InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Said it Was Easy? ❯ Quickly One Thing at a Time ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 6

Disclaimer: What's the point in me putting this thing here each time? So you don't sue me. So don't. I heart you…

Through Kagome's distorted gaze, she noted a man... A man with... silver hair? This being the first thing she noted, along with the vague golden eyes she took it as InuYasha. She turned over, "InuYasha, it's not nice to stare at people while they're sleeping. It's rude." No smart answer. "Not to mention, it also means you probably have feelings for that person you're watching. Or else are a real stalker." No answer. Odd, he usually would have stuttered a strange response. Maybe he was thinking...

"InuYasha, do you think Shippou and the others are okay?" A grunt in response. So he was paying attention! "InuYasha listening to me? How very odd! Heh heh, you have the attention span of a two year old child." No answer. "Did you bite your tongue really hard or are you just angry at me?" No answer... Kagome could feel her feathers ruffle in a continuing growing anger... She sat up and rubbed her head... She felt strangely light-headed for some reason. She hated that feeling.

She turned around and closed her eyes, smiling and blushing. "InuYasha, do you remember that one time we went looking at the sakuras? They were beautiful, weren't they! And you brought one down to my face and said it matched the colour in my cheeks. And you cracked all those jokes at me, making fun of the ribbon I wore. I was wearing that green one, remember? And you said it looked like something from the garbage can... And I got so angry at you and refused to talk to you and you tried everything until you turned me around and tucked a sakura behind my ear and said you were sorry? And hugged me... Also..."

Sesshomaru stared at this girl that InuYasha hung around with blankly. Had she really realized it wasn't himself? His brows furrowed and came together in what seemed like a confused expression. Rin looked from Sesshomaru-sama to this girl and back to Sesshomaru-sama. She was confused! This pretty lady called Sesshomaru-sama `InuYasha'. Who was that? Oh well, what did it matter. This lady was pretty! Ooo, maybe she might be her new Nee-chan…

Sesshomaru felt the presence of the tiny girl who clung to his finger with her hand, rocking it back and forth as she just watched the two of them... He didn't acknowledge her presence, and rather seemed to ignore her. But he couldn't help but have some... odd... form of what he thought might be liking of her...

Of course, she was a damn filthy human... But her goofy smile... Always made him feel... Off. She tried too hard, that was all. His concentration went back to the human woman sitting o the bed as she opened her eyes in sudden anger, the sheet bunching up in her hands as she shook with fury, "INUYASHA! You're not listening" Instead of InuYasha, she saw Sesshomaru and a little brown haired girl she wasn't too familiar with standing to the left of him, holding on to his finger and swinging it back and forth. His right sleeve hung lifelessly at his side. Originally she would have freaked out in this situation, but instead... Since the little girl was there, and seemed to carefree, her fear was suppressed.

She looked around the room quietly, eyeing everything... She was in a stone room, with closed windows... And the thing that frightened her most was when she looked down, she no longer had InuYasha's haori... She suddenly felt alone. She heaved a great, depressed sigh and looked at Sesshomaru with a questioning look.

He stared back, much more calmly and much less perplexed. "What do you want with me this time?" She demanded firmly and oddly cool. To his surprise, she was shaking. She wasn't as unruffled as one might have thought from her tone, and he noticed the only reason she managed to keep control of herself was because her eyes were fixated upon Rin. He followed her gaze slowly and looked down upon the girl, who looked back up at her Sesshomaru-sama and gave him the goofiest of grins. On the inside he smiled.

He broke his gaze of her and looked back to the human woman who sat on what actually was his very own bed. He set her there, without really thinking. Now he had tainted his bed, and probably would burn it... Later.

"What is it you want?" Her voice faltered this time. He inhaled and was about to reply but stopped... He really had no use for her, since he had Tetsusaiga. The whole reason he got her was probably to piss his half brother off.

"...To infuriate my brother." Kagome stared at him blankly... Make his brother mad? This was just a sibling feud? She lifted her eyebrows at him... As in, pull-each-other's-hair,-scream-at-each-other,-fake- cry-so-the-other-will-get-it sort of fight? She continued to stare at him oddly... Was he serious? He just took her just to tick InuYasha off? She suddenly began to laugh.

Sesshomaru stared at her just as blankly as she had done to himself. In fact, he even quirked a brow. He didn't question though, just waited until her tears subsided and she had stopped her giggling, village girl fit. (In other words, her school girl fit.) "Haha! You're joking, right? The," insert a sniff, "almighty Sesshomaru sama was just a little peeved at his brother, so he decided to do something as lowly as a child might? Only on the levels of stealing a toy from his brother and breaking it?" She blinked. "Subtracting the breaking part from this situation," she also added.

Sesshomaru didn't frown at this thought... Just thought it. Was what he was doing really childish? He looked down at Rin and simply commanded, "Out." She smiled up at her Sesshomaru-sama, as if he had told her he loved her more than anything else in the world. Her eyes were bright when she looked at him, "Yes, Sesshoooomaru-Sama!" and in response she did what appeared to be an `airplane run' out of the room and closed the door behind her, running gleefully down the hall to look for Jaken kun and ask if he'd play with her.

