InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of Memories and Promises Forgotten ❯ Past and Present Collide ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Three
Past and Present Collide
EDIT-- I hope you like this new and improved version. Remember that this was written way back when and is not manga or anime current. Sorry it took so long. Real life can be a bitch sometimes.
Snowfall aka Hanyou Slave
"Just do it, Sesshoumaru." Inuyasha tried to burn a hole through Sesshoumaru's resistance with his blazing gaze.
Sesshoumaru reached out and ran his thumb along the line of Inuyasha's jaw. "You know it will hurt."
"Keh, like I care. I've suffered worse things. Tell me you don't want it back. Think about what you could do with it that you can't do now," Inuyasha murmured low, almost guttural. Intentionally lowering his head the tiniest bit, he gazed up at Sesshoumaru through the lace of thick, black eyelashes. The heat radiating from his lustful, golden eyes put the steam from the hot springs to shame.
“Ah, ulterior motives,” said Sesshoumaru, quirking a smile.
“It's not just that, but if it will persuade you…” Inuyasha stood on his tiptoes and leaned into Sesshoumaru's chest. Tipping his head back with lips parted, he closed his eyes. The fringes of his thick black lashes decorated his pink-tinged cheeks and his ears slightly tipped backward. The perfect picture of exotic allure.
He didn't have to wait. Sesshoumaru drew him in and captured Inuyasha in a searing kiss, stealing his breath away and nearly deterring him from his goal.
“I think…I need more persuasion,” Sesshoumaru murmured against Inuyasha's lips. The healing warmth of Inuyasha's body coursed through his veins and he couldn't have been more content. Though the return of his arm would be useful, he truly didn't need it.
“M'kay.” Inuyasha's simple muffled reply sent tingles along Sesshoumaru's lips and shivers up his spine.
Unexpectedly, Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Sesshoumaru's neck and his legs around Sesshoumaru's waist. Drawing away from the kiss, he tilted his head down and brushed Sesshoumaru's chin with his ears while dragging his tongue along Sesshoumaru's collarbone.
“And you call me a tease,” murmured Sesshoumaru before ruffling the soft, fine hairs of Inuyasha's ears with his warm breath.
“Just how much do I have to do?” asked Inuyasha, shivering and wriggling against his brother. A high pitched moan escaped Inuyasha's lips as Sesshoumaru licked up the inner flap of his left ear.
“Make that sound again,” Sesshoumaru whispered then licked the inner flap of Inuyasha's right ear. Furthering his attempt to wring that mewling sound from between his brother's lips, Sesshoumaru went further and nibbled on the soft tip.
“Ung, Sesshom…” whimpered Inuyasha as his hips involuntarily lunged forward.
“Again, Inuyasha,” instructed Sesshoumaru as he took the entire ear into his mouth and suckled.
“Ah!” Inuyasha screamed, his entire body squeezing itself around Sesshoumaru's torso.
“I'm convinced,” rasped Sesshoumaru, gliding from the water with his arm around Inuyasha's waist. His body felt as taut as a bow. If they were going to do anything, it had to be now, before he could give in to his desires.
Laying Inuyasha on his back, Sesshoumaru rested his entire weight on his brother. In the form of an apology for the pain he was about to cause, Sesshoumaru feathered kisses over the flushed skin of Inuyasha's face, finally resting on Inuyasha's lips.
“Prepare yourself, my beautiful one,” Sesshoumaru murmured.
“I'm ready,” stated Inuyasha with brave determination.
While Sesshoumaru pressed his weight into Inuyasha, he brought his talon tipped fingers dangerously close to Inuyasha's right eye. Sparks flew then bolts of electricity crackled between his talons and Inuyasha's right pupil.
Inuyasha grunted, unwilling to cry out when the wrenching pain was reaching its peak. Suddenly, the pain was gone, replaced by a dull throbbing ache.
“It is done,” whispered Sesshoumaru, feathering light kisses across Inuyasha's brow, cheeks, nose and lips.
“It wasn't so bad,” he panted while lying through his teeth.
The lovers quickly dressed in anticipation of retrieving Sesshoumaru's arm. There was no time to lose. Inuyasha was anxious and, at the same time, excited. Sesshoumaru simply wanted to complete the mission. He still questioned Inuyasha's motivations for wanting to return his arm. Trust had never been one of his dominant traits.
“Come.” Sesshoumaru rose while reaching out to grasp Tensaiga. Leaving it in its sheath, he used the tip to bear down on the black pearl, forcing open a portal created by ripping winds.
“Quickly, Inuyasha,” said Sesshoumaru, grabbing his wrist and jumping into the tunnel created by the whirlwind.
As with the first time they had entered the tomb, prehistoric skeleton birds whisked them away to their father's remains.
