InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers Of A Treasure ❯ Stranger on forbidden grounds ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Hi hi !! Its Babydragon (tiny me) this is my second chapter and i hope you wonderful fans are enjoying the story thus so far. I won't give away too much in this story considering some of you may be curious from the last one. Well I'll stop talking now and get on with the story. Too-dle-loo!

Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi....won't you please share Inuyasha with me? please please? He belongs to the world and all of the crazy, insane fans, (like myself).
Rumiko: who are you crazy child ...guards!
me: aaah.. guess that's a no no then.


The battle was over and many lives were lost, especially the life of the well known General West. Miroku was silent after the small ceremony was over, while Sango dried the last of her tears on a napkin over their lost childhood friend.

"Miroku I don't want to believe that he is gone, please...tell me he's still alive. Maybe he did survive the fall and he needs our help", she sobbed into her companion's chest.

"It's all right Sango. Shh.. you musn't cry like this he wouldn't of wanted that from you".

"Yes I know, but he was always there for us whenever we needed him. How could he... how could he... and now", she trailed off.

" I understand", Miroku whispered as he held her frame close to his body. His hand didn't twitch as it normally would when he was feeling perverted. No not today, no lecherous thought for this day, it was a day of honour towards their dearly departed friend. "There was no chance for him to have survived the fall, not when he was so close to his human form tonight. There would of been no chance, no chance at all", he tried to convince himself, although deep down he felt the need to really look at the results himself, but there was no way they could travel down the steep cliff. It would take days just to go around it safely, and time was not on their side, due to the emperor's request in their immediate search for gold.

"I'm sorry...let's be on our way now Sango".

The demon slayer nodded, not fully trusting her voice yet to speak without it faltering with sadness. She took one last glimpse at the small pillar with three incense sticks protruding form the dirt mound; its smoke gently drifting in the wind. Taking one last ragged breath, she turned back toward where Miroku was currently waiting for her to catch up. 'Goodbye Inuyasha'.


Back at camp Miroku barked out orders furiously, pain still noticeable in his voice as he strained to hide it. He was dissapointed with the select troops the emperor had himself chosen. Many of them were nothing but cowards, that had ran off in the face of danger, leaving their commanding superior without protection. Because of their fatal decisions their General was now dead, twelve soldiers killed, ten injured and of the enemy only three were slain. Many of the wolf demons had quickly come in and attacked their group and then just run off, as if only to give them a good scare. Well it didn't matter now, they still had to keep moving and arrive towards Magasaki town as soon as possible.

" Let' leave quickly, it's too dangerous to camp here for the night. The wolf demons may come back with more back up at any minute. Move out", he yelled.

The men quickly mounted their horses, save for the injured ones which had to be carried on stretchers and quickly left the area.

"Good bye my childhood friend", Miroku whispered silently before he mounted his horse and left camp with the rest of the troops.

A clawed hand shot out of the water and grabbed onto the ledge that formed along the river. A hanyou wearing a red haori doubled over and started coughing up the water that had entered into his lungs upon impact. When he could finally breath normally he stood up and inspected his surrounding areas. He noticed that the wolf demon, the one who's hand he had cut off earlier, was sprawled againts the ground with a huge boulder on top of his body, squishing his body flat amongst the rocks. His head was split open while his own blood and juices gushed out, forming its own little river and joining up with the crystal clear water, where it was washed away.

"Guess he wasn't so lucky", he mumbled under his breath.
'Shit! where am I now?. He looked up towards where he had fallen. It was a long ways up, but maybe he could just make it before his demon powers were completely gone. He started clawing his way up only to fall unceremoniously on his behind. "Damn it all", he hollered to no one in particular. Getting up furiously he attempted to climb the cliff once more only to slide down the base once more. "Fuck it, you damn, stupid!...urg!" he screamed out in frustration. His youkai blood was ebbing rapidly and he couldn't gather enough power to jump up the steep cliff.
As night fall approached quickly, 'too quickly', he thought, and he needed to find shelter soon in the eerie forest. If he didn't then his life would be in danger, considering his ebbing jayaki would attrack unwanted attention, and he would not be able to hold out.

