InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ White Love ❯ Umbrella ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
S.N.: I know, why haven’t I been working on my other fanfics? Well, Lucifer and Rameous, who are my muses, decided it would be nice to give me ideas for another HakudoshiKagome fanfic. n.n; Lucifer and Rameous are brothers, Rameous being the older one, by one year, and Lucifer being my age. Anyway, this isn’t a fanfic where Kagome is traveling back into the past, nor is Hakudoshi and incarnation of Naraku. Nope! This is an AU fanfic all set in Kagome’s time! Enjoy! I was listening to +Gothic Pink+ by Tommy Heavenly6, good song!

Hakudoshi - 15, Kagome - 15

Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha, only a couple DVDs and a few mangas. That is all, and I have no money, so no suing.



Rain lightly showered the ground, puddles rippling. The people that were out carried umbrellas to protect them. A few couples talked and joked as they walked in the light shower. A kid or two ran around and jumped in puddles.

The trees swayed with the wind. Leaves leaving the branches and landing on the ground. Occasionally, one or two would land in a puddle.

A person, however, had no umbrella.

He was merely laying on one of the many benches in the park. He had his face in his arm, almost completely on his stomach. The male looked about twelve, thirteen, maybe even fourteen. However, he was, in fact, fifteen years in age.

The teenage boy tilted his head to look out through his hair. A grayish-lavender eye scanned the rapidly emptying park around him.

His black, long sleeved shit clung to his back and arms. Clearly wet form the rain. His stonewashed, blue jeans hugged his legs nicely. Black and white DCs were sloppily tied on his feet.

His unusual white-lavender hair was damp, going to his shoulder blades, and clinging to his neck, face, and upper back.

His appearance signaled he was out in the storm when it was pouring earlier.

Thunder could be heard in the distance, signaling another oncoming storm. The rain dropped a bit heavier as well. The figure on the bench sigh and put his head back into the crook of his elbow.

Why of all times to get kicked out of the house, did it have to be now? Why? Kami must hate him, that much if for sure. There was no other explanation as to why his foster father would throw him out when he was in a fit of rage.

It wasn’t even his fault!

He would be lucky if no one form his school saw him now. That was one thing he prayed for to not happen. He couldn’t bear to see anyone form his school on the weekend.

The sound of thunder was coming closer and the rain getting harder.

He could swear he saw a quick flash of lightening through the gap between the panels of wood that made up the bench as well.

“Hakudoshi? Munashii, Hakudoshi?”

The figure, now known as Hakudoshi, flinch inwardly and looked up a bit through his hair at the one who called out his name.

Smoky, slate orbs and a worried heart-shaped face greeted his slightly blocked vision. Slightly damp mid-back blue-black hair hung about the person’s shoulders in waves, pale-tan skin accented her eyes.

In her hands, open above her head, was a gray umbrella with light blue snowflake designs on it.

A light orange rain jacket adorned her upper body, while nice pink capris covered her legs. On the person’s feet were wet, plain, old sneakers.

‘Higurashi, Kagome.’

Kagome appeared to be chewing on her bottom lip slightly, clearly worried.

“Are you all right?”

Grayish-lavender eyes met slate ones.

“I’m fine.”

The fifteen year old girl didn’t look persuaded, “You sure? You know Hakudoshi, you can always come over the shrine if you need to right?”

Hakudoshi sighed and sat up right on the bench, fully showing his still child-like face, “Yes. I’m sure.”

The oddly-haired fifteen year old closed his eyes before opening them and staring at the ground. He didn’t notice Kagome look to the sides of her before turning attention to what previously held it.

A slim, feminine hand held out the object in its grip.

Looking up from under his think bangs, Hakudoshi noticed to offer. And shook his head ‘no’.

“You sure? I have both a ran coat and an umbrella, but you have neither.”

Sighing through his nose, the male stood up. The both noticed the slight height difference.

Kagome was five two, Hakudoshi five even.

“I’m fine, Kagome.”

Kagome’s shoulders slumped slightly, before she smiled at the oddly-haired teen in front of her, “Take it. I don’t need it. My mom will understand if I come home without it. And besides, it’ll make me feel better if you have it with you.”

Hakudoshi once again shook his head in a negative; loose, wet strands of hair moving about his head.

His ears caught the sound of huffing before he felt a hand take his. Looking up, he noticed a slightly triumphant smile on the female teenager’s lips.

Something warm and a tad squishy was pushed into his hand.

Looking down, Hakudoshi’s grayish-lavender eyes saw the handle of Kagome’s umbrella there. Bringing his eyes back up, he saw the fifteen year old girl walking away while putting her hair up into a sloppy ponytail.

“You can give it to me later!” Kagome turned around to smile at the abnormal teen before jogging off, most likely home.

‘Great. And she wants me to return it later. If I’m allowed outside of the house later.’

Huffing, Hakudoshi looked back to the girl’s retreating figure.

He’d thank her later.



S.N.: Yay! A one-shot that had been with me for a while! It’s short, yes, but it’s a drabble. Hope you like it! R&R.