InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ The Beginning Of It All ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(If I did, Kikyou would have died a LOOOONNNG time ago)
The Beginning Of It All:
Kagome felt the wind lick her face as she walked back to Kaede's hut slowly, in the darkness. Shippou hurried up ahead of her, trying to lead her through the darkness. She would show no sign of emotion; she couldn't show any signs of emotion, not just yet. She had to make sure she was far enough away. Emotions were a weakness, and she wasn't going to be weak anymore. But the emotional turmoil was another thing. As she walked past the many trees, she almost chocked on the tears that wanted to come out. `Iie! I will not be weak! Never again' she repeated over and over in her head. Her brother, Souta, lay limp in her arms from what happened earlier. His hero, the one he looked up to in his life, now destroyed his life; crushing it right before his very eyes and left it to die a slow and pain-filled death.
“Inuyasha, come to hell with me. Leave my stupid reincarnation behind! She is nothing. Don't you love me?” Kikyou said lovingly.
“Hai, my love, I love you' with all of my heart. Kagome, she is nothing but a mere shard detector. She is nothing, and will always be nothing! She isn't you! I love you, Inuyasha replied emotionlessly. “Kikyou, I love you more than life itself.”
“Prove it” she stated coldly.
“I will. Kikyou, I am willing to go to hell with you. To be with you forever” Inuyasha replied.
`Iie! I cannot let him leave! Not now' Kagome thought. Kagome watched the two love birds from behind a tree. `When we finish the jewel, I'll wish for Kikyou a new soul. At least he will be happy with Kikyou' she thought sadly. She watched a portal to hell open up under them. She put an arrow to her bow and aimed at the portal. Her plan was easy and simple. Close the portal, walk towards them, tell them her plan, go back to camp, wait for Inuyasha to come in the morning and announce that Kikyou was going to join the group, live with the fact that she could never be better than Kikyou, sooner or later defeat Naraku, wish her wish, and then walk out of Inuyasha's and Kikyou's life forever; simple, at least for now. It is better than losing Inuyasha forever, right? But this is always easier said than done. As she was about to shoot, something hit her back, making her lose her balance, and shoot the wrong target; it hit Kikyou. Kagome fell into a dazed state as she tried to figure out what hit her back.
IIE!” Inuyasha yelled.
As Kagome got up, she felt Inuyasha sink his claws into her arms and pin her against the tree behind her. Tears streamed down Inuyasha's face as he slammed her against the tree over and over. `What did I do? Oh no! Is that… Kikyou?' she thought. And as she thought, Kikyou was on the ground with an arrow through her back. Inuyasha's eyes bled red as he stopped slamming her against the tree. He let his bangs cover his eyes.
“Why bitch? WHY? She was the only one I loved! WHY, WHY, WHY? You destroyed what I loved, now I'll destroy whatyou love” he screamed as the tears streamed down his face.
He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards the Bone Eater's Well, making sure to drag her across the ground and sink his claws deeper into her skin. Kagome, who was being dragged like a rag doll, was in such a state of shock, she couldn't do anything. `Inuyasha? Why' she thought helplessly as he jumped into the well with her. The blue light engulfed her, showing that they had come into her time.
Finally, the hot tears rolled down her face. They splashed onto Souta's sleeping (A.N: well, actually unconscious) form. They were half way there. The only thing that Inuyasha could do now was killed her brother, Sango, Miroku, and Shippou and she would beg for death. Her body felt weak from the blood loss, but it didn't matter right now. She needed to get Souta safe and get far away from him. And Kaede's was the closest place right now, so it would have to do. Kagome hoped that she would at least be able to stay the night there without having to worry about Inuyasha coming back and killing her and Souta for being there.
“OKAA-SAN!” Kagome cried from the other side of the room.
Her mother fell to the floor right after Inuyasha's claws swipe across her back. Her mother had no idea that this was what Inuyasha had come to do. She always imagined Inuyasha to be a gentle, but hard headed hanyou, but she was wrong. Inuyasha stood over her mother's dieing body, laughing madly. Blood dripped down from his claws in the moonlight, just like Kagome's and Souta's tears. Her grandfather had already been killed along with Buyo as soon as Inuyasha saw them outside near the house. Inuyasha began to walk up the stairs where Souta was.
