InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ The new dream... ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hi guys! Thanks go out to black rose28, na de mo chibi otoko and dudekiller for reviewing! I'm sorry to say but I have to tell you that I won't be updating very much. My roommate will be leaving the hospital tomorrow (and unfortunately she's taking her laptop with her) and I just found out I'm pregnant so I won't be able to go to the library a lot. Sorry!
Disclaimer: I own very few things, InuYasha being one of those things. I also do not own the lullaby.
InuYasha and Amaris walked hand in hand down the long corridor to the dinning room for breakfast. As soon as they got to the big doors, they dropped hands and Amaris fell three steps behind him as was it expected of a servant.
The two walked in to be greeted by InuTaisho and Izayoi. Sesshoumaru just sat in his seat, avoiding Amaris' eyes. The pre-teen blushed a deep red when she remembered what happened last night.
Everyone ate in silence. As soon as InuTaisho was finished, he got up and looked over at Sesshoumaru. “Sesshoumaru, follow me to my study now”, he said. Sesshoumaru got up and followed his father to his study.
InuTaisho sat down behind his desk but Sesshoumaru remained standing. “What do you think of Amaris”, he asked. Sesshoumaru's unemotional mask didn't change but the lord saw the confusion in his eyes.
“She is an interesting and very unusual girl. She has been here for six months and yet she still puzzles me”, Sesshoumaru told him. “When she first came here she had weapons did she not”, InuTaisho asked. Sesshoumaru nodded.
“I have been thinking this over and have come to a decision. I want you to train Amaris with the sword. Spend time with here and get to know her. InuYasha is too young for her to be hanging around with all the time and she needs a friend. From what I saw last night you two seem to get along very well”, InuTaisho said, laughter in his eyes.
“What you saw last night was nothing. Do not mistake fascination for infatuation. I will do as you have asked but things between us will not change. Good day Father”, Sesshoumaru said coldly and walked out of the study.
“You are still growing. One day you'll realize the truth my boy”, InuTaisho muttered to himself.
Sesshoumaru walked down the long corridor to Amaris' room, which was next to his and across from InuYasha's. He heard the voices of Amaris and InuYasha inside the room when he got to the door.
“I know you're there Sesshoumaru. Come in if you wish or you can stand out there all day, it's your choice”, Amaris' voice called from the room. Sesshoumaru opened the door and entered, closing it behind him.
He found the two sitting on Amaris' bed. Amaris was cleaning her weapons with a cloth while InuYasha watched. “What are those weird pouches called”, InuYasha asked. “Those are my holsters. Those are what I keep my guns in”, Amaris answered.
“And how come the bullets have colored stripes around them?” Amaris had taken the bullets out of her guns before she started cleaning them. They were currently in three piles, one pile for each color: yellow, green and blue.
“The colored stripes indicate what there power is. The yellow stripe means it does electricity, the green stripe means poison and the blue stripe means water. I also have bullets with red and pink stripes. The red stripe means fire and the pink stripe means illusions”, she told him.
“And what do these bullets do”, Sesshoumaru asked, looking over her shoulder. “When the bullet hits the enemy it unleashes the power it holds. Lets say I shot an enemy with a green stripe bullet.
The poison would enter it's blood and circulate to everywhere in it's body and eventually killing it. It's the same with the other bullets; red bullets make the body catch fire, yellow bullets electrocute the enemy, the blue bullets fill the lungs with water and the pink bullets fill your mind with illusions, mostly of your greatest fear or something bad that's happening to you that really isn't”, she explained.
“Sesshoumaru's a poison demon. He has a poison whip and poisonous claws”, InuYasha told her. “You do? Wait right here for a second”, she said happily and jumped off the bed.
She ran over to her saddlebags and pulled out two metal bowls, a spoon, a cloth and two animal hide pouches. She placed the stuff on the bed and filled one of the bowls with water from a bucket then sat down.
“What are you doing”, Sesshoumaru asked as he watched her crush some leaves and powder together and poured some water into the other bowl and stir the mixture. “Ugh that stuff smells! What is it”, InuYasha asked, holding his nose. Sesshoumaru was also holding his nose.
