InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ whispered voices ❯ just me ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Whispered Voices

Chapter 1
Just Me


I couldn't look away from him. His dark, violet eyes bore down on mine, and it seemed to pull me further into entrapment. I felt his fingertips brush over my bare skin, like butterfly kisses. I shivered in anticipation, giving out a small whimper for him to continue further on with his ministrations. He dragged his fingers over the smooth skin of my abdomen, going lower, until he finally felt how much I wanted, no, needed, him. The wall was still cool against my back, and I found that it was the only thing I could hold onto from keeping my knees from giving away. Then, there was him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning my head against his shoulder for support while he explored me. I gave a soft strangled cry as he played with the small bundle of nerves between my wet folds, hearing my whimper, I heard him chuckle. I hated to be teased, but right now, I couldn't do anything about it. I felt him fist his hand into my hair and bury his head against the crook of my shoulder, taking in the fresh scent of lavender and jasmine. I felt the hardened bulge against my lower abdomen, and I knew what was to come.

I wasn't naive or ignorant about sex, I knew and heard what was going on when Kagome and Inu Yasha were together. Kagome had even told me about her experiences, and I nearly blanched at how her first time had been... blood. She had said there was blood involved, mixed with discomfort and pain. Is this what making love was? No. She had told me that at first, they hadn't made love. She used the crude words 'fucking', 'screwing', and even 'rutting', but then she explained that it was only the beginning. Their love sessions had started out with unleashed desires and frustrations, but then led on to gentle and slow, and yet, she had also enjoyed the beginning, she was satisfied with the roughness and brutality he gave her when having sex. She loved his animalistic urges and character. But then again, he was different.

I was thinking too much about what was about to happen, but my body was fully paying attention to the man before me. My body shuddered, tensing up, and I gave a strangled cry as my body relaxed. He was too close now, so close. He smiled against me, and I felt him rub against me, getting ready to give into desires, the frustrations we both held over the years... into the pain. I felt him slowly sliding into me, felt him hold back from the pain that I was going to receive. I gave a shuddering whimper as he was halfway into me, trying to fill me with himself. He licked a wet trail up my neck to my ear.

"Sango..." he whispered almost inaudibly.

He gave the first sharp thrust.

I sat up, gasping for breath, cursing my mind off. The same damn dream, again...

Ever since Kagome, Rin, and I had that sleepover, and watched that movie Rin had rented, this same dream has plagued my nights for 3 days. I usually treasured my nights of rest, but now... My god, the boy who has been relentlessly groping me, making perverse comments... how can he be in my dreams? Ah, yes, the childish crushes we share.

I flopped back down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling as more memories and thoughts came to mind. Like the couples in our little groupy. Sesshoumaru and Rin were titled 'the perfect couple'. They had met during chemistry, and I find it very, very ironic. Sesshoumaru was usually the stoic, unemotional young man, who was an over achiever and had a perfect attendance. Rin had been assigned to sit next to him, and although she was the perky, happy, very YOUNG girl who played innocent, they were completely opposite from each other. Opposites do attract. It had been a while till they finally hit it off, due to Sesshoumaru's stubbornness... and another girl. Rin finally has him wrapped around her finger, she is the only one that can make him smile and show emotions, also make him act like a boy in love.

Then there's Kagome and Inu Yasha... the odd, stubborn couple. No matter how much they act like they get on each other's nerves, everyone knows they are very much in love and would do anything for each other. They also got jealous very, very easily. Inu Yasha had nearly pounded that boy, Kouga, for attempting to flirt with Kagome. Kagome had nearly given Inu Yasha a black eye when she found out that Kikyo had kissed him.

I sighed and flipped to my side, looking out of the window. I could tell that it was very, very early, or very, very late, probably around five in the morning. The sky was still a dark blue purplish color, and I smiled softly to myself. Miroku... today would be another day to slap him for his attempts to cop a feel from me.


