InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why can't I hate you? ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Well here it is Chapter 2! This one goes out to my only reviewer, angel_of_hope. You definitely motivated me to get this written faster. Without a review I probably wouldn’t have updated for awhile.

Sadly, I don’t own Inuyasha. *sigh*

Chapter 2

Inuyasha saw it all coming.

He didn't try to warn the miko though. He actually thought she could sense it herself. He could feel the Shikon no Tama's energy pulsing in time with her heartbeat as if they were one. So when the final energy surge knocked her unconscious Inuyasha was stunned.

Why hadn't the miko known the true power of the Shikon no Tama??

He could sense that she had spiritual powers, and could also sense that she had been trained in them, so why not know the power of the famous Shikon no Tama, which had existed for centuries on end in holy legend.

The force of the blast and her corresponding unconsciousness knocked her body backwards and she tumbled from the oil barrels she was crouching on. When they fell to the ground they made a horrible crash and Inuyasha could see Naraku order Kagura to investigate the noise.

Something inside Inuyasha screamed at him to save this girl but he beat it down mercilessly with his mind.

‘Why should I rescue an annoying miko who will only get in the way of my having the Shikon no Tama?’

In quick thought and desperation he managed to tear himself free from the arrows and leapt onto the very building he had been sniped from. From there he watched as Kagura emerged from the building and sauntered arrogantly towards the unconscious miko.

Grabbing her by the back of the collar, Kagura dragged her unceremoniously into the main building and Inuyasha watched through the window as she was casually tossed next to the others and bound with rope.

A low growl came from Inuyasha’s chest and then abruptly stopped, confused as to why he was reacting this way. That annoying bitch had not only insulted him, laughed at him, and pinned him to a wall, she seemed to also be the Miko of Legend, that was destined to have and keep the Shikon no Tama from harm and evil, which was not at all corresponding to his “to do” list.

Inuyasha shook his head in impatience, and focused on the task at hand.

Getting in there and stealing the Shikon no Tama.

If he happened to save the beautiful miko from harm then that was a side effect of his original plan.

“Yes, I don’t care one bit about that pesky ningen,” he whispered with a huff, “once the Shikon no Tama is in my possession, Naraku will no longer have any business with her.” ‘and she’ll be safe’ his mind added as an afterthought.



The world was a blur and in it was the soft glow of torchlight and rafters. ‘Rafters? What the hell?’

Slowly it all came into focus and Kagome remembered.

She had been looking in the window of the main building and her heart felt like it was trying to leap out of her chest and then she felt a warm energy course through her and then felt nothing at all.

‘Ugh, my head. I must have passed out.’

Sickened at her own weakness she tried to sit up, and realized her hands and feet were bound.

‘Shit, I know where I am.’ And then that hateful creature said her name.

“Kagome,” Naraku purred, “or should I say, Miko of Legend, perhaps you prefer your notorious title among enemies, Neko Miko, the cat priestess that is silent and strong, and the last thing her targets see are her eyes glowing mysteriously in the dark before they see nothing at all.”

Kagome managed to pull her self into a sitting position and simply glared at the evil hanyou.

“Or perhaps you would like to be called Queen, betrothed to Kouga, the leader of your pathetic Alliance and my, “greatest” enemy.”

He continued with a sneer. With the word betrothed she felt her stomach heave and her heart pound, some outside force was causing her to react this way and she was utterly confused as to what it was.

Ignoring the abomination she gazed around the room and saw that she was sitting next to Miroku. Her heart ached at the sight of him and her other comrades lined up like corpses, but she could tell they were alive.

She moved her gaze to the far side of the room, where lay a large pile of weapons, including her bow and Miroku’s staff. A hunch came to Kagome and she tried to hide her sneer.

“So Kagome,” she flinched at hearing her name, “I’m assuming you are here to find out what I plan to do with the Shikon no Tama?” he queried with a mock raising of his eyebrow.

“Well my dear I will fill you in, for it is much more fun to see your shocked expression than a confused one. So, I discovered the Shikon no Tama had been hidden with the people of its creation, the Taijiya.

This greatly troubled me you see, for it is nigh on impossible to find there village, because it is not only physically but magically hidden.

There came a not so brilliant and far too easy plan of simply corrupting one of your own, since I knew that the Alliance knew of the whereabouts and the trick to get past the barrier. Once I finished with the traitor, I killed him, you need not worry, I saved you the trouble.

