InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers Of A Treasure ❯ Attacked ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Company. Wish I did though so I could touch his cute, cuddly ears. But alas, even those are a far away dream to for they belong to Rumiko Takahashi, and only her (starts crying in a mess of tears).


A fierce scowl spread across the features of the general; who wore a red haori made out of the rare and ancient fire rat. He rode a fierce stallion with such power in each of his strides that even the soldiers that rode along him quivered with slight fear. "They say these woods are haunted by demons", a short, and stout looking soldier whispered to a fellow man next to him. "Are you afraid", the tall youth teased. "N-no of course not", he replied defensively. "Ha! Idiots. Don't you know that we are following the orders of a demon himself. And a half one by the looks of it", a man with a bulging belly sneered. The soldier that first began the conversation looked towards the front of the line where the general himself was in the lead.

"Are- are you sure... he looks ordinary to me".

"Don't be fooled boy...just look at his features, of course that can't be normal", the large man huffed.

Just then the general turned his head slowly and shot a dark glare at the whispering soldiers. "G-g-g-geh! he heard us", the short stout man nearly fainted, while his companions turned a bit pale.

With a loud snort the general turned his attention back towards the front, and twitched his ears left to right to discern the sounds of the night.

"We camp here!", he suddenly barked after many hours into the night.

"Yes sir!", the entire army of men replied in unison, with an air of wariness behind their voices.

The general leaped off his stallion with grace and proceeded towards one of the tents set up for his presence and commanding superiors.
As he walked towards his desolate tent he heard many of his soldiers groan and whine about what a rough day of riding they have had.
The general just snorted in dissmisal to the complainers that had no idea that their general could easily catch even the most quiet of sounds miles away.
He stretched on a comfortable futon , popping every tense bone and muscle in his well toned body.

"Damn what a day. To think that the lazy, bum of an emperor would send and army of troops out into the middle of nowhere for this gold shit", the general carelessly yawned as he got even more comfortable.

"Hm? It does sound pretty suspicious to me my friend. The rumour of what they say if demons lurking in these woods is probably what made the emperor send all these troops out here in the first place", a charming, tall and elegant Lieutenant, with a ponytail at the base of his neck, nodded with the conclusion of his theory.

"Keh! you don't believe that bull shit now do you? And remember I am demon myself, well half demon that is", the General spat his words with venom. He hated what he was, and his soldiers knew all too well that he was a half-breed now, no thanks to that slob of a man who slandered his title. How dare he? Well when they settled in Magasaki town, he'd make sure that he got extra special training treatment, the hanyou thought darkly to himself.

"No not the kind you are my friend, I meant fiercesome demons that will eat the flesh of any creature, man or demon may it be".

"Quiet Lieutenant, you know as well as I do that those are merely rumours that help protect this forest from being turned upside down with trespassers", a beautiful, slender women known as demon slayer by reputation announced as she lifted up the corner fold to the tent's entrance. She wore a tightly fitting black suit that manuevered with her dashing flexability, covered with pink body armour made out of the hide from once known strong demons. She held many secret, and effective weapons under each pink piece of armour, and only took them out when necessary.

"Sango my dearest won't you join us for a bit of sake this lovely evening".

"Watch it Priest! keep that hand that hand you claim to be cursed at a distance or I'll hack it off", the demon slayer sneered as she down opposite of the pervert.

"But it is cursed my dearest. I just have no control over it", the Lieutenant whined.

"Only when he's around you Sango", the General smirked as he interrupted into their conversation.

The demon slayer flushed a bright pink, which the hanyou noticed, but dismissed quickly with a change of topic.

"So are we close to Magasaki town?"

"About two to three days more in journey General".

"Sango I've told you once and I'll tell you again. No titles in private. It's nerve wrecking and I hate it".

"Yes Inuyasha, although I do prefer handsome", she teased.

"Ha ha ha your teasing will get you fired", he replied smoothly with sarcasm behind it.

" Hey what about me my dearest Sango? Do you leave your beloved and future husband in the dust without a compliment?"

"Keep dreaming Priest", Sango tossed behind her back as she lifted the tent covering and walked into the cool night air for a quick patrol aroud camp.