Not in his human form.

Not when his curse would last for three nights straight.

With a depressing sigh he crossed the river and went in search of a place to camp for the night. In the woods.

His friends and men are probably making their way towards Magasaki town, without a clue if he is alive or not. Who could blame them? After all his powers were starting to fade, they're pobably even thinking that he didn't even make the fall. He let his nostrils flare in an annoyed manner, 'Pathetic, they should know me better than that. No fall could ever stop me.'

After he had reached the other side of the river he stepped out and shook himself such as a dog would, and sent water droplets flying in all directions. Walking straight into the forest he started pondering on such thoughts as to how to get out of the vastly, dense forest. 'If I know my skills, from all of my training in the emperial army, I should be able to get out of this blasted forest. Now which way towards Magasaki town?' After a minute of thinking he shrugged his shoulders and headed off into a direction that his gut told him was good.
It wasn't long before the sun had completely dissapeared from behind the mountains, and night was brought forth in a black veil of darkness.
The stars twinkled above him, while the fireflies surrounding him danced playfully in circles and intricate patterns.
His body glowed for a mere second as a heart beat echoed within his very inner core, then two, and suddenly his vision dimmed and ears dissapeared to either side of his head. His nails shrunk and hair turned to a pitch, midnight colour. 'Great! Just my luck! Here I am in the middle of this forest vulnerable, and defenseless, and this stupid sword is just as useless as I am', he snorted as he tucked Tetsuiga back into the sheath beside his waist.

"Well you're not entirely useless Tetsuiga, at least you bring me some comfort on these lonely nights", he mumbled .
It finally got to the point to where Inuyasha could no longer see the path in front of him clearly, that he was stumbling over roots and crashing into thick branches, so he decided to lean againts a large, smooth tree. It wasn't much shelter, but it was better than tripping all over the place. He closed his eyes for a moment, hoping he wouldn't fall asleep, even though he was dead tired from the day's events.

All of a sudden he heard a twig snap a couple of meters away from where he was sitting. He stiffened in his posture and his weak, diluted eyes scanned the area around him. He didn't hear anything else further so he leaned back slightly againts the tree, his posture ready to spring up into action if anything dared attack him.

There were no other sounds for the rest of the night, except for that of the nocturnal creatures of the night, but he still didn't even dare to allow sleep to comfort him as a friend. Instead his calloused hands clutched his father's sword fiercely againts his chest. His hands felt numb, and legs cramped, and he began to shiver uncontrollably; due to the fear that had settled on him, and because of the chilly night air. He could of built a fire, he knew how to do that from his training in the army, but he didn't dare. Not when it could attract the attention of anything that might of been out there.

'Stupid weak humans, stupid weak body', he sighed,' And this is just the first night, I can't believe I have to be a fucken weak mortal for another two blasted nights'.
'Mother, father, why couldn't you just have killed me at my birth? Why'd you even bother letting me live if I'm such a disgrace? No one even wants to be with a half-breed like me. Will I ever find someone who would care for me just as I am, or will I die lonely?', he asked himself all these questions, but there was no one to answer them for him. At that moment he never felt more alone in all of his entire life. It felt terribly depressing, and he suddenly wished that a demon would come a do away with his life, the way his parents should of done so long ago at his birth. 'If a demon does attack me I don't have a chance in hell of surviving anyways'. He then looked up towards the sky and counted all the stars that came into is view. He was in such awe at how brightly they shined out here in the forests, unlike back home where it was hard to even see them as paper lanterns and torches lined the streets.
'If only my parents could see this, just like we use to at night when I was much younger'. He remembered the sad day when his father, a well respected and high ranking general, who sacraficed his life for the country in the great war. Inuyasha could still remember how amazing his father was and could never compare himself with any aspect that his father had achieved. Many mourned for his death thereafter, and many still do remember him after all these years, but most of all his death had greatly affected his mother. his beautiful, loving mother had taken the death pretty badly, and she became prone to illness that she had died a year after his father's funeral.

