InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of Memories and Promises Forgotten ❯ Strengthening Bonds ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Four
Strengthening Bonds
(Sorry this has been so long in coming. Please thank Koga's Hentai Luver for dropping everything and beta'ing this chapter. I worked extremely hard and long at adding description and attempting to correct my worst habit of verb past tense confusion. Can I get some feedback on that? Thanks in advance.)
Inuyasha drew away, breathless. It took a moment to pull together the fragmented pieces of questions he couldn't put into words. Now, they were rearing their ugly heads and wouldn't go away. He just couldn't allow himself to get into this relationship any deeper, despite his overwhelming desire to be in Sesshoumaru's arms.
“Sesshoumaru, why now? Why are you coming to me now?” Inuyasha hesitantly asked.
Sesshoumaru's brow furrowed and he stared down while his lips slightly pursed. He hadn't really considered why he had decided that now was the time to regain what he had once lost. He took Inuyasha's hand and pulled him down to sit on his pelt.
“I believe it was a combination of things…” In his effort to pinpoint just where he had begun the journey that had brought him back to his brother, he paused to try and put the series of events into order. “You seem to be developing feelings for your new miko.” Glancing over, he noticed that Inuyasha's body had gone stiff.
“Her name is Kagome, and she is Kikyou's re-incarnation. I guess that's why I feel close to her,” Inuyasha informed him.
At the mention of Kikyou's name, Sesshoumaru felt anger welling up within him. He had never quite been able to erase the emotion that whole area of his life dredged up. Without thought, a small growl escaped his lips, surprising him. That gave him pause. He stared at the ground as he contemplated the meaning of this new revelation.
`Where does the anger come from? She stole Inuyasha's affections, pinned him to a tree. `Stole'? Jealousy, buried so deep I didn't even recognize it. That must be why I was so angry. Perhaps that is where it began.'
“Kikyou…Your first close relationship was with Kikyou. It angered me, even before she pinned you to Goshinboku. I was very angry with you. Only now do I realize that I was jealous of her. So, you turned to the new miko. Though you were no longer mine, I was in danger of losing you again. I could lay the blame on many other things and not need to face the truth. The truth...I still yearned for you. This yearning made itself known to me when I observed two brothers much like we once were. And I wondered; could I break that accursed spell? So much magic had been played upon you that perhaps I would be successful in retrieving your memories. I chose to make the attempt before I lost you…permanently. There was no risk involved and the reward could be worth the effort. At least, I hadn't thought there was a risk.”
Sesshoumaru finally lifted his gaze to meet Inuyasha's eyes, waiting expectantly for a response. It had been quite some time since he had spoken so much in one sitting and it felt odd. Nevertheless, for Inuyasha he would do anything.
Inuyasha searched beneath the molten gold of Sesshoumaru's eyes and lost himself in thought as his heart involuntarily took flight in the freedom of long lost emotions. Sesshoumaru had never forgotten and had actually been jealous—meaning that Sesshoumaru had continued to love him—even after all their battles. But his mind began to take him elsewhere, further into the future. Had Sesshoumaru truly succeeded in winning him over? What about his friends, his search for the jewel shards? Did the shards really matter so much? Regardless, he had promised to protect Kagome. She felt it was her responsibility to gather the shards because it was she that had shattered the jewel. From the moment he had realized that the transformation from hanyou to full demon would merely have turned him into a raving, killing beast with no mind, obtaining the jewel for its power had ceased to be his quest. Now he only sought it as revenge on Naraku for his loss, his friends' losses, and to prevent others from experiencing such suffering.
“I know what you want, Sessy, but I'm not sure I'm ready for the…a complete commitment. Still,” he said, breaking their gaze to stare at the ground, “I want you more than anything. I want what we had. I just have obligations that would interfere right now.”
