InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who ever said Cats and dogs don't get along? ❯ Chapter 16

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi peoples! What's up! I may add things to this chapter so yeah. This end of the chapter could go good to the song fields of innocence-evanescence. It is not what it seems. So don't jump to conclusions. Slight lime warning. PLZ Review!

Last time: The figure slowly ripped off its cape and stood in front of Inuyasha claws marring his face. The person spoke up. "Do I look like a MAN to YOU?!" Inuyasha's eyes widened. "Heh. You're a girly…" Inuyasha said as his voice slurred and he fell unconscious with a bloody stain on his haori from were his wound reopened.

The female demon watched as the hanyou fell unconscious on the floor. She kicked his side to make sure he wasn't dead. Her eyes narrowed. `Aw hell, now I have to stay here and heal him so when he is healed I can kick his ass.' She thought evilly as she smirked. `Yes. He will pay.' The woman threw him over her back and ran off towards Inuyasha's forest.

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Kagome awoke feeling cold and chilled. She realized that she was the only one in Sesshomaru's bed. Kagome turned her body and sat up on the side of the bed. She slowly walked to her room 2 rooms away from his. The only room that separated theirs was Rin's and after Sesshomaru's there was another door and that was the end of the hall.

Kagome never saw anyone go in that room and she didn't feel like finding out today. She went to her closet and picked out a dark green kimono and went towards her bed and found a note addressed to her.


We will be dropping Rin off at a Miko's to train her abilities. Rin will be lonely there for your kit is to go with her. The miko has a friend who is a kitsune who can help the kit with its magic. Dress in traveling attire. We will leave at noon.


Kagome sighed. She really didn't feel like walking around today. Kagome walked back to the closet and slowly opened the door. She placed the green Kimono back inside and looked for something with more of a "traveling" feel to it. Kagome searched and searched and found nothing but Miko garbs and she really don't think she could play the part of a Miko with claws, facial markings and a tail. There was a knock on the door.

"You can come in." Kagome sighed as she shut the closet doors. She turned towards the opening of the door and saw Mihoshi. Kagome ran to her friend and hugged her. "How are you? I haven't seen you in ages!" Kagome smiled as she released the woman.

"I am fine Kagome. I have been doing various work and couldn't come and visit you. My apologies. Lord Sesshomaru sent me here to give you this." Mihoshi held out the silk wrapped garment. She looked around her to see no one was listing and continued. "Lord tight pants said he didn't want to walk around with you in miko garb because of his reputation. He said to be downstairs in 10 minutes." Mihoshi smiled as Kagome was cracking p over their inside joke. Kagome accepted the package and set it down on the bed as she loosened the bindings and lifted an outfit as she gasped.

The outfit was a black corset looking top that laced both in front and back but was made of a silk/spandex kind of material. It was boned but didn't restrict movement. There were other items in the bag as well. Kagome placed the top down and pulled out a skirt that was all black and had slits that would be to the hips. She then placed that next to the top and pulled out a pair of pants that were more of a parachute/Egyptian/Arabic style and realized that she could choose from the pants or skirt. Kagome then pulled the last thing out of the silk wrap. It was an ankle length haori that Kagome would recognize as a trench coat but not as heavy.

Kagome was astonished as she turned to Mihoshi who was smirking. "I see you like it." Mihoshi pulled out a magazine from her obi.

"Lord Sesshomaru asked me to get you some extra clothes made and some fighting suites. You left this magazine open and I saw it when I cleaned and asked the steamers to construct something like this U-n-d-e-r-w-o-r-l-d outfit. Sesshomaru-Sama doesn't know exactly what I made for you but he knows you have clothing. I also got them to make clothes from your modern time. They may not be the same things but they look like it. Hurry and get dressed." Mihoshi quickly left the room before Kagome could say anything.

Kagome was still gasping as she realized she have to get dressed. She put on the pants and top since she didn't feel like wearing a skirt right now. Especially in front of Sesshomaru. Kagome put on the coat and looked at her self in the mirror. She looked like something out of the matrix. Kagome giggled `dominatrix' Kagome pulled her hair out of the coat and looked at her markings and there was a knock at the door once more. Mihoshi came in quickly. She smiled as she handed Kagome a boots and yet another package.

