InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where to Begin? ❯ Where to Begin ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Where to Begin?
It happen so many years ago, five hundred to be sure of, in a strange and dangerous world. A miko and a hanyou traveled this dark world too, along with a monk and a demon slayer and to other demons. The Shikon jewel was broken into many pieces and they were out to collect them all from demons and humans alike to bring it back together.
Kagome was a very powerful miko and her power was still growing to advantage, she was more helpful to the group then always being captured or falling in the line of fire. She learned how to whip ass on her own, of course with the help of Sango.
Kagome did most of her changes to impress Inuyasha more then anything, for she knew where he went on those too dark of night. No matter how hard she tried he would always go into the woods to find her and he would never give her a “Good job” or “you did good keeping that demon from killing you.” One Inuyasha was too stubborn to say such thing and two; he never really looked at her anymore, only when they were in a fight or something, but he never really talk to her anymore.
“Kagome are you okay?” Kagome was awoken from her trance looking up at Shippo who was hanging on her shoulder. Nodding and giving a smile to cover up her hurt she went on walking to catch up with the group.
Walking slowly behind everyone she noticed that Inuyasha was in his own little word too, sighing again she walked up beside him and looked at him with interest as he kept walking staring at the ground. Slowly Kagome put a finger out and moved the unnoticeable Inuyasha over a little bit so that he was in the path way of a tree. Walking on past him, it wasn't until a loud thump and cursing did Kagome smile.
“You did that on purpose, bitch!” Inuyasha yelled from behind her.
“Well if you were paying attention it wouldn't have happen.” Miroku pointed out.
“Shut up!” Inuyasha yelled.
Kagome ignored Inuyasha as he continued to yell at her back. When he got tired to yelling at her he stared to mumble under his breath and Kagome swore she heard Kikyo name from it. Biting back a `sit' she walked on ignoring him for the rest of the day.
When nighttime came, Kagome was sitting around the fire watching the flames as they danced on the wood and held Shippo in her arms tight, she knew that Inuyasha was going to leave them soon because she felt someone familiar moving near by. Sighing she looked up to see Inuyasha moving uncomfortably from up on his branch not wanting to make it harder for him she laid down on her bed and acted like she was going to fall asleep. It wasn't until she heard the sound of something moving did she look up to see that he was gone.
Kagome sighed to herself again as she waited until everyone was asleep to get up and gather her stuff to leave. Inuyasha wouldn't be back until morning so he would never have known that she left, she really didn't think he would notice it either. Kagome thought about everyone else who would notice, she knew that Shippo would cry his heart out if they couldn't find her but Kagome saw it in herself to prove to Inuyasha that she was just as good and Kikyo. Kagome walked in the opposite direction of the way Inuyasha and his lover were and into the dark night wanting to get the greatest distance away from the hanyou and the rest of the group.
Kagome sighed as she sat down on the grass of a hillside to rest her drained out legs, for most of yesterday and today she walked deeper into the forest, and for the most she only ran into three demons that wanted the Shikon Jewel, which was old news to her. Fighting two off and running from one that was too much for her to handle she got away in the nick of time. Sighing as she looked up at the late afternoon sun she scanned the mountains tops and valleys that looked so beautiful from here.
“AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!” A sudden shriek came out of the forest behind her quickly grabbing her bow and arrows Kagome jumped up and ran after the cry. Running through bushes and trees not caring if her skirt was being ripped to pieces she came to a clearing were she saw made her freeze.
A little girl lay on her back crying and screaming as her kimono being ripped to pieces by a larger Demon, Kagome then saw that he was trying to rape the poor little girl. Forgetting about her bow she took off on peer rage after the demon and the crying girl, slamming her body into the demons side as she logged him off of the girl.
The demon was knocked five feet away shocked of the intrusion then it when to attack Kagome who was standing over the little girl arms to her side in fist ready to take on the demon if she had to.
“Silly Human, you think you can stop me?” he hissed and choked out his words. Kagome only glared at him.