“Iie, onegai not Souta! I'll leave and never come back. You won't see me again unless you want to see me! I'll give you the jewel once it is complete! Whatever you want, just don't kill him! Onegai, he is all I have left” she cried.
“Keh, in exchange for that brat's life, you will leave the group! I have grown attached to him anyways. I don't wish to see you EVER! When you are done packing, come back to the feudal era. I want to see you in half an hour! Be there, or I will kill the kitsune brat” Inuyasha growled.
Kagome nodded in fear and began to race into Souta's room. She heard Inuyasha leave, so she went to Souta's curled up form. She heard him cry softly as he huddled up in the corner. This broke her heart. `This is all my fault! If I hadn't tried to stop him from going to hell with Kikyou' she thought.
“Souta, please talk to me! He is gone, he left. Onegai, talk! You are scaring me” Kagome whispered.
“Why d-did he do that to us K-Kagome?” he asked softly.
“I don't know. I don't know. I truly don't know. I thought he was my friend, but I guess he isn't. We have to go downstairs and pack any clothing and food. We can't live here anymore. Well, not for now. We won't be seeing Inuyasha anytime soon” Kagome reassured him.
Souta nodded his head, still shocked that his hero would do something so horrible to him, and went with her downstairs. She forgot about her mother being in front of the stairs and felt Souta almost shake in fear. Kagome felt tears well up as she placed her hands on Souta's shoulders. Her mother let out a small moan of pain.
“Okaa-san” Kagome whispered as she ran down to her.
Kagome and Souta kneeled down beside her and looked at her injuries. The claw marks down her back would never heal in time to save her life,if they were able to save her that is. Kagome set Souta right next to her and looked down at her mother to see if she was alive. Her mother was barely breathing, but at least she was still breathing for the time being.
“My children, I need to tell you something. Souta, Kagome, we were all born in the feudal era. One hundred years ago, there was a terrible war. Your father, Takeji, was the ruler of the Northern Lands. Your two brothers, Mitzu and Takamaru stayed to fight with your father. He sent us to hide somewhere because they would surely use us as bait or something. We were close to where we were going to hide when a group of bear youkai attacked us. We fell into the well, and you know the rest. We are all inu youkai. You, Kagome, are a miko-inu youkai. You are about five hundred, Souta is one hundred and fifty, I am seven hundred, and jii-chan is about one thousand. The seal on your eighteenth birthday, or five hundredth really, will break the concealment spell and show you who you really are. All of your memories will return and everything. I want you to have this. It will tell Takeji that you are the real princess, not someone pretending to be you. Remember, I love you both” their mother said hoarsely.
With those words, she died. Souta began to cry in Kagome's arm. She picked up the necklace her mother had in her hands. It was an icy blue snowflake with black sparkles. They soon packed up anything they might need and headed off to the well. She felt a familiar blue light encase her and Souta. As soon as her head popped over the lip of the well, Inuyasha grabbed her shoulder and pulled her out. After throwing the backpack and Souta to the side, he threw Kagome to the cold ground beneath her.
“Now, to destroy your way back to your precious home” he sneered.
Iie!” she cried.
“Why would anyone want something as horrid and ugly as you?!? You're clumsy, stupid, ugly, mean, rude, and all out a fucking slut! Go and die somewhere, you slut! No body loves you and no body will” he yelled in her face.
He took out Tetsusaiga and destroyed the well. He began to beat her until he walked off, probably bored of beating her up and went to go see how Kikyou was doing like the idiot he is. She spat out some of her blood and looked towards the forest with her blurring vision. Shippou ran towards her.
“Okaa-san, did he hurt you?” Shippou asked.
I-Iie, let's just go. I've got the bag. I just need some alone time from Inuyasha” she whispered.