"Hmph! Why does she compliment you and not I", the Lieutenant slumped onto the floor as if he was defeated by a mighty warrior.

"She was only joking you know that right. It's just a kick that she gets out of whenever she sees you jealous over her. Besides we've known each other forever and it's obvious she wants to marry you, but you can't see she's trying to play hard to get. That and the fact that you're such a womanizer which really hurts her to see considering she likes ya", Inuyasha snorted with disdain.

The Lieutenant blinked a couple times as he tried to process the information his long time best friend had just provided. "Really?... well I..."

"Keh of course she does idiot. Not only that you're about the only thing that she talks about all the time. Now it's up to your ass to propose to her properly without groping her when you do it too. That...", he smirked playfully, "You can do later", he added while pouring himself a cupfull of sake.

"Wow!" , the Lieutenant stated in awe,"That's pretty deep stuff my friend. Who ever knew you could give pretty good advice. But I guess that's what you get when you're oh so happily married...with Kikyo?", he smirked playfully, while he stared at him with one eye.

Inuyasha took an even larger amount of sake than he'd anticipated and began to choke. While he spat and coughed his sake trying to clear it from his windpipe he heard his good friend's sly voice as if he had just discovered something.

"Too stuned to speak or am I right?''

"Fuck you Miroku I don't even want to talk about the bitch right now", he snapped.

"Well I suppose, but you do owe me an explanation as to why you didn't even send me and invitation to your wedding, and it was only a week ago! Why are you even on this mission? You should be spending time on your honeymoon or something. What gives, don't you love her".

"Shut up with the questions already you nosy prick! If you want to know why I didn't send an invitation is cause she wouldn't let me. No good for nothing wench I've had it up to here with her bullshit nonsense, lousy bitch!", Inuyasha mumbled darkly more to himself than to the man sitting across from him looking sorry for him.

"Do you want to talk about it? It'll probably make ya feel better my friend".

Inuyasha sighed and ran a hand through his head, indicating frustration.
"Fine then, but tell no one or I'll kill you"

"You have my word of honour my friend"

Inuyasha sighed before he began telling his good friend all his troubles "I thought she cared about me, but when I married her she became distant almost...cold. It wasn't like that when we talked during the time when I was courting her, she was open and caring, well not alot she did have her times when she didn't even want to see me, but still she talked to me more so than now.", he shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.

"But that's not what's bothering now is it?"

"No, there's also the fact that when..." he sighed," I touched her, she wasn't a virgin like she claimed to be. Even worse was the fact that I could still smell the scent of another man on her. Still fresh."

"Inuyasha... I'm sorry I didn't know"

"Don't apologize Miroku, you had nothing to do with it at all. But... I think she did it all on purpose", he stated glumly.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well she knew I was a half-demon before we got married and she looked downright pissed that I didn't tell her any sooner."

"What do you mean by that, wouldn't she have noticed when you were courting her?"

Inuyasha looked away embarassed, "Well you see I always wore a hat whenever I was in her presence and I lied about my claws, my fangs and even eyes. So in truth she never noticed anything, although she did grow suspicious."

"I see"

" I Didn't know what to do I knew she hated demons, let alone a half one, but I just couldn't help it I was desperate to have someone I could share my life with", Inuyasha knew that this was a lie. The only reason he really married was because he was jealous. Downright, pure jealousy. Every single day he would see his two best friends hit it off , well not all the time, but whenever he would see it; their devotion, their love for one another no matter how odd at times, and most of all when Miroku would put himself in danger for Sango, and her in return would shed tears for the guy. He longed for someone like Sango and in truth he had wanted her once , and it still killed him that Miroku was the sole captor of her heart and not him, but he pushed it away before it drove him insane. So it was a sacrafice for their happiness alone.

"So what will you do about her Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha took a big gulp of his sake hoping to lighten up his mood a bit with the drink. "When this is all over I'm gonna divorce the bitch and then kick her out of my damn house that's for sure, no way in hell am I gonna live with the whore all my life. Screw that!", he took another swig of sake once again.

"All right that's the Inuyasha I know, never to let anyone push him around man or woman", Miroku hollered, slighty impacted by the sake.

Inuyasha smirked, although it held no feeling of joy behind it. He definately didn't feel like celebrating.

