InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Needs Ya? ❯ Understanding ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Who Needs Ya?

AN: Hey y'all! I've decided to post a new fic, cuz I'm bored…and well, I just kinda had an idea for it…sorta…okay, maybe not…but still! I'll eventually figure out what the plot of this story will be...hopefully…gah! Who the hell am I trying to kid? Anywho…hope ya enjoy!!!

Disclaimer: Do ya think I could trade in my pathetic muse for Miroku? No? Maybe Sesshoumaru then! No?? Not even Naraku??? *pouts* Damn.

Chapter I: Understanding

She'd never tell him…no, better yet, she'd never tell any of them.

Kagome had a secret, and she wanted to keep it that…a secret.

She figured she knew how Inuyasha would react…he'd rant and rave, then get all possessive of her…but she didn't want that. She wanted him.

But then…

Another problem was Sango. How would she react to it? Sango already figured out that Kagome was in love with Inuyasha…but that wasn't love, it was just a crush. Besides…who wants a selfish, immature, loudmouth jerk that only has those really adorable ears as a bonus, when you could have a perfectly gorgeous gentleman that…except for some…tendencies was very sweet towards her.

'Did I just think he was gorgeous?' Kagome thought to herself with a blush. 'Well, it is true…but…WAIT! I just totally got off topic here!' Kagome chided herself. 'Sango! That's right! Sango's reaction!'

Did Sango have feelings for the man? Sometimes it seemed like it…but then again…Sango acted almost the exact same way towards Inuyasha. Kagome was pretty sure that Sango didn't like Inuyasha…but who knows really. Sango was as good at hiding her emotions as Inuyasha was. But…thinking about that…that wasn't a very good comparison either. More like Sesshoumaru. Yes, that works! Sesshoumaru was very, very good at hiding his emotions…

Except when he got that really scary smirk…or when he was really really really pissed off…Kagome shuddered at the thought. Maybe comparing Sango and Sesshoumaru wasn't a good idea either. No…maybe she was more like…Yuki Eiri from that anime, Gravitation! That seemed a little more Sango-y…

Thinking about anime made Kagome think about her pocky, which she suddenly missed, very much. 'I wonder if he would like pocky…' Kagome mused. 'Maybe I should bring some for everybody…and I could bring some mangas too! For late night reading…or maybe they'd like to read them…who knows…' Kagome thought, starting to feel giddy at the thought. 'Damnit! I've gotten off subject again,' Kagome mentally sighed.

Next person to think about was…him…how would he feel about her? Maybe he likes Sango…it's not like he ever really showed any interest in Kagome. Except for his…tendencies…but that went for almost every woman! He was even harder to read than Sango! He always seemed so carefree, and lecherous, and sweet, and lecherous…but that is beyond the point!

"My new goal: get inside his head," Kagome muttered to herself.

Kagome was so deep in her musings, she did not notice the dangers surrounding her…

Well technically it was only one danger (and not all that dangerous, really) and it was approaching her from behind.

"Ah, hello Kagome-sama," a cool voice rang out, causing the poor girl to jump almost five feet in the air, out of the hot spring she was currently resting in. She immediately tried her best to cover herself up, and was blushing profusely.

"Miroku-sama," Kagome hissed, "what in the Gods' names are you doing?!" she demanded hotly.

"I came to find you, of course," the monk replied, calmly. Kagome glared at Miroku, then noticed that he was staring at her. She looked down, and immediately sunk down in the water so that only her nose on up could be seen. 'I hate him!' she fumed.

'Remind me again why I fell in love with this man…'