InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whole New World ❯ 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 7

By Kagome_13

Disclaimer: Don’t own Inuyasha

Thanks ZIPPIYGIRL for you suggest

Inuyasha and Kouga glared at each other. Each waiting to keep the female for themselves. Inuyasha would not allow the stupid wolf to take his woman to be. He want to keep Kagome, not allow cause she was beautiful but her scent calm and brought peace to his soul. He would not allow the stupid wolf Kouga to take her away and make her his wife.

Inuyasha growled at his opponent, he would destroy this wolf. Not only did the Wolf pack attack his people, but took his woman away, and that does not settle to well with a half-dog demon. Inuyasha start the fight with a punch to Kouga. The wolf dodged and made a kick at Inuyasha. He blocked Kouga’s kick; both men continue to throw punch and kicks at each other.

Kagome woke up to a rocky ceiling. ‘ Where the heck am I?’ She thought as, she sat up from her bed. She heard some shouts coming from outside. She follow the noise, and she found the two wolf men who had kidnapped was sitting on the work, watching and cheering for their leader, Kouga.

“ Go Kouga!! Kick his Dog ass!’’ said one of the men

“ Yeah, Kouga. You can win these.’’

Kagome swiftly walk behind the two men. She stood their behind them for a moment, before they notice her. Before they could tell Kouga that the young girl had waked up she took a rock and hit them both in their head.

“Sorry about this boys. Nothing personal.’’ Kagome murmured to herself

Once the men were knock out. She noticed that dog boy and wolf boy were fighting. Hopeful, they would kill each other to death. She heard part of their conversation, they were talking about her.

“She mine,’’ said the wolf boy, Kouga

“ No, she is not. She was mine before you saw her. So stay the fuck away from her, before I kill you.;; said Inuyasha as he throw another punch, which Kouga dodged again

‘What the heck am I a piece of meat or what?’’ Kagome thought angry

“come her wolf boy. Stop running and face me like a man.’’

“no way, dog trud.’’ Kouga said as he kicked Inuyasha’ s side. Inuyasha bared his fangs at Kouga, before he dig his claws into his enemy‘s arm.

Kouga let out a scream, as he clutched to his arm. He gritted his teeth and said to Inuyasha

“Damn you, Dog trud!!’’

Inuyasha laughed, but he stopped when he caught the scent of Kagome. He saw her on the hill standing over the body of Kouga’s two idiot cousins. She looked mad, she picked a rock up and throw it at Kouga. Then she throw it at Inuyasha’s head.

Inuyasha quickly ran to Kagome, before Kouga could get to her. He caught her in his arms. He put his face into her neck. He smelt her scent, she smelt so nice. Inuyasha lick her pulse, once , twice before he sank his fangs into her neck. Drinking her blood, leave forever more his mark on her.

Behind him, was Kouga fuming with angry. He grabbed Inuyasha by the back of his shirt and throw him off Kagome. He growl at the dog leader. The dog boy who took his woman from him.

“YOU STOLE MY WOMAN!!.’’ Kouga shouted at Inuyasha

Inuyasha laugh at the wolf. Then he said to him “She was mine before and now that I mark her, she will still mine. So there is no point in fighting you now.’’

Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and ran back toward the camp. Kagome allowed him to take her away from Kouga’s camp.

“You will regret taking her away from me.’’ Kouga said to himself, as he watch them leave. Kouga turned back, to find his two cousin knock out on the ground. He kicks them both and they jerked awake. Hakku and Ginta woke up to Kouga’s unhappy face.

“ You idiots. You let the girl go free.’’

“Well, She hit us on the head before we could do anything about it.’’ Hakku said as he rubbed the sore spot on his head/

“ Yea, Kouga.’’ Ginta said as he agrees with his twin.

“Well, you should have been watching her. Now let go home.’’

“But Kouga…’’

The three of them walk home. The next time they see Inuyasha, he shall get his revenge for stealing his girl from him.

Inuyasha carried Kagome to the new campsite. He allows her to walk on her feet and he directed her to their new tent. Which one of his men had set up for him. Kagome felt weird, she had this man bit her on her neck. At first the pain was unbearable, but soon it gave to great pleasure.

She looked at Inuyasha, and she really looked at him. She saw a handsome man in front of her. He made her heart do funny thing.

Inuyasha showed Kagome their new tent. Kagome looked around and founded that there was a bed made of buckskin.

“Please stay here, I must go talk to my brother. Why don’t you take a nap, I will be back in a while.’’ Inuyasha told her

She nodded to him. Inuyasha left their tent. He really needs to talk to his brother about his feeling toward the girl. Inuyasha walk to the tent he asked

“Sesshomaru, you there?’’

“Yes Inuyasha, you may enter.’’

Inuyasha walked into the tent. Facing his brother. He brother looked just like him, but he had elf ears, two purple stripes on each check and crest moon on his forehead. His brother had lost his arm in one of the battles with the wolf tribe.

“I have a question for you.’’ said Inuyasha as he took a seat

“What is the question?’’

“How do you know when you founded your mate?’’

Sesshomaru smirked at his brother

“Okay, I will tell you.’’

Kagome kneed down and lay down her head on the buckskin bed. She quickly fall sleeping dreaming of the white hair man

To be continue

Here is chapter 7. Do you guys want Rin to be married to Sesshomaru or her as a little child? Tell me