InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Do Fools Fall In Love? ❯ Forgotten Kagome ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch. 11
Forgotten Kagome
The cafeteria was crowded wall to wall with kids when Miroku entered with his lunch in hand. The room had to be the size of 2 football fields… Or maybe he was exaggerating. At least Miroku thought `can't be hard to find a tall Hanyou with white hair.' After a couple more scans he found out he was right.
There in the middle was Inuyasha crowded in the sea of students' his fellow peeps would deem popular.
“Inuyasha, my good man, I've been looking for you all day!”
Without missing a beat Inuyasha sneered, “Buzz off monk!”
“I would but I was asked a favor from an all wise and beautiful woman…
Inuyasha turned his glare from his rice onto Miroku.
“…perhaps you remember her from yesterday; Kagome.”
At the mention of Kagome Inuyasha visibly stiffened. This could not be good… wasn't he supposed to do something… hmm something????
“…What does the wench want?”
Miroku would've been a little put off… but he expected it.
“Just to know where the limo is supposed to be picking her up.”
Before Inuyasha could finish gulping down his energy drink it all too suddenly went down the wrong hole.
Miroku smirked and gave Inuyasha one good hard smack on the back. Not just to stop the coughing and wheezing, but because he felt it was deserved. Somehow Miroku knew this was going to happen. He was always acting brash, saying things and then forgetting about it later on. If he knows Inuyasha then he knows he doesn't give a crap how Kagome gets home but it's not going to be in one of Inuyasha Takahashi's limos. Well Miroku liked Sango- a lot, and Sango is best friends with Kagome. He also remembered how excited Kagome got at the prospect of being picked up from school in a limo. He could not let Inuyasha do this to her. It would be like Armageddon to make a promise to that girl and then not live it down.
“Slow down there Inuyasha, I didn't mean to alarm you.”
Miroku easily slid in next to Inuyasha and set down his tray. If it took the rest of the school day and even a couple lies, blackmail, and threats to get Inuyasha to send for a limo to be out front when Kagome got there, then Miroku was going to make sure it happened!
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
On the other side of the cafeteria Sango and Kagome looked around anxiously for the lecher.
She'd just finished telling Sango about this dream she had the night before. she'd had this beautiful dream about being accepted by everyone from school and being the rich girl everyone loved and adored. The only thing that ruined it was Inuyasha… and the fact that they were married… with 7 children.
It only irritated and embarrassed her to the extent of suicide to remember how great she felt that morning waking up, when she'd dreamt of falling asleep in Inuyashas arms. Only to reach out and realize she was alone. But she decided to keep that little tidbit to herself. Her friends would only criticize and claim she had a crush on Inuyasha.
“Oh, this is crazy! What do I care if I get picked up in a limo or by a bus! I refuse to get excited about this any longer!” Kagome grabbed her burger and bit into it viciously.
Sango beamed because she knew her friend's pride would shine through sooner or later. “Come on Kagome. You know you're just being stubborn. I mean it's not like he could forget to have Jaken pick you up.”
In all seriousness Kagome just turned her head and looked Sango right in the eye.
Sango laughed. “Ha… well…” Sango conceded. “Even if he forgot Miroku's always there to remind him.” Kagome bobbed her head and took another bite of her sandwich.
Sango watched Kagome for a minute before hesitantly asking. “So more about this dream… did you and Inuyasha… do stuff?”
Kagome's eyes turned into saucers and the blood drained from her face, save her cheeks which were bright red.
“I take it by the look on your face that you two did lots of stuff.” Sango giggled.
Swallowing the rest of her sandwich Kagome giggled and got into detail. “Are you kidding…? I don't even think some of the positions we were in were physically possible.” At that they both burst out laughing.
Kagome and Sango instantly sobered up when they seen Miroku walking towards their table. Kagome would never live down a dream like that if Miroku heard.
“Ladies…” Miroku joined in, scooting Kagome out of the way and sliding in between them. Miroku turned his head and secretly whispered into Sango's ear, “Later, we must talk.” Before turning back to Kagome and faking a smile.
Kagome wasn't sure whether to believe Miroku's smile was real or not.
“Kagome darling… I bring news from Inuyasha.”
Kagome rolled her eyes at the `darling' but asked anyways.
Miroku hesitated a second. “Inuyasha said he will have a limo waiting in the back of school. Well he also said it's not really a limo… but more of a Rolls Royce.”
What do you mean in the back of the school?” Kagome checked her temper. She wasn't sure she could put up with this.
Miroku heard the steeliness in Kagome's voice and understood why she was so mad. Tokyo had some shady spots not even a wrestler would be caught walking in after dark, and behind their gigantic school was one of them spots. It's a dark place reserved for dumpsters and semi trucks to go about loading and unloading.
Kagome closed her eyes took a deep breath and started counting backwards from 10.
“Excuse me; I think I'm going to go have a little chat with Inuyasha myself.” Kagome stood up and because of the look on her face nobody tried stopping her.
As Kagome walked away Miroku looked back at Sango, and noticed she was NOT happy.
“Now Sango I-“
“Why is she being picked up behind the school?” Sango snapped.
“Because it was the only option Inuyasha would allow. When I mentioned the situation to Inuyasha, the Baka had already forgotten.”
Sango folded her arms and stuck a stubborn nose into the air. “That still doesn't explain why she's being picked up with the dumpsters!”
Miroku looked sheepish… this was the part he was hoping he didn't have to share with anyone besides Sango. “I; being the great guy that I am, have offered to do a weeks worth of homework for Inuyasha so he would in turn have her picked up.” Seeing the quizzical look from his girlfriend he continued. “Seeing as how he forgot about the whole ordeal anyways he decided it best not to have her picked up at all, knowing how stubborn Inuyasha can be, the only thing left to do was bribe him. But the only thing he would concede to is- and I quote picking her up where nobody can see her.”
Sango raised a brow. She was about to say something when a crash like glass shattering caught everyone's attention. Confused and scared for her best friend she ran to the middle of the lunchroom where a crowd had already formed.
There in the middle of the lunchroom was not Kagome, but Kouga and Inuyasha. Circling and looking like they were out to kill each other.