I made short work of the Taijiya, although to there credit I had to use many MANY youkai to defeat them, and steal the Shikon no Tama. I regret to say there were no survivors.” he said with an arrogant chuckle.

Kagome’s stomach sank and she felt as if she would throw up.

‘What about Sango? and Kohaku? Miroku will be devastated.’

It had been a time of happiness and bonding when the beautiful Taijiya had accepted the monk’s proposal. Since that time though there had been no rest or time for a wedding with increased raids by Naraku and his goons, and now it seemed there would be no wedding at all.

Tears began to form in Kagome’s eyes and she quickly forced them back.

‘I can cry later, not now, not in front of HIM!’

Her expression darkened and Naraku laughed aloud.

“Good little Neko Miko, I can see your aura darken with hatred, what a sight to behold.” he laughed arrogantly.

Kagome gasped and let her anger subside.

She realized that as a miko the Shikon no Tama would react to her aura and become impure along with her.

She sat and cleared her mind, refocusing her energy into her spiritual powers and purifying her aura.

Naraku’s eyes widened at this and a slow smile spread on her beautiful face.

“Naraku, you will not tempt me to darkness, I am well trained and, according to Kaede, am the Miko of Legend you speak of and as such, the Shikon no Tama belongs to me.” she said evenly and without emotion.

Naraku laughed, “Yes, yes little miko, you may have it back now, I assure you, nothing you do with it can stop what I have already put in motion. You see this vat of liquid that the Shikon no Tama is suspended over? Well, this is my ingenious elixir.

You see, I have a great dilemma. To beat your Alliance I need more fighters, and humans are no doubt the best option. Easily corruptible, highly motivated, and vastly numerous, but they are also weak and fragile and defeated very easily. So solution, my elixir.

When injected into the human subject it manipulates their genetic make-up. Yes, I know of genetics enough to know the consequences of jumbling them around. With this change comes greater strength and resilience, greater healing and regeneration power, and also lack of human individual thought. They would become a group mind, you see. No individuality or memories of previous life “attachments”. What a great army I have constructed for myself, don’t you think?!?” he said loudly and burst into a fit of giggles that chilled Kagome to the bone.

Suddenly there was a loud crash and a string of expletives, and the Hanyou burst through the door.

Kagome blinked in surprise and watched as Naraku turned to focus his attention on the intrusion.

The Hanyou, drew his sword that was shaped like a massive fang and pointed it threateningly at Naraku.

“Ahh, Inuyasha, I was wondering when we would have the honour of your presence.” Naraku drawled.

‘Inuyasha? so that’s his name huh? Why is it familiar to me?’

Kagome shook the unimportant thought from her head and used this momentary distraction to her advantage.

During Naraku’s long winded speech she had managed to free herself from the ropes with her miko powers, burning the ties away. She leapt to her feet and sprinted across the room towards her bow as she heard the Hanyou, Inuyasha, shout,

“You bastard, you’ll have the honour of Tetsuaiga up your ass soon enough!”

She ignored the action behind her and focused on the task at hand. She managed to grab her bow and Miroku’s staff and turn around just as she heard the wind sorceress Kagura, whom she had forgot was there, say her wind blades attack. “Fuji no MAI!”

Kagome was caught off guard. Her left arm, right leg and chest were all hit, and hit badly.

She could feel the blood flowing freely but she had no time to think of the pain. She drew her bow and knocked three arrows positioned so they would fly at Kagura at different points, hopefully distracting her long enough for her to get back to Miroku’s side.

She let the arrows fly and without watching there effect, stumbled back to Miroku, prayed this would work, and tossed his staff on top of his unmoving body.

She collapsed at his side, and watched with unbridled anxiety as he slowly opened his eyes and turned towards her.

“Kagome?” he croaked, “What? Where ... am I?”

“There’s no time Miroku, you gotta get up, NOW!” she screamed and yanked him and herself to their feet.

Miroku looked as if he would fall but soon regained his balance as she saw the colour come back to his face, and he saw the colour drain from hers.

“What... Kagome you’re bleeding! Everywhere, Oh Kami!” he swore softly then looked around., and spotted the Shikon no Tama, his eyes widened and Kagome knew exactly what his thoughts were.


She felt her eyes sting and she followed his gaze.

“Miroku I’ll go get the Shikon no Tama, but I need you to distract Kagur...” She was interrupted again by the sound of

“FUJI no MAI” and her back and left arm received another harsh gash.

