InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ Amaris.... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hi this is my very first fanfic so please go easy. And if you don't review, even if you don't like it, then I'll hunt you down!! Just Kidding! Enjoy! By the way, Sesshoumaru is 13 in demon years, InuYasha is 9 and InuTaisho and InuYasha's mother are both alive.
Lady Izayoi, a 12 year old Sesshoumaru and a 9 year old InuYasha were walking through the forest near the Western Castle. InuYasha was being very energetic as usual and Sesshoumaru looked like he would rather spend a day with his father then be walking with the human and half-breed.
Lady Izayoi, InuTaisho's mate and InuYasha's birth mother, was sitting atop Ah-Un's back, watching as her son chased a butterfly. Sesshoumaru stared at her from the corner of his eye.
`Why did the bitch have to make me come? She is not my mother and never will be. She has no right to order a lord's son' he thought. He was clearly pissed but his mood went un-noticed by the other two.
“InuYasha please stay close to your brother or I”, she called to him. “I am not his brother and I will never be. Get that clear into your head human”, Sesshoumaru growled. “Sesshoumaru I am not in the mood to deal with your attitude. Now go find your brother and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble”, Izayoi said.
Sesshoumaru glared at her then jumped high into a tree, away from her. Suddenly he heard a high pitched whiny and then the sound of InuYasha yelling an attack. Did the boy not know how to stay out of trouble?
He looked down at the human, who obviously did not hear either sound. He growled low in his throat then started running in the direction of the sound. He jumped down from a tree to see a large spider youkai getting ready to attack InuYasha, who was lying on the ground, tangled in spider webs.
On two large trees was a huge spider web. A black horse was rearing and whinnying loudly, his reins tied to a low branch of another tree. But what caught Sesshoumaru's eye the most was the girl attached to the spider web.
All he could see was icy-metallic blue colored hair because her head was hung low. Her skin was a pale ivory color and she wore a strange out fit, not the usual kimono. The top was a strange white wrap that had a thin strap that went over each shoulder. She was wearing a tan colored cowhide wrap that went around the lower half of her body and ended at her knees. She wore nothing on her feet. She was unconscious but not dead.
She had pointed ears and claws like him, yet she didn't smell demon nor human. His attention shifted back to the spider youkai, who was getting closer to InuYasha. `Why must it be I who always has to save his hanyou ass?'
In two swift moves, the spider demon laid dead on the ground. He used his claws to free InuYasha from the webbing then glared at him. “What the hell did you think you were doing? That youkai was three times the size of you and much stronger”, he growled.
“You had no problem killing it”, InuYasha snapped, standing up and dusting himself off. “That is because I am stronger and older than you. Also, I am not a hanyou like you. Now what was the reason for doing such a thing? I thought you couldn't get any more stupid but you clearly proved me wrong.”
“That's the reason”, InuYasha said and pointed to the girl at the spider web. It was at that moment that Izayoi came. Her eyes scanned from the dead spider youkai then to Sesshoumaru and her son.
She looked over to where InuYasha was still pointing to a gasped. “Sesshoumaru help that poor child and InuYasha go untie the horse. He must belong to her”, she instructed. InuYasha ran over to the still scared horse and jumped onto the branch to untie his reins. He quickly jumped down and grabbed the reins before the black horse ran away.
Sesshoumaru walked over to the spider web. The girl was tied to it by web bindings around her wrists, waist and ankles. He cut off the waist binding first to reveal a weird black sash that had three pouches on her left hip.
There was a black metal object that looked similar to guns except hand held size that was in a tight pouch on her right hip. The pouch had no bottom or opening cover. Instead, the mouth of the gun was sticking out from the bottom and the handle was sticking out from the top. There was another one of these pouches that held the same object on her left hip.
He ignored the items and cut off the ankle bindings. There was black fabric wrapped around her ankles and ended near her knees. He noticed that, even though it was very well hidden, the fabric was also wrapped around a dagger sheath on her left calf. The handle of the dagger was black so it blended in with the wrapping, making it seem like there was nothing except fabric.