After that he was all alone.

He had run away from his once known home filled with love, and comfort when he had heard that one of the people wanted to send him to a far away home. Being so young and scared, he just left and never returned to the place.
He then spent three years on the streets byhimsself, stealing food whenever he could, sleeping in places that offered little warmth. It was only after the third year that he became prone to illness, considering he was weak with hunger and wary with little sleep. The entire city had become blanketed with snow, during the night, which made his conditions even worse and he ran a high fever, which was abnormal for a person with even a little amount of youkai blood in his system. Feeling cold, and dizzy he just crawled into a box, that smelled strongly of fish and seawater, but he didn't care so long as it was dry. After pulling a filthy looking rice sack, covered in holes and dirt,over his body he instantly just fell asleep. He shivered the day away, without any energy at all to go and scavenger for food, and he kept falling into a pitch black state of unconciousness during the night, haunted by vivid nightmares and spooks. On the third day, having gone without food for so long, he knew he was going to die. He felt it in his being that he could no longer go on, and had given up on the chance of living during the night before. With that last thought he awaited for his mother and father to come and get him from the after life and willed his body to die faster, so he wouldn't feel any drastic pain like he had faced in life. It was a strange feeling that had washed over him as he felt an all familiar scent near his little shelter. As the person drew even closer, all Inuyasha could think was I'm finally going home. "Papa", he whispered before he lost conciousness once more.

It was about two days later that he had enough strength in him once more to finally open his eyes. His golden coloured eyes widened at the sight of all the wonderfully coloured packages of treats and desserts tha surrounded him like a tiny mountain of treasures. Afraid that someone might have mistaken him for another, or that it was actually a dream, he began to tear open the packages and devour all the treats before him.

"Slow down Inuyasha, you may just choke on something".

He went ridgid and turned his eyes towards the person who had spoken to him.
Sitting in a chair was a tall man, with demon like features, and a furry cloak wrapped over one of his shoulders. Joy and happiness had washed over him in an instant like a wave and he bounded out from under the covers, rushing towards the man. "Dad!", the eight year old cried out in sheer joy. A wave of dizziness hit him as his vision blurred. He spun uncontrollably and fell, only to be caught by a pair of strong hands."Daddy...ith it weally you", the child spoke out hopefully. He felt the man stiffen and Inuyasha gulped as he examined his characteristics carefully. He had the same coloured eyes as him, similar facial features as him, but alas he was far from being his beloved father.

"I am Sesshomaru, your older brother", he replied gently. "You were supposed to come to me long ago, but I was later informed that you had run away."

Inuyasha's young eyes had widened. "I neva knew...I had an olda bwutha", he stated innocently.

"Nor did this Sesshomaru know he had a little brother", he replied as he tucked his next of kin back into the bed. After making sure he was comftorable enough, Sesshomaru raised up from the bed and proceeded to head out the door, until he stopped in his tracks and said, "Make sure you rest yourself and eat plenty so your strength can return. We shall speak on this subject some more afterwards", and with that he left the his younger sibling to do with as he pleased on the oversized, comftorable bed.

Without being told twice, Inuyasha then began to reach for the nearest treats that his little hands could grab and began to stuff himself of everything.

From then on his life wasn't too shabby, sure he did have his moments in which he wished he could be with his loving mother and father still. But his older brother Sesshomaru wasn't too bad, he did have his sullen moods and cold shoulders, but with a little sugar, which Inuyasha inevitably discovered he had some fetish for, he didn't turn out to be such a bad guy. He could almost be quiet alot of fun in fact, which was truly rare for a respectable and stern businessman such as himself.
The man only let his guard down when he needed to relieve his stress, and believe it or not, his favourite passtime was to actually pick on the elderly seniors. Especially this one old man, that resembled a giant flea, named Myouga, whom was Inuyasha's personal tutor.

