InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why can't I hate you? ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This is my first attempt at fan fiction, and this story is one that I've wanted to write forever. So constructive criticism would be nice.. and good comments would be even better....well on with the show!

I do not own Inuyasha

Chapter 1

'What the hell?!? How... do they have that?' Kagome's stomach sank. This could mean only one thing. Their allies, the Taijiya, had failed, and now the one thing that would give Naraku the upper hand was currently in his possession!

A wave of nausea hit Kagome hard. What happened to their friends? What about Sango and Kohaku??

She shook her head, and refocused on the task at hand. This was not the time for weakness!

Unfortunately while Kagome was spacing out Naraku and Kagura had disappeared from her sight. Silently, she cursed her lack of attentiveness, and scanned the compound for signs of them.

She felt a strange pull in her mind and she looked toward the main building on the compound. Something was compelling her to look closer so she quickly leapt to the ground and landed with barely a sound. Creeping towards the outer walls she spotted to guards sleeping at their posts.

'Pfft,' she thought to herself, 'this is way too easy.'

She approached the wall silently and began to climb it with ease, finding all the cracks and splinters that would allow for ascent. When she reached the top and looked over the wall a gangplank was constructed on the inside so getting down was even easier.

'Too easy..." something nagged at the back of her mind.

Kagome was on instant alert. Someone, or something, else was here. She could sense it and that meant one thing... it wasn't human.

She ducked in the shadow of one of the nearest buildings, and scanned the area around her. She saw nothing but that did not mean that there was nothing. Her senses told her it, whatever it was, was moving to her left, on the other side of the building she was crouching against.

Slowly she crept along the base and peered around the corner to her left. There she caught a glimpse of a figure clad in red. She almost growled in annoyance at the sight of this unexpected and unwanted interference in her investigation.

Without making more than a breath of sound she sprinted to the shelter of a building no more than 35 feet away, to try and get a better angle on her opponent.

When she reached her destination and looked out again, she could tell it had heard her. It turned its head in her direction and sniffed.

It, now became a he, as she could clearly make out his face in the darkness thanks to her vibrant night vision.

He stood around six feet tall and wore a red haori and hakama, that made him look absolutely ridiculous to her. He had long silver hair and two pointed ears on the top of his head. She could see his golden eyes scan the compound as she had done, and could tell by the look on his face that he knew she was there.

He turned his head as though he was dismissing her as a threat and continued to move along the main building.

Righteous indignation flared in Kagome's cheeks and she almost huffed.

'How DARE he just dismiss me like that...' she fumed.
This demon of some sort, had simply dismissed her with a sniff and she was not about to let that slide. She reached behind her for her bow and turned to her right and found a tree that would allow her to climb on top of the building she was crouched against.

Once she silently found the perfect perch she looked down to where the arrogant Youkai had last been and she found him peering in a window, perched on top of some old oil barrels.

'Take me lightly again after this you arrogant bastard.' She thought to herself with a sly grin.

She knocked an arrow and planned her attack. Almost silently she drew her bow and released, adjusted her aim, knocked an arrow, drew and released in the space of a second. Her prey had no chance at all.


Inuyasha had smelled the human.

Almost the instant she began climbing the outer wall. Annoying ningen.

Of course it had taken her awhile to notice his presence. He could tell from her scent that she was a miko, and knew that she should be able to feel his youki, eventually.

He could tell she watched him, he even caught a glimpse of her eyes, shining eerily in the night, and he caught the scent of alteration. Something about her had been changed, and he guessed, from what he’d learned about this time period, that it was her eyes. They were not natural human eyes.

Nevertheless, she had not seemed at all threatening. She was a small human female, maybe 20 years old, give or take. He could defeat something like that in a heartbeat but he didn’t believe in beating up tiny human females for fun.

Dismissing her with a derisive snort he turned back to the task at hand. Finding out what the hell Naraku was doing with the Shikon no Tama, and more importantly, stealing it to become a full youkai himself.

Silently Inuyasha hopped up on a metal cylinder that he had not known in his own age. Probably some artifact of “technology” that he’d heard about since the massive demonic rebirth.

He peered in the window of the main building and found his prize. It sat in a crystal bowl suspended over a strange vat of bubbling liquid.

Inuyasha had barely the time to prick up his ears and silently curse when he heard the tell tale sound of an arrow flying through the air followed closely by a second, before he found himself pinned, by his haori to the main building.

He choked back a few choice words as he saw the insolent ningen, perched on the building she had been crouching by, wearing a satisfied grimace and almost laughing at his predicament.

He watched her as she disappeared from his sight and reappeared once again where he had first seen her. She cast a casual look around the compound and began sauntering towards him.

She looked mighty pleased with herself and he found he had an extremely hard time hating her at that moment.

