InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Can't I Love Him? ❯ The Winds of Change ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I would like to state right now that I do not hate Kouga. I actually like him a lot and I am a huge fan of his. I am sorry if I have offended anyone who likes him by writing this fic. It was nessecary to the plot for him to be a huge bitch. I apologize for killing him off and I do not wish to be flamed for this trivial matter. Now, thank you for listening, and on to the rest of the story.

Why Can’t I Love Him?

The Winds of Change.

Sesshoumaru’s POV

Was he lying? How can I trust him again? I trusted him long ago and this whole mess had been the result. Why did my heart tell me that everything was going to be all right when my mind was the one that made more sense? Why must my head never agree with my heart? I guess life can never be that simple. I don’t think I’ve ever lived even a semi-simple life.

Maybe there was a way to do this so that I didn’t get hurt again. It would mean putting everything off for a while, but that might be the best thing in this situation. Just wait for everyone to calm down.

“In time, I’m sure. Your transgressions were more severe than you think.” That was the best I was going to do for now. We could talk about this later when we didn’t have an audience.

I could see his eyes light up and my heart began to pound. I could practically hear what he was thinking. ‘There’s hope!’ I had to say that the thought of hope made my heart flutter. My face remained calm and sure, though. I couldn’t have anyone knowing how I really felt. I just didn’t do things that way. I was still alive wasn’t I? My lifestyle seemed to be working so far, so why change things now? I wouldn’t let him know how much he really got to me.

“Can someone please explain what the hell is going on around here?” The demon slayer that always traveled with my brother had picked up the unconscious bitch and was now glaring at the both of us. I was too heady with relief to care much for her.

“Nothing a little time won’t heal, Sango!” Inuyasha said. He was obviously as happy about this as I was, and I was very happy.

"Well...Now that this little love fest is over, can we turn our attentions to the matter at hand?" Kagura said. I looked over in her direction. I found that I didn't really hate her. That didn't surprise me. I had known for a long time now that my hate for her had sprung up because of my hate for her maker. My refusal to help her because I was afraid of her tricks. Everything I had once thought I'd know had already been turned upside down, so it made since that even my opinion about the wind demon would change as well.

"What matter? You have said yourself that it is a hopeless battle. Do you change your mind now and say that we have a chance?" I stated simply.

"Stay out of it Sesshoumaru! This doesn't concern you in the least!" The demon slayer was glaring at me. I sighed. So insolent. She hadn't even set down the weak wench even though it was obvious that the girl was heavy and no one was going to help her carry the burden.

"It does concern him, Sango. Calm down." Inuyasha said calmly. This had to have been the first time in forver that I had actually heard him speak in sense instead of anger or annoyance.

"Hello! I'm still up here in this tree you know!" It was the healer. I was grateful to her, but not that grateful. I wasn't going to protect her from this mess. If she wanted to get tangled in this strange web, it was fine by me. I oculd just ignore the human.

The monk kneeled down to speak with the fire cat who, sensing no danger, had returned to her smaller form. "Kirara, could you please go rescue that beautiful lady from out of that tree over there? I would greatly appreciate it."

The cat meowed and took off into the sky, transforming as she went. She shot up to the branch where the healer sat and hovered there until the young girl got the message and scrambled onto the cat's back. She grabbed on tight and slid to the ground weakly after the landing. What a weakling.

"Don't even say it Miroku." The demon slayer warned. I never had liked her, and now she was really beginning to get on my nerves. Couldn't she just shut up and let her companion do as he wished?

"My dearest Sango, I would never have dreamed of saying anything to your displeasure." Oh he was good. I could see the light blush creep across her pale cheeks. I would have to watch him to pick up better ways to subtley convince my brother to return to me forever.

"Everyone that can fit into my hut, come in now. I want to hear this story of yours. Plus, that girl looks like she could do with a nice cold compress." The healer was motining for everyone to follow her. I noticed that she never took her eyes off me. So she wanted me to be one of the ones that would fit in that small hut. Not going to happen. I wasn't going to be squeezed in there with all those humans. No way in hell.

"I think I'll stay out here." I stated simply and she sighed, but nodded her consent. I guess she thought I was going to be told what to do after all. Well, she was going to have to learn real fast that I didn't take orders from anyone. Ok, so almost anyone.

"I'm going to keep Sesshoumaru company. You know, make sure that no big, bad demons come along and what not." Inuyasha said and sat on the ground where he was standing. Everyone else filed into the hut, which was actually bigger than it looked from the outside. I smiled softly.

I sat down resting my back against a tree. This was nice. This was good. Now we could talk without prying ears, plus we didn't have to go through the painful memories retelling the healer our pasts would bring about.

"So why didn't you reach out to help that wench like you normally do. You left that slayer to do it for you. Getting lazy?" I couldn't help but tease him a little bit.

"Not at all.. I just didn't feel like saving her sorry ass any more. It was starting to grate on my nerves. I swear if she calls out my name in that whiny voice on more time, she's not going to have the vocal chords to do it any longer." He said with an annoyed growl. I was proud of him. Instead of fighting like he would have done in the past, he agreed with what I had to say.

"She does have the whiny bitch part played out to a T." I stated.

"You're telling me." He mumbled and I hid my laughter.

"So how did you end up getting stuck with her anyways?" This could turn out bad, but I had to test how he reacted to the past. I had to know.

