InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who needs high school? ❯ first day of hell ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
The gang strolled into class minutes late as usual. The teacher sighed as she began the morning ritual of asking for excuses.
“What's your excuse this morning Mr. Takashi?”
“Bite me” Was Inuyasha's colorful answer.
“And you, Mr. Houshi?”
“I was making sure your mom got into that cab ok”.
“How about you Ms. Taijay?”
“Suck my stick”.
“Yes…well…quite” was all the teacher could say.
The gang took the usual 4 seats in the back. Inuyasha was laid out on the last 2 while Sango and Miroku were in the first 2.
Kag P.O.V
`I don't see what's so different about this place' Kagome thought as she wandered the halls of Shikon high.
`Looks like the same old prison that I've been in every other year'
Author P.O.V
Kagome walked into class and handed her papers to the teacher.
“Well class, it seems we have a new student. Her name is Kagome Higurashi. Would you like to tell us about yourself?”
Kagome thought for a second the proceeded.
“I'm a 16 year-old punk, I hate preps, love rock and yes that is my Suzuki in the parking lot.”
“Yes…well… quite…hmm. You can take a seat next to Inuyasha.”
Kagome walked to the back of the room only to encounter Inuyasha's head in her seat.
“Excuse me…could you move your head please?”
“Not for a stupid wench like you”
“I am not a wench!”
“Suuure your not”
“I have a name ya know!”
“Really now? Then what is it?”
“It's kagome. Kagome Higurashi”
Inuyasha cracks one golden eye open to meet her blue gray ones.
“Ok. Fine. Just don't bitch anymore.”
Inuyasha lifted his head up and sat up straight in the 3rd chair while kagome took a seat in the 4th one. Sango looked up from where she was beating the crap out of Miroku and looked over at the girl.
“Nice handling on dog boy. My names Sango by the way.”
Sango held out her hand for kagome to take. Kagome took the hand and introduced herself as well.
“Kagome. You can call me Kag though. So uh, who's the human punching bag?”
Sango looked over her shoulder at the pathetic excuse for a man crumpled up behind her.
“Oh. That's Miroku. You should stay away from him. He's a HUGE pervert.”
That's it for right now everybody. Sry but my school starts tomorrow. Love you all. Bye bye! ^ _^