After an exhaustive search of the area, Inuyasha became exasperated. “It's not here! Where the hell is it? Damn!”
Sesshoumaru appeared as unconcerned as ever while he watched Inuyasha darting from here to there.
“Inuyasha, it is unimportant. We must go before the portal closes.”
“But, it is important! It's important to me!”
“I do not understand this strong desire to return my arm. Do you find me lacking?”
From several feet away, Inuyasha turned to face Sesshoumaru. Though the quiet, still facade was well in place, it was obvious to Inuyasha that his response could have a damaging effect. And that hurt. He was only trying to give something to the one who had just returned his memories, to the one who had suffered so much for loving him.
Carefully approaching Sesshoumaru, he let Sesshoumaru see the love and adoration reflected in his eyes. He wasn't accustomed to this behavior, but he was giving it his all.
“You are more than enough. You are a beautiful, dangerous, perfect youkai Lord. I'm just a half-breed. Even without your arm, I could never measure up. But that doesn't matter. I…You paid a high price for our relationship. This is all I can do to pay you back. I have nothing else to give you.”
Inuyasha stood, waiting for a response. It was true. All he had were the clothes on his back. He could never hope to give anything of value to Sesshoumaru.
The tense rigidity that had gathered in Sesshoumaru's shoulders visibly melted away and his eyes dropped as he took a cleansing breath. When he raised his eyes to meet Inuyasha's, there was some unidentifiable pain. He closed the distance and reached up to cup Inuyasha's face as he rubbed his thumb along Inuyasha's cheekbone.
“You are not `just a half-breed', Inuyasha. You are a prince, strong and exotically beautiful. You are my brother, son of the great Inu-no-Taisho, and…I love you.” Sesshoumaru swallowed the lump in his throat as he leaned down and feathered his lips across Inuyasha's. “You are beneath no one,” he whispered.
“Ahem,” interrupted a deep voice.
Both men turned to see a figure so much like themselves, only larger, stronger…and he was cradling Sesshoumaru's arm against his chest.
“Father,” Sesshoumaru growled, narrowing his eyes.
“You never did forgive me, did you, my son?”
“Why should I?” Sesshoumaru replied tersely.
“Inuyasha was too young to make such a decision on his own. Nevertheless, your punishment did not need to be so harsh.” The great youkai shook his head and sighed.
“I did nothing he did not wish. Harsh! The physical punishment was nothing!” Sesshoumaru waved his arm in dismissal. “But you took from me the only love I had! I will never forgive you that,” he spat, stepping belligerently toward his father. He was an adult now, beholden to no one and his father would know that.
Golden eyes flashed at the young upstart. “You had love. You simply never recognized it. You were too caught up in Inuyasha to notice. Do you think I had no reason for what I did? You neglected everything. Your training. Your mother. Me. I am your father. You are my heir. It was not I who failed in our relationship as father and son.
“Think on that, my son. You have centuries to do so. Your punishment may have been excessive. However, I succeeded in protecting what is mine. You are the strongest, the most respected and feared youkai. You will not die a simpleton's death. My son will live as long as he wishes. What I did was a difficult thing, but it had the desired effect.”
“I hate you,” hissed Sesshoumaru, drawing Tensaiga.
“You only believe you do. And that is as expected. With age will come wisdom,” his father expounded while unsheathing his own sword. “Do you wish a lesson in respecting your elders?”
Inuyasha watched in awe and fear. Would they fight? Tensaiga would be a killing weapon. There would be no chance of re-incarnation should Sesshoumaru destroy their father. His father whom he had never met. What would happen to Sesshoumaru? Surely his father would not kill his own son.
“You both are idiots,” yelled Inuyasha, jumping between the two.
“You,” he said, pointing to his father, “stole my memories. That was wrong. But I don't hate you for it. You made Sesshoumaru what he is. You succeeded and I have my memories back, too. I don't like how you hurt him so much, but I can't do anything about it.” He turned to Sesshoumaru. “And you, Sesshoumaru, have what you want. Let go of the past. It can't be changed and doesn't matter now. You both are acting like children,” he huffed.
The great demon lord and his son were shocked into silence. Then their father smiled. “You have grown, little one; such wisdom from one so young.”
Inuyasha blushed at the compliment bestowed by one whom he truly wished to please. “Yeah, well, I've been through a hell of a lot. Now kiss and make up.”
Sesshoumaru laughed at his childish remark.
“Keh!” Inuyasha crossed his arms.
“You both have grown much. Protect one another. Inuyasha, love Sesshoumaru with all your heart.” He turned his gaze from Inuyasha to Sesshoumaru.
In another's eyes, Sesshoumaru's expression never changed. But his father knew him well. There was a hint of astonishment at his words. “Tensaiga will always be there for you, Sesshoumaru. Keep an eye on your impulsive brother. He may need it again.”