`Very smart.' He cut off the binding of the right wrist to see the same black fabric, hiding another dagger. Finally he cut of the binding of the other wrist and she fell from the web. Sesshoumaru caught her before she hit the ground.
Just like the right wrist, the left wrist also had black wrapping that hid a dagger. Both daggers were on the inside of her arms, the hilts close to her palms, so that they would be more hidden.
He could now see her face. Her eyes were closed and she had full red lips that stood out against her pale face. On her right ear were three hoop earrings on the bottom, the first hoop larger than the other two. On top were two hoops the same size as the second and third hoop on the bottom.
On her left ear were the same earrings but with only one hoop on the top. She was very light and looked like she hadn't eaten in a week. She looked to be 11 or 12 years old. Her blue hair went to about her shoulders.
“Is she ok”, Izayoi asked. “She's fine, just unconscious. Shall we take her to the near by village? That's probably where she's from”, Sesshoumaru said. “Nope I don't think she lives there. Her saddlebags have clothes and a blanket in them. No food though. There's also whip but I don't think it's for the horse; it's probably a weapon. There's also herbs and bandages”, InuYasha said, walking over to them with the horse.
“What kind of demon is she”, Izayoi asked, noticing the claws and ears. “She smells neither human nor demon. She might be using a concealment spell but I doubt it. What shall we do with her”, Sesshoumaru asked.
“We'll take her back to the castle. Your father should know what to do with her. Maybe she could be a servant. Sesshoumaru, you carry her and InuYasha you take the horse”, She said and they started walking back to the castle.
Sesshoumaru, InuYasha and Izayoi watched as the girl started waking. The human and hanyou were sitting in chairs next to her bed and Sesshoumaru was leaning against the wall on the other side.
The girl said something, but it was in an unknown language. (A/N: Anything she says or is in her language will be in italics) She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at InuYasha and Izayoi.
“Good kami! InuYasha, get away from her quickly”, Izayoi exclaimed and backed away from the bed. The girl stared at her with ruby red eyes, confused and still half asleep. “Wait mother, I don't think she's turning into her true form, I think that's her natural eye color”, InuYasha said and leaned closer to the girl.
That's when she became fully awake.
She had woken up to see two unknown figures staring down at her. At first she was confused but then the female backed away, saying something that the girl had no clue was.
The young boy said something in the same language and leaned closer to her. That's when she snapped awake. Faster than the human and hanyou's eyes could see, she pulled out the gun at her right hip and pointed it at the boy's forehead.
Come any closer and I'll kill you in one shot”, she growled. She saw the older female take a step forward and say something in her strange language. The girl quickly pulled out her other gun and aimed it at her.
Keeping the two in eyeshot, she looked around at her surroundings. She was in a room, lying in a large bed. She was still wearing the same dirty clothes. She rubbed her right foot against her left calf and felt the sheath and the dagger still there.
She checked to make sure everything else was also there. Her saddlebags and whip were lying in a corner of the room. She was so busy checking everything and watching the two that she didn't see a third person come up from behind her.
Sesshoumaru watched as she drew her small gun out and pointed it at InuYasha and said something in a different language. Sesshoumaru had an interest in languages and had learned all the languages known to their family but he had never heard hers.
Again he watched as she drew her other gun and pointed it at Izayoi, then looked around. He saw her rub her foot against her calf to check if her dagger was still there. He would have loved to see the girl kill the human and hanyou but then father would have had her killed as well and his curiosity got the better of him. He wanted her to live.
He quietly walked up behind her and grabbed her hands, squeezing hard enough to make her drop the guns. She struggled to break from his hold but it was useless. “InuYasha, take her legs and hold them so she can't try and kick us or something”, he ordered.
InuYasha did what he was told and held her legs to the bed. Sesshoumaru held both arms in one hand and took both daggers from her wrists and dropped them to the floor. Then he unwrapped the fabric from one of her wrists and tied her wrists together.