“This is for incase the poison effects me. I don't feel like dying today”, she said as if it was the most obvious answer. Amaris took one of the daggers that was wrapped around her calf and used it to slice a medium size gash on her wrist, deep enough to bleed but not deep enough to do any extreme harm.
“Amaris what are you doing”, InuYasha exclaimed. He tried to grab the dagger but Amaris just slapped his hand away. “Sesshoumaru I want you to drip some of your poison into the gash. Quickly before the wound heals”, she instructed.
“This is crazy! Do you not know it will kill you”, he said. Amaris gave an agitated sigh. “That's the whole point. For some reason, most poisons don't affect me. I want to see if yours does or not. Now would you hurry up”, she snapped.
Sesshoumaur fought the urge to roll his eyes at her stupidity and to lick the blood that was dripping down her arm. The smell had finally hit him, her scent but sweeter, almost drugging him.
Amaris watched as Sesshoumaru's index finger's claw glowed green. He ran the claw across the gash, poison leaking out and leaving a trail of green. Amaris waited for the poison to sink in and the wound to heal.
Then she felt her arm burning and cried out in pain. InuYasha and Sesshoumaru were about to help her but she glared at them. It was a few minutes until she felt the pain go away.
She opened one eye and then the other. She hadn't realized that she had closed them. She waited a few seconds then sighed with relief. “Well it looks like the poison doesn't completely affect me but, lets not do it again”, she laughed.
InuYasha grabbed her arm and inspected her wrist, not totally convinced that she was ok. “InuYasha I'm fine. What are you doing here”, Amaris asked, changing the subject. “Father wants me to teach you how to fight with a sword”, he told her.
“Really”, she asked excitedly. “Could we start now?” Sesshoumaru nodded. “Great! Let me just put my stuff away. I'll finish cleaning my guns later”, she said. “Can I come and watch”, InuYasha asked as she cleaned up.
“You have your lessons to go to”, he answered. “You can come next time”, Amaris said. The three exited the room, Sesshoumaru and Amaris going left and InuYasha went right, muttering about `stupid lessons'.
Sesshoumaru and Amaris quietly walked back to her room. They had been practicing all day and it was now late. InuYasha was already in bed. “You can come in if you like. Unless you have something better to do”, Amaris said nervously when they got to her room.
“I would like that”, he said. They entered the room and Amaris dropped tiredly onto her bed and Sesshoumaru sat down at the end. “You know, you could have gone easy on me, I am only a beginner after all”, she muttered.
Sesshoumaru let a small smile appear on his normally stoic face. “You did very well for your first time. You were even able to make a single scratch on me”, he smirked. `That's only because you were distracted. What were thinking about anyway”, she asked.
“Nothing that concerns you”, he lied. Actually, it did, since it was she who he was thinking of. While they were fighting, she had shed her kimono and was wearing another out fit under it.
This out fit was a skirt that went to mid thigh and a pale blue shirt that she called a `tank top'. He had never seen anything so indecent and yet so enticing. His father's words from earlier echoed in his head.
`No, I do not like her. She is a fascination and nothing more. I will not lower myself to the worthless feelings of `friendship' and `love''. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and InuYasha poked his head in.
“InuYasha what are you doing up this late”, Amaris asked. “I had a nightmare and can't go back to sleep. I went to mother and father's room but they were busy. Can you sing me a lullaby”, he asked.
Amaris blushed when he said that his parents were `busy'. She wondered what kind of busy and scolded them in her mind for doing what she had a good feeling they were doing near the presence of a child of InuYasha's age.
She quickly came back to attention when InuYasha climbed onto her lap. “I don't know any lullabies that you know but I can try. Lets get you back to your bed”, she said and got up, carrying InuYasha, and went to InuYasha's room.
Sesshoumaru leaned against the wall and watched as Amaris placed InuYasha in his bed and tucked him in. “Now let me think. There's one that I remember. You won't understand the words since it's in my language but the melody is pretty”, she said. She took a deep breath and started singing.
