InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whole New World ❯ 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Whole New World

Chapter four

By Kagome_13

Disclaimer: Don’t own Inuyasha

Christmas is almost here, Yeah. Well I hope you guys like this chapter and if anybody wants to do any fan art, I will be happy to see it.

In the northern territory live the wolf people. Enemies of the Dog Demon people, for they both have been fight for the land. The wolf people leader was a wolf demon name Kouga, who was a great leader and great in battle.

He had long black hair that was pulled back into a high ponytail. His eyes were a beautiful sky blue and his body was toned from all the battles he had gone too. While the Dog people were original was going to attack the wolf people. Their leader Inuyasha had got preoccupied with a certain raven hair girl.

Kouga had decided to final finish off the dog people for once and all.

‘Just you want Inuyasha, I’m going to hurt you were it hurts.’ thought Kouga as he round his men.

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Inuyasha was fighting the raven hair girl. Kagome was everything to fight Inuyasha and tried to escape. But has was just so damn fast and so damn smart too.

Everything she tried to kick him in the shin or punch him, he would either dodge it or block it.

“Ahh.’’ Kagome screamed in frustrated

Inuyasha just laugh, she looked just so damn cute when she got so damn angry.

“Well you please let me go.’’ begged Kagome as she stared into Inuyasha’s golden eyes

Inuyasha would give anything for her not to begged and cry for her freedom, but he just had to have her.


Kagome was angry and sad, that this man would not let her go home. So she just drop down to the ground and land on her bottom, and stared into space.

Inuyasha just at her, and was about to say something, but the sounds of drums interrupted his thoughts. The drums were warning everyone that there were intruders by the village. Inuyasha heard them and he grab Kagome by the hand and drag her into the forest.

In the forest were the women and children were hiding. Inuyasha direct for some of the men to stay back and protect the women and children. Inuyasha and his men went back to the village to meet the intruders

The wolf people warriors start to attack the village of the dog people, by burned down their crops and tents. Kouga looked around to find Inuyasha standing a foot away from him.

“It time to die wolf.’’ snarl Inuyasha as he pull out his sword

“Not before I kill you Inu-trud.’’ said Kouga as he got in his battle stand to fight Inuyasha.

End of chapter

So what did you think good or bad? Should I kill Kouga or let him life? Review and Read please. Merry Christmas and a happy new year too.
Bye Kagome_13