He untied the fabric from her other wrist and tied her arms to the bedpost. He untied the sash from her waist and dropped it to the floor where the daggers were. He took the dagger from her calf and also dropped it then tied her feet together with the fabric from one of her legs.
InuYasha still held onto the girl's legs and watched as his half-brother started pushing up her skirt. “Sesshoumaru what are you doing”, Izayoi demanded. Sesshoumaru ignored her and pushed up her skirt until he saw the pouch tied to each thigh. One pouch held another dagger and the other held another gun.
By now the girl was yelling words to them. They didn't know what the words were but Sesshoumaru could tell she was cursing them. “This is for your own good. Calm down and InuYasha will let go of your legs”, he told her, hoping that somehow she understood his words.
She watched as he stood and faced her, arms crossed over his chest. She saw all her weapons on the floor and the younger boy still held her legs. He said something, though she didn't know what but she got the picture.
Her yelling and movements stopped and she watched the older boy nod to the younger one. The younger one let go over her legs and walked over to the female. The girl took this time to look over the three.
The older boy had long silver hair that ended at his waist and had golden colored eyes. His skin was a pale ivory color like hers. He wore and out fit similar to what she had seen in all the villages she visited.
She saw that he also had claws and pointed ears. She eyes looked over to the other two. The younger boy look like the older one except his eyes were more of a glowing amber color. He had the same silver hair that went to about mid-back. He wore a red out fit and had claws too.
What was different about the boy was that instead of pointed ears, he had two dog-like ears on the top of his head. The female had long black hair and violet eyes. She had no claws and had normal human ears. She wore a fancy looking out fit that was in three layers.
Who are you”, she asked the older boy but he clearly couldn't understand her. Suddenly all heads turned to the door. An older male stood there. He looked just like the other two boys but his silver hair was up in a ponytail and he wore armor.
“Is this the girl you found in the forest? You're not treating her very well”, he said. The girl didn't understand his words but his voice was powerful yet calm and gentle and held lots of wisdom and years.
The younger boy and the female rushed over to him but the older boy stayed where he was. “Sesshoumaru”, the older male said and the older boy looked over at him. So that was his name?
“Sesshoumaru”, the girl said, trying out the new word. Everyone looked over at her, the older boy, the younger boy and the female had shock in their faces. The shocked look quickly went away on the older boy's face and was replaced with an emotionless mask.
Sesshoumaru nodded. “Amaris”, she said simply. Everyone stared at her in confusion. Then InuYasha got a look of understanding. “I think that's her name. Amaris. I like it”, he said.
For the first time, the girl-Amaris- smiled. “Amaris. Yeah that's my name. Now could you untie me!?” “She speaks another language”, InuTaisho asked. “Hai, a new one that I have never heard of before”, Sesshoumaru said.
“Can she stay father? She'd be really good. We could teach her our language and everything. I'd finally have someone to play with instead of boring old Sesshoumaru”, InuYasha said excitedly.
Amaris looked over to Sesshoumaru when the younger boy said his name but looked at the older male when he spoke. “I think it would be a great idea for her to stay here. But first we need to untie her”, InuTaisho said.
“Wait father”, Sesshoumaru said. He gathered the daggers and guns from the floor and put them with the saddlebags. “Did those come from her”, InuTaisho asked. Sesshoumaru nodded.
“Well Amaris, lets get you untied.” The Western Lord walked over to the bed and started untying her legs and wrists. When Amaris was free, she rubbed her wrists and ankles to get the feeling back into them.
InuYasha ran over to her bed. “My name is InuYasha. Can you say InuYasha”, InuYasha asked. “InuYasha”, she said slowly. “Right! Over there is my father InuTaisho and my mother Izayoi.”
“InuTaisho. Izayoi.” `God these people have weird names' Amaris thought. InuYasha smiled at her then grabbed her arm. “Come on I'll show you around”, he said. There others watched as InuYasha ran out of the room dragging Amaris behind him.
A/N: Well there's my first chapter. Hope you like it and make sure you review!!! Bye!