InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Says Words Can't Hurt? ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Who Says Words Can't Hurt?


Disclaimer: Inuyasha is a product of Takahashi Rumiko-sama.


…Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me…
















Kagome dragged her feet tiredly through the dense forest. "Why does he have to run off like this every time he turns human? It's not that bad!" she complained to no one in particular.

The moonless sky provided Kagome with no light to guide her and she barely made it around the logs and trees that blocked her path. The girl felt her foot catch on something and she suddenly fell forward flat on her face. She spit curses as she lifted herself up off the ground.

In a foul mood, Kagome continued deeper into the winding forest path. She was just beginning to rethink her expedition to find her hanyou when a faint light shined through the leaves in front of her. Should she…?

It didn't matter if she should or shouldn't because Kagome's overpowering curiosity had already gotten the better of her. She reached forward without a single trace of hesitation and pulled the leaves out of her view. She immediately regretted her hasty decision.

Kikyo's head lay pillowed on Inuyasha's lap as he rested his back against the thick trunk of a willow tree. The elder miko looked up at the hanyou with empty eyes, his own amber orbs staring back down at her with indescribable sadness. Both were quilted in a soft azure light that gave the scene an ethereal glow. In that moment, the two unlikely lovers seemed like they were made for each other…

"Kikyo…" Inuyasha whispered quietly to the woman lying in his lap, "I love you…"

Kagome's knees buckled as his treacherous words reached her ears. Tissue tore and ripped as blood suddenly came gushing out of her arms. Momentarily forgetting her emotional turmoil, the girl looked down in horror at the inexplicable wounds appearing all over her body.

Thick crimson liquid covered Kagome's body as she dropped to the ground. Taking one last envious glance at Kikyo, she faded into the shadows of unconsciousness.