Kagome's eyes followed Sesshomaru, a little more nervous since her only comfort in the room had left. But she struggled within herself to remain cool, as she watched him stand as if he was in a professional circumstance. After he went to the window and looked out it-remaining silent for the next few minutes on deciding what to do-he turned to face her. Kagome was clicking her tongue against the top of her mouth, and scratching her fingernails against each other, and shifting her weight on her knees constantly, and constantly moving, fidgeting, movingmovingscratchscratchfidgetclickclickclickCLICK CLICKCLICKscratchclickfidgetshift and was quite frankly annoying the hell out of Sesshomaru.

She ceased all movement once his eyes were set upon her, and she could feel the annoyance oozing off of him. Although he still appeared calm. But she could also hear the tiny sounds of his teeth grinding, in futile efforts to remain patient. Once he felt the annoyance dissipate, he left out a silent sigh and eyed her a moment or two. Then he walked straight up to her, looking down upon her.

"I was thinking..." Kagome stared at him, `That's all you ever do, you damn bastard.' But decided it was best to keep her mouth shut and let him finish what he had to say, seeing as he could very well rip her apart with a single swipe. This seemed very logical to her. Sesshomaru continued, interrupting her own thinking, "That at your reference of taking a toy and breaking it seemed very idealistic. See, in means of breaking you I would have to taint you, claim you, and there is no way in hell I'm going to do that seeing as you're human. No offense."

Feeling more than slightly offended, but her relief overflowing that since he decided against raping her. Until his next line came to pass, "Then I thought this; `Well, which do I hate more? Humans or that sick hanyou of a brother of mine?' I chose half brother over human." Kagome squeaked, watching him warily. He began to talk again, enjoying the mixed reactions he got as he spoke. He let the pleasure sink in before continuing. "But then I thought; `Which do I dislike more, The hanyou or the stupid human girl who acted as his wench?'" Kagome fumed at this, but still ventured to keep her mouth shut. "Much more than obviously, his wench because she was ignorant enough to be with this particular filthy hanyou." Kagome was relieved once again, but the offended state had melted into pure fury. He was relentless! He just insulted her and insulted her! Not to mention he was taking jabs at InuYasha. "InuYasha is NOT filth, you piece of..." Sesshomaru put his hand against her mouth, not feeling like hearing her talk. And he was somewhat irritated she used that tone with him, much more that she interrupted him.

But he decided not to kill her, yet.

"But then I said to myself again, `Who doesn't like raping a beautiful girl? Demon females seem to have fangs and are much less appetizing than this here.'" Kagome sighed. She wasn't afraid anymore, and began to realize this was going to take a very, very long time...

"But then again, I don't really feel like hearing your mouth." Kagome stood up and slapped the demon. "MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND!" The demon didn't really hurt, he was just a little shocked she had the nerve to strike him.

"If you would listen I was going to tell you. It was no, until you decided to strike me." Kagome felt the sweat stream down her back... Oh shit... Why didn't she think before she acted...? She could see the anger in him building up to the point of breaking… Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! His eyes began to bleed red…. What caused him to snap so just by her slapping him?! Jeeze, can't he take a little hit once in a while?!

`This stupid wench decided it was a good idea to defy ME… Deny MY mercy! When things think I am not merciful… It's that things like this happen, and I have the luck of meeting insolent filth like this!'

The demon slashed at her top, shredding it to pieces. He then went on to smack her, causing her to fall upon the floor. She held on to whatever cloth was not shredded, trying to hide her simple white bra that was under her shirt. She didn't whimper, she didn't cry... Well, she was fighting back the tears because of her hurt pride. She stared up at him coldly... She was set. He would not take her without a fight, because she was still a virgin and she planned to keep it that way until InuYasha took her.

She felt the icy gold spheres engrossed with her current position, and she stared right back at him. He watched her brown eyes... She didn't hold hate in them... Just... frustration... And anger... And hurt... She wasn't sad... She just was upset. Disappointed almost. But over what? The question raked at his mind, as he stared at her vulnerable state. He clicked his claws together, much in the same way Kagome had clicked her tongue earlier. He was in a thoughtful state, on the brink of being slightly nervous. It was just... she held so much gall! To top that, she was almost challenging for him to take her. Such a unyielding state had he rarely encountered.

...But a more enjoyable state for him to take pleasure in...

Kagome watched a rare grin spread over Sesshomaru's face... He was going to do it!! He was really going to rape her... Kagome-knowing attempts at hitting him were worthless, and would probably only increase his severity on her-back up in a small sense of dread... InuYasha... InuYasha wasn't going to be her first... Why hadn't she taken him the night of the inn, as her instincts told her to? She closed her eyes tightly, beading sweat dripping down off her brown and hitting her knees...

"InuYasha... I'm sorry..."

InuYasha awoke suddenly, a sense of dread overcoming him. He knew something bad was happening to Kagome. He stared hard at the floor, trying to push away the sense of dizziness that overtook him. His golden eye was centimetres away from the wooden floor... He could even see the dust gathering in the grooves of the wood, he was so close...

He tried to move again. Bad idea... His eyes snapped shut as he breathed. InuYasha... One priority at a time... Try and figure out who took Kagome first...

...One priority at a time, InuYasha, one priority at a time...

A/N: Ah… not much to say I suppose. I know Sesshomaru wouldn't rape her. But how fun and how cliché is that of me ^_^? I really rather enjoyed this chapter… Minus the rape part… But I wrote this long, long ago in a mind frame far away… So I shall stick to original story lineness. I kinda forgot what the story line was… I guess we'll see, won't we?


VampireCircusGyrl128: Thanks for dropping by ^_^. Please enjoy more of the story!