InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who ever said Cats and dogs don't get along? ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi peoples spry I haven't updated in awhile I have been in Deland at a thing known as Stetson string institute *SNORE* yeah playing violin, guitar, and piano goes places…. a whole hour away…mhum real far away anyways on with the story PLZZZZZ REVIEW the more reviews the more chapters updated sooner!!!! Warning slight lemon!!

Last time: Kagome felt the mans claws poke her neck and she knew it was the end as she drew her last breath noticed he didn't smell like Sesshomaru did. She felt the man lick the blood off her neck. That was it. Kagome opened her eyes obviously pissed off to find … "Koga?"

Ch 5

Kagome had opened her eyes to find a man in dark brown hair licking her neck. Kagome instantly pulled away from him. She stood facing Koga taking in his every look. Koga was adoring a pair silky, black hakatama's and a black kimono top accented with a dark blue sash. His long brown hair was lose and his eyes danced with lust for the girl he called his.

Kagome let out the breath she had been holding and breathed in a musty smell of pine and lemon grass. ` I never smelt this on his before' kagome thought as Koga lifted his hands tracings the 2 black stripes on her left cheek then did the same to her right side. " I see you have stripes kagome, stunning, how did you receive these?" Koga said in a deep lustful tone.

"Umm Koga-kun…to tell you the- " Kagome said as she was irrupted by a voice she hoped she wouldn't hear for a while.

"She doesn't have to answer that"

"Kuso." kagome whispered to herself. She turned and looked up to see "Inuyasha."

"Good evening Koi.." Inuyasha smirked.

"Don't speak to my woman like that dog turd

Kagome became furious at this. "I am NOT your love and.." she turned Koga "I AM NOT YOUR DAMN WOMAN!"

"Kagome?" Kagome turned around to be ambushed by a ball of red and orange fiery fur. "Shippou!!!!!" Kagome said happily, she then looked up to see Miroku and Sango standing by one another waving. "SANGO!" Kagome smiled and walked up to the two. "How have you been fairing lady kagome?" Miroku asked smiling "Fine and you?" Kagome replied

"Sango and I are fine, Sesshomaru invited us to join the gathering at his palace saying we could retrieve you then" Miroku said and smiled

"It's Lord Sesshomaru monk…." Sesshomaru said now stepping in…Kagome felt a small body grab onto her legs. "Kagome-oneesan your okay!!! Thank you so much for saving Rin! Rin is very happy your better now... oooooo who is that in your arms???!!" Rin said at a speed hardly anyone keep up with. "Oh this is Shippou he is my kitsune son." Kagome said and smiled

"Hi Rin's name is Rin wanna play?" Rin asked staring at the kitsune. "Sure." Shippou said running of with Rin

"Rin stay out of the dinning hall till Jaken gets you for dinner." Sesshomaru said with indifference. He turned to his bother and the group "Come lets head to the dinning room."

The group started walking toward the dinning hall Inuyasha and Miroku in the front and then Sango, Kagome and Sesshomaru trailing behind. "Miko…" Sesshomaru simply stated. As he waited for kagome to stop walking but still she kept the same pace as Sango. Sesshomaru glared "Wench!" He said hardly sustaining the growl he had rising in his throat. She didn't even bother turning back to return her answer. "That is not my name Sesshomaru…" Her voice was dull and held no emotion. Sesshomaru felt him self losing control over his animal instincts. Inu youkai's need a female who would submit someone who would bow down and show respect and a female in heat disobeying was worse that either of them taught.

"WOMAN!" Sesshomaru spit out snarling. Kagome stopped while Sango got a few steps ahead before turning to kagome. Inuyasha and Miroku were to far ahead to her what was happening. "Sango, go ahead I'll join you shortly. Discuss with the lords the plan we have for Kaede's village maybe we can convince them on giving more land for crops." "Hai… don't be to long kagome." Sango said walking to the dinning room. When she was far away kagome let out a sigh and turned to Sesshomaru. What she saw raised her fear level ten times. Sesshomaru's eyes were red tinted and kagome knew that wasn't good.

In an instant Kagome was pinned to the wall by a pair of cold claws. Kagome stared Sesshomaru directly in the eye. She had read something about this in her biology books stating if the female dog doesn't submit the male would go in to a blind rage and kill the female. And obviously she would be considered the female dog in this situation.

"How do I submit Sesshomaru?" She said trying to conceal her sent the best she could knowing it would be bad to let him smell her fear. His glare softened and turned into an evil grin when he brought his lips to her ear "Bow your head and dip it to your right. Expose your neck to me." Kagome complied knowing to well that she didn't wanna die tonight. " Like this?" she asked

"Hai..." Sesshomaru said lustfully as he nipped her neck, placing butterfly kissed up and down her neck as his hands traveled trough her kimono opening to her breast. `Kuso what the fuck is he doing?!' Kagome's mind thought but she felt herself moan every time he rubbed his thumb against her nipple.

Sesshomaru raked his teeth down Kagome's neck and pressed harder as he got to her shoulder blade piercing his own tongue in the process. He was trailing so hard it started to bleed but it only sent chills of pleasure to Kagome. He kept going till he accidentally reopened a scar on Kagome's lower shoulder by her muscle and subconsciously started to suck on the wound. Kagome's eyes became dilated and she arched her back as she silently screamed. Memories now corrupting her mind.

~~~~~~~FLASH BACK TO A 6 year old Kagome~~~~~~~~~~

Kagome is sitting on the steps to the well entrance when she looks up to see a small blue, bloodied, fire cat, walk by the gods tree and suddenly collapses. Kagome runs from her seat to the cat "OKAA-SAN!" Kagome's mother rushes out the house to find Kagome kneeling by a fire cat. "Kagome what happened?" her mother said looking at the dying cat. "I saw this kitty get hurt mommy." "Oh dear…hold on I'll call the priest and get a towel." Kagome's mom ran inside while kagome pet the cat but lifted her hand when the cat slowly stood limping on it's foot blood flowing from it's mouth.

Kagome aimed to pet again but the cat jumped and bit her on the muscle of her shoulder. Kagome screamed as the cat ran away and Her mom running followed by the shrines priest, her grandfather. "Mommy it hurtsssss!!!" Kagome cried her mother pulled up the shirt to find to fang marks pouring with blood. "Jii-san what will we do the fire cat bit her on the Arm." Holding the now kagome who was slipping into a unconscious state " We'll bandage it and hoped the blood doesn't bond with hers." kagome could barely hear anything since that words were become slurred but stayed awake to here the one that mattered the most. "Even if it does it could take years to fully bond." That is when kagome blacked out.

~~~~~~~~PRESENT TIME~~~~~~

Sesshomaru looked up from Kagome's tense body. His golden eyes met a pair of metallic silver-blue. Then Sesshomaru heard footsteps coming his way.

"Owi Sesshomaru get off your fucking concubine, and tell me where Kagome is."