InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Which Me Do You Know? ❯ A Familar Face in the Rain ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch. 2: A Familiar Face in the Rain
Later in the week, the school days went by just as slow as the first. Fortunately, it was Friday and Sesshomaru was on his way home.
“So, how was your day?” Mr. Inutaisho asked Sesshomaru in the car. Rin, Sesshomaru's ten year old, half demon sister was in the back seat listening to her i-pod. “Fine,” he answered.
“Sesshomaru, I know you haven't been taking the sleeping pills at night. I found out your little trick when I noticed that there were too many of them left in the container.” I wonder what Father's punishment will be, Sesshomaru thought.
“You know your therapist told you that it was very important for your health to take those pills. When you see Mrs. Tako today, I am going to inform her about your deception and you and she can have a little talk about how you are jeopardizing your health, since it seems that you think I'm too ignorant to obey.”
I not taking the pills have nothing to do with your intelligence. I feel it is wrong for me to sleep knowing that my own brother may not being sleeping, that he may be being tortured,” Sesshomaru responded.
“Sesshomaru…Inuyasha's disappearance is just as hard for me as it is for you; however, you have to sleep. You should not feel guilty about being safe; the sick bastards that kidnapped him should feel guilty. I have already lost one of my sons, and I do not wish to lose another. What would I do if I lost you? In fact, I have already lost you in a since; since Inuyasha's disappearance, you have changed immensely.”
I know I have changed Father, I know…
Sesshomaru was not, in any way, looking forward to meeting with his therapist. Although Ms. Tako was nice, he did not like telling his most personal feelings to anybody, not even his own father. A few months after Inuyasha's disappearance are when Sesshomaru started seeing a therapist and taking sleeping pills and pills to relax him.
He surveyed the scene outside the window; the Heavens cast their tears to the mortal realm. Chilly drops cascaded from every where and drenched the land, turning the dirt into pits of mud. It had been raining all day, and it seemed like it would never end. I wonder if the gods are weeping for Inuyasha's soul… Sesshomaru thought blankly. Perhaps they are weeping for his traumatic death, or for the decision to banish him from Father and mefor all eternity… Or maybe…they are welcoming him into the Heavens…
Sesshomaru felt a knot in his throat and a warm tear rolled down his cheek and landed on his hand. He looked down at the physical body of pain laying on his pale skin and thought, InuyashaI too am weeping for your lost soul…
Smelling the tear, Mr. Inutaisho glanced over at his eldest son. He is so pained…as am I… They got home and Sesshomaru went straight to his room, Rin went next door to a friend's house, and Mr. Inutaisho went straight to the liquor cabinet. He unlocked it and retreated a bottle of brandy. He did not have a real drinking problem, but he had started to drink more than he usually did after Inuyasha disappeared. To his surprise, Sesshomaru began to sob uncontrollably. Inuyasha, I really need you!
As the liquid pain continued to flow, Sesshomaru hastily left his room, grabbed his coat, and headed out for his favorite place. Quite far from the houses in his neighborhood, was a placid, little park that had no benches or jungle gym sets, just beautiful wild flowers, cherry blossom trees, and a lake with all types of fish within its blue-green depths. There were no sounds of cars going by, no loud laughter of children, and no teenagers making out (or worse); it was the perfect place to relax and think.
Although the Heavens' tears did not seize to fall, Sesshomaru did not pay any attention to his drenched body and heavy, soaked clothes. He reclined on a large boulder that sat high off the ground, and it had a general shape of a chase-lounge.
Inuyasha, their friends, and him would always play football or rugby there. It was the place where Sesshomaru and Inuyasha did not fight; every event that happened there was free from altercation. It was the place where they were true brothers.
Strangely, Sesshomaru felt a sense of comfort and peace right on that rock; he felt like his pain was beginning to fade. It was as if Inuyasha was right there with him, like he had never gone anywhere and his disappearance was merely a nightmare. Inuyasha…if only you were here now…I would tell you how much I really love, how I never could live without you in my life… Sesshomaru thought.
Dear gods,
I have never asked you for much in my life, for there arenot any item I wish for you to grant me…
There is no goal I ask for you to aid in my success…
There is not one thing on this world and in the Heavens above, that I want more…than my beloved brother…
Please gods…return him to me…return him to my father, my sister…and our kin and friends….
Please gods…bring him home…
Just as Sesshomaru was about to leave, he smelt a smell that he was beginning to think he would never smell again. Could it be!? He looked up and saw Inuyasha staggering towards him. He was holding his profusely bleeding side, and he had a few bruises on his face, and he was bleeding from cuts on other parts of his body.
“Inuyasha!” Sesshomaru exclaimed as he ran to his wounded brother. He reached his arms out to Inuyasha and he collapsed in them.
“Sesshomaru…is that you?” Inuyasha asked in a quite, weak tone.
“Yes, little brother…it's me,” he replied. A rush of panic, joy, and pain flooded his veins and flowed with his blood. Quickly, Sesshomaru whipped out his cell phone and called for an ambulance. After he called, he carried Inuyasha to a house that was on the street that he had named.
When the owner opened the door, his mouth dropped open and he rushed Inuyasha and Sesshomaru inside. Once his wife saw Inuyasha she screamed that it was the kid who had been kidnapped for a year. She pushed the dogs off the couch and put a clean towel from the dry down on the couch, co that the hair and germs did not get into Inuyasha's wounds, and then Sesshomaru lied his injured brother down.
They all put peroxide on Inuyasha's wounds and made him drink some water. When the ambulance arrived, they put Inuyasha on a stretcher. While Sesshomaru called their father, he hopped in the back with Inuyasha.
“Sessh…omaru…I, I…hurt,” Inuyasha said brokenly.
“I know little brother, you are going to the hospital and you are going to feel better,” Sesshomaru said as if he were talking to a little child. On the way to the hospital, he kept telling Inuyasha how much their father, Rin, their family, their friends, and him loved him; if Inuyasha died this time, he would want to make sure that he knew.
Inuyasha kept saying that his rear quarters hurt, yet he could not seem to tell Sesshomaru why…..