InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ Friends? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Yeah I got two reviews!! That's pretty good considering it was the first chapter and all. Thanks go out to my girl Inu_Girl17 and dudekiller for reviewing! Check out Inu_Girl17's fics, they're really great!! Yes I know things are rushing in this chapter but I just wanted to get a few things cleared up before the real stuff starts. Now onto the chapter!
InuYasha had spent the whole day showing Amaris around the castle. He pointed out different places and told her the names. She was catching on very well with his language. Now they were walking down the corridor to the dinning room for dinner.
“This corridor takes us to the dinning room and if you go a little farther you'll come to Father's study”, InuYasha told her. He knew she couldn't understand him but he knew she that she would learn faster if he talked to her.
He opened the large wooden doors and allowed her to enter first. “You can sit over here next to me. It's the closest place to the door incase Sesshoumaru felt like trying to hurt me. You don't want to get on his bad side”, he told her.
She could see Sesshoumaru, InuTaisho and Izayoi already seated at the table. InuTaisho was at the front and his mate was sitting to his left. Sesshoumaru was four seats away from them on the right.
InuYasha held out the chair next to his for Amaris then sat down next to his mother. Amaris watched as a few servants came out carrying food. A servant placed a plate of what looked like fish cut up in pieces in front of her.
Ew gross, this fish smells raw”, she grimaced. She took one look at it and pushed it away. InuYasha noticed her distress. “It tastes better than it smells. Just try a piece”, he said.
He took her chopsticks, took a piece of the sushi and held it close to her mouth. Amaris was tempted to smack the gross food away but InuYasha's parents were watching. Sesshoumaru looked especially curious to see what she would do.
He had that look that said `I bet you won't do it'. Well, she'd prove him wrong. `I can't believe I'm doing this' she thought. Amaris pinched her nose with her index finger and thumb then took the awaiting food in her mouth.
She took a few bites, swallowed, and then smiled. `Hey this isn't so bad'. InuYasha and his parents also smiled and went back to their food. “I knew you'd like it. Let me show you how to use these”, InuYasha said.
As soon as Amaris knew how to use her chopsticks, InuYasha went to eating his food. Amaris gave Sesshoumaru a smug look then started eating her food as well.
It had been six months since Amaris had come to the castle. She had learned to speak their language quit well and was always conversing with `Little Master'. As soon as she was able to speak and understand Japanese and had learned their ways, Lord InuTaisho had told her that she had to start earning her living.
She became the main servant for `Little Master' and `Young Master' and basically `Little Master's babysitter. She had to start referring to InuTaisho as Lord and his mate as Lady and InuYasha was `Little Master' and Sesshoumaru was `Young Master'.
When no one was around, she'd refer the youngest son as InuYasha, and they had become very close friends. Sesshoumaru on the other hand didn't seem to like her. He said few words to her and mostly ignored her.
InuYasha said that that was how he always was; ignoring ones he thought were lesser than him. And yet, Amaris found herself wishing that he would speak to her more and spend time with her.
It was evening now, the sky growing dark and with no moon to shine. InuYasha had been absent for dinner, just like all the other evenings on the new moon. She was curious about where he was but didn't dare ask.
She was currently sitting in the gardens; which had become her most favorite place. She would go there to think, to pick flowers, or to just be alone. A gust of wind came her way and blew her shoulder length icy-blue hair around her. Then she smelt him.
She turned around to see Sesshoumaru standing just outside the entrince to the castle. She quickly stood up and bowed to him. “Young Master, what brings you out here in the gardens? You're usually in your room or the library during this time”, she said, her tongue rolling slightly due to her accent.
“I was bored and decided to go for a ride. You have never once taken your horse out since you have arrived here, I was wondering if you would care to join me”, he said, his normally cold voice sounding softer.
Her face brightened at the thought of riding her horse, and being with Sesshoumaru as well. “I would love to Young Master”, she answered and the two started walking to the stables.
As soon as they arrived, Amaris forgot that she was a servant and in the presence of Sesshoumaru, and raced to where her horse's stall was. “Nikita! I haven't seen you since forever. I'm sorry I have been neglecting you boy”, she cried happily.
Sesshoumaru watched as the girl talked to the black horse. Unknown to her, he knew every word that she was saying. He learned her language very quickly and would always listen to what she was saying.
So your horse's name is Nikita”, he asked. Amaris was about to answer him but stopped and stared at him in shock. “You know my language? But how?” “I've been listening to you speak. It's very simple just as it was simple for you to learn my own language”, he said, rubbing Nikita's muzzle.
“Oh you think you're so smart do you? Prove it then”, she said smugly. “Well, how about the time you called Izayoi an old cow, which by the way is very true”, he answered. Amaris blushed a deep red.
“I also know about your dreams. Whenever you have them you talk in your sleep. It's the same one every time. Tell me, what is it about”, he asked. Amaris looked into his golden eyes, which were filled with curiosity.
“Well, there's a village. It's peaceful and quiet. I see a younger me picking flowers in a field and there is a lady sitting on a blanket under a tree. I run over to her and give her the flowers I picked.
Suddenly a dark cloud covers the sky and there's thunder and lightning. We hear screaming from the village and huts start to catch fire. Then I wake up”, she said softly. “What does the lady look like”, he asked.
“I can't see her face but she has long auburn brown hair and she is wearing an out fit similar to mine. That's all I can ever remember”, she told him. Suddenly the two was interrupted by an impatient whinny from Nikita.