She nearly fell to her knees, but Miroku held her up and then shoved her towards the Shikon no Tama.

“Go Kagome! We must not let them keep it in their possession. I’ll take care of her!”, and she heard him attack the sorceress with his staff.

She turned and focused her attention on the Shikon no Tama.

Her vision becoming hazy as the blood seeped from her body steadily. She struggled to maintain consciousness as she reached the Jewel, and brought her hand up to grasp it.

The moment the Shikon no Tama touched her hand there was a great explosion of light. Kagome was momentarily blinded but could feel a warm tingling seep into her hand and climb her arm.

As her vision cleared she opened her palm to look at it and gasped. The Shikon no Tama, had been absorbed into her hand, leaving behind only the glowing shape of the Jewel on her palm.

She could feel the power of the Shikon no Tama, attempting to heal her body but with the staggering amount of blood she had lost along with the surge in her spiritual powers, she fell to her knees and then to the floor, unconscious.


Inuyasha’s battle with Naraku was not going as planned.

They seemed to be in a stalemate.

Every blow Inuyasha would throw at Naraku would be parried and vice versa.

It seemed that Naraku was not fighting at all, but simply biding his time, waiting for something to happen.

This greatly pissed the Hanyou off.

“Naraku you slimy bastard!” he shouted, “Fight me like you mean it or I’ll stop going easy on you!”

Naraku simply chuckled in response, and then an acrid scent filled his nostrils.

Blood. His heart raced. The Miko’s blood! Dammit!

He searched the room for any sign of her. In his fight with Naraku he had forgotten she was there. He spotted her on her knees across the room.

Blood was flowing freely from three wide gashes in her arm, chest and leg. He cursed under his breath and turned back to his opponent as a tentacle flew dangerously close to his head.

Naraku seemed to have taken his challenge and was fighting seriously now, but Inuyasha’s mind was elsewhere, on the injured miko, whom he watched skilfully pin the sorceress to the wall as she had done to him, but this time through the wind sorceress’s limbs, rather than her clothing.

As he continued to battle Naraku he caught glimpses of her out of the corner of his eye.

He parried a couple unexpected blows and then was pierced through the shoulder by one of Naraku’s tentacles.

“Distracted Inuyasha?” Naraku asked with a grimace.

Inuyasha growled and renewed his attack with vigour.

Suddenly a bright light shone and all fighting ceased.

Everyone was blinded by the sharp holy light of the Shikon no Tama, and once there vision had finally cleared, saw the miko staring at her hand and felt the Jewel pulse.

With that surge of energy both Naraku and Kagura were knocked unconscious and Inuyasha stood there puzzled.

‘What the fuck just happened? And why just those two? If it was meant to strike demons wouldn’t I be out to?’

He scans the room for the only other person standing, looking just as puzzled as he felt.

It was a man that by his staff appeared to be a monk, but wore the same type of armour as the Miko.

‘Keh! Alliance members. They must be friends with the Taijiya for those goofy outfits.’

The man gave Inuyasha a wary glance and rushed to the Miko’s side. Inuyasha did the same and the man glared at him.

“I thank you for your assistance, stranger but I am going to take my sister away from this place. Who knows when those two will wake up and we are in no condition to fight any longer.” the monk said evenly.

At this Inuyasha could also smell blood coming from this man, no doubt from the same attacker.

“Keh! You aren’t taking her anywhere. She has the Shikon no Tama and she ain’t leaving my sight!” Inuyasha shot back with a glare.

The monk sighed. “You do not appear to be my enemy, but if you try to harm her I will be forced to attack you, demon!”

“Keh,” Inuyasha snorted and began gathering the miko into his arms.

“What?...where, why are you ..” the monk stuttered.

“Keh, she’s coming with me and we are getting the hell outta here! If her wounds aren’t treated soon there will be no more “Miko of Legend” around.” Inuyasha answered with contempt.

“I am not going to leave her side...” the monk said slowly, and Inuyasha noticed he was leaning on his staff quite heavily.

“Whatever. She’s coming with me and if you ain’t “leaving her side” you best tag along too.” he sighed, too stressed to argue further.

He had to treat her wounds as soon as possible, he could feel her blood soaking his haori and could hear her heartbeat slow. At that they turned towards the exit and disappeared into the night.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

OK...any questions about characters and such can be directed towards me. I will be happy to answer! Hope you enjoyed chapter 2!