The sons gave each other a knowing smirk.
His father smiled when Inuyasha humphed, slightly lifting his nose in the air at the teasing comment. Closing the distance between them, the great TaiYoukai reached out with Sesshoumaru's arm held in the palm of both hands.
“I knew you two would find each other again and I knew when that happened, you would be returning for this. I have waited a very long time.”
“It is mine to give,” Inuyasha murmured, reaching out and carefully taking the arm. He turned and gazed up at his brother. “Will you forgive me?”
Sesshoumaru merely nodded. Inuyasha didn't need forgiveness, but Sesshoumaru knew that Inuyasha needed that reassurance.
Inuyasha raised the loose sleeve that hid Sesshoumaru's ultimate humiliation and gently lifted the arm to its stub. Sesshoumaru bit back a groan of pain as the two ends reached out for each other, tendons and muscles stretching to reach their other half. A sear of burning pain shot from his stub to his gut as the skin parted to reconnect. It took only moments and in that time, Sesshoumaru's face remained completely calm, as though he were unaffected by the excruciating pain.
“You were always strong, Sesshoumaru, as a great lord should be. I am proud of you. And you, Inuyasha, despite your impulsiveness, are just as strong, having weathered many destructive storms in your short life.”
“Keh, no thanks to you going and getting yourself killed!” Inuyasha grumbled.
His father merely chuckled, reaching out to brush Inuyasha's cheek with his thumb.
Turning to Sesshoumaru, he stepped up and embraced his son, understanding the hardship of the heavy responsibilities laid on a once very much too young youkai.
“You were always loved, Sesshoumaru. Never forget that,” whispered the former Lord of the West.
Sesshoumaru was stunned, hurt, and angry. Emotions that he had long buried rushed to the surface. He could not separate all the confusing emotions his father's actions elicited. Yet, out of deep seated respect for his elder, he hesitantly returned the embrace. He could not, however, return the sentiment. The pain at seeing his father after all these long years of torment still lingered.
With a sigh, his father released him. “Be well, my children,” he said with such sadness that it silenced anything Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru might think to say.
Their father turned and walked away, his form fading with each step. The sons watched with a great sense of loss. Once the figure had completely disappeared, Sesshoumaru immediately regained his composure.
“We must hurry, brother,” he said while hastily dragging Inuyasha to one of the waiting skeleton birds.
Once they had exited the portal and the pearl was returned to Inuyasha's eyes, they stood staring at each other.
“Well, that was weird,” Inuyasha commented.
“Most certainly. And it is my fervent wish to erase the entirety of it from my mind.”
All the muscles in Sesshoumaru's face were completely lax as he put the event securely in a box far away from his heart. Perhaps one day, when he felt ready, he would open that box and examine the contents more closely. Right now, he felt drained. Unmotivated to care about anything. He wasn't accustomed to having so many pieces of his heart torn in so many ways in such a short span of time.
Inuyasha understood and reached up to cup Sesshoumaru's cheek. His brother needed comfort and would not stoop to ask for it. He knew the pain must run deep. The touch was followed by an embrace and tender kiss. Sesshoumaru had paid more than Inuyasha ever would. The least he could do was turn Sesshoumaru's thoughts to more pleasant activities. Perhaps he loved his brother more than he realized. Otherwise, he himself might be contemplating the strange occurrence.
“You are trying to distract me,” Sesshoumaru stated.
“Whatever,” whispered Inuyasha as he licked Sesshoumaru's lips.
“Thank you.”
Inuyasha swallowed the barely audible words as his chest swelled under the verbalization of his brother's appreciation. Words were left behind. And the world once more disappeared in a fog of tender caresses, heated kisses, and rising desire.
Inuyasha, love Sesshoumaru with all your heart.
He would try.
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. I'm sorry that I haven't updated in so long! Glad you liked it.
Whoa, ten of ten. Thank you. It means a lot coming from you because you are so hard to please. ^_^ I'm glad that you don't see much change. I'm trying not to do that. Thanks for reviewing
Thanks for the review and the great scores. I hope I did better on spelling and grammar. ^_^
The Flaming Phoenix
Thanks for revieing!
Thanks for reviewing and remembering. Sorry it took so long!
I'm so sorry. You were always one of my faithful reviewers and I'm lucky that you're still around. Thanks for reviewing.
Thanks for the review. I try to recognize those who are able to review. It's only fitting, a form of respect. ^_^
Thanks for reviewing. I apologize for making you wait so long. Real life can be a bitch. Hope you like this chapter as well.
Inuyasha and all associated characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I make no profit from this story, nor do I intend to. My only goal is to occupy my demented mind with delusions of actually owning a life-sized, anatomically correct Sesshoumaru.