This woman, that was so casually walking towards him, was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Her long ebony hair shined brilliant blue in the moonlight and was tied into a high ponytail that hung to her mid-back. He could see through the darkness that her honey brown eyes, shone slightly green with her obvious night-vision, modification. She was small, maybe five and a half feet tall but her body still seemed long and slender.

Her toned physique was wrapped tightly in what could be described as armour. He had seen the local taijiya where this type of armour, made from youkai bones and skin. It hugged her athletic form and she moved with the grace of a hunter, as she casually slung her bow over her shoulder with practised ease.

Inuyasha was not only stunned by her appearance, but it felt as though something deep inside him was calling to this strange woman. For a split second he saw the same reaction on her face, but as quickly as it had come it was masked again by her smug grin and hunter’s satisfaction.

He shook his head and set a snarl on his face. There was no reason to let this female see the effect her presence had on him either.


Kagome almost gasped when she saw clearly the creature she had so casually pinned down in contempt.

His silver hair shone in the pale moonlight and his eyes glowed the fierce gold that matched her stare almost perfectly.

His red haori looked ridiculous at first glance but she could she that it was made from no ordinary material, as she watched it attempt to repair itself around the holes she’d pierced through it with her Miko’s arrow.

Doubtless she wouldn't have been able to pierce it at all without her spiritual powers assisting her.

His attire seemed baggy but she could tell underneath lay a powerful physique, not simply because he was a demon. No, wait, something called to her mind and she almost ceased her approach, stunned.

A word floated through her consciousness like a whisper of truth, maybe from a former life. ‘Hanyou’. Really?

The closer she became the more she believed. Indeed this man was a hanyou, a half-demon. Spawn of a youkai and human coupling. Intriguing indeed.

She quickly screwed her face back into her mask of victorious smugness, and constant alert that she had been trained to do since she was a child.

Why let this interfering hanyou know the effect his presence had on her thoughts, and her racing heartbeat.

Kagome approached her immobile opponent, yet didn’t speak a word to him. She leapt up onto the oil barrel beside him and dismissed him with a glance to instead peer inside to discover the fate of the Shikon no Tama.

“Oi, wench!” The creature beside her yelped, a tad to loud for her taste.

Giving him a look of disgust she simply covered his mouth with her hand.

She could nearly feel his blood boil at such a gesture and she almost laughed aloud.

‘This is way too much fun!’ she thought, ‘shhh.. ok ok gotta focus here Kagome.’
She continued to look around the inside of the building where she found the distinct purple hue of the Shikon no Tama. It was resting in what appeared to be a crystal bowl suspended over a vat of foul looking liquid.

“Ouch!” She gasped in surprise as she discovered that this insolent hanyou BIT her!

She turned and glared at him furiously, examining her hand to discover the damage his fangs had inflicted. She heard and arrogant chuckle arise from the beast as she discovered, that he had simply pinched her, not drawing any blood. She chose to ignore him, being more focused on her mission.

‘ C’mon Kagome, stop playing with the hanyou that makes your heart race when you look at him.’

Why was he having this effect on her? She turned to meet his gaze which she could feel playing on her body, and saw a smug grin lighting his face this time.

He could hear her change in heartbeat, could smell her spiked scent! Kagome blushed furiously and slapped the creature across the face.

She then leapt off the oil barrels and moved to the next window down the way, away from this...demon who was making her cheeks flare an embarrassing shade by just being near him. She shook it off an peered in the window again.

She nearly gasped aloud by the sight that met her eyes. There, lying on the floor of the warehouse, seemingly unconscious were members of their alliance, who had been MIA since a raid gone bad a couple weeks ago.

One of them was her dear friend Miroku!

She could feel her knees wobble and she looked at the ground to settle her brain.

‘What the Hell?!? What is Naraku planning to DO with those people?!’ She almost screamed her frustration when movement caught her eye.

She watched as that hateful creature entered the room. The evil flowed from him in waves and made her miko powers surge, in a primal desire to vanquish his jyaki.

She swallowed hard and looked past Naraku to find something even more mysterious and terrifying. She could just make out rows upon rows of what looked like humans, frozen in place by a mysterious force. They were hung and stacked like merchandise, but she could sense they all had a semi-life force to them. They were not quite alive but not dead either. There had to be thousands, stored like tools, waiting to be used.

‘Wait’, Kagome thought, ‘ didn’t one of their spies report something awhile back that Naraku was planning an assault on the Alliance using specialized tools? The report made no sense at the time and the spy’s report was dismissed as being irrelevant and “nothing we haven’t heard before”’ Kagome had a sinking feeling plague her.

What is going on here? And then there was no more time for thought as the Shikon no Tama’s energy surged and she was knocked unconscious.