InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of Death ❯ Whispers of Death ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Well I decided to try my hand at writting a song fic. I heard this song and saw a really interesting scene between Sess and Kag. Let me know what you think.

(AN: This is taking place after Inu Yasha breaks Kagome's heart. She runs to Sess, after being with each other for a while they realize that they love each other but are having troubles telling each other. He also doesn't know what the Tensaiga can do just yet. Please keep this in mind when you read this.)

Song: Whisper by Evanescence *I DON'T OWN THIS*

Disclaimer: I do not, repeat do not own any Inu Yasha characters or the song Whisper

The words between this symbol ~ are the lyrics. I.E. ~don't close your eyes~. Got it? Good. Now on with the song fic....

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The battle field was speckled with blood, both Sesshoumaru's and the youkai he was battling to retrieve the shikon shard. A flash of sudden movement from his opponent caught him off guard, he moved to block the blow only to realize it was not aimed at him. He screamed to Kagome to run but was to late. He saw her body flying through the air and heard the sickening thud as she hit the ground.

~catch me as I fall, say you're here and it's all over now~

He ran to her not caring if the demon he was fighting turned on him. All he cared about was getting to her to make sure she was alright. As he reached her body he noticed she was unconsous, she had a deep gash across her her chest from where the blood that was flowing, never ending, was coming from. "Kagome, please you have to wake up. You can't leave me. Kagome!"

~speaking to the atmosphere, no one's here and I fall into myself~

He could feel the anger building inside himself and he cared not to regain controll of it. His eyes turned crimson, almost the color of the blood that was running out of his love. A mist surrounded him and when it faded a great white dog demon stood in his place. He knew it was wrong to lose his temper, he knew it could cost him greatly. He knew that with his control that he had learned over the years he could bring himself out of it but he did not care to. The demon that hurt his love was going to pay.

~this truth drives me into madness, I know I can stop the pain if I will it all away~

Quicker than the demon in front of him could blink his eye Sesshoumaru attacked full force. He held nothing back, and all too soon the demon fell dead in front of him. He grabbed the shard and ran to Kagome. When he reached her side he realized that she had regained consiousness. He looked into her eyes and the guilt washed over him like a wave upon the shore of a beach. He turned his head and slowly let it drop, knowing he had not been able to protect her. Kagome grabbed his head and turned it to her. "I am dying Sess-chan, I can feel it. Please look at me this one last time."

~don't turn away~

"You can't leave, Kagome, you still have a responsability. You still have to collect all the shards." "It hurts Sess-chan, I don't know how much longer I can hold on." "Be quiet you stupid wench, save your strength." She smiled "Always hiding your true feelings, huh Sess-chan?" She reached up and touched his cheek gently.

~don't give in to the pain, don't try to hide~

Slowly his stoic mask dissapears from his face, he looked tired, scared and very upset. She was shocked to see him show emotions. She heard something calling to her and she began to feel a pull on her soul. She watched through her blury vision as his faced changed to pure horror. "Kagome, you need to listen to me now. I know they are here for you and you need to pay no heed to them. Focus on my face and voice."

~though they're screaming your name, don't close your eyes, God knows what lies behind them~

Slowly she began to slip away, the blackness calling to her. She started to close her eyes as she heard someone scream, though it sounded very far off. "NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!"

~don't turn out the light, never sleep never die~

He looked at her chest noticing her breathing was becoming shallow. He felt a pain hit him in the chest, it felt as if someone had punched their hand through his chest and was ripping out his still beating heart. "KAGOME!" he screamed as he threw his fist into the ground with all his force behind it. He could feel for the first time in his life tears welling up in his eyes and he was not ashamed of them. She grabbed his hand and he wished he could take away all of her pain.

~I'm frightened by what I see, but somehow I know that there's much more to come, immobilized by my fear, and soon to be blinded by tears, I can stop the pain if I will it all away~

He again pleaded with her to stay with him, telling her that he could not bear for her to leave him. Still holding her hand, knowing it was the only link she had left holding her to the world of the living he began to cry.

~don't turn away, don't give in to the pain, don't try to hide, though they're screaming your name, don't close your eyes, God knows what lies behind them, don't turn out the light
never sleep never die~

She drew her last bit of energy out of herself and she opened her eyes to look at him. "I love you Sess-chan. I am sorry this happened. I want to stay here with you, I am scared." "I love you too Kagome-chan, please stay here with me." He looked down to her, her raven hair circling her head contrasting against her now pale white skin making her seem almost angelic. 'She is my angel, the one who taught me how to love' he thought to himself.

~fallen angels at my feet, whispered voices at my ear, death before my eyes, lying next to me I fear~

"It is cold, please hold me." He lifted her and placed her gently into his lap. He held her close afraid of losing her to the darkness. He felt her shudder and her last breath escape her lips. Pulling her tighter his cries begin to come even more so. Hugging her for the last time he dried his eyes and stood, vowing to never love again.

~she beckons me shall I give in, upon my end shall I begin, forsaking all I've fallen for I rise to meet the end~

Looking at her one last time he turns to leave when he feels a pulsing at his side. He looks to his sword that now has a heartbeat of his own, slowly he draws it. He looks down at Kagome's body and sees the demons there to take away her soul. Slowly, not sure of what to do, he slices at the demons that are huddling on top of his dead love. They vanish and he watches in shock as her wound begins to heal, then he sees her take a breath. Quickly he sheaths the sword and swoops down picking her up and embracing her. He turned his attention to the sword at his side that had brought his love back to him. Suddenly he no longer wanted his half brother's sword, to him, his was the most powerful of all.

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Did you really think I could let Kagome die, hmm? Well please review and let me know how I did. I will even take flames, as long as they are constructive critisismm tell me why it was bad.