"Kagome this is a package from my self and this other is from Sesshomaru. These shoes were made to go with the outfit. They were my idea. I decided afterwards you need something to complete the outfit." Mihoshi handed her the shoes and the heavier package. Kagome placed the buckle up shoes on as Mihoshi explained what was in the package.

"Sesshomaru-Sama decided you need a sword besides the katana you have to practice with. Before his mother died he had 2 swords foraged from her fangs. These are the swords you will connect to the best. He said he will help you with them but he wanted me to give them to you as a thank you gift for saving his and Rin's life." Mihoshi smiled as she saw Kagome's eyes water.

"Sesshomaru is waiting for you downstairs Kagome, time to go." Kagome grabbed a dark blue sash and place the swords around her waist. Mihoshi sat on the bed and waved as Kagome exited the room. "May the gods be with you and me Kagome because when Sesshomaru find out what I put you in he will surely kill me." Mihoshi said softly, smiling.

Kagome walked down the stairs and was shocked because Sesshomaru was no longer in his white attire but in all black/sliver and instead of the red designed he was usually found with he had his family crest there and a giant dog demon on his back. His sashes were darks blue and silver. But then she saw Sesshomaru expression.

Sesshomaru saw Kagome walk down the stairs and almost fell over. She looked like a seductress. `Beautiful' Sesshomaru taught as she was looking him up and down. Then hid eyes narrowed as he remembered what Mihoshi said to him earlier.


"Sesshomaru-Sama you should wear black to day. You know to explore your colors and show Kagome your family crest. She should envy you for wearing you colors and your crest. Plus the miko will know it is you when you bring Rin to her." Mihoshi said pulling out Sesshomaru's clothes.

"Very well Mihoshi. Leave so I can dress." Sesshomaru said slipping on his clothing.

*End of REPLAY*

Sesshomaru glared at the stares and cringed when he realized that noise from Mihoshi leaving was her giggles. Sesshomaru shook his head and look for the vixen on the stair and found she was no longer there and quickly turned to Rin who was in black and blue Miko grabs instead of the traditional red and black. `Must have been another one of Mihoshi's tricks.' Sesshomaru thought as he looked to find the Kit in his normal clothing. He turned to hear the miko and her friends talking.

"Kagome we will be going to find Hotaru, Keade's cousin and train the new Miko of Keade's village to help her adapt to the village people." Miroku said politely. Kagome hung her head at the taught of the dead Miko.

"Yes, we will help reestablish the land and help get the villagers back on their feet. Since Keade won't be back upon her feet again she will need some help." Sango said happily.

Kagome instantly jerked her head to look at Sango. This is where Sesshomaru decided to speak.

"When this Sesshomaru sent Jaken away with you I found that the tenseiga wanted to revive the old woman. I could not just disobey its wishes so I healed the woman and left her to the village people. But I didn't know she was well. The sword allowed her to live but I didn't know to what extent. Since she is alive it is her that I am Sending Rin to. When Rin grows it is her who will take over the village. The Miko's cousin who is Rin's age is to be helping as well." Sesshomaru allowed his lips to curl upwards slightly as Kagome embraced him enough to cut off his circulation.

"Thank you lord Sesshomaru!" Kagome said happily as tears fell from her face.

"Don't thank me. We are even now. Come we will leave. Your friends are going to be there later." Sesshomaru said walking out the door with the kids following him.

The Kids and Jaken sat upon Ah-uh as Kagome found her self to be picked up bridal style. She looked quizzically at Sesshomaru

"I will carry you to save time Miko. Don't argue." Sesshomaru said as he felt Kagome Get out of his grasp.

"I can fly my self." Kagome said stubbornly as she closed her eyes and started to glow. Wings of purple, blue and pink eased out from her back. The crackled with energy. Kagome opened her eyes and started to flap them and slowly hovered off the ground. She quickened the pace and flew off. Sesshomaru smirked and flew off after her as ah-uh traveled behind them.

