InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where to Begin? ❯ Death to Fluffy! ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2 Death to the Fluffy! (no not really, but it's a funny title though...hee hee)
Kagome woke up the next day wondering where she was, it wasn't until the day before advents passed her brain did she realize what and where she was. And when something moved beside her did she also remember who was sleeping next to her.
Looking down Kagome watched as Rin slowly opened her eyes to look up at her memory also fogged until she watched her light up like wild fire and the biggest smile she ever seen on a child's face suddenly lit up her day. Smiling down at Rin she sat up and stretched high above herself popping her back in the process, getting to her feet she looked down to see Rin getting to her feet too.
Kagome remembered her wounds and placed her hand on her back feeling no pain or even scars sighing and very grateful that there weren't any Kagome heard snoring to her right. Looking over to see that Jaken was fast asleep against the other demon she smiled and looked down at Rin who giggled.
“Shhhh.” Kagome said placing a finger to her lips then she pointed to a path that must led to a pond or something she grabbed her pack and started to walk away from the camp, Rin hot on her trail.
“Ahhhhhhh, I'm in heaven.” Kagome said as she slipped deep into the hot spring letting the hot water douse all her tight muscles closing her eyes to the peace and quiet until she heard the sound of little feet running against the ground. Opening her eyes just in time to see Rin dive into the water sending a large wave for such a small girl, when Rin resurfaced only to giggle even more then come over to where Kagome was sitting and laid her head on Kagome shoulder.
Kagome felt at peace more then she did moments ago then ever, she actually felt like she was wanted more then for finding the jewel shards and the camp cook. Sighing once more she pulled out some of her shampoo and started to wash her hair seeing Rin watch her with an odd face. When she was done she told Rin about the soap and washed the little girl hair out, or should we say scrubbed her skull to get all the dirt and grim out of the little girl's hair.
Once they were done they decided to return to Jaken before the poor toad had and heart attack, on there way back they heard the yelling of Jaken calling out Rin name and cursing along they way.
Kagome giggled with Rin until something shot past them in a fast light only coming to a stop before them. Kagome grabbed Rin placing her some what behind her but when a an cretin youkai formed out of that light. “Sesshoumaru-sama!” Rin yelled out running over to the youkai hugging his leg. But the only thing that Sesshoumaru was doing was staring at Kagome intensely; it wasn't until the little girl hugging his leg caught his attention.
Kagome smiled as she watch the Youkai lord tried to understand Rin hundred mile hour speech, Kami, when ever Rin spoke to her it was so fast that she only caught a few words at a time. She watched as the demon nodded to Rin then when he spoke to her Kagome could swear on her grave his voice made ice-sickles stab her along side her back.
“Rin.” One powerful word stopped Rin in her talk.
“Why did you run off from Jaken again?” he spoke to the point Kagome thought, Rin only smiled and turned to look at her with a beaming smile.
“But Sesshoumaru-sama, Rin was with Lady Kagome the whole time, she protects Rin like Sesshoumaru-sama dose.” Rin smiled as she was suddenly side tracked by a butterfly that decided to fly by at the time. Running off to follow the bug Rin didn't even look back to see the youkai and miko lock glares, well Sesshoumaru was the one that glared at Kagome first and she decided to give one right back.
Kagome turned away from that freezing glare that was making even her soul freeze up, to watch as Rin gave up on the bug to start picking flowers and to Kagome they were actually quite beautiful flower to meet their death to such an optimistic kid. This sight was making her cold body warm up in a happy felling, she thought, a little more sun and…
“What are you doing in this Sesshoumaru territories?” Sesshoumaru voice sudden voice ruined the moment.
`And move mr. six inch thick ice-sickle up my ass somewhere else.' Kagome thought as she couldn't help but smile at what she said. Turning around to face the Youkai who she didn't want anymore holes in her back from his intense eyes.
“You seem to find my question of humor, miko?” his voice was even more sharp cutting her even more.
“No, Sesshoumaru-sama,” Kagome sighed as she looked back to see that Rin was out of the picture so she wouldn't see Kagome get all mad or something.
“You have not answered, Miko.” Sesshoumaru stated.
“Oh will you just calm down? It's not like I'm here to start a fire or anything Smokey the bear will hit me with his shovel if I do.” Kagome said turning back to Sesshoumaru who's face never slipped once when she spoke, Kagome forgot that she wasn't in her time right then.
“Who is this Smokey?” Sesshoumaru asked as one eyebrow rose.
“Nothing Sesshoumaru-sama, its just a, oh never mind.” She when to walk away back to camp but suddenly Sesshoumaru was before her. Kagome jumped back with a slight `epp” then she growled her words poking his chest.
“Listen mister, don't do that almost gave me a heart attack.” She when to walk around him only to take a few more steps to find him in front of her again.
“Listen if you want to know who Smokey is, he's a bear that walks around in pants and a ranger hat hitting every good for nothing man that doesn't put out his camp fires.” Kagome said waving her arms in front of her.
“That is not what I wish to know miko,” Sesshoumaru bit off, “I wish to know what you are doing in the Western lands.”
Kagome forgot about that question when he started to play ball and throw his sickles at her. “Well the group and I decided to spend sometime from each other and I just when off walking not knowing where I was going.” She shrugged her shoulder and walked around him again. This time when he didn't pop up in front of her she sighed about to the camp when he was suddenly there again standing in her way.
“If you are here and not with that pathetic half-breed, why did you not come to this Sesshoumaru for permission to walk in my lands.” He said glaring down at her.
“Okay, let me say this again,' Well the group and I decided…blab blab..time from blab...bla other blab bla I just when off walking not knowing where I was going.” Kagome said as she watched a slip of angry trail through Sesshoumaru eyes. Sighing she walked over to where her stuff was neatly laying and picked it up she would have to stop at a village to gather more arrows if she was going to be out here on her own.
