InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Killed My Twin ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 1
By Kagome_13

Images flashed before her eyes as she saw their dead bodies on the ground. Their necks had been sliced across their necks with a sword.

a man with brown hair,had his back to her,in his left hand was a bloody sword. The man started to turn away. She saw he was covered with the victim's blood. His eyes were a red embers, around his mouth were long fangs, also covered in blood.

She tried to scream but nothing came out, as the creature started to run out to her.

************************************************************* **********************************

Kagome let out an ear piercing scream. Then she woke up as she was screaming . Her heart was beating as fast as a jack rabbit running from a wild beast. Her older brother had stormed into her room and was standing in his boxer by her bed.

"Are...You ...All ....Right.''Asked her older brother miroku,

"Yes,just a bad dream.that all.''said Kagome looking at her digital alarmal clock,it said it was 4:00 am.

"Oh, okay you better get some sleep tomorrow is going to be hell.' said Miroku as he walked to the door.

"Okay, night' said Kagome as she turned back on her side.

"Night' said Miroku as he closed her door.

************************************************************ ***********************************
[at 7:00pm in Santa Teresa high school's gym]

Kagome tried to dodge a flying punch from the leader of the bloods. She was still tried, because she couldn't get back to sleep and she got punch in the face.

When she fell backwards back, she did a back flip and landed on her feet. She was wearing a red-white outfit, which she borrowed from the school. When she went undercover at the school. To stop the bloods, and the cripples from starting another raid.

Again she dodged a flying punch that lacked the aimed it needs to knock her out. So then Kagome kneed him in his nuts. Kagome saw him, starting to hop away from her, but she start to run after him.

Stop in the name of law.'' Shouted Kagome as she tackled him to the ground.

Get the hell of me, your wench.'' Shouted the criminal as Kagome put the handcuffs.

She just sat on the back of the criminal and reach for her walking talking.

Big Bro got the leader. Come and get him. Over and out.''

How in the world did your captured the most bad-ass leader of leader of the bloods.'' Said Miroku's voice coming out of the walking-talk.

I don't know, send someone to come and picked this shit up.'' Said Kagome as she start to rise from her spot on the man's back.

Hey don't call me shit.'' Shouted the man

You got it, little sis. Also you are needed to come over and see a murder case.'' Said Miroku

Yea, yea, whatever.'' Said Kagome as she started to walk out the gym.

She saw the cops, and told where he was.

Kagome got into the car, where Miroku was, and when she got in the car with the cheerleading outfit still on.

You look cute.'' Said Miroku

Shut up, Miroku'' said Kagome putting her seatbelt on.

You try to be nice, and they yell at you.'' Murmur Miroku as he start the car and start to drive on the free way.

So where is the murder case file?'' asked Kagome

Under you butt.'' Grinned Miroku

Damn monk.'' Said Kagome as she grabs the file from under her butt.

When she opened the file and saw the two people's face she again saw the images from her nightmare.

She saw their dead bodies, and also she could smell their blood as if she was there.

Kagome had come back to reality, when Miroku ask if she was all right.

Are you alright?''

Yea, just still tired.'' Said Kagome trying to brush the subject off.

If you say so, said Miroku turning back to the road.

For the entire time, their way there it was silence. When they got to the crime scene. When they got both got both got out of the car, and saw were LT. Inuyasha Fremont.

[A/N I know it is a city, but couldn't COME UP, WITH ANYTHING ELSE.]

He was your average height male, and he had white/silver hair and burning amber eyes. He was a half-breed and a pretty cute one too. He was two years older then her.

When he saw her, he gave her the playboy smirk.

Hey, Kag nice outfit.''

Shut up, Inu.'' Said Kagome as she went under the yellow police caution signs.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.'' Said Inuyasha as he follows them.

Kagome, Miroku, and Inuyasha stop in front of the bodies that were being into the black bags.

How were they killed?'' asked Miroku standing behind them.

You didn't read the murder case file, stupid! They were killed by a sword.' said Inuyasha close by them.

Captain Myoga came behind them and scared the crap out of them by yelling at Inuyasha.

What the hell happened here, Lt. Inuyasha?''

Well'' said Inuyasha starting to talk

I demand to know how the died, it was your responsible to watch the ambassador and his wife. Also this is the sixth one to die from this person.'' Said Myoga

Will chief, they died because of a sword.'' Said Miroku, standing behind Kagome.

Stupid, I told you that.'' Said Inuyasha as he hit Miroku on his head.

Whatever, I am putting you and Kagome on this case, and Miroku I have a special job for you.'' Said Myoga as he put a finger at Inuyasha.