Spi mladyenets, moi prekrasný,
ayushki bayu,
ikho smotrit myesyats yasný
f kolýby
el tvayu.
Stanu skazývat' ya skazki,
esenki spayu,
tý-zh dreml
i, zakrývshi glazki,
ayushki bayu.
Sim uznayesh, budit vremya,
anoye zhityo,
elo vdyenish nogu f stremya
i vazmy
osh ruzhyo.
Ya sedeltse boyevoye
olkom razoshyu.
Spi, dity
ayushki bayu.
Bogatýr tý budish s vidu
i kaz
ak dushoi.
at' tibyaya výdu,
tý makhny
osh rukoi.
Skolko gorkikh slyoz ukradkoi
ya f tu notsh praly
Spi, moi
angel, tikho, sladko,
ayushki bayu.
Stanu ya toskoi tomit'sya,
eshno zhdat',
anu tselý dyen' molit'sya,
po notsh
am gadat'.
Stanu dumat', shto skutshayesh
tý f tshuzh
om krayu.
Spi-zh, pak
azabot nye znayesh,
ayushki bayu.
Dam tibyeya na darogu
ok svyatoi,
tý yev
o, molyasya bogu,
stav py
ered saboi.
Da, gotovyas v boi apasný,
omni mat' svayu.
Spi, mlady
enets, moi prekrasný,
ayushki bayu.
Amaris' soft voice and the melody of the lullaby soon lulled InuYasha to sleep. Amaris stopped stroking his hair when she noticed that he had fallen asleep. She placed a soft kiss on his forehead then stood up and walked to where Sesshoumaru was standing.
“Where did you learn that lullaby”, Sesshoumaru asked. Amaris shrugged. “It's one of the things I know but can't remember”, she said as they walked to her room. “Have you ever thought as to why you have no memory of your past?”
“I've given it some thought but so far have come up with nothing. All I can guess is that I was in a battle or something and lost my memory. I keep hoping I will remember everything eventually”, she said.
Amaris flopped inelegantly onto the bed and Sesshoumaru sat down next to her. “Maybe your dreams have something to do with it”, Sesshoumaru suggested. Amaris just shrugged her shoulders again.
“Must you be this difficult”, he said in an agitated voice. “Yes I do”, she smirked. For the second time that day, Sesshoumaru fought the urge to roll his eyes. “Why must you be so unemotional”, she asked.
“Because emotion makes you weak”, he answered. “So you're calling me weak? You know, not once have I seen you smile since I've been here”, she pressed on. “Must you be so persistent? It is late. I think it is time that we were going to bed. We'll do some more training tomorrow”, he said.
Sesshoumaru stood up and walked to the door. He was about to walk out when Amaris grabbed his arm. “Wait Sesshoumaru”, she said. She stood on her tiptoes and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
Emotion is not a bad thing and it doesn't make you weak like you think. You should show how you feel more often. Good night Young Master”, she said and bowed, smiling at him.
Sesshoumaru gave her a small nod and walked out, closing the door behind him. He stood there for a few minutes, listening to Amaris get ready for bed. He didn't walk to his own room until he heard Amaris' soft breathing that meant she was asleep.
Emotion is not a bad thing and it doesn't make you weak like you think. You should show how you feel more often. Was she right? Amaris' words played over and over in his head, as he got ready for bed.
`Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to show a little emotion. Not around others but maybe it would be ok to at least smile once or twice. But only to Amaris.' At this decision, Sesshoumaru slowly drifted off to sleep.
Sesshoumaru quickly opened his eyes. He had been dreaming (a dream that he would never tell a soul about, especially Amaris? when he suddenly woke up, hearing the sounds of frightened cries from the room next to his.
He got up and quietly ran to Amaris' room and opened the door. He found her thrashing around in bed. `She's having a nightmare'. He heard her muttering something and walked closer so he could hear better.
Please no! Get away from me; don't touch me! Who are you and why did you kill all of them! What do you want with me”, Amaris muttered and her thrashing became more violent.
