InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Says Words Can't Hurt? ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

… Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me…
















"Kagura," came a rich baritone voice from the shadows of an enclosed room, a small sinister smirk lifting the dark figure's lush lips. A woman entered through a screened area, sliding the shoji open and gliding it back into place as quietly as possible. Standing tall and obdurate, she turned to face the silhouette in the shadows. The man remained silent, as if waiting for something.

"Show some respect!" he barked impatiently. The woman didn't flinch, but she slowly lowered herself to her knees, crimson eyes glowing with grudging compliance.

As she bowed her head to the ground, the man spoke again in a mocking tone. "Kagura, what did you find on your spying expedition?" he inquired with a triumphant smirk.

Her voice came muffled from the ground in front of his sitting form, "The miko that travels with the hanyou is acquiring inexplicable wounds." The demoness' stoic voice held an underlying tone of revulsion.

"You may rise, Kagura and tell me more about what you have found."

Kagura did as she was told and raised her head to look into the stoic face of her master. With forced bravery she spoke, "The miko had stumbled across the hanyou and the soul-eating one during another one of their rendezvous' in the forest again. The hanyou confessed his undying love and devotion to the soul-eating miko and the spying one's arms began to rip apart immediately. They are planning to visit an ancient hanyou in the eastern mountains rumored to know everything there is to about curses, black magic, and priestesses to see what is causing her wounds."

The shadowed figure's brow creased as he contemplated this new discovery. The beginnings of a devious scheme were already forming themselves in his mind as the man rose to stand in the dim light that had somehow managed to seep into the room, despite the covered windows. His features were cast into a wicked air as he looked down upon the still-kneeling woman. "This could be of great advantage to us. Fetch your sister and Kohaku and assemble back in this room so that I may inform you all of my plan."

"Yes," the woman got up to do his bidding but was stopped when the man cleared his throat in annoyance. "Yes… Naraku-sama," she spit out vehemently.


"Lord Sesshoumaru-sama! Lord Sesshoumaru-sama!" called a shrill voice into the chilly night air. A short green toad-like creature ran frantically around the small clearing where he and his young charge were currently camped. His bulging yellow eyes bulged even larger, if possible, as he searched the surrounding trees and foliage only to turn up empty handed and clueless as to where his master had gone.

"Jaken-sama, where is Sesshoumaru-sama?" came a soft voice from near the fire. The addressed toad creature turned to the owner of the voice. The little girl was just rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she rose from her sleeping position beside the great two-headed beast Ah-Un.

"No, when I awoke from my nap he was nowhere to be found!" Jaken explained in a worried pitch. A sudden chill swept over the toad like a bucket of ice. His head jerked from side to side, trying to find the source of the bone-chilling aura. He stood stock-still, listening intently for any unusual sounds. All that met his ears were the normal nightly sounds of the owls hooting, crickets chirping, and a cool breeze sweeping through the fresh boughs of the spring trees.

"What's wrong, Jaken-sama?" Rin asked in a wavering voice, suddenly scared as a shiver ran down her spine. There was something out there in the forest, watching them; she could feel it.

"Nothing, nothing, just go back to sleep, Rin," the toad ordered, hoping Rin hadn't felt the evil aura that surrounded them. The last thing he wanted was for her to go into a fit of hysterics.

"Kanna, go!" a voice whispered in the forest.