"Can't believe you had to suffer through all of that my good friend. Next time please count me in on your little plans", Miroku insisted.

Inuyasha shrugged, "It's not like I didn't want to... it's just that...well"

"I know, I Know. She wouldn't let you and you had no choice"

Inuyasha snorted, "Who could blame me you should really take a good look at her"

"Why, what does she look like?"

"Well let's just say she's not as pretty as her father had boasted, she's lazy, and does nothing all day,...just I don't even know what she does with her time."

"Esh, that's no good. Well I can't blame you , you were conned into marrying someone false. No wonder you didn't look happy whenever I saw you around"

"Wanna hear the worst part Miroku"

"I thought everything you told me was the worst part, what else is there?"

"Well just before I left we had this really heated argument. She claimed that I was going away for good and that I was doing it because I had another women somewhere far off. It became so bad to the point where she actually stabbed me an inch...just above my heart, and she mentioned that I was a worthless hanyou that didn't deserve to live". Inuyasha pratically mumbled the rest of the sentence.

It grew silent, the only sounds that filled the room was of the sloshing of sake againts clay jar as Inuyasha downed gulp for gulp as if it were his only life companion.

"She's not worth it my friend. One day you'll find the right one for you and then you will forget this mess ever happended. In fact I bet you anything that you'll never have a reason to look back at your past again. You will see, trust me."

"Keh, Miroku you sound like a bitch! Are you sure the drink isn't affecting your perverted brain. The minute I'm through with Kikyo is the day I give up on all relationships. Never again will I ever make the same mistake, fuck that", he cursed

The Lieutenant sighed, that's it, once the general made up his mind their was no way of changing it. He wished he could offer more help to his good friend, but all he could really do was listen to his problems.

"Miroku what day is it?"

"Pretty close to the last day of the month. Why do you ask?"

Inuyasha groaned, "Shit I 've forgotten that I turn human tomorrow night, then comes my constant torture for three fucken nights. Damnit! Miroku why does life suck?"

Miroku chuckled boyishly, "Well it only sucks my friend when you don't drink enough and let the ecstasy of the drink take effect".

"Damn right!" , Inuyasha took another swig of his sweet tasting sake.

It wasn't long before everyone, except for a few guards, were asleep. The camp was silent, save for the ocassional snores coming from each of the group tents.

"Kilala keep a good eye out , these woods give me the creeps. Who knows what may really be out there", the demon slayer informed the two-tailed, firery demon neko beside her.
"Mew", was the cute, little and innocent demon's reply. She may look like a house cat for the moment, but come battle time her true form was alot more fiercesome.

It was eerily quiet in the woods tonight, not even a single cricket chirped or an owl hooted. "Let's go get some rest Kilala, maybe its my imagination getting to me, but im sure there's nothing out there that can harm us.", she stated before looking back once more out towards the woods. 'At least...I hope so'.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

It was already daybreak and everyone was waking up and eating a simple breakfast. Soon after, the hanyou general assembled his army to move out and their journey towards Magaskai town began once more.

" I can't believe we have to take orders from a half-breed like him", whispered the same man with a bulging belly towards the one riding next to him. "Quiet you fool! Have some respect towards your superiors, besides he's the best in the land, and i bet he can hear you with those ears of his", a tall youth looked nervously towards the front and noticed the General's ears still in place as if he didn't even notice that they were speaking of him.

Inuyasha heard everything, but cared little of what they thought. As long as they obeyed his orders, he didn't care what they thought of him. ' They can all rot in hell', the General thought bitterly, ' And I'll make sure that they go through it in training one we reach the damn town'.