He was grunting while thrusting in and out of me, feeling his hot, sweaty skin against me. This was the second time this night, or morning, we made love, and I knew he wasn't going to stop until he didn't have the strength to climax anymore.

"Keep your eyes open, babes." he growled, "Open them and look at me."

I found it difficult, practically impossible to just open my eyes and stare into his. Some how, I managed, and felt more pleasure when we stared into each other's eyes. His melted, amber colored eyes.... so much desire... pleasure...

He grabbed my hands and pinned them against the bed post, trapping me there and holding them tightly as if I were going to run away from him; I sure as hell wasn't going to. His hair slid down, making a silver curtain around us and I was still amazed by his beauty.

"I'm going to watch you...while you come." he breathed as his thrusts became more sharper and erratic... more frantic as he tried to find release for the both of us.

I gave a loud cry as my body became tenser, and I thanked God that mama and Souta had left to go to Japan to visit grandpa.

"In...u.... ah... yah..." I gasped.

"Scream it, scream for me." he growled as he pounded into me harder. He did mind that I might bruise and not be able to walk for school. He wasn't going as rough as I wanted him to, but I did need to go to school... and I wasn't in the mood for limping down the halls and making up an excuse as to why I was.

"Yah...sha!" I screamed as I finally released, my walls clenching around him. I couldn't keep my eyes open, and I had to screw them shut from my second orgasm. I'd probably be falling asleep in class today.

Inu Yasha grunted and thrust into me a few more times before he gave a cry, giving a broken version of my name. He collapsed on top of me and quickly rolled over, bringing me along, on top of him.

"Fuck..." he groaned as he blindly reached for the blanket.

I giggled softly and breathlessly, resting my head against his chest as he brought the blanket over our tangled body.

"I don't think I'll be able to wake up today." he whispered.

"I don't think I'll be able to walk straight today." I replied tiredly, hearing him chuckle. I realized he had fallen asleep when his breathing had evened out, feeling his heartbeat against my cheek.

This is how I wanted my life and future to be... with him. Waking up in his arms, with him still inside me. I softly smiled and joined him in blissful sleep.


::god, Jaclyn, i'm to freaking lazy to type out what happened at school today for them... so i'll just cut to the chase... AFTER SCHOOL! WOOHOO::


I watched Miroku as he sat down on the bed and bounced a few times in amusement. I pondered why I had invited him over again. Oh, yes; the Family Life assignment, Research on sexual relations, sexual intimacy and sexual intercourse. Somehow, I noticed that I had gotten a pro at this subject.

"You're very lucky" he grinned, "I know everything there is to know about sex."

I snorted and pulled out my notebook. "It's kinda sad you know all of this when you haven't even experienced anything close to it."

His grin grew, and I became more suspicious of that conspicuous look he was giving me.

"Me, inexperienced?" he raised a brow.
"You talk the talk, but I doubt you walk the walk, jock strap."

I found myself on my back, my hands pinned above my head. He was on top, straddling me.

"wh-what are you doing?" I yelled.

"I can prove to you that I sure as hell am NOT inexperienced." he whispered in my ear.

"yo-you... don't ne-need to prove anything," I stuttered out, then added with anger, "You lying virgin!"
He laughed and ground his lower hip into mine.

"Wake up... wake up... wake up." I chanted over and over like a mantra.

"You've been having dreams about me? About us doing this?" he grinned.

"You're one fucking stubborn..." I whispered to myself. This was certainly another dream, probably I was drooling and unconscious, just another dirty dream. Miroku was not this bold. He was supposed to be afraid of my palm, and the stinging sensation that came after the slap.

I wasn't going to wake up, so might as well just enjoy it.


The moment I had invited him in, I knew we weren't going to be finishing our homework. Nope, whenever we were alone and together, that meant time for some fun. He had me against my desk, already working on hiking up my skirt and getting rid of my underwear. I can tell he was mumbling curses out of frustration, and everything seemed to go by so quickly.