As Inuyasha matured and grew into a teenager he met his good friends Miroku and Sango. He then signed up for the imperial army at fifteen, and quickly got promoted to many ranks, until finally he was ranked as commanding general for the private imperial army of the emperor.

His father was once the commanding General for the emperor's army long ago, but he was much better and more respected. Inuyasha envied him, that's why he worked hard to get to where he was, not to mention that he owned many fine lands in the West and had a great home to call his own, all through the many years of hard work. And due to his brother's great status.

But all of it didn't seem to have mattered to Inuyasha for he had no inheritance to pass it down. What was even a blow to the pride was that his cold, stoic brother was even married to a women already, and a human one at that. This cute, energetic brunette by the name of Rin, that pratically did anything, and I mean anything, to please the cocky bastard.

He was the lucky one after all, and it seemed that fate was againts Inuyasha. But that was okay, 'So long as everyone around me is happy...then I'm okay.', he thought as he feel into a deep slumber he didn't realize that had taken a hold of him, as he listened to the crickets chirp in the thicket, and the owls hoot amongts the tree branches.
He had woken up with an abrupt start when he felt the rays of the sun gently caress his face the next dawn. 'Shit! I fell asleep. Damnit, I am one lucky bastard that nothing attacked me during the night.', he mused as he stretched out his sore body from having slept so uncomftorably during the night.

'Now time to find a way out of this blasted forest. I don't even want to think about spending another night out here vulnerable like this'.

It was half past noon when Inuyasha heard his stomach growl loudly. He was startled at first at how loud the sound rang throughout the strangely, quiet forest. He tried to ignore his body's request for food as long as he could, but the noise kept irritating him, so he couldn't quiet ignore it completely. His first thought was to hunt down some prey, but with his diluted senses it would probably take the entire day to track anything down, that and he hadn't even seen a rabbit once all day. He kept walking hoping to find something edible to eat until he ran straight into a plum tree. The tree had some plums that looked decent enough to eat, and were right for the picking. Taking the nearest branch, he began to furiously shake the tree, which allowed a good amount of plums to fall off. After collecting a handfull of ripe ones, he sat down onto a patch of grass and began devouring them hungrily. He made a face when he realized that they may have looked ripe, they were definately not so very sweet tasting as he expected them to be. After fiishing off the last of the sour fruit, he got up and began his journey through the forest once more.
"Damn this stupid forest", Inuyasha yelled as he hacked at a couple of leaves that had smacked right back at his face. It was well into the afternoon and he was nowhere near anything that looked like an exit. His stomach growled again, but it seemed even more louder this time."Stupid body! Can't you tell that I just can't feed you right now", he glared at his well sculpted lower body, as if it were the cause to all of his problems. With a huff, he then kept walking rapidly through the thick bushes, sending branches flying in all directions. He felt so pissed that he didn't notice his surroundings too well, and the next moment he found himself flying forward. He landed hard on the ground, knocking the wind out of him a bit. With a fierce glare he looked behind him at the log, which had caused him to trip, "Stupid log", he yelled. After dusting himself, he began to stomp his way through the thicket , that had been driving him insane all day. After finally having enough with all the blasted vegetation in his sight, he took out his rusty, dull blade and started hacking at everything in his way.

When he'd been at it for a good, long while he bent over, huffing, trying to catch his breath. 'This is just not my day', he thought sourly. After catching his breath, he noticed that he could hear the rushing sound of what seemed like water just a couple of meters away. He was terribly thirsty and he could use a good rest for the moment, he decided as he made his way towards the river stream. There was a giant branch that obstructed his line of vision, and when he lifted it up he stopped dead in his tracks, while his heart started pounding furiously.