She knew her battered and bruised body could only carry her for a little longer. Claw marks decorated her arms and bruises covered her legs. She could have sworn she heard something pop earlier, but it was already too late to tell. Her vision and hearing were starting to fail already and she felt numb all over; but it wasn't the bad type of numb. It was the type people embraced with warmth, but in this case, Kagome had no warmth. Shippou was almost bouncing ahead of her, trying to get to Kaede's as fast as he could without losing Kagome. Her breathing turned to pants as she continued on. Soon, she fell to her knees and coughed up some blood.
“OKAA-SAN” Shippou cried as he turned around to look at her.
“Go get Sango-chan, or Miroku. Leave me! GO, onegai” she told him.
Shippou nodded in fright and took off towards Kaede's hut. `Must save Okaa-san. Must save Okaa-san' he thought over and over as he ran through the dark forest. Ten minutes later, he arrived at Kaede's hut. He burst through the flap and fell to the ground in exhaustion. Sango jumped up and ran to Shippou.
“Shippou, doushita no?” Sango asked.
“O-Okaa-san is hurt and can't get up. There's a boy with her. This is all Inu-no-baka's fault! Onegai, help her” Shippou cried.
With that, Sango and Miroku raced for Kirara. They jumped onto her and went into the woods. They found her five minutes later (A.N: Due to their faster pace and Kirara -smiles broadly-). Her hair stuck to her face as she propped herself up by a tree. Souta sat in her lap with the bag next to them. Souta looked okay, but Kagome had a small amount of blood coming from the corner of her mouth and she was bruised a lot, not to mention the claw marks marring her skin. They helped her up and rushed to Kaede's hut.
Kagome felt as though she was run over by a truck twice and then had a house crash down upon her. She sat up slowly and looked at everyone. Souta was up next to her side with a look of sadness and fear. She pulled him closer to herself and hugged him tightly. Sango came up to her with a bowl of soup.
“Do you remember anything? Shippou was too sad to recall what happened and the little boy you have with you hasn't said a word since” Sango said.
“We were attack by…by” she started.
“Who? (A.N: What is a better question.) What?” Miroku asked gently.
“I-Inuyasha” she gulped.
“Onegai, tell us what happened” Sango whispered soothingly.
Sango balled her hands into a fist as Kagome recalled her story; all the words he said, and all the lies she remember him saying. Kagome sighed as she fed Souta some soup; he was still deeply shaken about the betrayal and would most likely be that way for a while. He was still a little shaken by the events that took place earlier. She left out the part about being a youkai because she didn't know if it was true. After she was done, she changed into a pair of blue jeans, a pair of black, elbow high gloves cut at her fingers, a black t-shirt, tennis shoes, and her necklace. She threw her books and school uniform into the fire, seeing how she didn't need those things anymore; heck, she wouldn't be able to go to the future anymore, so why have things she wouldn't need for another 500 years? Kaede gave her a black and red cloak, a black hoari and hakamas, and a bow for later.
“I am going jewel shard hunting on my own. I just need some time on my own. When Inuyasha says he needs me, tell him that he will have to find me if he can” she announced.
“I believe that would be best, child” Kaede said.
“But Naraku” Sango started.
“Won't be able to get me! He will think that I am with you guys and will try to find you guys first. And when he does, you guys can warn me some how” Kagome reassured them.
“Good bye everyone” Kagome sighed.
“Onee-san, where are we going?” Souta asked.
“To find Otou-san, AND get away from Inuyasha. That is where we are going” Kagome replied.
“Hai” Shippou and Souta replied in unison.
The kids nodded and began their journey towards the unknown.
“Hello! I am Kagome, and no, -giggle- I am no tenshi. This is my brother, Souta, and my little kit Shippou. May I ask what your name is?” she greeted, saying the tenshi part a little sadly.
“Kahn, my name is Kahn. May I ask something?” Kahn replied.
“Kahn, I like it. Yes, you can ask me anything” she smiled.
“Why is someone so beautiful as you doing out here unprotect in such a dangerous forest?” he asked.