"Bed..." I mumbled.
"Fuck it..." he growled.
"I'd rather you fuck me."

He grinned and turned me against the desk, making me bend over. Ah, yes, one of his favorite positions. He was rubbing himself against me, letting me feel his growing desire. He stopped for a moment and left me, I waited for him and heard him unzip his pants, then felt the cool, foil packet drag across the skin on my arm. It wasn't long till he had me panting and writhing in pleasure. He was panting also, I could feel his hot breath against the back of my neck, one hand tightly gripping my hip, the other up my shirt and cupping my right breast, roughly squeezing.

I swept every important paper and things off my desk, sending it scattering across the floor. He grunted as he pulled out of me, flipped me over onto my back and pulled me up onto of the desk, laying me on my back and he continued to pound into me. I quickly unbuttoned the front of my shirt, cupping myself and sucking on my finger as he stared at me.

"Fucking tease..." he growled as he bent his head down and latched onto a pert nipple. I cried out and wrapped my legs around his waist.

He wasn't holding back, he knew I wanted it rough, and he gave it to me. I could tell I was going to have bruises later on. He bit down not too gently, yet not too roughly. The slight pain he caused had me climaxing and screaming out his name. He was still thrusting into my sensitive body, my walls squeezing down on him and he gave jerky thrusts. He finally came, and gave out a hoarse cry. The desk creaked from both of our weight, and I gave a nervous giggle.

"what?" he asked.
"The desk might break..." I said breathlessly.


It felt real, but so did the other ones... the times he did this to me in my dreams. The only thing that was different was that in my dreams, he was more sure of himself... he seemed a little more hesitant in this one. I stared up at his violet eyes, like I usually did, as he reached up into my skirt with his calloused hand, caressing my thighs.

"Sango..." he whispered.

I didn't reply. I just let him continue with his ministrations.

He bent his head down and nuzzled his face into the top of my button up blouse. When he felt the soft skin over my collarbone, he began to suck on it, causing me to squirm. Then I felt it; this tickling sensation, he was gently raking his nails down my inner thigh. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me. He was kissing my chest when he got to my sensitive spot. Gently probing me, I bucked up against him, grabbing at his hair and successfully getting his tied up hair free. When he got his finger into my underwear and actually feeling me, I delved my hands into his hair and moaned louder.

If I woke up in class, moaning and sweating... I would be very upset. Damn these perverse dreams.

He was rubbing the pads of his thumb against the tiny bundle of nerves, his index and middle finger testing out how wet my opening was. When he slid a finger in, I arched against him, giving a sharp gasp of unexpected pleasure. Making small whimpers of encouragement, I held him near as he moved his finger in me, sliding in and out in a mimic of sex. I could tell he was having an easy time doing this; I was extremely wet.

He pulled out of me, and I watched, mesmerized, as he stuck the moist finger in his mouth, sliding it between those kissable lips and gently sucking. My breathing became shallow and I whimpered in anticipation.

"Miroku..." I breathed and closed my eyes shut as he began to unbutton my blouse, placing soft kisses on each part of skin that appeared. I shrugged off the blouse, sitting up and unclasping my bra. The hell I didn't care if I was being bold, this was a fucking dream.

He stopped and just stared at me... well, at my chest actually. I opened my mouth to give out a remark on how long he was just going to stare at my chest, but he pushed me back down on my back and began to attack my right breast. He nipped, sucked and gently bit, causing me to produce odd noises that I never knew I could make.

He began to trail downwards, down to my belly, flicking his tongue out... I knew what was to come.


He was already finishing up, and I had already came a while ago. He gave one last, sharp thrust that almost had me gasping from the slight pain, and shuddered, grunting my name. When he withdrew from me, I turned to my side, not bothering to say anything to him.

"What's wrong?" Sesshoumaru asked.
I remained silent for a while then bit my lip, however, still not saying a word.
"Rin." He said, "Tell me what's wrong."