WHAT!!!'' Shout both Inuyasha and Kagome together,

Inuyasha, you are the LT. And Kagome is the best in her division. Let see if you two can work on this case.'' Said Myoga

But, but.'' start Inuyasha

No, but come on Miroku I have a job for you.'' Said captain Myoga as he starts to walk to his car.

Okay, good luck you guys.'' Said Miroku following Myoga

'Why in the hell, am I stuck with the playboy?' thought Kagome with a disguise face on.

'Great, Miroku's little sister.' Thought Inuyasha as the same time.

Get to work on the case now.'' Shouted Myoga as he and Miroku had come back from where ever they had disappeared to.

Hey, sis I need you to go with Inuyasha to the station and look at the case.'' Said Miroku looking back and forth between Inuyasha and Kagome.

No way, I am step in his car.'' Said Kagome pointing to Inuyasha

Why not, I have to drive with him and he drives pretty safe, most of the time, else.'' Said Miroku winking to Inuyasha

Yep, come on Kag what are you chicken? ''Taunted Inuyasha knowing Kagome hate to be called that.

Kagome just looked at him and then said to him, Fine as she start to walk with him to his car.

They got into Inuyasha's red Chevy and drove to the police station.

so Kag why are you wearing a cheerleader outfit.'' Said Inuyasha

None of your damn business'' said Kagome as she crossed her arms over her chest.

I never thought of you as the cheerleader type. I thought it was always your twin sister was that type.'' Said Inuyasha as he continues to drive some more.

At the mention of her sister, Kagome stiffed up. Her twin sister Kikyo was brutally killed by the same person, who had killed the ambassador and his wife.

Backs then her nightmares were filled with her sister's death. Also when Kikyo was alive she had date Inuyasha and ends the relationship badly.

Don't talk about her, please Inuyasha.'' Said Kagome as she try not to cry.

Okay, I am sorry and I miss her too.'' Said Inuyasha as he covered her hand with his.

Kagome looked at her and his hands together and took her hand away from his.

Hey Kag, why did you go into this business?'' asked Inuyasha as he drove into the station parking lot.

'Why do you want to know?'' said Kagome as she took off her seat belt off.

I am just cursorily, what is your purpose of join the legend.'' Said Inuyasha as he got out of the car.

'I joined the police department because I want to help found people's love ones, who had be murder to justice.'' Said Kagome as the walked into the police station.

This is because Kikyo was murder was' it.'' Asked Inuyasha as he followed her into the station.

I don't know maybe.'' Said Kagome

Hey Kagome nice outfit.'' Said Kouga a police office

Kouga was a wolf demon, who had been trying to ask her on a date since high school. He had long black hair that was put into a high ponytail. He also had crystal blue eyes.. He was kind of cute. [^_^ for Kouga's fans]

Hi Kouga.'' Said Kagome as she wiz past him to get to her desk.

What up, dog thud!'' said Kouga s he saw Inuyasha

The sky, stupid.'' Said Inuyasha as he continued to follow Kagome to her desk.

Kouga just growled at him, Kagome got to her desk and just down in her chair.

Her desk was filled with knickknacks, also filed with a stink of files.

Inuyasha walked into her office and saw all her junk.

Man, you need to clean some of this stuff out.''

Shut up Inu, Why in the hell are you following me?'' asked Kagome as she kicked her feet up on her desk.

When she did that, she had forgotten that she was wearing a cheerleader outfit, and you can her red underwear. Inuyasha notice this and try hard to keep his eyes force on her face, instead of her ass.

Well.'' Said Kagome as she took a piece of gum from her cheerleader outfit.

Well what?'' said Inuyasha still staring

Well why are you following me?'' repeated Kagome as she chewed her gum

well we are suppose to be on a case, right now.'' Said Inuyasha

I don't want to work with you.'' Said Kagome as she sat up in her chair and got up from it.

Well to bad.'' Said Inuyasha as he grabbed a piece of gum from her hand.

Hey ,that was my piece of gum, and you didn't even ask me for it.'' Said Kagome as she tried to get it back from him.

No way.'' Said Inuyasha as he stuck the piece of gum in his mouth.

You big meany.'' Said Kagome as she punched Inuyasha in the gut and walked ouy of her office.

I'll see you here at 8:30 am sharp tomorrow.'' Shout Inuyasha

Yea, whatever.'' Said Kagome as she walked away

Inuyasha just smirked and went back to work.

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Done with chapter one, tell me what you think of it.
Bye Kagome
[review please]