Inuyasha didn't want to see the expression on Sesshoumaru's face. It could be pain, and he just couldn't stand that. Or it could be a cold retreat, something that would leave Inuyasha feeling lonely again. No one else had ever been able to take away his pain, heartache, and loneliness. No one, except Sesshoumaru. It felt strange. These past couple of hours had freed him in so many ways and now he `wanted'. He wanted to keep that feeling and never let it go. However, he knew that in order to do so, Sesshoumaru had to understand his need to continue on his current path, and that could be a problem. With his want constricting his chest, he waited for Sesshoumaru's reply. Perhaps Sesshoumaru could find a solution that would be acceptable to them both.
`I want him…so much. But, how can I? Damn. It just feels so right, like this is where I belong. I can't just ignore my responsibilities, though. The gods must really fucking hate me.' His head burned with the clash between his need and the knowledge that he couldn't shirk his responsibilities. He may not rule a kingdom, but he had friends to protect and a truly evil and powerful enemy to hunt down and destroy.
Sesshoumaru lightly rested the index finger of his right hand against his lips, his eyes taking on a faraway stare as he pondered Inuyasha's words. `He said he wants me, yet he has responsibilities to fulfill. He does not see that it is possible to do both…unless he planned to mate the miko. I need to know exactly what his circumstances are before I can develop a solution.'
“Inuyasha, had you decided to mate the miko?” Sesshoumaru asked with no hint of jealousy or bitterness.
“It's not possible. She is from another time and must return.”
Sesshoumaru didn't bother to question Inuyasha's claim that Kagome was from another time. Magic was prevalent and he had no use for it. He was only interested in where Inuyasha's affections lay.
“What of the resurrected miko?” he asked with some ambivalence.
“I owe her my life. She died because I wanted the jewel.” Inuyasha sighed, feeling defeated at the thought. Remembering this shot pain through his heart. The thought the choice to be with Sesshoumaru snatched from his claws stung. If he had anything, it was his honor and he would hold onto that. “It was my fault. She wants to take me to hell with her and I feel like she deserves that much.”
“It was my understanding that she was to deliver the jewel in order for you to become human. Naraku took the opportunity to slay her while taking on your form. Is this not true?” Sesshoumaru hoped that Inuyasha could follow simple logic.
“Yeah, that's pretty much it.” Inuyasha pulled his legs up and rested his forehead on his knees, feeling the weight of hell.
“Had it not been for Kikyou, would you have chosen to become human?” Sesshoumaru hoped the answer would be `no' so that he might prove Kikyou to be the cause of her own demise. She would not be allowed to take Inuyasha to hell. Never. Inuyasha was his.
“No, I wanted to be like you; strong, powerful…respected. I wanted to be able to protect myself. Who wants a half-breed? You helped me to see that.” Inuyasha shot Sesshoumaru a glare. “And humans are weak compared to us. But I'm weak compared to you.” Inuyasha shook his head at the painful memories of being beaten and shunned for the half-breed he was.
“So, it was the miko's desire for you to become human that prompted her to carry the jewel away from the shrine?”
“Yeah. But, I told her that I would become human for her.”
“You would have made yourself weak for her. You were the one willing to make the sacrifice. She sought her own happiness and was not willing to make such a sacrifice. Did she love you so much that she would have become demon for you?” Sesshoumaru stared at Inuyasha, searching his brother's face for clues to what lay behind those soulful eyes.
Inuyasha lifted his gaze to intensely fiery eyes. “No,” he whispered, feeling the same hopelessness he had when he had finally caved to Kikyou's wishes.
This was something of which Inuyasha had been very well aware and the pain it caused sat on his face like thunderclouds and rain. Sesshoumaru wanted nothing more than to wipe away that agonized expression. Had their lives continued as they had been in their youth, so many painful things could have been avoided. But what had been done could not be undone. Sesshoumaru cupped Inuyasha's chin in the palm of his hand, emphasizing his sincerity.
“You owe her nothing. Stay with me, Inuyasha. I will protect you from her.”
Inuyasha's eyes widened in horror as he drew back to stare at his brother. “You can't kill her! She doesn't deserve that.”
