InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Sun Rises ❯ Cold Fondness ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Yay for Chapter Four! Actually, I've been sitting on this for a few days, but I haven't had a real chance to type it all out. But here it is for you to enjoy. Review if you can.
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Where the Sun Rises
Chapter Four:
Cold Fondness

Miroku jolted awake to the smell of cooking fish and rice. Rolling over onto his back, he saw Sango stirring a large pot with one hand and a smaller one with the other. She was humming a sweet song, and didn't seem to notice he was awake.

Cautiously rising to his feet and creeping over to his beloved, Miroku couldn't help but remember her rejection of him the night before. The last thing he remembered was her angry face and hitting his head against something hard. Then he blacked out. 'It feels like I've been out for a while,' he thought as he silently sat next to Sango. 'Maybe she can tell me what happened.'

"Miroku," she said before he even opened his mouth. Her voice was cold and distant. She wasn't happy. "What you did last night can never happen again."

"What ha-" he began, but snapped his mouth shut when he recalled what she was referring to. The kiss. "Sango, I-"

"You see, at first I wasn't mad," she went on, continuing to stir the pots, not bothering to look at him. "I understand that you are still trying to get all of this processed. I mean, everything between me and Inuyasha happened kind of fast. I was ready to forgive you... until this morning."

He gulped. Her words struck a fear into his heart, and he could tell she was about to say something that could hurt. Deep.

"I got up early this morning to make breakfast, and I started to think. You had your chance with me, but you blew it... and then I thought some more. Even if I did end up with you, I can't trust you to be out of my sight when another female is around. You're like a child, Miroku. I can't afford to babysit you and worry about other things too. Thank goodness Naraku is gone, or the stress alone would kill me off."

'I'm like a child? Ouch.' "Sango, wait-"

"No. I've listened to you long enough," she snapped, placing the spoon down and turning to glare at him. "It's my turn now. I have already told you that I don't want to have any kind of relationship with you other than us being friends, but obviously you don't believe me. And then I realized it: even if I had been dumb enough to associate myself with you, my heart will still have been with Inuyasha."

"Sango!" Miroku shouted, jumping to his feet angrily. "He's no good for you!"

"And you are?" she replied calmly, refusing to raise her voice. "You are better for me? Is that what you're saying?"

"YES! Inuyasha is a hot-tempered, idiotic, hard-headed, half-breed who will only bring you grief when a real demon kills him!"

Sango's expression froze and she also climbed to her feet. He couldn't tell what his words did to her until she spoke. "Listen to me, monk," she said, voice wavering. "Inuyasha is everything I've always wanted in a mate. I love him just the way he is, and if you can't accept that and show him respect in his absence, then you can leave this group right now!"

Miroku's anger melted away instantly when he heard the hurt in her voice. He'd rather have her hit him that hear that tone again. "I'm sorry," he told her, lowering his voice. "I should've have said that."

"I know," she agreed stonily and sat back down, her back to him. "I was trying to tell you that if a repeat of last night were to happen again, then I can't save you from what will happen when Inuyasha gets back. He may kill you... I don't know."

"What? Would Inuyasha kill me?"

"You kissed his mate," she shrugged, indifferently. "And yes, even kissing a half-demon's mate is enough to get you killed, if you were wondering, so be careful. This is your last warning."

"Sango, I'm sorry. But you have to understand-"

She cut him off by tossing him a plate over her shoulder. "Breakfast is ready."

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"Who are you and who are you here to see?" the horse demon guards demanded.

Stepping up confidently, Mizuki announced, "I am Mizuki, Head Ferret, and this is Lord Inuyasha, and we need to see your superiors. The Lord of the East has business with them."

The guard gave a quizzical look to Inuyasha, then back to Mizuki. "He's the Lord of the East? The one who's gaining control over all the lands here, and now wants the ones ruled by The Four Captains?"

Mizuki seemed confused for a moment, but recovered by nodding. "If the Four Captains are boar demons, then yes, you are correct. Take us to them."

The guard grinned at the duo and stepped aside. "Our Captains are expecting you."

'I don't like the way he said that,' Inuyasha noted to himself. 'We should be careful.'

He and Mizuki followed the guards through a gate marked by four large, grey, boar statues that towered over the walkway. Upon entering through the gate, the guards abruptly and wordlessly broke out into a run. Inuyasha gripped the hilt of his Tetsusaiga, ready for an ambush, but when nothing happened, he started to follow. Once he began running, he realized how much vegetation there was between the gate and the actual entrance to the castle. He also had to carry Mizuki on his shoulder to keep his official from falling behind, but when the runners reached the entrance doors, the ferret was the only one out of breath. "Whew!" he gapsed. "You run fast, my Lord!"

"Enter," one of the guards instructed. "Go in, and take the master stairs. Then take a left, down the hall, and then a right. The doors with boar statues on either side is where you want to end up. Go."

"You're not going to take us there?" Mizuki inquired, a little alarmed.

"We can't leave our posts. You'll find it fine."

Inuyasha said nothing and just nodded, but cautiously stepped past them and through the slightly parted entrance doors. As they slammed behind the traveling duo, Mizuki flinched. "I'm scared, My Lord."

"Don't worry," the hanyou soothed, looking around the vast, empty front atrium. "We'll be fine. If we can avoid fighting these Four Captains, we will, but I have a feeling we will have to fight."

"That's n-not helping, My Lord."

Inuyasha shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you. Just hope for the best."

"Yes, My Lord."

Making his way around the atrium's spewing fountain, Inuyasha could only stare at the craftsmanship of the intricate pillars that surrounded the room and the decorative tiles that spanned the floor. The walls were littered with heavily detailed paintings of landscapes, multi-colored draperies flowed from the ceiling, and the sun shone brightly through the hole above the fountain. It was absolutely beautiful. "I should get stuff like this for Sango," he mused aloud as he started ascending the master stairs.

During their climb to the top, he could tell Mizuki was wanting to say something, but was holding it back. Shifting his eyes to his Head Ferret, he asked, "what's your question?"

"Well, I was wondering who is this 'Sango' you keep referring to."

"She's my mate,' Inuyasha answered, his small smile spreading to a grin. That had become more frequent whenever he talked about her, and it reminded him of how much he missed her, but he pushed those thoughts away. He had a good question to answer. "She's the reason why I'm here in the East. I want to rule everything here so I can give her the life she deserves to have."

"Ah," Mizuki nodded. "What is she like?"

Inuyasha sighed dreamily, though he'd probably never let her see it. "She's amazing. She's also one of the kindest people you'll meet -- until you make her mad. And even then, she's admirable with her skill. And her beauty! She's the most beautiful specimen on this Earth! Sometimes... I have to wonder what she ever saw in me to begin with."

Mizuki clasped his 'hands' together with joy. "She saw a wonderful leader and a nice guy! My Lord, I can already tell that you love her very much and you'll make her happy. Especially with these Eastern Lands; these lands are just as beautiful as the ones of the West."

"They are," Inuyasha agreed, scratching his head. "Sesshomaru might even break down and say so himself... or maybe not."

A sudden gasp from Mizuki made Inuyasha look over at him in surprise. "How dare you refer to Lord Sesshomaru so informally?"

The hanyou smiled to himself with a shake of his head, realizing his lead official hadn't made the connection yet. "Sesshomaru is my brother."

Mizuki didn't answer. He had fainted.

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AN: I hope you have enjoyed the above writing. I will be posting Chapter Five soon, because I'm pretty excited about it. I have it all planned out. It will be amazing (or maybe not). Review if you can, and I'll be back soon with Chapter Five!