nin.

Kagome got rid of her barriers, as the medic team quickly approached the fallen and soon felt herself fall to the ground and enter the darkness.

* * *
Kagome awoke, her head pounding. Listening intently around the room, she heard the sound of what sounded like the hospital. She opened her eyes, but quickly closed them due to the brightness of the room.

After a few moments, she opened them again. Noting that she had been correct, in the thought that this was a hospital. Hearing the door open, she turned her attention towards it looking at the one who came in.

Her eyes widened, as she noted it was none other then the Hokage herself. Tsunade turned to see Kagome looking at her curiously, "Ah Kagome, I'm glad your up, how do you feel?" she questioned.

Kagome smiled tiredly, "I'm feeling fine, thank you Hokage-sama"

Tsunade returned the smile, and approached Kagome. "well that's good, you seemed to get the less damage then the rest of the team. You should be good to go soon, your wounds healed up nicely, and after a week off and plenty off sleep you will be back to normal. So are you going to change your career to that of a ninja?" Tsunade asked.

Kagome laughed lightly, and shook her head. "No, I think I'll stick with healing. Combat isn't me best, I was pretty much useless in that battle." she replied with a smirk.

Thinking of her team mates, made Kagome sober up quickly, she looked at Tsunade with a concerned expression, "How are they? Is everyone okay?" she asked.

Tsunade sighed, but nodded and she stopped writing on the clip board in hand. "yes, they will need a month or so off. Kakashi used his sharingan eye, draining him of almost all his energy. Sakura and Naruto both had bad second degree burns, but they are healing nicely, and should leave no scarring. Sasuke is exhausted too, and has wounds that will keep him handicapped for a few months." she replied.

Kagome frowned but nodded, Tsunade looked her over again, "Kotetsu is waiting outside. I'll bring him in to help you dress and escort you home." she stated, before leaving the room.

Kagome sighed as she waited for her brother to appear, although Tsunade had said she was to rest for a week. She knew that she wouldn't be able too, so she would use her time off to make sure everyone really was alright.

"Hey Kagome, I've got your clothing, lets go home" Kotetsu stated, as he approached his sisters bed. Kagome nodded, pushing all guilt she felt from her mind at the moment, as she tried her best to dress herself, and then get taken home carried by Kotetsu.

* * *
Three days later

* * *
Kagome sighed in relief, as she made her way through the busy streets of the village. She had finally gotten the chance to leave her home, she had been trying these past three days but her brother had gone into extreme mother mode.

He had taken the past few days off, and made sure she did nothing but rest in bed. Something that annoyed Kagome to no end, sure, she knew he was just being protective. But there was a thing as being two protective.

Kagome smiled in greeting to head nurse, as she entered the building. She knew that she would get in trouble from her brother for leaving the home. But she was an adult darn it! Nodding to herself she started towards the first person she wanted to see; Sakura.

She knocked lightly on the door, "Come in" a tired voice stated. Kagome entered and smiled lightly at the girl, Sakura was healing nicely, her bandages were off and as Tsunade said, the burn wounds were healing nicely.

Approaching the bed, she sat in the chair next to the girl. "Hey Sakura, hows everything going?"

Sakura smiled, "I'm okay, but I could be better, I hate being in the hospital"

Kagome laughed, "I don't blame you, how long are you going to be here?" she questioned

The girl thought it over for a few moments, before answering. "Tsunade said, a week left and I will be able to leave, thankfully"

Kagome nodded. the two talked with one another for another half an hour. Before Kagome left the girl for the day, so she could visit the others. Her visit with Sasuke had been short, as the boy wanted to do nothing but pout. Still though, Kagome kept him company for twenty minutes.

Leaving Sasuke's room, Kagome made her way to where Naruto was being held. She was putting of Seeing Kakashi for the last visit of the day, in all truth she was nervous, she didn't want him to lecture her as Inuyasha use to do. But then she doubted he would do that, Shaking her head she noticed she was in front of Naruto's door.

Knocking on it lightly, she entered when he answered. "Hello Naruto, how are you feeling" she questioned as she approached the boy. He looked well enough, his wounds healing faster then the others. Kagome thought that may be due to the demon that he contained.

Naruto smiled sadly towards her, "I'm doing fine, I just wish I could get out of here. I need to train."

Kagome smiled, "It seems none of team seven is fond of hospitals"

Naruto nodded, the two sat in silence. As Naruto looked outside the window, sighing he looked towards Kagome. " Hey Kagome, who is Shippo"

Kagome at the time, had been fiddling with her fingers, she looked up so fast she thought she may have pulled something. She looked at Naruto curiously. " He is an old friend, almost like a son to me, why do you want to know?" she questioned.

Naruto seemed hesitant to answer, he knew that Kagome knew of the fox prisoner he held within the seal. But he still wasn't use to talking about it. "Kyuubi said, when he was fighting in that battle. That your aura and miko powers felt like the same of that girl that protected his kit, shippo."

That made Kagome more shocked then she previously thought, "You mean, the Kyuubi is Shippo's father?"

