InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whole New World ❯ 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Whole New World

Chapter five

By Kagome_13

Disclaimer: Don’t own Inuyasha

I hope you all like this chapter, and I hope your guys will read my new story called Inuyasha; The Ape Man. Please read and review


Kagome was in the forest with the rest of the women and children. She sat down on a tree root waiting for Inuyasha. The women and children were either standing or sitting.

They keep their children occupy by allowing them to play in the dirt. Sneaking through the forest were some of the men of the wolf-demon people. They leaders of this group were Hakku and Ginta cousin of Kouga.

They had with them a handful of men with them. They saw the dog people women and children in the forest. As they walked in the forest. They smelt Inuyasha’s scent all over one woman practically.

Ginta first saw the woman. She was sitting on a tree root. Her long raven hair was down and she had pale skin that looked like it never tanned.

‘She is very pretty.’ he thought to himself as he hit his brother Hakku. Once he got the attention of his brother. He pointed at the woman.

Hakku followed his brother finger and saw the pale-face girl. He looked at his brother and gave him a knowing smile. They talk with their eyes and said to each other she is perfect for Kouga’s revenge.

“Okay, who is going to go get her?’’ asked Ginta

“You are.’ said Hakku as he point to his brother


“You saw her first.’’ said Hakku


“So…. What.’’ said Hakku

“Why don’t your guys play rock, paper, scissor? The winner doesn’t have to get her. But the loser does.’’ said one of the warriors

“Okay.’’ said the brother

“They both got ready and played. Their first game and second games were tied. On their third time, Hakku had paper and his brother had scissors. So that means Hakku had to go and get the girl.

Ginta laugh at his brother as Hakku sneak behind the girl. Since the girl was down winded the men that was left to guarded the women did not smell him.
Quickly he grabbed her and put his hand over her mouth. He then starts to drag her in to the forest with him.

‘I’m getting kidnapped AGAIN.’ she thought as she fight the man.

Hakku dragged the girl until he meets his brother.

“I’m sure Kouga is going to be happy that we got Inuyasha’s woman.’’ said Ginta



Inuyasha and Kouga were both fighting each other. They had numerous wounds on them. Kouga heard a wolf called. He then faced Inuyasha and smile.

“See ya later, dog-trud.’’

Then he left running into the forest with his men. Leaving Inuyasha standing on the battlefield.

“Hey, wimpy wolf. Come back so I can kill you.’’ He yelled at the wolf

But the wolf did not come back. So Inuyasha decided to head toward the forest to see if Kagome was all right. When he got there the men were all there. They are being happy that their family was safe and sound.

Inuyasha looked around to see where Kagome was hiding. After 10 mins of looking for her, he got mad and asked a woman if she seen Kagome.

“I saw her sitting on that tree root.’’ she said as she pointed to a tree

Inuyasha walked over there and start to sniffed the area. Kagome’s scent was defending there. But there was another scents, a familiar one. It smelt like a wolf and Inuyasha know who scent it belong to. It belongs to the one of Kouga’s cousin.

‘That is why wimpy wolf left. They dare to take her away from Me.’ thought Inuyasha as he eyes flashed red and he start to growl.

To Be Continue…

I hope you guys like this chapter. I am sorry if I spelled any body name wrong. I keep stopping writing this chapter cause I want to play Kingdom Hearts or listen to Phantom of the Opera. I was also watching Tarzan and bunch of Disney movies. So Read and Review.