Sesshoumaru sighed in exasperation. “Many do not deserve their fate, but it cannot be changed. She is already dead, My Beautiful One. Tenseiga can give her rest. You will have peace. And that is as it should be.”
“But my life belongs to her!”
At this declaration Sesshoumaru began growing a bit impatient with his less than genius brother. “Since when have you believed that one being should own another, Inuyasha?” Sesshoumaru struggled to ask without growling.
“You don't understand! She died for me!”
Sesshoumaru's patience was wearing thin. He couldn't lose Inuyasha to a dead priestess, to nothing but animated dirt and bones. He wouldn't. Steeling his mind, he nearly spat out his argument.
“Did she really, Inuyasha? Was it for you, or for her? You are the one who does not understand. Had she been so selfless that she would have given you the jewel had she not believed it would make her happy? Did you ask Naraku to destroy her? No, you did not. We each are responsible for our own decisions and their consequences. She chose. She bears the burden. The undead miko is not the priestess you once knew. Would one who loves you wish harm to come to you?”
“But she didn't know it wasn't me that killed her!” Inuyasha exclaimed. Sesshoumaru could never understand. He had loved her with all of his heart. He had...once upon a time. In exchange for his failure to protect her, his doubts about her love for him, he had to protect her, even if she was only a walking shadow of her former self. He had been given a second chance to prove to himself that he could succeed.
“The undead now knows that you had not betrayed her, and yet, she still longs to punish you, correct?”
“Yes.” Inuyasha flinched at the truth of Sesshoumaru's statement. As Sesshoumaru's argument began to sink in, Inuyasha found himself experiencing a moment of confusion.
“It is not your miko, Inuyasha. It is a creature that lives on memories of betrayal. And those memories will not prevent it from following its nature, which is to destroy life. It is dead. Allow me to put the apparition to rest so that you will no longer be plagued with your dead miko's likeness.”
“It is her. It is…” Though his heart fought him every inch of the way, Inuyasha's mind was beginning to comprehend what Sesshoumaru had been saying. He didn't want to believe that the clay structure was not his previous love. If Kikyou were well and truly dead, he would not have the chance to prove his love to her.
“Even if it were your miko, you both suffer for her undead presence. I can give her rest and give you peace. Do you refuse?” Sesshoumaru flatly question, hardness filtering into his voice. He refused to put himself in a position to be emotionally destroyed.
“Sesshoumaru, I don't know what is right anymore. I have my honor and do not want to tarnish that. It's all I have. Right now, being with you feels right, but I have obligations. She has been one of them. I don't want to be selfish. Giving up everything to be with you would be the most selfish thing I have ever done. So many depend on my honor to protect them.”
“What will it take to convince you, Inuyasha?” Sesshoumaru felt like he was coming against a stone wall. How could he make Inuyasha understand? “I am alive. She is dead. Do you wish to live and be with me, or die and be with her? That is the final decision, Inuyasha. If your love for her is so strong that you would give up your life, I will court your affections no longer.” He didn't add, `If leave me alone for eternity...' He wouldn't lay that responsibility at the feet of the one he wished to cherish him.
“Sesshoumaru…,” whispered Inuyasha as though asking for help. “I can't walk away from my life and I can't allow you to kill Kikyou.”
Sesshoumaru rose to his knees and embraced Inuyasha and buried his face into the white mane. “I am with you. I will not seek to change your life. Naraku is my enemy as well. Together we will defeat him and you will accomplish your obligation to complete the jewel. All I ask is that you will come to me on occasion and that you be by my side when your journey is completed. Will you live for me?” `Say `yes''.
Sesshoumaru tightened his embrace and drew in a long breath. Should Inuyasha deny him, he would leave. He could not bear the pain of knowing that Inuyasha, on any given day, might choose to walk away from him. Before he could become comfortable and secure in Inuyasha's presence, he would be the one to walk away. If he were forced to leave now, at least he would carry Inuyasha's scent with him for a long time to come.
“Could I change my mind later?” asked Inuyasha, hoping to avoid a commitment he wasn't sure he could keep.
