InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who ever said Cats and dogs don't get along? ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everybody. It is my 6th chapter… Hooray! I didn't even think people would still want me to continue this but apparently they do so I am happy, it will give me something to do. To answer some of your questions, the cat that bit Kagome is just able to pass through the well like Mistress Centipede. But that isn't to say there aren't any demons in Kagome's time because there are. Thanks For you Support!

~Neko ^._.^ ~>

Last time: Sesshomaru looked up from Kagome's tense body. His golden eyes met a pair of metallic silver-blue. Then Sesshomaru heard footsteps coming his way. "Owi Sesshomaru get off your fucking concubine, and tell me where Kagome is."

Kagome's heart skipped a beat. `I can finally get my revenge on that son of a bitch.' Sesshomaru felt kagome smirk against his chest. "Inuyasha…SIT!" A big thump could be heard from the dinning room where the rest of the group was waiting patiently with the other lords of the cardinals.

Sesshomaru looked at the Neko vixen in his arms. He noticed she didn't smell all Neko. There was some of his blood in hers. `Wait! What the…' He swallowed and realized he had bit his tongue when…teasing…the Miko.

He continued to look at her as he took in her body. Long metallic blue/silver hair that flowed to the calf of her legs which her now toned very much. Two black stripes adoring her face as well as her wrist, which held the claws hands. He could feel the points of her ears as she turned her head to look at the hanyou. He could tell the rest of her body was curved and shaped to any males pleasing.

`She isn't just a skinny female with a small bust…now she was a woman who could probably run fast than this Sesshomaru.' He thought as he looked up to see his hanyou brother picking him self off the now broken tile he would have to replace.

" Damn it! Who are you and how can you say that when only kagome could say that" that is when Inuyasha looked up to see what had caused him this pain. His eyes grew big with shock. "Holey shit…KAGOME?!"

Sesshomaru pushed him self from kagome making her stumble. "Silence whelp you will not talk to my property!"

"What the hell are you talking about Sesshomaru she is my future mate!" Inuyasha yelled before an extremely pissed Kagome backhanded him. Three claw marks marred the now unconscious hanyou's face that slept against a hole in the wall.

"That Was For My Face Bastard!!!" kagome yelled

Instantly a warm clawed hand wrapped around Kagome's neck squeezing violently.

"BITCH! You Just put a whole in my wall!" Sesshomaru growled as he held Kagome high in the air. He stared into her eyes which where now again dilated black and now held anger.

"Who ever said I was your property oh mighty lord Sesshomaru." She spat with sarcasm.

"Smell your self woman… I bit you with my teeth that had the blood from my tongue upon them. I many not have mated with you but my blood runs throughout veins." He said throwing her onto the ground.

` Why the hell am I being so mean to her…I mean I should respect her at the least she did save Rin and me, plus she did so much more.' Sesshomaru mentally sighed. I must be going soft.

Sesshomaru looked up as his held an indifferent mask to see Kagome the Neko vixen getting up. What Sesshomaru saw and heard next surprised him to no end.