InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Can't I Turn Off the Radio? ❯ He's Taking Over... ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

You don't remember me, but I remember you.
I lie awake and try so hard not to think of you,
but who can decide what I dream?
And dream I do...
Kagome lay beneath the sheets, her fingers fidgeting restlessly with the corner of her pillow case, her eyes distant as the rain pounded against the roof, allowing her mind to wander.
Not again…she moaned. She had hardly slept the past three nights what for the thoughts that continued the fly through her mind at rapid speeds. She couldn't shut her mind down…and even when she could, it was only for a few hours. Rather, her mind continued to press on the issue she wish she could avoid most.
It wasn't enough that he could cause her to fall in love with him…it wasn't enough that she was practically flunking Ninth Grade because of those idiotic escapades in the Feudal Era when she should've been studying…it wasn't enough that he was on her mind constantly…it wasn't enough that she would daydream about him all through class…
Something wet dropped onto her pillow, and pressed against her face. Shocked, she sat up to find herself crying.
She looked up, kicking her legs over the side of the bed.
She looked to her window, and saw a white mane of hair, a red fire-rat kimono, and apologetic, loving amber eyes. He heart leapt sky-high as she saw the soaking-wet hanyou…only to sink to her feet a moment later.
Her eyebrows knitted together as she frowned, no longer able to fight back the tears.
“Kagome!” he called through the pane of glass, “I need to talk to yo--”
She moved to the window, and dropped the shades, cutting off his sentence and relieving her of the sight of him. As he leapt over to the next window, she did the same, and closed the blinds again on him, effectively shutting him out.

I believe in you.
I'll give up everything just to find you.
I have to be with you, to live, to breathe,
You're taking over me
What is it about him? she asked herself, watching the window where she had last lost sight of him. He had the power to quite literally take control of her. He could make her feel the happiest she's ever been or depressed at the flick of an ear. Even now, after all he had done to her, she felt the urge to run to the window, pull it open, and throw her arms around him. But she couldn't. Their relationship had continued to follow this pattern…they would fight, she would get upset, and then he'd come sweeping in and take her heart all over again. She was tired of the heartbreak and petty beliefs that he would change.
She sat back down on her bed, clutching the fabric beneath her hands as she fought off the impulses to go to the window.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks. she mused.
Still…the longing remained…

Have you forgotten all I know,
And all we had?
You saw me mourning my love for you
And touched my hand.
I knew you loved me then.
There was movement from downstairs - the unlocking of a latch, the sliding of a door - and then silence again.
He wouldn't dare…she thought, but evidently, he would. A moment later, her ears picked up the barely audible footsteps up the stairs, then in the hall, and finally right outside her bedroom door. She stood up, her fists clenched, ready to give the hanyou a piece of her mind…
The door slid open, and there he stood. The look on his face was one of determination, but she could see the hurt the shone deep in his slitted eyes.
She fought hard to keep her resolve and her own determination. She couldn't melt now. This was her chance…
She raised her hand, as if ready to hit him. “Get ou--”
“No.” he reached out, and his fingers encircled around the wrist of her raised hand. “I'm not going anywhere, Kagome. Not until you hear me out.”
“I don't want to hear your excuses--”
“There are no excuses.” his gentle voice and soft touch caught her off guard, and she fell silent. What happened to the usual rants? What happened to the angered fire that danced in his eyes? “Only an explanation.”
She looked hard at him, but her expression was impossible to read. “I'm listening.” she said, her voice hardly more than a whisper.
“I didn't leave to see Kikyo.” he started, “Well…at least not in that sense…”
Already her eyes were narrowing on him. He looked away.
“I went…I went to tell her it was over.”
This was a surprise. Her eyes grew wide, and she took a step back.
“Wh…what?” she was able to force out. She felt as if the air had been crushed from her lungs.
“I told her that she could take her revenge if she wanted…but that I was forgetting about her.” he went on, “I told her I didn't love her. Not anymore. We both knew what happened fifty years ago, and for me, it was in the past.”
“Because…” he stepped closer, his eyes soft on her, “I love someone else.”

I believe in you.
I'll give up everything just to find you.
I have to be with you to live, to breathe,
You're taking over me.
Her mouth fell open at his words, and he pulled her into his arms, pressing her against his chest.
“Kagome…” he whispered, “I'm sorry. I won't hurt you again. Never again.”
She stood stiff in his arms, but only for a moment. The surprise of the moment wearing off, she melted instantly in his arms. Her hands rested on his muscled chest, and she tucked her head beneath his chin, breathing in the scent of his flesh and relishing the warmth of his touch.
She believed every word of his story. How could she not? The sincerity in his voice and eyes…

I look in the mirror and see your face,
If I look deep enough.
So many things inside that are just like you - you're taking over.

She turned her head, and saw their reflection in the mirror. The Inu-hanyou's face looked so peaceful…so serene…
She sighed, leaning against him. He had done it again. He had swept her off her feet, and she had no doubt that he meant every word he said.
“Inuyasha…” his name came out in a whisper, her eyes closing as she buried her face in his firerat kimono.
“What is it?”
I believe in you,
I'll give up everything just to find you.
I have to be with you to live, to breathe,
You're taking over me.
“I love you too.”