Inuyasha woke up feeling really good. It was night time. He looked down to see he was bandaged up and a rabbit was cooking on a fire. He sat up and the bandages slid of his torso to reveal a perfectly healed area. He smiled as he got up and pulled the rabbit from the fire and started to eat it. He slid his shirts on and looked around. The smell of that girl was all over the area and all over him. A scythe went flying pass him and landed into the tree.

Inuyasha searched around till he found a woman dressed in all black glaring at him with a smirk. Inuyasha's jaw dropped this was no girl. She was a woman. She had back length black hair that faded into silver and had sliver highlights trough out it. She has dark sapphire eyes and looked around the height of 5' 5".

There was a small black and blue furred demon upon her shoulder. Were this woman was a Kitsune demon. The animal was a Neko. It had three tails instead of Kirara's two. It was an Ice Demon Instead of Kirara's fire. Its eye's were grey and it looked like it would be able to transform as well. Inuyasha looked back at the woman. Then he saw that she too had fuzzy ears upon her head, but he smelt no human in her.

"Eh, wench what are you?" Inuyasha said as he felt him self change. "Damn it" Inuyasha yelled as his ears dropped, his hair turned black and his eyes violet. His eyes tried to focus in the light and he saw that the woman too had changed. He now had all silver hair and her eyes lightened. He looked to see her human ears, but instead they were pointed. The woman sighed as she sat. The Neko mewed as she jumped into the woman's lap.

"I'm a hanyou like you Inuyasha. My name is Kohaku or Amber I would prefer. Same thing. Just amber sounds girlish." She lightly giggled as a fake smile climbed to her face. "I guess they don't want me to kill you anytime soon." She sighed as looked Inuyasha. His eyes were narrow. "What's your problem?" Amber asked

"I may be human now but I can feel my brother's presence close to us. He has my property." Inuyasha said as he ran off towards Keade's village. It started to snow.

"Grr. Damn winter. Can't you do anything about this Tsurara?" Amber asked her cat. The cat just mewed as Amber took off after Inuyasha.

Kagome waved to everyone and was glad to see Keade was well. "Well come and visit soon! Do well so you can come home early!" Kagome said as she as Sesshomaru started to walk home. It started to snow on them. Kagome turned to Sesshomaru.

"It snows here?" Kagome asked as she started to feel chilly?

"Yes it does but the climate temperatures you won't be able to tell because of your new demon powers. We will stop over there in that cave for tonight" Sesshomaru said as he walked into the cave. He sat and lighted a few sticks he had gathered along the way. He placed his swords at the entrance and created a barrier that would protect them trough the night. He turned to Kagome whose teeth were chattering ad lips were blue.

"Kagome are you okay?" Sesshomaru said as he approached her and caught a sent that made his head spin. `She is in heat' Sesshomaru said as he felt his body feel lighter.

"I'm-m f-fine." Kagome stuttered. Sesshomaru sat in front of her and his thumb trace down her blue lips.

"You're still cold…" Sesshomaru said as he let his mask slip. His eyes held tenderness. He slowly dipped his head to place his lips upon hers. Kagome instantly tensed up but felt her self melt and unfold into the kiss. Sesshomaru took off his outer haori and placed it underneath as he deepened their kiss and explored her mouth. His hands roamed her body.

Kagome placed her hands in Sesshomaru's hair and felt herself moan as Sesshomaru's hands brushed against her already hardened breast. His sent was intoxicating her body and she didn't know what to do. Kagome followed what he did as she felt her mind loose conscious to her body.

Kagome awoke to find her self only clothed in her undergarments, against the chest of the Taiyoukai of the Western lands. He was attired only in his pants. Kagome's eyes widened as she tried to remember what happened last night. She felt her eyes water.

`We must have..." she whimpered to her self as she quietly put on her clothes. She couldn't remember any of it except the beginning. Kagome pulled the swords out of the ground and quickly ran towards the castle. `It must have lead to that last night. Why would I be naked with him?' Kagome shuddered as she ran into the castle straight for the dojo. She took off her jacket unsheathed one of the swords and started to attack a figure made of her miko energy.

Sesshomaru awoke to find him self alone and his swords scattered across the cave floors. "Shit" he said as he dressed and ran towards the home in his lands.