InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who ever said Cats and dogs don't get along? ❯ ch.12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I decided since Raven and I are having big as- I mean booty writers block I'll write a new chapter about what comes to mind. Hehe *Hentai* wait no too early. Damn- err I mean darn yea that's it darn. Reviews are appreciated very much!! *wink wink*

Last time: Get dressed breakfast will be ready in an hour and a half. I'll come for you when it's ready." Sesshomaru strolled out the room. Kagome threw a pillow at the door. "Pompous son of a bitch." Kagome said laughing as she got up.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *Somewhere in a dark castle*

"It seems my plan is working. She has no idea she has fallen in to my trap more that just that one. I'll get the jewel and I will get u for what you tried to do MIKO! I WILL BREAK YOU!" A deep familiar voice echoed throughout the room.

Kagome walked towards the door and grasped that handle hoping to find some kind of lose fitting outfit to wear when she felt an evil shiver go down her spine. `Good grief now I am losing my mind.' Kagome opened the door to the array of furisode's that were arranged by colors. She assumed he would train her some today before he left so she wanted to find something she can actually move in. Kagome looked to the right end of the dresses finding nothing and turned to the left end finding an odd kimono. She pulled it out and gasped at what she saw.

It was an all black kimono with a claw coming out of the right side. On the side there were slits that would probably go all the way to the thighs and Kagome assumed there would be back pants like Sango's to go underneath it. She quickly turned it around to see the back side yet again gasping to find a dog demon on it guarding what looked like to be a crest of some sort. Kagome looked back into the closet to find nothing else she could were so she attempted to put that on. `I knew I should have taken that traditional Japanese course at school.' Sighing she glared daggers at the obi knowing full well she wouldn't know how to put it on. There was a knock on the door. "Um...come in" Kagome said lifting her glare to the door.

In stepped a petite woman in a dark green kimono. She had Dark green hair a shade darker then her dress. She had light violet eyes with a silver lining. She looked full demon but Kagome couldn't place what kind of demon she was and she smelt Hanyou, but she had pointy ears.

"Ohayou Lady Miko, Sesshomaru-sama sent me to come and help you get dressed. I am Mihoshi." The woman said smiling. Kagome let out a breath of relief. "Good! Oh and you can call me Kagome." Kagome said returning the smile. "Okay lady Kagome…" "No…no. Just Kagome I don't like the formalities." "Okay la- Kagome."

Mihoshi circled Kagome fixing her obi. "So…Mihoshi what kind of demon are you?" Kagome asked politely. "Well my father was Neko and my mother was a kimono dragon. Predator vs. prey I guess but they were in love." And Kagome inhaled to ask her question. "To answer the last to yes my parents are dead and I am now a happy servant of Sesshomaru -Sama and to answer the other I am 19 in human years, and I believe you are now 20?"

"How did you do that…?" Kagome awed as mihoshi dragged her to the vanity to brush her hair. "My mother's side had vast abilities to mind read. It is based upon instinct and what you would learn form your parents. Since my parents died when four I never learned but the instinct came naturally. It's a nice gift but a burden." Mihoshi finished and smile knowing all to well whose kimono Kagome was wearing. `And gods does she look beautiful in it just like the Lady did.' Mihoshi smiled as Kagome looked in the mirror with a happy expression but Kagome then bent her head and smirked. "Is something wrong Kagome-san?" Kagome sighed even further.

"Yes…there is a claw coming out my breast." Kagome instantly started laughing and Mihoshi lightly giggled.

"Come My lady…your friends and Lord Sesshomaru are at breakfast." Mihoshi said turning towards the door gesturing for Kagome to follow. Kagome glared at her for calling her My Lady but smirked

"You mean Lord Tight Pants…I swear he's got those thing so far up his butt it's no wonder he doesn't smile." Kagome said jokingly and couldn't help coming into the dinning room giggling. Mihoshi bowed to the Lord and turned to Kagome and whispered in her ear.

"Yup their pretty tight…till we meet again."

As with that she left leaving Kagome slumping in her seat with tears of humor in her eyes and a much arched eyebrow from the taiyoukai.

They started to eat in silence as Kagome looked at the group before her `Shippou Miroku…Sango.' Kagome continued eating.

"Kagome…"Sango smiled knowing full well Kagome would thank her later for breaking the silence. "Sesshomaru made a deal with us we all have accepted, you know about it?" Sango paused waiting for the young Miko's answer. "Hai…Sesshomaru-Sama told me…" "Alrite…that is good." This is the time Miroku decided to speak up.

"We will miss you Kagome…I hope by the time we get back I will get my children." He said reaching to take Kagome's hand in his. Even though she knew he was kidding this earned two bonks on the head by Sango, A growl from the demon Lord and a giggle from Rin.

"Hey Kagome-neesan that is a very beautiful dress you are wearing…" Rin said smiling at the Miko.

"Why thank you Rin." Sesshomaru had not really noticed what Kagome was wearing until he looked up. `Not that dress!' Sesshomaru felt his body began to transform and his eyes go crimson. He started to growl heavily and glared at Kagome. "EVERYONE OUT NOW!" He kept his glare as he bit that out harshly. Everyone left Shippou stalling to leave as he was worried for his mother's sake. "OUT!"

Shippou scurried out the room with all his demon speed. Kagome turned her head from the spot from where Shippou was to were Sesshomaru was but then realized he was walking towards her with an evil smirk that could literally scare someone to death. "Let me show you what that dress was used for." Sesshomaru purred walking until Kagome was against the wall that was behind her and there was only a half of an inch between them.

" Wh…" The feel of Sesshomaru's lips against hers in a chaste kiss interrupted Kagome from what she was going to say, and his left arm wrapped around her small waist while his right hand held her head in place.

Sesshomaru pulled away, picked the woman-child up bridal-style, and quickly walked to his chambers. He looked the door and stalked over to his large bed placing Kagome on it and resumed kissing more fiercely then before.

`She will be mine. Kagome is mine and no one else's.' Sesshomaru took full possession of her sweet whine and honey mouth.

Moaning as he ran a hand down the length of her side, Kagome wrapped her hands around the Taiyoukai's neck and running her fingers through his silky silver hair.

"Kagome!!!" Shippou screamed running into the room causing the two adults to pull away quickly.

"Yes, Shippou?" Kagome said with great difficulty turning beat red.

"Inuyasha has struck the village were Keade and the well is!" the kit replied hastily oblivious to what had accrued to what had been going on before he burst in.

"Sesshomaru can I please go and see if Keade and the other villagers are okay?" Kagome asked terrified of what might have had happened at the village.

Nodding Sesshomaru gave orders to Jaken to watch over Shippou and Rin, as well as, the castle before picking up Kagome and literally flying to Kagome's village.

What they found was a bloody sight with bodies shredded all over the ground and hut's blazing from the recent fires. Kagome gasped as she found Keade's body, the old Miko was covered with blood but still alive…barely.

"Keade!" Kagome screamed running to her mentor.

"Kagome…ye must…ye must…r-r-run leave this place…Inuyasha will return please go…" Keade stuttered as she coughed up blood and passes away.

* Whew… that's all I can think of…writer's block sucks… Anyways what do ya think? * ~ Raven.

"Yup…2 writer's blocks made this story…so sad. Well we would REALLY like it is u review…"~Neko