The day dragged on as they journeyed, only stopping once to feed the horses and to have lunch. The forest that they were travelling through was enormous, and thick with shrubbery. It all looked so enchanting and the smell of cleanliness was in the air, unlike in the city were he spent most of his life in; filled with smoke and toxins from the new steam engined trains, that had invaded their country with its new wave of transportaion, produced. Inuyasha hated it, epecially since his sensitive nose was prone to become clogged whenever he went near the train station.
A gentle breeze blew by, stirring all of the vegetaion with its light feathery touch. The general's long, silvered mane tossed gently and then settled back on his shoulders once more when the breeze blew by. 'Damn how I wish I could just forget everything in life and just be like the wind, to fly forever.' He shook his head mentally and replaced his slightly gentle features with a scowl when he realized the foolishness of his thinking.
He was twenty three now, and was no longer a child that once had to learn the very hard way what it meant to be a half-breed. And it was a very hard way indeed. Quickly forgetting the depressing memories of his past, he once again became the man known today. A man filled with pride and responsibility, with no room for childish games. He sighed as he let the temptation of running through the woods freely, while his mane blew behind him, dissapear, and turned his attention to his two childhood best friends.
At a young age of twelve he had come to know the two . Being lonely for a vast amount of time, and then suddenly have two good people come into his life didn't seem all that bad. But he did suffer alot though.
Miroku, with a perverted mind since he was pratically born befriended him one day when he was getting beat up in an alley. Hearing his muffled sobs and whines, Miroku rushed in and beat the crap out of the three teenager that picked on the silver haired hanyou. Since then they've been inseperatable.
Sango joined in on the small group when she moved next door right next door to the pervert. She was trained as a skilled fighter since day one, and had proven it when she nearly beaten the pervert to a pulp. Not that he didn't deserve it though, he pratically groped her when she was polishing her favourite boomerang weapon, made out of the bones of some deceased demon her father had killed.

Since then the three of them just grew up together, and Inuyasha slowly watched from the sidelines as his two best friends fell in love day by day.

He remebered very well how he had fallen for the fair haired brunette and had wanted to ask her on a date. But then something happened that made him chicken out. She had made a special lunch for Miroku because she was worried when she had found out that he was sick with a fever. At that moment Inuyasha had almost made the mistake into letting her know his feelings for her. They weren't the feelings that made him desperatley insane with love, that he didn't know what he was doing. No they were the feelings that said 'together we can be happy', as a good friend would feel for another. Not the love he'd been really hoping for. But then again it was a good feeling beacause it didn't really hurt when he'd discovered that the two of them hit it off so well, as odd as it may seem between the two of them at times.

He didn't care so long as they were happy, he was happy for them in return. Inuyasha was deep in thought as he heard Sango laugh at some joke Miroku had made. 'Yes I am glad...for the both of them'.

"A Demon!!", one of the soldiers had inevitably yelled, breaking Inuyasha's train of thought.

"Run for your lives, the rumours are true!!."


Inuyasha's horse neighed and raised it's two front hooves into the air. "Whoa there boy. Steady now", Inuyasha ordered as he tried to calm the animal down.
His soldiers were scattering in all areas, and many were running off as if they had gone insane with fear. Were they not soldiers, trained to accept fear and all other types of negative aspects such as death?

"Men stand your ground, gather into groups and prepare to attack!", Inuyasha yelled hoarsely abbove all the screaming and shouting of the frightened men.
His orders were barked out, but a few had enough wits in their brain to actually stop and form into small groups againts the oncoming demons that were surrounding them and attacking the soldiers.

"Wolves", Inuyasha spat with furry as a large group of savage looking men bursted out from behind the bushes and began to advance on all the troops.

"Hirarikotsu!", Sango yelled from behind as her giant boomerang weapon flew towards two of the wolves that almost advanced on Inuyasha.

"I owe you Sango", Inuyasha hollered as he leaped off his stallion and prepared himself for battle.

"Think nothing of it General. These are wolf demons they will not be easy to take down", Sango replied as she right kicked at a demon with short, spiky hair. The demon yelped and ran off into the woods realizing he was no match for the female demon slayer.

"Men get together and attack", Inuyasha yelled fiercely at a few scattering soldiers who were then suddenly struck down in an instant.

He then felt a hard blow to the head from behind and fell to the ground, knocking the wind out of him.
"Get out of our forest you city leeches", a strong, deep masculine voice sneered in disgust.