“Looks like Nikita wants to go”, she laughed. “I will get my horse ready then meet you back here”, Sesshoumaru said. Amaris nodded and watched him go to another stall. When Sesshoumaru came back with his horse, he saw Nikita already and Amaris trying to get on the saddle but her ankle length kimono was making it difficult.
Amaris gave an annoyed growl and started taking off her kimono. Underneath was the same out fit that she had been wearing when he first saw her. She hoisted herself onto the saddle then walked Nikita out of the stall, closing the door behind her.
“What is that strange out fit you are wearing”, Sesshoumaru asked as they left the stable. “This? This is what I would always wear. It's called a tank top and a skirt. I also have a white blouse and three other tank tops in red, light blue and light green”, she said.
Sesshoumaru just gave her a weird look and broke out into a canter. Amaris clicked her heels against Nikita's sides and followed. They soon came to a very familiar place. “Hey this is the place where I was attacked by that spider demon”, Amaris said.
“So it is. What were you doing in these parts anyway”, Sesshoumaru asked. “It started three months prier to when you found me. I woke up and couldn't remember anything. I remembered my name, fighting skills and stuff like that but I couldn't remember my past. I hoped that if I traveled around then I might find where I came from.
The village near here was not so helpful though. They attacked me and I had to leave quickly. I found myself here and was taking a rest when the spider demon attacked me. You know the rest”, she told him.
“I see. It was a good thing that InuYasha found you then.” “Are you saying that you are glad that I lived”, she said in mock gratitude. “No, I am saying that if you hadn't been saved then the demon would have ate you. You were so small back then that you wouldn't have filled it and it would have gone after some other creature or attacked the village”, he smirked.
Sesshoumaru turned his horse around and raced off towards the castle. Amaris glared at his fading form. If that's how it's going to be then fine. Lets go Nikita”, she said and galloped after him.
They soon caught up with Sesshoumaru. “You'll never beet us, Nikita's name means unconquerable. Besides, I can run faster than your horse”, she boasted and was soon far ahead of him.
Amaris arrived in the stables and walked Nikita over to his stall. She looked back but was not able to see Sesshoumaru yet. Then she got an idea. `I shouldn't be doing this since I'm only a servant and he's my master but this is just too fun.'
She walked Nikita over to another stall that was barley noticeable in the shadows. “I need you to be very still and quiet for me”, she whispered to him. As soon as he was comfortable, Amaris jumped up into the rafters.
She could see out of a roof window that Sesshoumaru had gone down to walking his horse and was still a little away from the stable. Amaris took a deep breath and screamed; loud enough for him to hear and think she was in trouble but not loud enough for anyone in the castle to get alarmed.
Just like he guessed, Sesshoumaru broke out into a run and was soon in the stables. When Sesshoumaru had heard the scream, he instantly knew it was Amaris and that she was in trouble.
`The stable.' Sesshoumaru broke out into a run and was soon in the stables. He tied his horse's reins to a pole then looked around. He didn't see Amaris hiding in the rafter shadows.
As soon as Sesshoumaru was right under her, Amaris jumped. She landed on him, sending both of them to the ground and into a pile of hay. When he recovered from the surprise attack, Sesshoumaru glared at her.
Amaris spit out the hay in her mouth and laughed at his look. “Oh come on Sesshoumaru admit it, it was funny”, she laughed. She soon found herself being pounced by him. Sesshoumaru straddled her waist and held her wrists over her head with one hand.
“That was not funny. This on the other hand is”, he said, smirking down at her. She was now breathing hard because of the jump and the shock at being pounced on. Amaris blushed at how close he was to her.
Sesshoumaru saw her face turn red, giving color to her normally pale face, and the shadows made her ruby red eyes look darker. He started moving closer then heard a voice at the stable doors.
“Don't you think you two are a little young to be having trysts?” InuTaisho said. They both quickly stood up and faced the Lord. Amaris was blushing even deeper and was bowing low.
“Milord it's not what it looks like. We were, um, well you see, it all started”, she stuttered. She was so nervous and embarrassed that she was getting her words mixed up and saying things in what seemed like a mixture of Japanese and her own language.
She finally just closed her mouth and stood there fidgeting. Sesshoumaru thought that her embarrassment and nervousness was very humorous. “Relax dear child. Lets just pretend I didn't see anything. Now I think it's time that both of you were off to bed”, he suggested.
Amaris stared at him like he was crazy until Sesshoumaru nudged her side. “Oh right.” She hurried to pick up her kimono. “Good night”, she whispered to Sesshoumaru when she passed him.
“Good night Lord InuTaisho, Young Master”, she said and ran out of the stables. “I meant you to Sesshoumaru. I'll have someone put your horse away”, his father said. Sesshoumaru nodded.
“I want to see you in my study tomorrow after breakfast”, InuTaisho said when he past. Sesshoumaru continued to walk towards the castle. Tomorrow was not going to come slow enough.
A/N: Well I guess that's about it for this chapter. I'm gonna add stupid questions at the end of each chapter just because I feel like it lol. Bye All!!!
Stupid Questions (I doubt anyone could answer them but if you want to then go right ahead)
Does InuYasha ever wash his clothes or take a bath?
Will Kagome's grandpa ever think of a normal sickness?
Does Hojo ever get a life?
Stay tuned for the next episode of “When I ask stupid questions” lol