InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Do Fools Fall In Love? ❯ Apologies, Confusion, and Driving Arrangements ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10 Apologies, Confusion, and Driving Arrangements
Sango and Miroku were officially bored as they both yawned and relaxed further into Inuyashas fluffy couch in the basement. It sure didn't look like a basement, more like a lounge or a game room. But you could only play all the games for so long before you grew bored of them. And that's exactly the predicament Sango and Miroku were caught in.
“Wow” Sango whispered leaning in closer to Miroku and staring at Inuyasha and Kagome from a distance. “They sure have been working for a long time, don't ya think.”
Miroku leaned in closer to Sango to whisper and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Yeah, thank god they decided to split the workload between them or we'd both have serious headaches.”
Sango giggled and nodded her head as she watched the two silently work on their side of the project. Everything was quiet and relaxing until Kagome dropped a bottle of something potent and the thin glass shattered all over letting the carpet soak it up.
“Would you watch what you're doing clumsy wench, I'm gonna get grounded for that stain you just put there!” Inuyasha growled then whipped out his cell to call the house and have them send a maid down to clean it up.
Kagome knew it was her fault and she also knew she should apologize, but it would take everything she had to do so. After taking a deep slow breath Kagome muttered a quick sorry.
“What!” Inuyasha shouted without having realized what she had said and whipped his head up to look at her with an irritated expression on his face. Inuyashas face suddenly displayed an array of emotions as he finally understood what she had muttered. After realization he was actually a little shocked and embarrassed so he dropped his head and stared down at his feet, his ears drooped down to his head.
“Oh” Inuyasha said dumbly. But just as quickly as Inuyasha had dropped his head it shot back up to look at Kagome with narrowed eyes. “Hey what's so damn funny wench?”
Kagome couldn't remove the huge grin on her face to save her life. “I'm sorry; it's just that your ears are so Kawaii!” Kagome giggled and covered her mouth with her gloved hand.
“Keh” Inuyasha muttered then turned around to get back to the long project at hand. `Keh' was Inuyashas own way of dismissing an argument, so he used it often.
“Just watch what you're doing! I don't want to have to make you scrub the carpet.” Inuyasha said but this time without the growling. “I'm going to open the window, that shit you spilled smells horrid and the fumes are getting to me.” Inuyasha complained then went to the nearest window and cracked it open; afterwards he bent down to turn on the fan to get the air circulating a little more throughout the room.
“Wow,” Kagome muttered mostly to herself, “a lot of glass has broken today, don't you think?” Kagome said trying to make light of the situation and actually expecting Inuyasha to have a conversation with her, but even she didn't know why she attempted.
Inuyasha hadn't expected Kagome to try to have a decent conversation with him, thrown off guard and at a loss for what to say he just shrugged and said “Keh, you're to blame.”
Kagome was shocked that even after her attempt he still wasn't going to give her half the decency a normal human should have. “Keh… you're to blame.” Kagome mocked Inuyasha in a super girly tone.
“Listen wench I don't talk to you and you don't talk to me got it!” Inuyasha spat.
“Well you started it!” Kagome defended herself but felt stupid when she realized she sounded like a little kid. “Besides I don't understand why you can't just have a normal conversation with me?”
“Keh, cause I don't want to.” Was Inuyashas brilliant reply as he waited for Kagome to come back again with a retort, but after a minute still got nothing. `Hmm… maybe she finally understands I don't want to talk to her.'
Inuyasha turned around to get started when his nose was suddenly offended yet again, coming from Kagomes direction it probably had something to do with her. Thinking she had spilled something else potent he turned around in a rush and opened his mouth ready to yell but nothing came out.
Kagome was just sitting there writing or calculating or doing something, but there was no bottles or anything else that was open or that could smell similar to what he smelled right then. So what was it that smelled so bad? `…Strange.'
Sensing his eyes on her back Kagome turned her head to look back at Inuyasha only to see him gawking at her with this weird look. `Ugh, what's his problem now?' “Inuyasha… do you need something.” Kagome asked skeptically with a little bit of attitude.
Hearing Kagome's voice snapped him out of it. He shook his head like he was shaking off something then glared. “I don't need anything from you; it's just that… that… oh whatever I don't have to explain myself to you!” With that said he turned around and sat there staring at what he was supposed to be working on, leaving Kagome bewildered.
`What is it with that smell? I can't figure out what it is… Hmm… I wonder if she's still sick, better not be contagious. I wonder if it's her illness that smells like that, I hope she's alright. Wait…what do I care if she's alright of isn't. That wench must be rubbing off on me…now she's getting me sick and making me delusional.'
Inuyasha's inner battle was interrupted when Miroku walked up. “Hey Inuyasha, it's getting late. We're gonna head home, I'll bring Kagome back tomorrow so you guys can work some more on this project, I can see it's not all the way finished yet.” Miroku said looking around at everything that still had to be done.
“No what?” Miroku asked confused, hoping he didn't mean that Kagome couldn't come back tomorrow.
“No… you don't have to bring Kagome back tomorrow… I'll just have Jaken pick her up after school. The sooner we get this project finished the better.” Inuyasha said concentrating on his part of the project not even looking up to really acknowledge Miroku's presence.
Confusion and shock was clear on Miroku's face as he stood there staring down at Inuyasha. Had he just heard him right? Did Inuyasha just say that he would have someone pick up Kagome and willingly have her dropped off at his house… was he joking?
“Alright, that's… cool.” Miroku finished still a little unsure if he had heard him right, but didn't want to press his luck with asking him again. “See you tomorrow at school then.” Miroku slowly turned around waiting for the joke to give in but got nothing so he left to get Sango and Kagome.
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
In the car on the way back Kagome and Sango had just as hard a time as Miroku believing what Inuyasha had said.
“He actually said he would have someone pick up Kagome from school?” Sango asked for the billionth time to which Miroku replied for the billionth time.
Kagome sat in the backseat off in her own little world analyzing what would happen. “So should I be looking for a limo or something parked out front waiting for me?” Kagome asked trying to hide her anxiousness. Kagome wouldn't admit it but she was really excited about the idea. She always loved riding in limos, though it very rarely ever happened. It made her feel special, like she stuck out from everyone else on the road, which in a limo she basically did.
“Crap, I don't know.” Miroku shrunk down in his seat like he was waiting for a beating. He looked at Sango, again hoping she would have an answer. But as usual she just shrugged her shoulders to prove she didn't know either.
“Miroku, I can't believe you didn't ask him about specifics?!” Kagome screeched. “Now I'm probably going to have to talk to him tomorrow to ask him about where I'll be picked up and all sorts of stuff like that!” Then Kagome took time to think about it, “Wait, Miroku why don't you ask him. I'm sure it'll turn out a lot better than if I tried.”
“Alright…. I'll ask him tomorrow and tell you at lunch.” Miroku summed up as he pulled in front of the Higurashi Shrine to drop off Kagome. “See you later Kagome.”
“Bye Kagome.”
“Thanks Miroku, bye guys.” Kagome got out and started up the 50 steps hoping she wouldn't trip in the dark and tumble all the way down them.