I turned to him and looked back at the wall, sighing softly.

"Ever since I told you that I was going to stay in England with my father for a while... You've been acting different." I whispered.

He stared at me, so I continued.

"The way you speak to me now... it's more of orders... The way you act around me... you're more possessive... even in bed... you're a little more... rough with me." I finished.

He raised an eyebrow, studying me for a moment. I sighed again, closing my eyes and burying my face in the pillow; I was exhausted.

"You're leaving me for a year, Rin." He growled, "What the hell am I supposed to do without you?"
"So you're getting mad at me for leaving?" I mumbled against the pillow.
"Then why are you acting like this?"
"Why are you leaving?"

I sighed again, not wanting to talk about my departure to England.
"I'm going to sleep." I muttered.
"No, we're going to talk about this." He said monotonously.
"No, we aren't. It's obviously getting you upset."
"We are going to talk, whether you like it or not." He growled.
"You already know why I'm leaving!" I snarled, "It's not like I really have a choice!"

He grabbed my wrist and forced me on my back again, amber eyes boring down on me, making my body heat and ache for him. Even when I saw him angry, it just made me ache for him even more... he was just so... sexy.

"I don't know why you're leaving. Why?" he growled.

I looked away and focused on the desk a few feet away from the bed.

"Daddy..." I whispered in broken sentences, "arranged marriage..."

His grip tightened on my wrist, and I winced.

"You didn't bother to tell me you had an arranged marriage? That you'd be going to England to meet your fiancé?" He growled, so much evidence of anger and pain.

"I... I was..." I stumbled over my words, "I was talking... to Daddy about this... I was going to..."

"You're going to marry him." He but in, "You're going to marry him when you leave."

My eyes widened and I shook my head, side to side, horrified.
"No, Sesshy, don't... it's not like that." I started, even though I had no idea what to tell him... what was there to tell the man that I loved... the man I loved first, the man that I will only love when you've been arranged to get married to a boy you've never met?

"Please... Sesshy, Daddy has given me a choice..." I began again.

"What? To marry him, or to leave me?" he spat out.

I stared at him, my lips slightly parted and brows knitting, "What?"

"I know your father hates me." He growled, "that's why he's chosen to do this now."
"Sesshy, Daddy doesn't hate you... he just doesn't know you like I do."

He gave a snort, "That's a cliché line."

My face grew hot with anger, and I turned away.

"Sesshoumaru, I will be leaving for England within two days. I will do what my father has asked me of. You can continue acting like a child, but remember this..."

I turned back to look at him. "I love you."

"So you're going to marry him, but you're still going to love me?" he gave a cold laugh, his grip still locked on my wrist.

"You didn't let me finish." I hissed.
He stared at me, waiting.

"I've been talking to daddy about this for a long time, finally convincing him that I make my own choices. He asked me to just meet him, and if I don't like him, then the marriage is off." I said softly, "Sesshy... you can trust me, cant you? I would never get married to another man when all I need is you."

He lowered his head, resting it on the top of my breasts, and his shoulders slightly twitched.

"You're leaving me for a year, Rin... god dammit, what the hell am I going to do without you?" He whispered.

"I won't ask you to wait for me..." I replied.

"Rin, you don't need to ask anything of me... because you should already know that I would wait for you, even if it takes years and decades... I love you."

Our conversation had ended with making love... he had actually began to cry when he was thrusting into me. His hands grasping my wrist, not wanting to let me go, holding on to me with a childish desire... I had stayed still as he tried to find comfort in my body, and the harder he thrust and pounded into me, the harder he cried and I felt the tears drop and splatter on my chest. When he came, he gave a choked out sob, saying hoarsely, "Fuck it all to hell."

He had collapsed on top of me, still in me, and I had wrapped my legs around him, cradling his head to my breast.