Pain shot through Sesshoumaru. “No, Inuyasha, you must promise you will be mine,” murmured Sesshoumaru. “I will not come to you only to be discarded at some unknown moment.”
Inuyasha slumped into Sesshoumaru, resting his forehead in the crook of Sesshoumaru's shoulder. `He smells like home.' A lump welled up in his throat at the thought that he may lose this feeling of completion.
“I want you…so much it hurts,” Inuyasha muttered. “No one has ever made me feel like this.”
“You cannot deny it,” Sesshoumaru murmured as he ran his claws through Inuyasha's hair. “We belong to each other.”
In his heart, Inuyasha knew that Sesshoumaru was right. Why was he still so hesitant? Sesshoumaru said that he could continue with his life. The obstacle was Kikyou. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to forget her, but he had never been able to do that. It seemed like a rejection of the woman he had once loved, a rejection of the love he once had for her. As Inuyasha lay, basking in the tenderness of Sesshoumaru's arms, his inner conflict was tearing him apart. Could he never have what he so desired?
Sesshoumaru slid his hands to Inuyasha's shoulders and pushed him away until their eyes met. The sadness and defeat lingered in the depths of Inuyasha's golden gaze. It tore at Sesshoumaru and he never wanted to see that look on his brother's face. Sesshoumaru found himself at a loss for words. There was only one way to convince Inuyasha. `Show him what can be.' His eyes gradually closed as he leaned forward and rested his lips against Inuyasha's. His hands followed the line of Inuyasha's neck to rest against newly tear stained cheeks. The salt of Inuyasha's tears was soon transferred to Sesshoumaru's warm tongue as it tenderly caressed the soft skin. A sympathetic lump rose in Sesshoumaru's chest and he nearly wept with Inuyasha. This was difficult. He knew. A few days earlier, had faced the battle alone, on a hilltop while watching two boys enjoying their games.
Inuyasha rested his forehead against Sesshoumaru's and dared, with a tremulous voice, to say the three reassuring words he hadn't spoken since he was a child, “I…love you, Sessy.” Inuyasha's breath left in a rush, taking with it the years of pent up emotion. `Is this why I have never been able to fully give myself to any one person...because my heart knew that I loved Sesshoumaru? Is this why I could never kill him?'
Sesshoumaru involuntarily fisted his hands in Inuyasha's mane, pulling Inuyasha's face away. He had waited so long to hear those words again. It made his heart want to sing. He took Inuyasha in a soul-shattering kiss, hard and passionate, then soft, the barest of exploring caresses. Gently leaning forward, he guided Inuyasha to lie on his fluffy pelt.
“Show me. Love me, My Beautiful One,” whispered Sesshoumaru before plumbing the depths of Inuyasha's warm, sweet mouth.
The taste of his brother nearly overwhelmed Sesshoumaru. He wanted to take Inuyasha, caress every inch of the young man's body with only his lips, to make love to him in every way imaginable; passionate, tender, wild and unrestrained. As before, he would be patient and move forward only at Inuyasha's prompting. But oh, how he longed to be one with his lover!
“Love me,” he whispered against Inuyasha's lips as he allowed his body to sink into Inuyasha.
Inuyasha could not refuse Sesshoumaru. He was entranced by Sesshoumaru's attentions, was drowned in overwhelming warmth and affection, and that, from one he had once deemed to be as cold and heartless as the raging winds of the northern mountains. Breath left him as the world swam in bold colors behind his eyelids. How was it that Sesshoumaru could blind him to the responsibilities of his life?
“Yes…” he panted against Sesshoumaru's hungry lips as he raked claws across the clothing barring his path to the warmth of Sesshoumaru's flesh. “I love you.” Inuyasha groaned as Sesshoumaru nipped his neck. “Off…off,” he mumbled, tearing at Sesshoumaru's clothes. “I…” Inuyasha gasped under Sesshoumaru's tongue. “…want you…now.”