“Too stop you yes.” Her voice was low and sharp. The monster took off in lighting speed and came to attack her. Kagome stood in the way as she took the blow to her chest she would stand in the way of the monster and the little girl even if it took her life she just didn't want the monster to get to the little girl. The demon struck her from the side as she when flying into a tree, recovering from the blow using her miko power Kagome ran head on at the monster as he came for her. Remembering her training she ducked to first swipe of the claws and slammed her fist into his gut. Then grabbing his arm she threw in some of her self-defense she learned in her time. Twisting the demons arm hard knocking it out of it socket and pulled the three hundred pound demon over her shoulder, it screamed out in pain as Kagome used that free moment to run and scoop up the little girl running to where she left her stuff.
Kagome ran with the girl huddling close to her body as she reached the end of the forest walking over to her belonging and laid the girl down on her folded sleeping bag.
“Hey are you going to be okay?” she looked down at the crying girl who held onto her uniform for dear life. Just then that's when she noticed who the girl was.
“Rin?” Kagome asked as the little girl looked up with tears streaming down her cheeks. Feeling the twig of pain in her own heart she hugged Rin close to her as she waited until Rin fell asleep with her soft cooing and strokes down her back. Once she was asleep Kagome when to lay her down on the sleeping bag but saw that Rin had a death grip on her shirt. Smiling down at the girl Kagome placed her hand on Rin stomach and focused all her miko energy on the wounds. Within minutes all of Rin gashes and wounds were gone and nothing left but smooth skin that looked like they where never scathed, laying down on her sleeping bag she hugged Rin closed to her and placed a shield around both her and the sleeping child from any kind of demons.
Nighttime was starting to fall around the two sleeping forms and Kagome was the first to wake up she sat up suddenly out of Rin grasp and pulled her arrows up holding it up facing the tree behind her. The sudden hissing and crocking of a angry demon came forest and Kagome saw the two head staff before she finally figured out who it was, Jaken came out of the brush getting ready to yell Rin's name when he came face to face with Kagome and her arrow.
Squawking he jumped back and held out his staff getting ready to use it when Kagome felt something slam into to her legs. Looking down she saw Rin hugging her legs tight and new tears in her eyes, Jaken jumped forwards to attempt to take Rin away from the miko.
“Rin we must go,” he said in his usual crocking voice, “Lord Sesshoumaru will be returning very soon…wait what happen to you kimono?” he asked shooting Kagome daggers of hatful glares.
“She was attacked by a demon this afternoon and I was there to stop him from doing permanent damage.” Kagome said back to the toad that was still holding the two head staff up at her. “And put that thing down before you poke someone's eyes out.”
Jaken was about to say something mean back at the miko when he felt something moving behind him, knowing it wasn't Lord Sesshoumaru because he could never tell when his master came or not. He turned around seeing that the miko also felt the new being moving out there, it wasn't until a loud growl and a dark shadow came jumping out did Jaken about jumped out of his green skin. A sudden blue shriek of energy flew over him slamming into the demon did Jaken realize that it was the miko's arrow, realizing that that arrow was for him moments ago did he swallow and unwanted knot in his throat.
The demon suddenly exploded and more hissing came out of the forest darkness, more shadows suddenly started to peel out moving almost to fast for both Kagome and Jaken to see. Kagome didn't give up on that thought, out of all her arrows they started to fly, powerful comets with long tails of blue fire as many struck the monster that flew at them.
Jaken using the two head staff was able to keep as many off as he could before he was knocked out of the way, going head on to a tree. Kagome saw this but didn't stop pulling out her arrows fast then she has ever had drawn, only thoughts were to protect the child hugging her legs crying.
Kagome drew her last arrow and fired hitting a demon strait in the chest, once it demolish into shreds Kagome dropped her bow and wrapped herself around Rin as she felt the first of the blows and the tearing of flesh. Rin looked up to see Kagome in pain and protecting her from the monsters again. Taking in a hearty breath she screamed at the top of her lungs “Sesshoumaru-sama!”