“You should not speck in such a foul voice, miko, you should be lucky that I am giving such an honor to still be walking this earth.” He said as Kagome was placing her bag on her shoulders.
“I'll keep that in mind, Sesshoumaru-sama if we ever met again.” Kagome said turning around to give him her most forced smile she had ever given to someone, mocking unspoken words dancing abond them.
“Miko if you wish to live I suggest you impede what you are doing.” Sesshoumaru hissed off. Kagome felt a twig of humor that she could tick off someone so much like Sesshoumaru in the very lest. She smiled again a real one and was getting ready to walk away.
“You still haven't asked for my permistion to walk my grounds.” Sesshoumaru hissed.
“Well Lord Sesshoumaru, may I walk on you lands until I find the Eastern lands?” she said without turning around. She didn't want to show what her face was doing as she said they. Kagome waited for him to say, `yes now get out of my sight or don't stay to long so I wont have to kill you and get my kimono all dirty.'
“No.” was all she got.
“WHAT?” she flipped around glaring at the youkai.
“No.” he repeated with out moving a muscle.
Kagome felt angry for some unknown reason bubbling up with in her. “Why in Kami not?” she asked.
“Because that half breed is already running around my lands looking for his living miko and I do not like the dead miko in my lands as well.” Sesshoumaru said leaving Kagome glaring at him. She always remembered that when Sesshoumaru spoke it was to the point, and this was no exception.
Grounding her teeth not at him but at the stupid hanyou that was looking for her, `He's not subost to find me I made sure that he would lose my trail if he tried to.' Kagome hissed as she felt her fist ball up at her side nails digging into her palms, but Kagome ignored the pain as she stood there thinking of what to do.
“You do not what him to find you do you.” Sesshoumaru said more in a statement then a question.
“Um, No its not that I just don't want to be found because…” Kagome said as she realized who she was talking to. “You know what Fluffy I don't have to tell you to bug off.” Kagome said as she turned to leave. Excepted when a sudden pain came as her hair felt like it was yanked out of her skull and made her fall back into Sesshoumaru hard chest armor hurting her head even more.
“Ow let go you over grown pop-sickle!” Kagome yelled as she hissed in more pain of him pulling her hair even harder.
“You will respect this Sesshoumaru on his lands and in his presents.” Sesshoumaru said in a tone marking her death on the spot.
“So I can throw whatever daggers at you when your not around?” Kagome asked as she let some of her miko aura up hoping to make Sesshoumaru let go but he held on tight.
“You think that can harm me miko? Your power is nothing compared to mine.” He said between quenched teeth.
“Well sue me for trying.” Kagome reached up dragging her nails across his hand earning a growl and being thrown far from him, just missing a tree. Kagome got up and brushed off some of the dirt that was on her skirt and turned to walk away from the stupid youkai.
“Baka.” She said under her breath not caring if he heard or not, it wasn't until she was suddenly thrown up against a tree claw hand wrapped around her neck starting to squeeze the life out of her.
“Do not call me that ever again.” Sesshoumaru hissed through his teeth he hissed even more when the miko threw him a killing glare of mockery.
“What?” she asked with what breath she had, “You want to be called Fluffy instead?” that made his grip tighten on her neck making her cry out in a silent cry, Sesshoumaru felt his beast taking over to kill this worthless human that was not respectful in anyway, no wonder she was thrown away by the half-breed for the dead one.
“Sesshoumaru-sama!” Rin cheerful voice came up when she came running around the corner to give most likely Sesshoumaru a bundles of flowers, But stopped dead when she saw what was happening between the miko and youkai. Crying out in fear she threw herself at her protector legs as he squeezed out her new found friends life.
“Please Sesshoumaru-sama don't hurt Rin new friend, Sesshoumaru-sama please don't hurt her!” Rin voice suddenly wailing erupted around the forest as Sesshoumaru was knocked out of his trance looking down at his young ward to see that she was crying to save this mortals life.
A twig of pain hit him as he let go of the miko letting her drop to the ground in a heap and turned walking away from the women. He heard Rin talking to Kagome trying to get her to speak to her, but with all her fast talking she never gave the miko a chance to speak if she wanted to.
“Lady Kagome, are you okay? Can you talk? Do you need water? Do you need to lie down? Do you need me to…” And the list when on and on until Kagome placed a finger over the child's lips.
“I'm okay Rin thank you for your concern.” She said standing up to gather her dropped stuff you leave. Looking around to see if she missed anything she turned to see that Sesshoumaru was laying up against a tree looking out over the Western lands that he patrolled. Huffing in annoyance Kagome turned to the little girl that was at her side looking up at her with questionable eyes.
“I'll see you around okay, Rin.” She said leaning down to hug her little friend good-bye.
“But why do you have to leave?” Rin asked in a crying tone. Kagome could only smile she leaned down to be at Rin level to talk.
“Because I'm not welcomed here right now and I would like to get out of the western lands before someone decided to rip out my throat for not reason.” She said directing the last part to someone not far off.
Standing up again after a another hug she stood up walking away from the campsite with out looking back she felt pain in her heart for leaving the poor girl behind and she never saw the little Rin standing there watching her walk away sniffing her nose while the tears flowed down her cheek onto her kimono staining it.
Ohh poor Rin…I feel bad about leave it at that in this chapty (sniff…sniff)…but I wanted to leave it with a bang…well a tear fall or something like that…I don't know what I'm talking about so I'll shut up… pleaz Review and do Tell what I should throw in…I like having ideas thrown at me…I cant twist them in some way…MuHAHAhAHHAhH……ha…ha okay not funny anymore Chow Kiddies! x-Vamp out