Inuyasha shook his head to clear the black spots that were dancing in front of his eyes. He then unsheathed his sword, Tetsuiga, a great fang produced by one of the fangs from his long, deceased father. At first look it only seemed like a rusty, old sword, but when it transformed it was a powerful, glowing blade of death. Ionly transformed when someone needed his aid, and at the moment his fellow men were in serious trouble. Not that they needed his help, but still they were his men and he'd be damned if their general didn't fight for their victory. With that in mind Inuyasha charged at one of the nearest wolves. Upon looking at the demon that was charginf at him , the wolf then took off into the forest. The hanyou took off at a fast pace, too fast for any of his men to keep up with. He could hear their voices far behind him , but he was so dead on catching this one wolf that tried to get away from him. Even at a distance he could hear the slight jingling noise of Miroku's staff, as he tried to pursue after his long time friend and General in command.

Inuyasha pursued the wolf demon till he was cornered at the edge of a cliff.
Smirking, the hanyou advanced towards the cowardly wolf, "Running out of places to hide?".

The wolf demon gave a growling sneer in return, "Your kind are not welcomed into this forest. Half-Breed".

"Spare me with your lecturing", Inuyasha spat as he dashed forward in a quick flash.

The wolf demon jumped out of the way and landed a kick on the General's chin.
Inuyasha shook his head to clear his vision. 'Damn it not now! Why do I have to start becoming so weak now? Damn it all'.
Landing a punsh on the wolf demons chest , the wolf turned and growled, " Damn you half- breed, I didn't wanna kill you but you leave me no choice now!", The wolf darted foward and slashed at Inuyasha's side. The hanyou let out a small yelp as pain shot through his side where the wolf had cut the side of his stomach. Letting out a low breath, Inuyasha jumped up and brought down his sword on the demon's arm, completely slicing it off whole. Screaming out in pain, the wolf formed a small ball of fire from his still exsisting arm and threw it againts the hanyou general. Having little effect againts the strong hanyou, he leapt up once more with his sword, but another wolf shot out from the bushes, kicking his sword out of his hands. The sword landed with a clattering bang and transformed back into its rusty form.

Three other wolf demons shot out from the cocealed bushes and advanced onto the silver haired general. Inuyasha acted quickly and leapt from his spot, when he landed he did a short roll where he picked up his sword in the prospect. But before he was on his feet again one of the wolves landed a kick on his chest and he was sent flying through the air. He hit the ground hard once and rolled towards the edge of the cliff, with one hand shooting out towards the edge, he caught it just in time before he completely fell down towards his death.

"Let's finish him off quickly. Just look at what he did to my hand, that bastard will pay dearly with his life", the wolf demon growled as he clutched his bleeding shoulder.

"Stop don't you dare try anything rash or we'll kill you", Miroku yelled as Sango and a number of men jumped out from the thick bushes.

The wolves ignored the weak humans advancing upon them. The wolf demon with the bleeding arm rushed foward and slammed his heel againts the hanyou's fingers, which were barely clutching the edge of the cliff.

"Stop. Nooo!" Miroku and the rest of the troops rushed forward in attack againts the demon wolves.
The demon with the bleeding arm stomped hard once more on the hanyou's fingers as everyone became engaged in battle. All of a sudden a splntering crack echoed through the air and the cliff that Inuyasha was so desperately hanging onto crumbled under the wolf's feet.

"Noo. Inuyasha. Inuyasha!!"., Sango and Miroku yelled after their best friend.
But it was too late for both he and one of the demon wolves had fallen off the immensely steep cliff, towards their deaths.

``You`ll pay for this``, Miroku yelled with bitter anger, while Sango sobbed uncontollably beside him. ``I swear you will``, were his last words as the humans egaged in battle againts the remaining wolves that had taken their best friend`s life.
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All right people Babydragon is in the house now. I finally had enough money to actually buy a laptop all to myself, so now I can finally post all my hard written work (a little over three years of constantly writing Inuyasha fanfction in notebooks---sad as it may seem----but i do love the anime series so much). and!!! finally i will be able to tell the world my stories. it will take me forever, but im gonna do it for all the wonderful fans out there to read. First of all i`d love to thank God for my love of writing, then my mamma for always buying me notebooks even though she had no clue i was writing inuyasha fanfiction. she thought it was for school. and finally to the future fans who will be reading my stories soon. and last Rumiko Takahashi,, luck her she owns Inuyasha and co. but that`s okay cause i own my imagination.
so have fun and review all you lovely people. till next time.