As soon as he had fallen asleep, I began to softly cry myself. A year without my lovely Sesshoumaru... what was I to do without him... what was I to do with another man I've never met, and yet was forced to marry... but I had a choice... I would not go to England... I would refuse to leave my Sesshoumaru...


I hadn't actually believed my dreams would go this far; this fantasy with Miroku...
I hadn't remembered what had happened, it seemed all too quick. Our clothes were thrown in a messy heap, I was still on the floor, panting as he touched me, explored me, tasted me...

When he was positioning himself into me, I cast a glance down, noticing that he had a birthmark on his right inner thigh... That caught my attention. I had never known he had a birthmark... why would my dreams place it on him only now?

Then it struck me.

The things I knew about Miroku was what supported my dreams... but this birthmark... I had never seen it.

"Miroku..." I said softly, "I didn't know you had a birthmark."
"Cause I've never shown it to you, but now you know." He replied.
A loud buzzing ring caught my attention and I turned my head sharply at the clock.
My eyes widened.
"OH shit! This IS REAL!"

He stared down at me and gave me an odd look.
"I thought you knew."

The last thing I knew, my right palm was stinging and Miroku was on the floor, cupping his injured cheek. I, on the other hand, had scrambled away and ran into the bathroom.

"You tried to RAPE ME!" I screamed out.
"Sango, you were letting me do it without saying anything to stop me!" he yelled back.

I rested my head against the cold surface of the mirror and sighed. 'Oh shit, if I had let him...' I began in my head. That's when I realized that I hadn't locked the door, and he had entered.

I stared down at his sleeping face, softly smiling and stroking the smooth, cool skin of his back. He was still on top of me, clinging onto me... still inside me. When I shifted my hips to get into a more comfortable position, he grunted and thrust his hips forward, getting deeper into me. Then he nuzzled his face into my chest, sighing, still asleep. I sniffled from my earlier crying and buried my face into his platinum hair, inhaling his sweet scent of cologne and sweat. Sighing in content, although I was quite upset that I was leaving him, I closed my eyes. Staying with him like... This... had made me think back to the time we had made love for the first time.


We were running down the block, back to his apartment where we could be sheltered from the cold and rain. We had just been casually walking down the block from the restaurant that was more than a few blocks away. It had been our tenth month anniversary for our relationship, and we had decided to celebrate, seeing that this was the longest time he and I had ever stayed in a relationship.

Fumbling with his keys and sticking it in the keyhole, we ran inside softly laughing.

"Sorry," He apologized, "forgot to check the weather for tonight."
I smiled sweetly at him and kissed him on the cheek, "It's okay! Besides, you know that I like running in the rain... most of the time."

He slid his hands into mine and we headed towards the elevator.

I stared up at him and gave him a toothily grin, "What do you wanna do for the rest of today, tonight?"

He looked down at his watch and sighed.
"It's almost 10... I should bring you home already."

My smile faltered and I cocked me head to the side.
"Daddy's on another business trip... I can come home whenever I want to."

He looked down at me and smiled. "Let's watch a movie then."

When we had gotten back into his apartment, he had went into his room to fetch us a pair of dry clothes, now that we were both soaking from the rain. He came back with his gray oversized t-shirt and sweat pants, handing it over to me so that I could change.

"Thank you." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, skipping into the bathroom down the hall.

I had returned, only wearing the gray shirt, wearing nothing underneath but panties. He had changed into black sweat pants and was currently sitting on the couch, waiting for me to return. Wrapping my arms around his bare shoulders I put my lips to his ear.

"What are we watching?" I asked softly,

He grinned, turning around and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me down on his lap. I squealed as I landed and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I stared up into his beautiful amber eyes, lips slightly parted. He stared into my eyes, but then shifted down to my lips, down to my chest, my nipples hardening in reaction. His gaze went back to my lips and he leaned down to capture them in his own.