Under Sesshoumaru's expert touch, thoughts of Inuyasha's current troubles faded into the background. The world existed in each moment, all else forgotten.
Sesshoumaru pulled back and gazed at the painting beneath him. White hair spilled around and framed Inuyasha's upper body, wisps highlighting the billowing red clothing. Inuyasha's eyelids slightly lifted, giving Sesshoumaru a view of golden, lust glazed eyes. The arching body begged as much as the wanton expression in Inuyasha's misted eyes. Hints of a crimson blush dusted Inuyasha's cheeks, the color mirrored in the pink inner flaps of his ears.
“Please, Sessy,” Inuyasha moaned. He stared up into amber, darkened by desire. For the first time, he truly understood. Sesshoumaru had been his first love, the one he would always carry inside that part of himself he thought forever empty. Despite the spell, it had always been Sesshoumaru. His memories may have been stolen, but his soul had never forgotten his first love.
It seemed as though only a moment had passed before Sesshoumaru had both of them disrobed. Their clothing lay about in disarray as he straddled Inuyasha's hips. Sesshoumaru ran his hands down the length of Inuyasha's torso and drank in the sight of the pale man beneath him. The pink buds of Inuyasha's nipples, hard and stiff on a heaving chest, drew his attention. His mouth watered at the tantalizing sight. His lips brushed over the thin, smooth skin. A deep breath through his nostrils brought the scent of the fresh wind that only existed above treetops. It was a scent he had longed to keep close; clean breezes spiced with the juice of freshly broken leaves. Visions of Inuyasha racing high above the forest filled Sesshoumaru's mind while he savored the taste. Alternating between his tongue and lips, he drew circles around the delicate skin. He pulled the hardened bud between his lips and drew it into the wet warmth of his mouth then flicked it while he tugged it between his teeth.
Sensation sent heat coursing through Inuyasha's body and his back arched. His breath came in ragged pants as Sesshoumaru continued the sweet torture. Wave upon wave of heat smoldered beneath his swollen, sensitive skin. Sesshoumaru left nothing untouched, nothing unloved. Fiery, wet lines trailed his neck, collarbone, and chest. Hot, wet heat moved down the center of his tensing abdomen and he couldn't help the unconscious movements of his hips. Sesshoumaru's strong hands quickly pinned them in place.
Silver strands of hair tickled his hips and abdomen as Sesshoumaru's face moved over his groin. Inuyasha glanced down to see his brother stare up at him. Sesshoumaru was so beautiful. The stars and moon bathed his hair in shining white light. Amber eyes disappeared behind maroon-lined eyelids when Sesshoumaru lowered his lips and blew his warm breath along the length of Inuyasha's erection. The sensations brought multi-colored sparkles into his vision as the wet heat of Sesshoumaru's mouth encompassed the tip of his hardened arousal.
“Sess…” gasped Inuyasha as his hips tried to shove themselves upward, seemingly of their own accord, but were held fast in Sesshoumaru's gentle, yet deadly, claw-tipped fingers. “Nng...please,” Inuyasha practically whined. He was being overwhelmed by what felt like his skin trying to curl in a furnace of flames lit by Sesshoumaru's mouth and tongue.
The chorus of Inuyasha's melodious responses urged Sesshoumaru onward in his efforts to please his Beautiful One. Each note that flowed through his body heightened his desire, pressured heat through his flesh, and strung tight his muscles. He enveloped Inuyasha and worked the muscles of his throat for maximum effect. The taste of salty liquid increased his own arousal and encouraged him to continue. Inuyasha deliciously writhed and raised his legs to wrap them around Sesshoumaru's back in an attempt to pull Sesshoumaru into him. Sesshoumaru held fast, even though he lifted an arm and slid his hand between Inuyasha's thighs. A high pitched whine was Sesshoumaru's reward for manipulating the tightening bulges beneath Inuyasha's swollen member. He wrapped his fingers around Inuyasha's stiff shaft and began stroking.