Naruto nodded hesitantly, "Yes, he said he wants to thank you, for protecting his son."

Kagome smiled, but seeing the uneasiness of Naruto, she quickly changed the subject. An hour later, a nurse came in, saying they needed to check on Naruto's wounds. Kagome nodded and said goodbye to Naruto, before going towards Kakashi's room.

The trip to Kakashi's room seemed to take forever for Kagome, making her just want to either run there, or run away. She had no clue why, but meeting Kakashi after being so weak in front of him, made Kagome upset and nervous. Which she had no clue why, sure, Kakashi seemed like nice man. But she didn't know if her heart could take the abuse again.

Kagome stalled going in or not, when finally reached his room. She knew, she shouldn't compare Kakashi to Inuyasha in the first place. As Kakashi was much different, she sighed mentally cursing herself for having a thing for men with silver hair.

"Are you going to come in, or just stand outside my door"

Kagome jumped at his voice, opening the door she looked at him curiously. "How did you know I was there?" she questioned.

His one visible eye closed, showing that he was smiling. "I could hear your heavy walking a mile away" seeing her glare, he chuckled. "Nah, I felt your chakra signature outside my door."

Kagome nodded and slowly approached his bedside, unlike when she had visited the opted towards leaning against the wall, instead of sitting in the available seat. She looked him over carefully, he looked exhausted, his eye, the one with sharingan was covered again. But other then exhaustion, he looked fine.
"I'm sorry" she spoke quietly, not daring to look at him as she apologized.

Mentally she prepared herself for the lecture, but when none came she looked up at him curiously. Only to see him smiling at her, "Its no worry. You did great for it being your first battle against ninja. You will only get better with time"

Kagome returned the smile and nodded, the two then went into a conversation about their favorite book series. Kagome left when visiting hours were over, but she came back every day until all of them got released.

One thing Kagome learned from all of her time spent with Kakashi was, he was very fun to be around. She felt as though all barriers around her heart dropped when around him. She could let down her guard and be herself. Something she hasn't been able to do even when around her closest friends or family members.

A few weeks later, Team seven was released from the Hospital. Last week Kagome had started working at the hospital again, but made it a daily thing to visit the team. Today however, was her day off. She was planning to go and see Naruto off.

Kagome frowned as she neared the gate, her mind still going over what the blond had told her a few weeks prior. Her small blond buddy was leaving her, and she didn't like the idea. Not at all, a boy his age shouldn't be worrying about evil men trying to kill him. She sighed at that thought, he got into the ninja business knowing it could bring death. After her first, and hopefully last, meeting with the Akatsuki, she knew that he would be safer traveling then staying in one place, especially with a strong companion.

The thought that he wouldn't be alone, settled her fear slightly, making it easier to breath. As she got even closer to the gates, she thought of the day he had told her the news. That day was bad and good, the good part, making her blush once more.


Kagome hummed lightly, as she quickly approached her favorite blonds room. He was getting discharged later on in the day, and she knew when her shift started she wouldn't be able to see him. So with her nurse uniform on, she knocked quickly on the door and entered the room.

Her eyes widened however, as she noticed that Naruto already had a visitor. She smiled sheepishly, "Sorry Naruto, I didn't think anyone would see you this early. I can come back if you want."

The man answered for Naruto, "No that's okay. I was about to leave, see you in a week Naruto." he stated, before leaving Kagome and Naruto alone in the room.

Kagome looked at the boy curiously, "Why are you seeing him in a week?" she questioned.

Naruto smiled, "I'm leaving"

Kagome approached him, thinking she may have heard wrong. "What do you mean your leaving? Where are you going?!" she questioned.

He sighed, "I'm going on training trip with Jiraiya, the man you just saw. I need to get stronger, those men, the ones that attacked us, were after me." he replied quietly.

Kagome frowned, she didn't want him to leave. He could stay here trained, seeing his determination on that matter however. Made her know that he wouldn't. She offered him a smile, "Okay, well I'll be here waiting for your return. When are you leaving?"

Naruto laughed and gave his signature smile. "In a week."

Kagome felt embarrassed, obviously that was the time. After all the man had said he would see him in a week. Kagome's alarm on her watch went off, she frowned. "Well my shift is starting, I'll see you later, and I will definitely come and see you off when you leave!" she exclaimed, before leaving the room.

Naruto nodded, and smiled as he watched her leave.

That day had been the hardest for her, because not only was she dealing with that news. But it was also her first day back, and she was trying to get back into the swing of things.
When she got off of work she was exhausted mentally and physically. She was on her way home, when she bumped into Kakashi.

"Hello Kagome, why so blue?" he questioned, as he took in her depressed image.

Kagome sighed, "Naruto's leaving to go training with some man named Jiraiya."

Kakashi nodded, "Ah yes, I remember him telling me that. Its okay though, Jiraiya is one of the best ninja. He will make sure to keep Naruto safe."

Kagome sighed and nodded, but said nothing. Kakashi frowned, her not smiling was something he didn't like. Looking at the position of the sun, he noted that it was past dinner, and he still hadn't eaten.

