InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Do Fools Fall In Love? ❯ I Don't Feel So Good ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanx for the reviews animelover4ever and PrincessAngel…ha-ha they made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing someone appreciated my story.
Ch. 3
I Don't Feel So Good
The next day Kagome went on her way as usual. But she had to put on a jacket, because today was much colder than yesterday and she still didn't feel any finer than she had when she hit her head on the door, nearly knocking her own self unconscious.
Kagome didn't even get halfway to school when she fell again, this time roughly bruising her arms and legs, and giving her a bloody lip due to a sharp rock she scraped it on when her face hit the pavement. Wiping off the tiny rocks ingrained into her palms she puckered up and told herself to stay strong. `Don't cry, don't cry, it's not worth it, nothing else bad is going happen to me today, just keep walking.'
“Ha, ha…” a not-so-brilliant kid pointed and mocked as he walked by wearing a bright orange jumpsuit and rudely threw his wet ice cream wrapped down at Kagome, making the sticky vanilla stick to her hair like glue.
“That does it!” Kagome berated herself out loud and dusted herself off as she stood sobbing in self pity over how bad this past week has been. She turned around in a huff and stomped all the way back home determined to self-indulge and stay in bed all day sleeping like an infant. “This week has been the worst week of my life.”
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
“Hey you guys, have any of you seen Kagome today?” Sango stood with her hands on her hips asking the three motor-mouths. However she was rewarded with nothing at all when all they did was shake their heads to prove they didn't know a thing.
`Why isn't she here?' Sango asked herself again dreading what could be the holdup as she held a finger to her mouth in thinking mode. Just then she felt strong, heavy arms wrap around her from behind and hot breath on her neck, which smelled like French fries.
“Hello beautiful.” Miroku purred in Sango's ear. “You seem stressed, is something bothering you, my sweet?” Miroku asked seeming kind of concerned.
“First off, my name is Sango, you'd be wise to remember that… and yeah, have you seen Kagome today? I haven't seen her yet and usually she calls me to tell me if she's not going to be here.” Sango whined to her boyfriend looking desperate as she dropped her arms to her side like they weighed fifty pounds and started to pout.
“Of course I'd anything for you swee-Sango,” Miroku quickly saved himself but still suffered Sango's glare. “But I haven't seen her today either, maybe she's fallen again and is lying unconscious in some alley by a dumpster.” Miroku said trying to keep a straight face.
“Miroku,” Sango said threateningly slow, even though she knew he was just messing around. “Whatever, she's just going to have to suffer my wrath when I find her.” Sango said dismissing it lightly as she walked away toward class.
Just then Inuyasha and Kikyo made their grand entrance. Kikyo cuddled up to Inuyasha like usual and Inuyasha with a scowl on his face. Turns out he'd tried to break up with her the day before but she hadn't taken the hint. Unsure of how to go about it people just assume they're friends, or more likely friends with benefits. Ever since Inuyasha's bigger than expected party Kikyo had been acting extra clingy. He wasn't sure why but he planned to figure out before he ended up in prison with a life sentence for what he couldn't help but do to Kikyo.
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
“Ugh, mom… I'm fine; I just wanna be left alone right now.” Kagome groaned on as her mother attempted to continue spoon feeding her chicken noodle soup.
“I don't know honey I think you're coming down with something, you sound stuffed up, and you don't particularly look your best today.” Mrs. Higurashi said putting her wrist to Kagome's head for the fifth time that morning since Kagome walked back through the front door. “You look awfully pale and you're burning up, I'm going to call our dr. and set you up with an appointment as soon as possible.” Mrs. Higurashi explained as she got up and left to dial the family doctor.
“Ugh -sniff- maybe I should have just gone to school,” Kagome complained into her pillow and snuggled up further into her comforter.
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
“Inuyasha!” Just then Inuyasha turned around to come face to face with one of the people he considered the biggest pervert in all of Tokyo, excluding psychos and rapists of course.
“Yeah, what do you want?” Inuyasha barked.
“I know it's a long shot but um… Sango told me to ask you uh… if you um,” Miroku cleared his throat, “seen Kagome Higurashi at all today?”
If looks could kill Inuyasha would be Tokyo's most wanted and Miroku would be dead.
“What the hell do I care? For all I care that stupid bitch can jump off a cliff, and for all I care you can too!” Inuyasha yelled as he slammed his locker shut so hard that it sunk into its frame and jammed. Inuyasha said nothing further as he turned around in one swift motion and stomped his way into his second hour where he had all the time he needed to think about how he first met that dumb wench.
“Mrs. Takase, right?” Inuyasha asked hesitantly pointing a finger at her while squinting his right eye and making him look confused.
“Yes, and you must be Inuyasha.” The teacher said as she handed him the last book and sternly told him to take the last seat available in the front due to his tardiness.
After Mrs. Takase's 7th grade History class finally settled down in all their new seats Mrs. Takase started to take roll.
But before she reached down to grab her handy dandy little paper with the classrooms list of names she heard the loudest most alarming shriek. Scared for the student she turned around sharply to see a short girl lying on the floor in a puddle of purple with a very anger red faced Inuyasha standing above her, fists clenched tightly at his sides and steam blowing out of his ears. If Mrs. Takase had looked any closer she would have noticed Kagomes spilt pop splattered all over his desk and dying his white hair purple. But unfortunately and stupidly she didn't.
“INUYASHA TAKAHASHI!” The teacher screamed out making her voice echo several times out in the hallways. Before another word was muttered Inuyasha was dragged with sharp fake nails by his very sensitive ears straight down to the principal's office. Inuyasha's anger only served longer to his punishment as he called his new history teacher every name in the book and basically threatened her life. After that incident Inuyasha would never again be able to think “Kagome Higurashi” without wanting to punch something, luckily it was never her he did take and punch.
====End Flashback====
As Inuyasha walked into his second hour he shuddered remembering how much he had wanted to kill Kagome that day.