“Amaris! Amaris wake up, you're dreaming”, he whispered, trying to shake her awake. Her eyes snapped open and looked up at him. He had never seen her so frightened, not even when she had gone for a walk in the forest without any weapons and was attacked by a bear demon a few months ago.
Sesshoumaru”, she cried and threw herself into his arms, crying. “I was so scared. It felt so real”, she whispered. Sesshoumaru held her close and rubbed her back to calm her down.
He felt weird doing this but it seemed to be working so he didn't stop. Her crying soon stopped but her body still trembled. “I guess InuYasha wasn't the only one to be cursed with nightmares tonight. I'm sorry for acting so childish”, she said weakly.
“It was not your fault, I was not sleeping anyway”, he lied. “It was different then my other dream. It was dark and the whole village was on fire. There were people screaming and running everywhere.
The lady and me rushed to the village from the meadow and found all kinds of demons. They were killing anybody they could catch. Suddenly the lady gasped and fell to the ground, dead.
I quickly spun around and there was this tall figure looking at me. He had greasy black hair that went to his shoulders and was wearing an out fit similar to yours but it was all black.
I could tell he was demon by the ears and claws. What was strange though was that I couldn't see his eyes. It was like the dream didn't want me to see so it blurred his eyes. He took a step towards me, holding out a blood-covered sword.
I took a step back but tripped on a rock and fell down. He smirked and said something to me but I couldn't hear it. That's when you woke me up”, she told him. Sesshoumaru though all this over but couldn't think of any reason she would be having those dreams.
“I do not know why you are having these dreams but I will talk it over with Father. Maybe he will know something. Right now it is late. Do you think you can go back to sleep”, he asked her.
Amaris nodded. “I think so. I've never had the same dream twice in one night so I don't think I will have it again tonight. Could you stay with me until I fall asleep”, she asked. Sesshoumaru nodded and pulled a chair over to the bed and sat down.
It was a few hours before he heard Amaris' soft breathing again and knew she was asleep. He was about to go back to his own room but changed his mind. He doubted he could fall back to sleep and this gave him time to think.
`Father should know something about this. I will ask him first thing in the morning.'
Hells_Angel19: I think I'll leave it there because my arm is starting to bother me lol. I've been thinking about it and I think I need a beta reader. I've read many fanfics and mine and nothing like them. It's too blah sounding. What do you think Amaris?
Amaris: Wasn't Ellie and Ray helping you?
“Hells_Angel19: Yeah but Ray's gonna be busy for most of the next month and I haven't chatted with Ellie in awhile. I really hope she's ok. I was watching the news and it said that there was four more bombings in London. I've been worried sick since.
Amaris: She's probably just ignoring you.
Hells_Angel19: Hush you. You're just still mad that I made you a kid in this fic.
Amaris: Of course I'm mad. Who wouldn't be mad if they were a kid?
Hells_Angel19: Um…Ray wouldn't be mad.
Amaris: Well Ray is just strange. You know that. I'm going to get something to eat. I'm starving.
Hells_Angel19: Yeah you do that. It's not like you're any help anyway.
*Amaris walks away to get something to eat*
Hells_Angel19: Sorry about that, my muse gets on my nerves a lot. The lullaby in this chapter is called `Cossack Lullaby'. It's an old Russian lullaby that my ma used to sing to me when I was younger. If you want the English lyrics then just ask in a review. I don't know when I'll be updating but I'll try not to be too long. I guess that's all I have to say for now. Mne nado idti. Poka!! (Translation: I must be going now. Bye! in Russian.)
Stupid Questions. (A hand goes out to na de mo chibi otoko for answering the last questions lol!)
Will Kouga ever realize that Kagome doesn't want him?
Will Miroku ever learn to not be a pervert?
Will InuYasha ever learn that Kikyou is DEAD and go with Kagome?
Will Kikyou ever just STAY DEAD?
Will Sesshoumaru ever learn that humans aren't that worthless?
Will Jaken ever learn to just keep his damn mouth shut?
Will Rin ever stop picking on Jaken? (even though its funny)
Stay tuned. Until next time, take care of yourself, and each other. (sorry, I've been watching way too much Jerry Springer lol)