InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who ever said Cats and dogs don't get along? ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dude you were like woo…then u were like Woo…then you were like WOOOO!!! DUDE! Ok ne ways um THANX HOMIES…. I am going to try to update at least once or twice a week but here is how it goes if I get more than 8 reviews before that week I will update 2 chapters if I get more than 13 I will update 3 new chapters so REVIEW…oh and I will make them longer too. Um to those of u who are asking why fluffy is having some mood swing issue well just because he hasn't had ANY kind of feelings for humans besides Rin and it is confusing to him but I will try to make it more clearer as well! THANKS! YOU ALL DID A GREAT JOB! Ps correct me if I am wrong on Koga's cardinal point.

Last time: Sesshomaru looked up as his held an indifferent mask to see Kagome the Neko vixen getting up. What Sesshomaru saw and heard next surprised him to no end.

" You know Sesshomaru you may think I am not valuable to u now… but you have no idea." Kagome said with lust and appeal as she slowly picked herself seductively as she let the left shoulder of her kimono slide down revealing the top of her breast. Her dark black eyes gleamed with power yet to be discovered by the powerful virgin.

Sesshomaru's eyes widened when her realized what she had just said.

*FLASHBACK* in Sesshomaru's mind…………

" Where the hell am I??" Sesshomaru said getting off the ground.

"You are here because I need to talk to you" a feminine voice said Sesshomaru turned to were he thought the voice came "who the fucks there??"

"Do not talk to me in such a manner!" The voice said again

"What the f-" Sesshomaru turned again to find a woman in regal clothing. She had long black hair that had a purple tint with small light purple strands. She had deep, soulful, caring eyes. She had 3 black stripes on her ivory face. `She looks a lot like that woman Rin likes. What's her name? Ka…go…me. Kagome… but wait.' That is when he noticed the blue crescent moon on her forehead. "Sesshomaru" the woman said in a kind loving voice ad if she had known him for a while.

"Who the hell are you woman and why do u bare my symbol?" Sesshomaru said as he held his indifferent mask but in his voice you could tell he was pissed.

"I said don't speak to me like that. As for who I am it doesn't matter I can here to tell you something important." She paused to see if he was listening. Sesshomaru just stared. She let out a big sigh before she began again. "Do you remember that girl that saved Rin just a minute ago?" She stopped to look at him

"Of course…" he replied

"Well she is very important and has something's she must do. The hanyou she traveled with will come for her and try to rape her. She no longer loves him for she saw him and woman couple. The woman had him under a spell and he knew kagome was there watching him. He soon is going to become infuriated and tries to kill everything in order to get her. You must protect her. She will be of great value to you and your lands. If you aren't successful in this you will crumble and die and the west lands will become nothing. Please heed my warning!" the woman started to disintegrate. " It's seems our time is up. I'll see you soon" "No wait!!" he said


Sesshomaru came back to reality looking to find kagome who was slowly walking toward him. She stopped mere inches from his face as she placed her hand upon his cheek. "Sesshomaru…"

Kagome whispered as she closed the distance between their faces. " Please be careful …"she said against his lips lightly touching hers with his. "My sweet...m-"

"Lord Sesshomaru…" a masculine voice said as Sesshomaru looked up he felt her arch again but as he looked down he found her eyes turned back to the new metallic blue she had gained then her body went limp in his arms.

" What just… wait never mind you would tell me anyways" the man just sighed and watched Sesshomaru head toward the dinning room with the girl in his arms.

"So what brings you out her to me when you should be in the dinning room Lord Aki Kawa." Sesshomaru said as he turned and waited for him to follow.

Lord Aki Kawa was wearing a dark green hakatama's and top set that was accented with silver outlines and sliver mismatch leaves he had long black hair up to his thighs and cold, icy blue eyes. He was 3 months younger than Sesshomaru but act more maturely at times even if he was a kitsune youkai. Lord Aki Kawa was the lord of the Eastern lands, Koga the northern and Kurai Shizen of the south.

"My, my Sessh what a beautiful young vixen in arms…is she marked?" Kawa asked in delight

Sesshomaru snorted and keep walking "She is not… but she was human before. Like you'd want a human Mate."

"Oh and this is coming from human hater number one…uhuh." Kawa replayed eyes sparkling with amusement. " You know I wouldn't care if she was human now… can't you feel the powers emanating off her now? She would hold beauty in any form…like a goddess."

" Don't over excite yourself Kawa …" Sesshomaru said monotonously trying to hide the smirk dieing to be place upon his deadly lips.

" Yes Kawa-sama don't do that…" A man said approaching them in a blue hakatama set. He had short blue spiky hair and had all black eyes.

"Ah… Shiro Yumi how are you? Keeping Kawa alive I see." Sesshomaru said letting one of his rare smiles grace his lips.

"Ew… who is this pretty lady." Yumi gleamed

"This is my new Mate…Kagome." Kawa said Happily. Sesshomaru snorted as he opened the door.

" Lord Sesshomaru there is a new threat to our lands!!!!" Lord Kurai Shizen yelled as the lords and servant ran in to the room with an awakening Kagome.