InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who ever said Cats and dogs don't get along? ❯ chapter1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: This is my 1st and only time saying this, I don't own the Inuyasha cast and this goes throughout the whole story.

Hey what's up? I am here writing a story I started on fiction but couldn't keep up with it so I am going to try it on here. This story is mainly a Sess/Kag but it has Inu/kag fluff as well. I like reviews they are cool. So tell me what u think! The thing in the beginning with the figure might confuse you now but will come in handy later on. ~Aka Neko

"Who ever said Cats and Dogs don't get along?"

Chapter 1.

Two figures hovered in a tree near Inuyasha and company. Both were dressed in dark capes and both had masked their scents incase the hanyou or other two youkai could smell them. The watched intensely as the group below them argued continuously.

" Is the smaller girl the one we need Kawa?" the smaller youkai asked

"Yes Yumi she is the girl" Kawa replied.

"Good we can leave." and with that they left.

*~ ^_^ ~*

" What do u mean no?" Kagome asked as she hovered over a sitting Inuyasha

"Exactly what I mean… no." he said as he stretched his arms intending to show them this was becoming boring.

"Inuyasha! The jewel is finished Naraku is dead and I want to go home for a while to checkup in school. My finals are coming up and I need to study please! Just 3 days!" Kagome begged

" Hmm…well…no."

"WELL FINE THEN I GUESS INSTEAD OF SIT-TING AROUND HERE AND MOPING I THINK I WILL GO HOME SEEING AS HOW NO ONE IS JUMPING UP TO STOP ME." Kagome went up to her bags and picked them up. "I'll be back in 3 days Sango please watch Shippou for me till then. Bye!" Kagome raced to the well knowing very well that the spell would come off soon.

Sango and Miroku heard Inuyasha mumble something before rushing off to get kagome. Sango looked over to Miroku who had just finished his dinner. "Do you think he made it?"

"Well-…" Loud screaming and curses that came from by the well interrupted Miroku as he was about to start.

"I think that my dearest Sango answers your question." Miroku sipped his tea as he saw Sango drop her head and sigh.

*~ ^_^ ~*

Kagome had just finished put the last of the scrolls to seal the well on before she let out a big sigh `Man I sure hope grandpa's scrolls don't fail me no.' After resting a bit she grabbed her bag and went into her house. As kagome looked around she found no one was home. Kagome looked upon the kitchen table to find a note:

Dear kagome,

We're at your aunt's house. We should be back in about a week. There is extra ramen in the kitchen and some money in the door for take out.

Love mom.

"Well looks like I will be home alone why I am here oh well time to study!" Kagome said as she headed to her room.

~ 3 days later ~

*~ ^_^ ~*

Kagome removed the seals and jump into the well knowing when she get there he would be pulling her out. When the blue light faded she was surprised to find that she wasn't out of the well but still inside. After 3 minutes of calling his name she realized Inuyasha wasn't there for her so she climbed out of the well. She walked to Keade's hut expecting to find him there.

"Hey guys, I am back!" Kagome said with a cheery face trying to hide her worry. Kaede was attending to an ill village girl, Miroku and Sango were debating on who was stronger and Shippou was asleep on the sleeping bag she left there.

"Hey have you seen Inuyasha?" kagome asked placing her stuff down by the door.

" No haven't seen him since the day u left." Sango said as she turned to look at Miroku.

" Yeah he ran off after you when the spell wore off and he hasn't came back." Miroku added looking up at kagome.

"Oh… really? Hmm. You know I think I am going to look for him." Kagome said as she walked out the door.

Kagome was walking towards a hot spring in Inuyasha's forest when she heard moans and groans.

When kagome came around the corner she came upon Inuyasha fucking some hanyou in heat. Kagome didn't move, apparently they were so blinded by the musty smell of sex in the air they didn't notice her. As the 2 stopped and drifted into a sleep kagome felt Kikyou's aura. And Kikyou must have felt Kagome's because Kikyou entered Kagome's mind

`Reincarnation I hope u take this in full affect because the next time I get my hands on the hanyou I am taking him to hell with me, but of course your mind tells me that you don't care. Farwell' But before Kikyou could leave Kagome used her Miko powers and a bit of her soul to send a powerful arrow and kill Kikyou. Kagome knew it worked because right after she started to run she was shot with the rest of her soul and a kind `thank you'.

Kagome ran and ran. Until she came into a clearing where she found 2 large Inu youkai fighting. Kagome heard a scream, as she scanned the area she found a 3rd party who was crushing a little girl. Kagome glanced closer the girl looked a awful lot like…

"RIN!!!!!!" kagome scream as she looked at the other 2 Inu's and the one getting beat up looked a awful lot like someone she new "SESSHOMARU!!!!!"