InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who ever said Cats and dogs don't get along? ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Koniciwa everyone! I am sorry it took me so long to update my dad was in the hospital so bummer. PlZ REVIEW!!!! Not to many people are reviewing and I mean I don't know if people want me to continue so review and if u can email me. On with the story!!!!


Last time: *in the dream*"NO!!" Kagome yelled as he started to undo the skirt but couldn't so he shred it. As he was opening her panties she grabbed Inuyasha's shoulder and claws pierce his set and he was sent into a tree but her Miko powers.

*IN THE ROOM*Kagome sat wide-eyed staring in to Sesshomaru's golden orbs and suddenly she fell into his arms wept. Sesshomaru let out a BIG sigh and held kagome. And for hours they sat like that.

Sesshomaru let out a sigh. He awoken and found him entangled with Kagome's body. Sesshomaru sat up a bit observing his predicament. His hand had found it's way under her gown and was resting on her shoulder blade, but strangely he found Kagome's right hand was under his shirt laying on his heart were as her was on his hip. Sesshomaru looked down at Kagome who had over night grown claw and was looked like 3 black smudges that would soon become strips. ` What are you kagome…?' he leaned back down to sniff her and notice her sent changed as well from a Ningen smelling of Sakura blossoms and spring rain to a wonderful smelling Inu youkai.

"Odd" Sesshomaru mumbled as he felt kagome awaking. As kagome awoke she found herself looking at golden orbs, then she caught a glimpse of silver strand and instantly she summoned her Miko powers and sent the taiyoukai of the west flying into his walls. "STAY BACK INUYASHA!!!" As Kagome fully taking in the picture, she realized what she did "KUSO!!" Sesshomaru screamed as he stood his eyes hazed with red. "What the hell was that about Miko!!" His eyes widened as he looked at kagome she now had long calf length hair and she was now filled out in all the right places. Sesshomaru took a glance at her now beautiful, perky, cold breast and felt him self-go hard. He sniffed "Kuso!!!" `She's in heat.' Sesshomaru mussed as he was leaving her room. "Get Dressed Miko…there is a gathering of the lords in my palace and I will not have you walking around in sleeping garments as a whore."

Kagome watched his retreating back as he was out the door. "Well what the hell am I supposed to wear oh mighty Sesshomaru-SAMA." "Look in your closet bitch." She heard him mumble from the other side. Kagome threw one of her pillows at the door. As she did she took in the surroundings of her room ` Guess I been asleep to much to even realize.' She mussed as she stood from the bed and slowly circled. The room was a dark blue with sliver drapes and sliver silk sheets adorning her mahogany wood bed. The room had to be twice the size of the whole downstairs of her house. She turned to see a closet with decorations craved into it. She opened it to find assortments of kimonos in all colors and designs, along with Miko garbs and fighting hakatama's.

She pulled a black one out that had a bark blue dragon twisting from her left breast around her waist and the tail stopped at the left upper thigh. She pulled her hair back to a traditional Miko style, placed the Shikon no Tama around her neck and headed down the hall in search of some food.

As she stepped out her room she ran right into a cold body. Kagome stumbled backwards and grasped her side for she ran into the man's armor and ended up bruising her left ribs if not then breaking them. She winced " Kuso, watch were your going baka I think u just broke some of my ribs." She felt cold claws grasp her neck as she kept her eyes closed. `Great know I am in for it…sorry everyone…death by a cold hearted ass. Kuso I wanted to kill Inuyasha as well. Molester he is, grrrr.' Kagome felt the mans claws poke her neck and she knew it was the end as she drew her last breath noticed he didn't smell like Sesshomaru did. She felt the man lick the blood off her neck. That was it. Kagome opened her eyes obviously pissed off to find … "Koga?"

Sesshomaru was sitting in his library attempting to get his paper work done but found he couldn't `Kuso stupid Ningen! A whore none the less. All I have done was shown her hospitality. Worthless bitch! I will show her how to bow then me, taiyoukai of the west. She will learn her way and I will break her.' Sesshomaru smirked `She can be of use to me when gathering the Tetsusaiga. And is he doesn't want the Miko I am positive he will want his precious jewel. I will rid my self of her one way or another!'