We never really did watch the movie, in fact, we hadn't even popped in the dvd to watch it... and I hadn't even known what we were going to watch. We were suddenly in his bedroom, just the two of us and the bed. His hands roamed under the shirt he had lent me, his soft yet rough hands gliding over my skin, easily having me shiver and whimper in anticipation. His lips had made busy work on the side of my neck, sucking softly, nipping, licking... I was almost positive that after he was done with me, I'd be a puddle of hot and bothered mush. The pads of his thumb brushed against my already hardened nipple, his other hand gripping my hips, and I had to moan, had to encourage him to continue.

My fingers attempted to make quick work on unbuttoning his pants. He groaned as I let my knuckles brush against the bulge and then grabbed my wrists, shaking his head.

"Baby, we aren't going to..." he started and looked into my eyes.
"what?" I whispered, "What aren't we going to do?"
"We can't."

My eyes widened, and I gave out a slight frustrated whimper.
"Why?" I asked, almost in desperation.
"Just let me see you..." he replied in a whisper as he began to kiss me again. I let him kiss me and didn't even say a thing, whenever he kissed me, it was like he took my voice and thoughts away.

I was the one who pulled away from the kiss, away from him. He looked at me, then his eyes widened as I lifted my shirt off, dropping it to the floor. He stared at my chest longer than I expected him to, then he groaned and advanced toward me. By midnight, I knew that I would have him in my arms, my legs wrapped around him... he was slowly giving into his desires... and mine.

"Rin..." he whispered as he bent his head down and kissed my left breast, taking in a pert nipple between his lips and began to gently suck. I gasped and arched my back, pressing up more against his beautiful mouth. I gave a startled whimper when he nipped at me, then laved the nipple with his tongue, causing me to squirm.

"Sessh..." I whispered, "Take your pants off..."
He looked up at me and slightly shook his head.
"Sesshy... please? I... want to see you..." I whimpered, tugging at his silvery hair.

When he stopped and stared at me, I worried my bottom lip with my teeth. Was he really going to stop? Was it because he didn’t like my body?

"Why not?" I finally yelled, taking the time to slip of my panties. Hearing it slide down to the floor at my feet, I cupped his cheek in my palm.

"You know why." he choked out, "you're still..."
"Young?" I finished, spitting the word out like a curse.
"Yes!" he said in exasperation, then paused, "No. I don’t care about age…"

Sesshoumaru and I had met in chemistry class, when he was still in high-school. I was a sophomore and he was a senior... I was 15 years old, and he was 18. It was odd... but we were just attracted to one another. Then he had left for college. We still stayed together; he'd chosen to stay near me. He was at least an hour away from my house. With each passing visit from one another, I had begun to want him more, desired him to be with me each passing minute... desired him to show me just how much he loved me through physical intimacy... desired to make him show me how experienced he was...

"Then don’t stop!" I yelled, grabbing his face and cradling it to my chest.

"I'm not a little girl... love me?" I whispered, feeling his arms wrap around my waist. "Please?"

"Baby..." he moaned, letting his hands roam over any part of my body he could touch from this angle.

I managed him to the bed, and he followed. Once I was on my back with him nestled comfortably between my legs, I smiled.
He looked up at me, an expression on his face that was a mixture of peace and disturbance.

"Love me?" I repeated again, "Show me...?"

He stared into my eyes as he got on his knees and began to slip off his pants, leaving on his boxers. I opened my arms to him, welcoming him in my embrace, and he nestled back down on top of me. I cradled his head and whispered, "Show me..."

He whimpered and lifted his head again, staring at me, his arms resting right beside my head.

"Tell me if you want me to stop, please... tell me, okay?" He moaned, almost like begged.

"Keep going." I urged as I lightly raked my nails down his sides.
"Have you ever...?" he began, and I shook my head.
"I want you to be my first..."
"Oh shit..." he whimpered, I continued to lightly scratch the sides of his body, and he shuddered. I smiled softly.

