InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whole New World ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Whole New World

By Kagome_13

Disclaimer: don’t own Inuyasha

Inuyasha walk back to his tent to find the human girl, whom he had kidnapped sleeping in his bed. ‘Oh Yea.’ thought Inuyasha ‘ She is in my bed. Oh, hell I’m tired.’

Inuyasha crawled into bed, which the young girl was in and put his arms around her and he thought to himself.

‘I wonder what her name is.’ he eye lid start to feel heavy and he went to sleep.

“Aaahhh Perverted’’ screamed the girl who had to wake up Inuyasha. He woke up to a slap in the face.

“Hey, what the hell was that for.’’ said Inuyasha holding his bruised check.

“What do you think? PERVERT!!”

“Hey, I am not a pervert, my name is Inuyasha.’’

“I don’t care what you name is. Where in the hell am I.’’

“In my tent’’

“I can see that. I not stupid you know but where?’’

“In the forest.’’

“Why did you Kidnapped me?’’

“I don’t know.’’ said Inuyasha as he shrugged his shoulders.

“Aaahhh.’’ Kagome screamed in furious.

“What is you name?’’ Inuyasha asked

“None of your business.’’

“Just tell me you name. Damn It.’’ said Inuyasha angrily

“It is Kagome.’’ she said refuse looking at Inuyasha

“Ok, that was not hard, was it.’’

“Maybe for you.’’

“Okay senses we got that settle. How about some breakfeast.’’ said Inuyasha as start to cook some meat.

“No thank you.’’ said Kagome as she crossed her arms and turn away from Inuyasha

“Come you must be hunry.’’ he said start to eat the meat. She looked at the meat and her stomach start to growled.

“It not poison you know.’’ said Inuyasha as he eat his meat.

“Oh, Okay.’’ She said and she sat across from him and start to eat the meat.

‘Yes.’ thought Inuyasha

They sat in silence for a couple of minute before Inuyasha start to asked question.

“So are you married.’’ Inuyasha start praying to the Great Spirit, that she was not.

“No, but my parents are trying to force me to marry our mayor though.’’ said Kagome looking at Inuyasha.
“Oh, Okay.’’

“ARE you married.’’ said Kagome returning the favor.


“Why did you get kidnapped me?’’ asked Kagome

“Why do you want me to know.’’

“Well, I would like to know, cause I’m in a strange place and with a strange people.’’ said Kagome standing up and walked out the tent. Inuyasha ran quickly after and garb around the waist and drags her back to the tent.

~That now for now people. HAPPY THANKSGIVING anyway read and review and flames are welcome. I know my spell and grammar suck. Bye still read and review. ~