On a giant, flat rock near the river's edge sat a lone figure. As he took another step closer he noticed that it was a female, but he wasn't so sure if she was demon or not. She wore a long,white pelt, made out of the mane of a some kind of animal he wasn't so sure of. Her face was covered by what seemed like a mask, with sparkling eyes, hiding only her real eyes, while showing her mouth and chin. Upon closer inspection, Inuyasha felt himself slightly aroused at what the female was wearing. A short, white skirt that ended mid-thigh, showing off her long, smooth and creamy looking legs. While her top was short-sleeved and had a slight cut in the middle to show a decent amount of cleavage, not indecent, but enough to draw any man's attention, while it ended a bit past her breasts; exposing her flawless, and toned stomach. The female was definately captivating, and with a killer looking body to boot. The first thought that ran through Inuyasha's mind was that she was probably one of the legendary 'Amazonian women' he had heard tales about. But from who again?
'No doubt in mind, she could easily be one of them. Which means she probably knows her way out of this forest', he thought as he took one more step closer, with caution, noting the fact that she held a dangerous spear in her hands, and he wasn't so sure if his presence was welcomed or not?

After a minute had passed, she lifted up the spear towards her mouth and cut the leather rope, she was using to bind the object with, with her sharp fangs.

Inuyasha gulped, 'Do Amazonian women have fangs? Or is this part of their traits to scare off humans? I think I'm in trouble, I don't exactly quiet remember too well, but I think they are supposed to be fiercesome fighters'.

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face, and under his chin, falling instantly towards the forest floor. 'I'll take my chances. Better than being lost here in the forest', he assured himself as he took another step towards the girl.

"Excuse me there", Inuyasha indicated in a voice loud enough to catch her attention.

The girl didn't seem to notice, but instead kept her concentration on the weapon that she was fixing.

" Hey there girl. You. Can you tell me how to get out of here, I need to go to Magasaki town. Do you know in which direction it is?''

She still continued to ignore him. As if he didn't exist at all.

" I said can you tell me how to get out of here", he took another daring step closer.

'Stupid girl is she deaf?. Beautiful or not I don't like her attitude', he snorted.

" Hey women! I said can you tell me how to get the hell out of this damn....ah!", Inuyasha gasped as the spear she had been fixing came flying towards him.
It landed right in between his legs, grazing the side of his pants, and very much missing his....manhood.

She threw it carelessly, without even looking in his direction. Once that was out of the way she picked up the rest of her spears into a bundle and bounded off towards the forest.

Inuyasha watched in awe as her slender figure, leapt out of his sight.
"Hey what the hell is your problem come back here", he yelled fiercely. "Stupid wench".

He wanted to run after her, but when he tried to move he noticed his pants were pinned down to the forest floor with the point of the spear. After tugging the spear free from the ground he lifted it up for closer inspection, and was taken back when he saw a deadly, black and yellow stripped tarantula, carelessly twitching.

'Either that girl has very good aim and just saved my life, or she really meant to do me harm and the spider just got in the way', he gulped hard. A sudden realization hit him, and he shook hinself voilently. With a sigh, he realized that there were no more spiders on him, and with that thought he relaxed somewhat.

'Now with this problem of getting out of here. I could probably use this weapon in the meantime for protection, and perhaps for hunting,' he allowed a smirk to make it's way in one of the corners of his mouth. 'Guess that girl wasn't so useless after all'.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Okay people the second chapter is done now, and forgive me if there are mistakes for it is almost five in the morning and im dead tired now. But alas my passion for writing has kept me awake long enough to finish this chapter. Oh and the love for my fans and not to mention...the candy im currently consuming at the moment to stay awake. I just have one request from you all though, and please dont hate me for such a request, but i need to know if people are enjoying my story and i need some criticism.... so please before i can post up the next chapter i need at least three different types of reviews (they can even be fromthe same person stating different things) but please i need at least 3 reviews for me to continue witht the way im writing. please please please. they dont even have to be long ..just six to seven words even.... anyways must go to sleep now. im so sleepy and im making too many errors.
well till next time.