InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Which Me Do You Know? ❯ Come Home Inuyasha ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Which Me do You Know?
Ch. 1: Come Home Inuyasha
Sadly, it has been one year and two months since Inuyasha has been kidnapped. Although his family, friends, and the police have been doing everything they can to find him, they have no leads - Inuyasha remains missing. Because of the immense pain burrowed within the pits of his heart, and the extreme guilt for being so cold to his younger brother, Sesshomaru has been driven insane; he stays up most nights researching kidnappings on the internet, and thinking of methods to find Inuyasha. Also, he spends every minute he can get going out and searching for his beloved brother…
Sesshomaru slightly flinched at the beeping of his alarm clock. He had stayed up half the night thinking of methods to bring Inuyasha home, and he spent the other half of the night doing research on the internet.
Reluctantly, he logged off the internet and staggered to his shower. Because of his fatigue, he started to doze off in the shower and hit his head on an in-built shelf. After he bathed, Sesshomaru got ready for school and eat breakfast downstairs. Despite his lack of appetite, he ate anyways; his father instructed the servants to not let him go until he ate.
After he ate, he got into the car and his father drove him to school. Although Sesshomaru was seventeen, well old enough to drive, his father did not let him drive most places in fear that he too would suffer the same fate as Inuyasha.
“Have a good day, Sesshomaru,” Mr. Inutaisho said before he drove off.
“Yeah…” was Sesshomaru's only reply; he knew it would be impossible for him to have a good day - his brother was missing, or dead…
He walked to his locker and got his math book.
“Hey Sess, how have you been feeling?” Sango asked.
“Alright,” he lied. I don't know why I ask, I know he's been horrible; he hardly gets any sleep, Sango thought.
“You look beat. You should get some sleep. If I didn't know better I'd think I was seeing a ghost or something,” she said.
“I can not lie, I'm exhausted. I have been deceiving my father into thinking that I took the sleeping pill, but I did not,” he answered.
“Look, I know you're worried about Inuyasha, we all are, but you have to sleep. Inuyasha wouldn't want you to do this to yourself.”
“That is what my father has been telling me.”
“You should listen to him, he's right.” Sesshomaru walked off to his advanced calculus class. He had plenty of time to talk to people, but he did want to listen to them tell him that he looked horrible and that he needed more sleep. He knew that, but how could he sleep? His brother was missing, or worse - dead.
When are you going to come home Inuyasha? Areyou going to come home? Sesshomaru thought. Tears threatened his eyes but he held them back.
Koga caught Sango in the hallway and asked, “did you talk to Sess?”
“Yeah, I did. He looks horribly tired. I don't know where he went, he just walked off after a while with out saying anything,” she replied.
“He's been doing that a lot. I really hope Inuyasha's a live and that we find him. I miss that mutt; life isn't the same with out him. I feel some type of emptiness,” said Koga.
“I do too. I never thought something like this would happen to Inuyasha. He seemed so invincible. Like all the times he should have been arrested, but he's never been in jail once. He's gotten caught so many times, but he's never got into serious trouble, except with his dad. And to think that he might even be dead…”
“How's the old Ice Prince?” Miroku suddenly asked.
“Depressed, as usual,” Sango replied. Miroku sighed.
“I miss the old times. When Inuyasha was here and he and Sesshomaru would always get into fights,” Miroku commented.
“Hey Sango…”
“We all have been taking this really hard. We all are hurt, we need some sort of up-lifting… we need something to vanish the sorrow within the depths of our hearts…I know of one thing we can do to ease the pain…” Miroku placed his hand on Sango's butt. SMACK!
“You pervert! We're all mourning here!” Sango hollered.
“Yes, I know, but we all morn in different ways,” Miroku said.
“Well I do not mourn in your way!” Koga stood there shaking his head.
“Miroku, Miroku…when are you going to learn that you must be delicate with a lady?” Koga questioned teasingly.
“I can't help myself, my dearest Sango,” said Miroku.
“Yes you can,” she argued. I know I can, I just choose not to, Miroku thought wolfishly. The bell rang and they all headed to their first class.
Miroku, Sango, and Koga all had Ceramics as their first class.
“Is Sesshy doing any better?” Kagura asked.
“He hasn't made any extreme progress, and he refuses to take his sleeping pills,” Sango answered.
“That's too bad. I can't imagine how it would feel to have Kanna gone. Do think his dad is doing any better?”
“It's been a week or so since I talked to him, so I don't really know, but he doesn't show his pain like that; he has to try and be strong for Sesshomaru. Why?”
“Well…I was thinking about asking him out,” Kagura replied joyfully.
“What!? Have you gone nuts!? First of all, he has a missing son that he has no idea if he's alive or dead, and second, he's older than you. I know demons keep their youth longer, but you're only eighteen; you and him have different goals,” Sango said.
“What do you mean different goals?” Kagura asked.
“Well, you want to go to a good college, get a career, and you want to party and have a good time. Mr. Inutaisho wants a wife, not just a good time. He's got three kids. Do you really think you could handle that?”
“Well… yeah…I mean, Sesshomaru's almost grown and Inuyasha really doesn't need any type of raising, well, I mean, if, um, when or he comes home. When I was fourteen my mom basically gave up on me and said `raise yourself'.”
“Yeah, we can tell she gave up on you,” Koga remarked and laughed.
“Koga! That's not funny!” Sango slapped his arm.
“But he's SO hot!” Kagura exclaimed.
For Sesshomaru, the school day went by leisurely; he could not stop thinking about the torture Inuyasha could be going through, he thought about if he was dead or not, and if he was, how did he die? Little brother…where are you? Come home Inuyasha, please…