Kagome only felt a few more strikes until the sounds of other tearing flesh came from somewhere else, turning to look Kagome saw a white kimono and realized who was finally here before she fell to the side still holding onto Rin, who was also holding onto her tightly. Rin saw over Kagome fallen form a demon like the one that attacked her earlier coming after them, but a sudden yellow whip came out slicing him into pieces. Digging her face deeper into Kagome chest she felt weak arms wrap around her having a tight hold on her.
Kagome couldn't move anymore the pain in her back was to much and her miko powers where healing her as fast as they could, she had used up a lot of energy on healing Rin and placing the shield around them draining more power then needed. Taking deep breaths she focused on the parts that hurt the most and waited until they weren't in much pain to move onto the next ones. It wasn't until she felt something kneel down beside her did she slowly turn her head to see who it was, dark golden glowing eyes met hers as she fell into a deep sleep of darkness.
Kagome felt a soft breeze against her face and the warmth of the sun when she woke up the next morning, moving slowly she pushed herself up to look around but the stabbing in her side thought otherwise of getting up. Opening her eyes slowly as the dizziness flowed over her head making the trees dance in a circle around her making her feel not a hundred percent better.
It wasn't until a green thing blocked her view above her did it stop. “Good your awake.” His voice was loud enough to make her headache much worse. She looked up at the demon as he moved around her, until she was pushed up into a sitting position making the world spin around her. Chocking down the urge to throw up she was given something, she looked down between squinted eyes to see it was a cup filled with some sort of liquid.
“Drink it all,” Jaken crocked as he stood next to the miko arms crossed, “It will heal you faster.”
“You getting out of my sight with make me heal faster.” She bit back in a low hiss holding her head from the head ache he was giving her.
“WHAT!” Jaken yelled in rage making Kagome wink in her own pain. “I go out of my way to help a human and you repay me with such foul words, no wonder that half breed threw you away!” Jaken said raising his voice with every word. Kagome shot down the cup of ugly and by far the worst think she ever tasted and shoved the cup into his mouth.
“I meant that your loud and too much talking wasn't making me feel any better.” She hissed going to stand and leave. That idea was quickly wiped out of her mind when the pain became too much for her and she fell over in a groan. Lying down on the bed she felt under her she closed her eyes to try to take away the pain, the cup was probably filled with poison Kagome thought as the world of darkness filled in around her.
It wasn't until the smell of flower and something snuggling up at her side did she open her eyes once more from a deep slumber to lift her head as high as she could to see Rin resting against her. Slowly Kagome drew a hand around Rin pulling her closer, the pain in her side gone and the wanting to sleep was too much again.
Standing over them golden eyes watched as the two fall into a sleep, he didn't want to awake the sleeping girl or the miko that was comforting his ward so. He had made Rin tell his everything that had happen between her and the miko, Rin told him on how she ran away from Jaken to pick flowers to give to him and the demon that attacked her. He watched as Rin face fell into sadness and fear of that memory, he waited patiently as she fought to tell him the rest of what happen and the miko coming out of the forest and attacked to demon head on with out any weapons.
He had to say that he was slightly impressed that the miko risked her life twice for Rin and still held onto her into her wounded slumber. Watching as Rin moved deeper into the miko's hold as she slept in peace, he watched as a smile played on the miko's lips as she slept without ever knowing he was there.
Turning and walking away from that weak sight to leave to patrol he lands some more, with out turning around he spoke to his servant. “Jaken.”
The toad fell to the ground in a respectful bow. “Watch Rin more closely this time, make sure no harm is to come to her again.”
“Yes Lord Sesshomaru.” Jaken said loud enough for his master to hear, the unspoken words of his death that would follow if she his hurt also rained around Sesshomaru words. Jaken stood up once realizing that his master was gone, sighing he walked over to where Ah and Uh were sitting he looked back when he heard movement and watched as Kagome turned to Rin more.
“I wonder why Lord Sesshoumaru would let this human stay alive after she has alliance with the half breed?' he thought lying against the demon to fall asleep.