“Please…stop. Sesshoumaru, stop!” Inuyasha whined when he felt the blood throbbing through him. If Sesshoumaru didn't stop, he was going to fall into that white oblivion and Sesshoumaru wouldn't be there to join him.
Sesshoumaru rose to stare at Inuyasha in consternation, but softened his gaze when he saw Inuyasha's arms outstretched, palms up. Disentangling himself from Inuyasha's legs, he slid up into waiting arms and he ground himself into Inuyasha's groin. The reciprocating pressure pleased him.
“I want more this time,” whispered Inuyasha against Sesshoumaru's swollen, satin lips.
“More?” questioned Sesshoumaru. He wanted to be absolutely certain that Inuyasha knew what he was asking. Only one step in there union was yet to be realized.
“More, Sess, more,” Inuyasha insisted. He emphasized his point by digging his fingers into Sesshoumaru's hair and dipping his tongue into Sesshoumaru's mouth. He explored the warm cavern, his tongue mapping every ridge, swirling around each fang. Sesshoumaru returned the kiss. His tongue stroked and rolled with Inuyasha's. The joining instigated a sensation inside of Inuyasha's chest and he wanted Sesshoumaru more than ever. “More,” he whispered then plunged his tongue into Sesshoumaru's mouth. “Mmm, inside of me, Sess. Make love to me.”
“Inuyasha…” Sesshoumaru whispered. A rush of fiery blood coursed through his veins as he ravaged Inuyasha's lips and mouth, his body dancing along Inuyasha's smooth flesh. Corded muscles quivered with the effort to restrain himself. This was what he had longed for. From the moment he had taken that initial step with his little brother, he had wanted to be one with him. Caging that desire had taken all of his willpower. His burden could be set free and it was such a relief.
Inuyasha trembled under the mouth that nipped and suckled along his jaw and neck. He never could have imagined how wonderful this could feel. Oh, and it wasn't just the physical pleasure. His heart felt as though it would burst with the love Sesshoumaru gave him. And that was what blinded his vision, clouded his mind, until nothing was left but the sensation of Sesshoumaru's touch.
He felt Sesshoumaru's hand slide between them once again. Those long slender fingers enveloped him. Though he wanted it, he wasn't expecting the fingers, soaked with their combined essence, to make their way between his thighs. He hissed at the burn of the intrusion. Tender caresses against his ears from Sesshoumaru's tongue distracted him from his discomfort. The second finger was less shocking and Inuyasha found the emptiness within him seeking to have that one last vestige of his loneliness filled.
“Sesshoumaru, please, now,” he whimpered as he felt his ear sucked into the warmth of Sesshoumaru's mouth.
“You have never before asked for this. Are you certain?” Sesshoumaru murmured into his quivering ear.
“Yes,” Inuyasha assured Sesshoumaru and added a nod. When Sesshoumaru pulled back to ascertain Inuyasha's willingness, Inuyasha stared up at his brother, sincerity radiating from every pore of his body.
Sesshoumaru's hand pulled away to be replaced by something round, slick, hot and smooth. “This will hurt, My Beautiful One.”
Inuyasha could hear the regret in Sesshoumaru's voice, something of which he never would have imagined Sesshoumaru capable. So many things Sesshoumaru had revealed of himself. It was truly astonishing. But with his memories returned, Inuyasha now understood. Sesshoumaru was capable of possessing all those things he had never thought possible.
Instead of prolonging Inuyasha's pain, Sesshoumaru made one carefully measured thrust. Then he was inside the tight heat of his lover. After centuries of loneliness, completion had at last claimed them. Drowning in the overpowering surge of emotion left Sesshoumaru gasping for breath. Claws dug into his shoulders as Inuyasha stiffened beneath him and he was drawn out of the emotional well of his thoughts and emotions.
“I apologize, My Beautiful One,” he panted while he barely controlled his urge to continue. Drawing back he gazed into Inuyasha's pained eyes and waited for some sign that Inuyasha was ready to continue.
“Kiss, Sessy?” Inuyasha whispered, his bottom lip quivering.
