InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who ever said Cats and dogs don't get along? ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I AM SOOOOOO SRY… I know I told u people I would update every week but the next 2 days after that my computer exploded…literally. I have been having shitty luck like hell. GRRRRR. I didn't get many reviews and I realized I had some major grammar problems and probably still do but I tried to clear that up so if you want to reread Ch. 7 that might make more since. I am still extremely sorry.

Ps Shiro Yumi means- White Ocean and Kurai Shizen means- Black Nature

Last Time: " Lord Sesshomaru there is a new threat to our lands!!!!" Lord Kurai Shizen yelled as the lords and servant ran in to the room with an awakening Kagome.


Sesshomaru ran into the room where Kurai Shizen was sitting eyes blazing with hatred as Koga restrained him. Koga looked up to see Sesshomaru carrying Kagome whose eyes were partly open. Koga's eyes widened as he saw Kagome. As well as Kagome who was staring back. Koga turned from Kagome's intense gaze and narrowed his eyes at Sesshomaru. " What the hells have u done to her?"

Sesshomaru merely ignored him taking a seat next to Lord Kurai Shizen's left motioning for kagome to follow and sit next to him. " So what is this new threat I here of."

" Apparently Why I was on my way here a hanyou attacked some of my villages leaving only slaughtered bodies displaying messages. The villages were completely burnt down leaving only pools of blood in its place. The bodies were pale white holding no blood what so ever. The first village had a group of people lined straight in front of the village face down. All the shirts were ripped of and on the backs of each person a letter was placed it read this: I will come for her. She will be mine as well as the jewel." Shizen said searching threw papers he had with him.

Shizen paused handing Sesshomaru a hand a picture of the next village as he continued. " This is the next village. My Palace arts man was out getting supplies when he ran and saw flames. He drew this picture and ran but along the way he saw a young girl about the age of 7 dragging herself about the ground her legs had been chopped off and she would die soon. Being a man the artist when to go ease her dieing moments. He picked her up but she was shaking wildly only reaping this before she died in his arms. The hanyou of silver hair killed my mommy."

Sesshomaru looked at the picture. 58 Humans lay on the floor with the words: You will hear my plea, she will come to me and the jewel will be mine again depicted on them. They lay in their own pools of blood in their death. Sesshomaru looked at the right side of the picture. There drawn was a man in the air mid leap with long hair and 2 ears upon his head… the outfit was as well like someone he knows. Even though the picture was in white, black and gray he could assume who he person was in the picture.

Kagome had taken the picture from Sesshomaru when he wasn't paying attention. She stood wide-eyed at the picture as the other lords stopped to stare at her when she gasped.

Tears rolled down her eyes, as the dripped on the picture. Koga got up from his seat and walked over to her placing his arm around her trying to comfort her, but as soon as he did Sesshomaru gave a warning growl and picked up the crying Miko in his arms.

"That is enough for today breakfast will be at 8am be up…"with that Sesshomaru left the hall heading to Kagome's room. Neither said a word as the approached the room. He placed the now sobbing Miko in the bed and bent down to her face. As he did he saw a few tears remaining upon her face upon her stripes. He moved closer licking the tears off and then kissing her forehead before attempting to walk out without a word before a wrist pulled him back.

"Onegai… don't leave me alone…" Kagome said hoarsely before tears welling up in her eyes. Sesshomaru looked back and stared at the helpless girl. No emotions were showed, no sympathy …nothing. He just silently removed his shirt and slipped into the silky sheets behind her and pulled her into a deep embrace from behind. No words, no movement. Just the warmth of his body to sooth her.

Sesshomaru heard Kagome's breaths even out as she drifted into a deep sleep. Sighing Sesshomaru closed his eyes snuggling closer to the Miko knowing to well he would now have to truly kill his brother. `Inuyasha' a lone tear formed in the demon lord's eye…but never fell down.

A/N: oooooo is it really Inuyasha? Hmm well we just will have to finds out. Ps I should hopefully have the next chap. out tomorrow!