I heard him take in a sharp breath then bent his head down towards mine in a heated kiss. Then he traveled downwards, capturing a nipple between his lips and gently sucking. I arched towards him, mewling out my pleasure. He switched to the other breast to pay same homage, his fingers smoothening down my skin, nudging between my thighs. He still went further down, dipping his tongue in my navel, causing me to gasp and jerk my hips upward... and he was still continuing to go further down, spreading my legs out and maneuvering them up, having my knees bend upwards.

Then I felt his hot breath... and his tongue... and I cried out. I swear, I was nearly crying while he sucked and licked me to nothingness. His fingers gripped the inside of my thighs, holding me down as I squirmed.

"Sesshy!" I cried out, I was so close… something inside of me just relaxed, and I felt as if I were floating…
He looked up at me through dazed eyes.
"take me..." I whispered, brushing his bangs away from his eyes.
"Right now?" he asked, his eyes widening a bit.
I nodded, "Please?"
"are you... sure? I can stop, you can tell me to stop." He remarked.
"Show me..." I whispered.

He reached down between us, sliding his boxers off with one hand, his other hand steadying him. When it was off, that's when I felt... it. It was hot, slick, and thick. I could feel it slide down my belly, maneuvering down to my opening.
He gave a shuddering sigh... then ever so slowly slid into me. My body tensed up at the foreign object entered my body, my face contorted with discomfort and slight pain.

"Baby, you're so tight..." he moaned against me, still trying to gently push in, getting half way in there, "Just relax..."
"I know..." I breathed, "But I can't..."
"Let me kiss you..." he whispered, "I'll show you..."

I let him kiss me. His lips and talented tongue had distracted me, had made me melt into him, had me feeling warmth... and I didn't want to ever let go. When he pulled away, I felt it and I had cried out. He was... too big, I was too tight, and yet, he had managed to successfully fill me to the brim, to have himself sheathed within me.

"Shhh..." he whispered, brushing the tears away, kissing my face, "I'm sorry..."
"Sesshy..." I whimpered, clutching onto him as if he were the last solid thing in this world, my world.

When he began to move, my body began to accept him. It was uncomfortable in the beginning, but he had made it better. His first few strokes were slow, gentle... and as I began to move along with him, his thrusts became surer, a little rougher. His hands moved to mine, his fingers entwining, grasping onto me, never wanting to let go. I would never intend to let him go... ever.

I was moaning and mewling, meeting him thrust for thrust, I could feel that my face was filled with such bliss, such pleasure. I opened my eyes, finding him staring at me, and drew in a gasp as he hit a sweet spot. His other hand gripped on my wrist, as if he never wanted to let me go either.

"Baby, I wanna watch you..." he groaned out, his thrust becoming more urgent, more frantic, and a bit sharper.

His palms were also slick with sweat; both of our bodies were from the body heat we emanated... But I still wasn't releasing...

He groaned and let go of our entwined fingers, reaching down where we were joined... then began to touch me, massage me... I came screaming his name, and he followed, giving a few more thrusts. He grunted and kissed me on the lips as he climaxed into me.

We stayed in that position for the whole night; him in me, safe and comforted by my body, and he was my blanket of security that I never wanted to let go.

"I love you..." he murmured against my shoulder.
"I love you..." I replied, holding him tighter against by body. I was the one who fell asleep first, promising to myself, and to my love, Sesshoumaru, that I would never let him go...


My cheeks slightly burned a rosy color, just thinking about the first time we had actually intimately expressed our love... then again, the memory of his girlfriend before me came into mind. Kagura, the girl that had Sesshoumaru's heart twisted around her finger, leaving it to bleed, pretending to fix it up and have it only ripped again.

When I had first met Sesshoumaru, we had become friends, really close friends. He was with Kagura at the moment, he had at least been with her for almost a year, and I couldn't understand why he had stayed with her for that long. It was insane.