“Always for you, only you,” Sesshoumaru breathed against Inuyasha's parted lips. Hearing those words had such a healing effect that Sesshoumaru felt his heart give an approving thump. He could practically feel the tatters of his heart mending. With each touch, he wasn't only giving Inuyasha pleasure, but shedding all of his defenses. The last vestiges of remaining scars were peeling away to be replaced by that which he had avoided with all of his strength.
Inuyasha trembled as Sesshoumaru's tongue tasted his lips and tenderly explored his mouth. He slid his fingers up to caress Sesshoumaru's cheeks and ears. His tongue lightly stroked his lover's as he suckled at Sesshoumaru's soft, wet appendage. Sesshoumaru eased away from the kiss. The next thing Inuyasha knew, the delicate, inner flap of his right ear was being lathed with wet warmth. His body lurched forward, inadvertently burying Sesshoumaru deeper. It was no longer uncomfortable, so he pressed harder against his brother's hips. The new suckling on his ear made him squirm and he automatically latched onto Sesshoumaru's neck with his lips and teeth. Sensation was taking its toll. Sparks of heat flitted over his skin then morphed into a simmering arousal that took his breath away.
Sesshoumaru groaned, pulled away, and then thrust himself back into the blinding tight heat that was his lover. He repeated the motion when Inuyasha dragged his lips down the column of his throat. The taste and scent of his brother surrounded him like a cloak, even as he was gripped within Inuyasha's body.
“Inuyasha.” The treasured name escaped his lips in a hot breath that rushed into Inuyasha's ear.
“Sessy,” Inuyasha mewled and bucked against him in want and need. “Please, please.”
At Inuyasha's urging, Sesshoumaru slid a hand between them and cupped Inuyasha's groin. That earned him another mewl. It was a sound he would never tire of hearing. There were so many erotic sights and sounds his beautiful brother could display. As their movements became more urgent, his hand wrapped around Inuyasha's slicked arousal and the strokes of his hand matched the rhythm of his thrusts. The cords of Sesshoumaru's muscles rolled as his body arched in response to Inuyasha's claws scraping across his back. Sesshoumaru felt as though his body was a torch beneath Inuyasha's hands and claws. Even the grazing of Inuyasha's feet over the muscles of his calves and thighs fanned the flames higher.
“Inuyasha!” Sesshoumaru gave a great thrust, shoving Inuyasha upward along the pelt. When Sesshoumaru pulled at Inuyasha's long white mane, it bared the long line of Inuyasha's muscular throat. Sesshoumaru licked his parched lips and dove at Inuyasha's neck. The skin tasted of salt and what could only be defined as Inuyasha. He couldn't get enough. The body beneath him shuddered and still managed to match the rhythm of the skin to skin dance. Flesh writhed, rolled, and bucked as they used each other to heighten their pleasure.
Each thrust filled Inuyasha's body, but also did something without a name to his heart and mind. He let his eyes wander over Sesshoumaru's shoulder and watched as, with each thrust, Sesshoumaru's entire body rolled in one long wave after another. The pale skin seemed to glow in the moonlight. Another strong thrust broke his concentration and his head fell back, his eyes closing to swirls of bright color behind his eyelids. The heat expanding through his blood was overwhelming. It surged and receded. Each cycle caused his muscles to tighten further and pulled him closer to the edge of ecstasy.
Sesshoumaru intently watched as Inuyasha's fangs peeked out from parted lips. With one sharp thrust, his brother's neck arched back and a small scream escaped him. Sesshoumaru closed his eyes in bliss when he felt Inuyasha's erection swell to that skin tightening stage just before release. The foreshadowing of his brother's passion served to pressure his muscles into tensing for the same. In an effort to stave off that moment, he licked the lids above the thick, black lace of Inuyasha's eyelashes before plunging his tongue into Inuyasha's mouth, swallowing the scream as thick hot liquid spilled over the hand gripping Inuyasha's shaft. Inuyasha's body gave a powerful jolt beneath him. At that moment, he felt his own erection being squeezed incredibly tight. His release came with Inuyasha's convulsions. The moon and stars faded as he drew out of the kiss and thrust one last time before coating Inuyasha's passage with his own essence.
