InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Can't I Turn Off the Radio? ❯ I'm Still With You ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I woke up in a dream today
To the cold of the static, and put my cold feet on the floor
Forgot all about yesterday
Remembering I'm pretending to be where I'm not anymore
A little taste of hypocrisy
Goshinboku swayed gently in the night breeze above him as Inuyasha sat leaning against the great tree's trunk. Tetsaiga rested in the crook of his folded arms, his ears twitching randomly in annoyance.
Damn woman. he thought to himself, thinking again of Kagome, Can't she just leave me alone?
He smiled at himself of the idiocy of the ironic situation. She was angry at him for the very thing he was trying to end…and she didn't even give him a chance to explain.

And I'm left in the wake of the mistake, slow to react
So even though you're so close to me
You're still so distant
And I can't bring you back
Then again…maybe he shouldn't have tried to cover it up. Maybe it shouldn't have taken him so long to explain…
The look she had given him had frozen him in his tracks…the Inu hanyou couldn't have moved if he had tried…
Of course…she was just on the other side of the Bone Eater's Well…but would she even listen to him? She hadn't so much as poked her head out of the Well for the past three days…

It's true the way I feel
Was promised by your face
The sound of your voice
Painted on my memories
Even if you're not with me
“I hate you, you dirty, two-timing Hanyou!”
He shivered as the hatred in her voice played again in his head. Had she known how much that had hurt? Had she meant it to?
“I thought that kiss had meant something to you…”
It did…he thought, Kagome, it did! It meant more to me than…anything…
But she didn't know that. He didn't explain, he had never mentioned it again. And now, because of that…she had separated from him…told him she hated him…

I'm with you
Now I see keeping everything inside
Now I see
Even when I close my eyes
It was a mistake to keep everything bottled up, he knew that now. What was a surprise to him, however, was that he didn't blame Kagome. Even if she thought he didn't care for her, even if she had meant that she hated him…he couldn't bring himself to be angry at her. Even when he went back and replayed their multiple fights, and how most every one of them had resulted in a `Sit' or Kagome leaving for her own time…he couldn't hate her. He was still with her. He would still go back to her side…he would still protect her…he would still care for her…if she would allow it. He would tell her that the next time he saw her.

I hit you and you hit me back
We fall to the floor, the rest of the day stands still
Fine line between this and that
When things go wrong I pretend the past isn't real
Now I'm trapped in this memory
And I'm left in the wake of the mistake, slow to react
So even though you're close to me
You're still so distant
And I can't bring you back
He fought to resolve himself of the racking guilt he felt in his heart…tried to pin at least some of the blame on Kagome…blame for her overreaction…blame for her quick, biting responses…blame for not hearing him out…
But it all bounced back at him. It was his fault this had happened, and it was his alone.
“You're being thick-headed, idiot! Give me a minute to—
“To explain? I don't want to hear it, half breed!”
Inuyasha's eyes burned. He just wanted to move on, to forget…but these thoughts and memories just would not leave him alone…
With a sudden, deft movement, he took Tetsaiga in his hand, and jumped from the tree limb. He hit the ground running, having already replaced his father's sheathed sword at his side. He was going through the Well. Regardless of the reaction she would have, he had to. There was no questioning it.

I'm with you
Now I see keeping everything inside
Now I see
Even when I close my eyes