There were more than a few times that Sesshoumaru had hugged and kissed me, even if he was with Kagura… he even kissed me right in front of her! He made himself appear as if he was my older brother, but I knew more than that. I could tell what he wanted in his so-called "innocent kisses". This little game had gone on for almost a semester of school, and I was fairly getting upset how he had continued to create lies, telling everyone that he was just like an older brother to me.

It was then, when I had stumbled upon gossip, that I found proof that he was actually wanting more than to be brotherly and sisterly close to me. Kagura had broken up with Sesshoumaru, because of me. She could see what everyone saw when he was with me. I had stumbled upon them talking outside, she had yelled at him, saying that she could see what he wanted when he was in me. He had stared at her, but he didn't deny it. He finally said it, and that's one moment I would have never forgotten; because I ran to the bathroom, locked myself in a stall, and cried till I couldn't cry any more, for about half an hour. At first, it was sort of tears of confusion; he had always acted jealous when I had flirted with other guys, then when I tried to get closer to him, almost sexually, he'd push me away. But then the tears turned into tears of joy; he had finally admitted it!

I heard more gossip as to why Kagura had broken up with Sesshoumaru, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to believe them or not, or to be flattered or embarrassed. Kagura had told some of the girls that while Sesshoumaru and her had slept together, Sesshoumaru had mumbled out my name instead of hers.

It didn't matter anymore; he was mine.

I let my hands smooth down his cool back again, sighing contently to myself, falling back asleep to join my love in the world of bliss and dreams.

I was staring at his boyish features, procrastinating from finishing my homework just by staring at him.

He had fallen asleep, right after what we had done, and I had removed myself from him to finish my homework. I didn't want to wake him, seeing that he looked so adorable when he was relaxed and sleeping... naked.

I giggled and brushed his bangs out of the way, placing a soft kiss on his nose. He groaned and blindly reached for me on the other side of the bed, then woke up when he found that I was no longer beside him.

"Did I wake you?" I whispered as I placed a kiss on his forhead.
"mm... no..." he moaned, grabbing my fingers and placing a kiss on each one. Then he fell back asleep.

Watching him sleep like that had reminded me of the first time I had woken up, him beside me, sleeping the exact same way he was sleeping right now.


"And I HATE YOU!!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs, absolutely livid!
"Get back here, WENCH!" he yelled after me. When he made an attempt to grab my wrist and spin me around, I jerked back and slapped him across the face with my other hand; my cheeks burning red in anger.

We were both alone in the theater, behind the curtains, back stage. He had come in looking for me, and I was alone, thinking to myself. It was already four o'clock, two hours after school, and everyone had left.

"I HATE YOOOOOU!" I repeated, screeching out my anger and pain, "Go back and FUCK YOUR SLUT!"
"What the fuck are you talking about?" he growled in my face, grabbing my other free hand; probably so I wouldn't slap him again.
"I heard what you did! I even SAW what happened!" I cried out, "And I HATE YOU for it!"
"What the fuck!" he yelled.
"You fucking kissed her!"

His eyes slightly widened and I tried to free myself from his grasp. His grip tightened and I winced in pain, making a soft noise of my discomfort.

"SHE kissed ME! I didn't kiss her back!" he yelled.
"Does it make a difference?" I snapped, "Her lips are on yours!"
That's when I wrenched my hand out of his grasp, it actually hurt to do it, and my palm came in contact with his cheek again, the sound of the slap echoing in the empty theater.

"Goddammit, wench!" he snarled as he grabbed my other hand again and pinned me to the wall.
"LET ME GO!" I screeched, struggling to release myself from his grasp.
"Shut up!" he hissed, "The teachers are gonna come in here because of your screaming!"
"I don't care, let go," I snarled back, "RIGHT NOW!"

I stared into his face, feeling very defiant. The spot where I had smacked him on the cheek bloomed into a very dark red.

He stared down at me, so much anger evident in his eyes, that burning amber color... Then he kissed me. I relaxed against him, as if his mouth had hypnotized me into a sleepy state... every time he did this to me, I was rendered helpless...