“Inuyasha!” he called out as he felt fangs sink into the crook of his neck and shoulder. The pleasure, pain, and reassurance in that act heightened to unimaginable proportions the intensity of his climax. Light streaked through his vision and his ears rang with searing blood.
With Sesshoumaru continuing small thrusts, their flight into that blinding oblivion seemed to last for hours. Neither of the lovers wanted to trail down the long spiral into the hard density of reality. So, they held on as long as possible. Inuyasha clung to his brother with his claws and fangs sinking beneath pale skin while Sesshoumaru ground him into the soft fluffy pelt.
Inuyasha came to himself with the metallic taste of blood in his mouth and to Sesshoumaru's full weight pressing him down so that he felt the heaving chest and shuddering frame of Sesshoumaru's body. Though his body ached with the after-effects of his plummet, he didn't want to open his eyes or disturb the quiet moment. He was content to listen to the jagged pants of Sesshoumaru's breathing. Reality still seemed somewhat distant and he enjoyed the warmth that seeped from Sesshoumaru's skin.
The silence was finally broken, but not unpleasantly. “My beautiful one,” came the whisper across his ear.
Suddenly, the world came into focus and Inuyasha could hear the sounds of chirping birds that came shortly before dawn. It was loud in his ears, too loud. He ran his hands in circles on Sesshoumaru's back and realized it was slick with blood.
“What have I done?” he asked, licking the blood from his lips.
Sesshoumaru swallowed hard and kept his face buried in Inuyasha's hair. Worry that Inuyasha would reject him clenched at his heart.
“You have taken my life into your blood and bound yourself to me.”
Inuyasha could hear, no feel, the dread and hope in Sesshoumaru's words. He shared Sesshoumaru's life force now. He lay there, listening to their breathing, wondering what this would mean. What would happen to him?
“Do not fear, Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru said in an attempt to assuage his brother's fears. He raised his head and gazed into Inuyasha's worried eyes. “I shall not…force my will upon you,” he sighed.
Inuyasha could feel the need in Sesshoumaru, and the determination to control his desire. Sesshoumaru would keep his word, regardless. For some reason, that made him feel safe rather than threatened.
“I love you, brother,” Inuyasha soothed.
Sesshoumaru sighed in relief and laid a gentle kiss on Inuyasha's lips. “I love you too. Let us bathe.”
Inuyasha grimaced at the thought of moving from his comfortable spot then grunted as Sesshoumaru lifted himself and withdrew. When he rose to a sitting position, his stomach felt like it had been beaten and he felt sick. His legs didn't want to obey the commands of his brain. His body felt as though it were simultaneously light and heavy which threw him off balance.
Noticing the difficulty Inuyasha was experiencing, Sesshoumaru scooped him up and carried him to the stream.
“Next time, you're on the bottom,” Inuyasha murmured while smiling up at Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru chuckled. “We shall see.”
Thank You for Reading and Reviewing
Thanks for the review and awesome score. You are a hard task master when it comes to grading. This chapter had around 2,000 words of addition because it is so pivotal. I hope it passed muster. Again, thank you so very much!
I'm so sorry it took so long to get this back up. Thanks for the review and awesome scores. This was actually written and posted on AFF in 2005, I think. I took all my stories down for editing. This last chapter had major description additions. ^_^ Hope you liked it!
The Flaming Pheonix
Thanks for reviewing. Glad you liked it and I apologize for the wait. One more chapter to go and then I should probably do a sequel. They aren't so pivotal, so it shouldn't take as long to get them edited. There is a sequel in the works. ^_^
Thanks for the review and wonderful scores. The next chapter should be edited and out soon. ^_^
Inuyasha and all associated characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I make no profit from this story, nor do I intend to. My only goal is to occupy my demented mind with delusions of actually owning a life-sized, anatomically correct Sesshoumaru.