"When I was woken up, she had the jewel. At that time my mind wasn't functioning right and I didn't remember half of everything that had happened, so I thought I still wanted the jewel. I attacked her for it and that old hag, Kaede, put this damn necklace on me. Now everytime she says 'sit' I crash to the ground, but you knew that already. I was also sentenced to help her retrieve the jewel fragments and since I had nothing better to do, I went along with it. I think that deep inside, though, I thought that with the jewel I still might have a chance to become a full demon and to make you proud." He finished and looked down at the ground in shame. Had my wounds not begun to hurt, I would have gone over there and hugged him with all my strength.

"Thank you for being honest. If I could move right now, I would be over there, but, alas, I cannot." He raced across the clearing and threw himself into my arms. I chuckled and held him tight. This was the way it was supposed to be.

"So how am I doing?" He asked eyes sparkling with emotion. I couldn't help but smile.

"Very well....Very well..."

Miroku's POV

I shifted the curtain covering the entrance to the hut ever so slightlly, so as not to alert anyone that I hadn't payed attention to a word that had been said. A small smile creeped across my face. I had known from almost the beginning that the thing with Kouga was one sided. Inuyasha has never even liked Kagome. I was sure of that. It was just the way he acted that gave him away. I knew he was pining for someone, and that someone wasn't Kikyo. The dead priestess had hinted as much.

I wasn't shocked, or even surprised. I had known about Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha's past for a while now. My aunt had worked in the castle long ago. She had told me everything that her mother had told her. I was just glad that they seem to be patching things up. This whole mess could have been avoided if not for both brother's insane amount of pride.

They had both been hurt and they had reacted in the way they felt would be best. Complete isolation from the problem had probably been what had first come to Sesshoumaru's mind, and Inuyasha had to be thinking that if he could do something his brother could not, then Sesshoumaru would welcome him into his arms once again. Both of them didn't realize that they hadn't need to do anything but talk it out. Something tells me that that wouldn't have worked though. They were both far too stubborn to wish for things to be done that way. I was beginning to think that deep down inside, it had been a waiting game for the both of them. One was unconsiously waiting for the other to make the first move. Things didn't turn out that way though, it seemed that they had moved at about the same time for once, and things were turning out perfectly. Now I just had to pray that Kagome didn't wake up any time soon and ruin the new found trust that they had discovered.

Some times I think that Budda might be against me though because, just as I had my last thought, Kagome groaned and her brown eyes fluttered open. Her hand traveled up to her head and she clasped it tight. "What happened, and why do I feel like someone's spliting my head open with a very dull ax?" She asked and Sango hurried over to her side. Shippo launched himself at the girl from across the room. I pretended to look concerned, and Kagura just sat there being Kagura.

Yuki slipped over to the other side of the door. I sensed her intentions and stood to cut her off. "Shouldn't you be taking care of the patient in front of you. I don't think Inuyasha would let anything happen to the one out there." I deliberately didn't say Sesshoumaru's name. That might alert Kagome to the fact that the man she had a huge crush on and the brother she thought he hated were out there alone probably killing each other. Only I was going to know how wrong that assumption was.

"Yes. I guess your right." she said and crossed the room to kneel down next to the confused girl. Sango looked nervous. I just shook my head. Kagome was just being a drama queen like she always did. I'm surprised Sango hasn't had a heart attack after all the times stuff like this happened.

"Oh my God! Sesshoumaru's still out there with him! What if they've hurt each other?!" She was working herself into another frenzy. Now what was I supposed to do? I could warn them, but I the feeling that if they were stopped by something this trivial in a time this crutial to the healing process, that they might never get together again. I couldn't let that happen. Not only would Inuyasha be crushed, but so would Sesshoumaru. I cared for Inuyasha as a friend and Sesshoumaru was a great demon to have his wrath aim at you was pretty bad. By being close to Inuyasha I was close to his brother. Not only that, but if it would make my best friend happy, I would go along with it.

"They're just fine. Even Inuyasha wouldn't be stupid enough to attack his brother while he was hurt." Miroku said calmly and Yuki nodded. She had obviously seen that first hand, but I couldn't be sure of how much she really knew about the relationship. I had to be very careful.

"Inuyasha's hurt!?" Kagome cried out almost in hysterics. I sighed. Well the half brothers were sure to hear that and they should be stopping whatever it was they were doing soon, but I didn't want to risk it.

"No, Kagome. Inuyasha's just fine. It was Sesshoumru that was wounded. In fact, Inuyasha was the one that brought his brother hear for treatment, if I'm not mistaken. I don't think that they'll be fighting any time soon." I said and she seemed to be calming down. Sango picked up on my cue.

"Just relax, Kagome. Miroku will go get him and tell him you're up." Ok...So this wasn't the way I wanted things to go, but at least I was the one they picked to go out there. If worse came to worse, I could always throw a charm and run like hell. I nodded and stood.

I made my way through the screen covering the entrance and surveyed the scene in front of me. Good. They had heard the conversation inside. Inuyasha was back at his former spot across the small clearing and Sesshoumaru had his arms crossed and was gazing out at nothing in particular. I sighed and stepped outside.

"So Kagome's awake." Inuyasha said dully. "Well that's just perfect then. I'll probably get sat at least twice for not catching her this time." He muttered, but I heard him. I also heard the small chuckle his brother gave. At least Sesshoumaru was finally beginning to come out of his shell.

I shrugged. He was probably right, although I didn't condone Kagome's reason for 'sitting' him anymore, I had to go along with it. I was a man that didn't like to make enemies. He stood and walked over to help his brother stand. I winked and they both blushed, but before they had the chance to say anything the other's burst out of the hut to share the "good" news of Kagome waking up.

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