"Would you like to go to dinner with me?" he questioned.

Kagome tried to hid her blush, it was an innocent question, so why did it make her heart go into a frenzy. She nodded shyly. Kakashi smiled, and nodded towards a nearby restaurant, "Come on then."

The dinner was enjoyable, and Kagome wished she had been there with him on a date instead of a pity dinner. After dinner they took a walk in the park, before Kakashi dropped her off at home.

* * *
End Flashback

* * *

Although Kagome wouldn't admit it, that was the best night of her life, thus far. She smiled to herself, trying to keep the blush down that tried to come up at the thought of the masked man.


Looking up, she saw Naruto waiting at the gate. She frowned, slightly but it was quickly replaced by a smile. She had been hoping it would have taken longer to get there, she didn't want to say goodbye. Not yet.

When she reached him, she hugged him tightly, nuzzling her face into his soft spiky hair, as she held him. She hugged him for a few more minutes until he started complaining about not being able to breath, she reluctantly pulled back.

Ruffling Naruto's hair once more, she turned towards the tall man and approached him. As she approached him, Jiraiya leaned down, and opened his arms. Clearly wanting the same hug she had given Naruto. Kagome smiled, and gave Jiraiya the hug. As she did so, she leaned forward and spoke quietly into his ear. "If anything happens to him, while in your care. I promise you will no longer be able to write, which would be a shame to the writing community" She meant for the message to be quiet.

Yet judging by the smirk on Kakashi's face he had heard the threat. Jiraiya nodded frantically, and after a few more goodbyes. The two left into the sunset, and goodbye that Kagome was hoping wouldn't last more then three years.

Kagome felt the tears prick at her eyes, wanting to fall. She hated saying goodbyes, sure she knew she would see Naruto again. But he had become such a daily occurrence that she knew she would feel lost for awhile.

She jumped as a hand laid on her shoulder, looking towards its owner she smiled. "He will be fine, don't worry" Came Kakashi's warm voice. Kagome felt relieved at that moment, but was still feeling upset.

Seeing her distress, Kakashi smiled. "Want to go get some ice cream?" he questioned. Kagome nodded, with that the two started off towards the ramen shop.

* * *
With Kotetsu

* * *

Kotetsu had just finished doing the rest of the paperwork for the day, and was now heading home. He knew that like the hokage, his sister was seeing Naruto off at the gates.
He also knew she would probably be sad about it, as she was rather fond about the boy. So he was thinking of bringing her home dinner.

Half way through his walk to the store, he was stopped by a chuunin. "Hey Kotetsu?"

He looked at the boy curiously, "Yes?"

"Is it true?" seeing Kotetsu's confused look, the boy continued. "I mean, is it true about your sister and Kakashi dating?"

Kotetsu looked at him as though he had lost his mind, before quickly shaking his head. "No, of course not."

The Chuunin shrugged and walked away, Kotetsu shook his head and began walking towards the store again. Only to stop..Now that he thought about it, Kakashi and his sister had been spending a lot of time together.

Frowning, Kotetsu decided to find his sister and ask her directly, before getting dinner. With that he began his search for her, when she wasn't at the hospital nor her house. He began looking around the streets. When finally saw her however, his from increased.

She was with Kakashi, both of them smiling as they walked down the streets. Running towards them, he shouted at them. "Kagome, Kakashi! Stop!!"

Both halted and turned to look at him curiously, as Kotetsu caught his breath he looked at both of them cautiously.

"What is it Kotetsu, what's wrong?" Kagome questioned, concerned on why her brother was behaving this way.

Kotetsu sighed, "Is it true? Are you guys dating."

The question caught Kagome off guard, well she certainly wasn't expecting that. The question made her blush, she was thinking of it lately, but knew Kakashi wouldn't like her in that way. Like all the guys she had liked in the past, he probably only saw her as a friend. Sorting her thoughts, Kagome began to answer her brothers question only to be cut off by the man beside her.

"Yes, we are" Kakashi stated, his response was as though he was talking about the weather.

Both siblings looked at him in confusion, "What?" they both questioned, at the same time.

Kakashi looked as though he was hurt, well the best one could when they had a mask covering his face. Looking towards Kagome he questioned gently, "What are you saying, do you not want to date me?"

Kagome regained her senses, "Not that's not it at all, I do its just-" she began speaking, only to once again be cut off by Kakashi.

He smiled, and putting his arm around his shoulders he began to lead her off. "That's great, this new Movie came out, and we should go see it" he replied, winking at Kotetsu, he lead Kagome off into the direction of the movies.

Leaving a stunned Kotetsu behind, wondering what had just happened.

* * *

A/N: The End.

.Review please!!!

Epilogue should be up soon. Sorry it seems rushed, but remember, the sequel to this story, will have A LOT of Kagome/Kakashi. and such...XD It will also be A LOOOOT longer then this story was, but I felt that was a good place to end it. The epilogue will also have more of an update on the couple ^_-