InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ Meeting Kahn ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

For the past week, Kagome was helping any of the villages she passed; either with a demon or sickness. From the start, (A.N: before Inuyasha threw that little temper tantrum) Kagome learned how to heal minor wounds and sicknesses from Kaede, but there was not many lessons now. After all, Inuyasha had just kicked her out of his life and Kaede's hut was where he was the most if they weren't looking for the shards. All they would ask them is for a place to stay and some food.
It was about midday and they were nearing the end of the forest. After a few feet, the edge of the forest was visible and there was a huge crash. Kagome dashed towards a tree near it and watched a battle take forth. Kouga was attacking another wolf demon; and Kouga was winning. She cast a scent masking spell and watched the battle take forth. After a few minutes, Kouga left the beaten wolf to die, not noticing Kagome's scent. Kagome, feeling sorry for the poor creature (A.N: he he), ran towards him and checked his pulse. It was barely beating.
“Shippou, get the first aid kit. Souta, help me bring him into the forest where there are trees that we can hide in” Kagome stated.
She brought him into the forest and started a small fire. The sun began to set as she cooked some ramen. The wolf had electric blue hair that went to the middle of his back like Inuyasha's, but it was in a ponytail. He wore light green clothing with armor like Kouga's, but green and gold. His tail was blue with a green tip. She began to bandage his wounds and went to go get water after that. When she got back, he opened his dark purple eyes. Kagome greeted him with a warm smile and some water.
“Am I dead? Are you a tenshi?” Kahn asked.
“Hello! I am Kagome. This is my brother Souta and my little kit Shippou. May I ask what your name is?” she greeted.
“Kahn, my name is Kahn. May I ask something?” Kahn replied.
“Kahn, I like it. Hai, you can ask me anything” she smiled.
“Why is someone so beautiful as you doing out here unprotect in such a dangerous forest?” he asked.
Kagome looked down and Souta looked at the fire. She gathered her strength and looked up at him. He looked as though he wanted an answer, and he did. Kagome sighed. She was bounded to tell him sooner or later, and it might as well have been now. She looked at the tree beside him before looking back at him.
“The man, who I loved, loved another. He went to her and I accidentally killed her. He did some horrible things that I deserved and left me to die. I left because I said that I would. But I don't want you to worry about my problems. They are for me to worry about. Don't worry about Inuyasha. Why was Kouga-kun attacking you” Kagome said in mock happiness.
“He said I helped a man named Naraku attack his pack” Kahn said angrily.
“You are more than welcome to join our little group” Kagome said.
Kagome began to stroke Shippou's hair as she sat down next to Souta. She handed him a bottle of water and some ramen. She nearly forced him to eat. When he was done, she got up and went towards the stream she went to earlier. When she was there, she put the bottle into the clear water and looked down. There was her reflection; her ugly, pathetic reflection. She let out a small cry of disgust and slapped it away.
“Ha, I am pathetic” she laughed coldly.
“You are not” Kahn's voice said.
“You don't know me” she said, not bothering to turn around to look at him.
“I know enough about you to know you don't deserve to be treated like that. My sister was killed and she was just like you” Kahn said.
“I am sorry” she said.
“About?” Kahn asked.
“Your sister. You must have loved her. It must pain you to be around me since I remind you of her so” Kagome said sadly.
“Well, since a kind-hearted lady, such as yourself, is out here all alone, I will love to join and protect your group. And no, it doesn't pain me, it just keeps me going. After all, I do need to protect someone now” he said as he puffed his chest out.
Kagome giggled and they walked back to camp. As they walked back to camp, something bothered Kagome. What was Kahn's past? They might as well get to know each other, so she decided to ask when her brother and Shippou were asleep.
As soon as the two were asleep, Kagome looked over at Kahn. His wounds were healing quickly. Kagome smiled and went closer to her `big brother'. He smiled and patted the spot next to him. Kagome hesitated for a second, but went over to him.
“Kahn, I wanted to know… about your sister” Kagome said softly.
Kahn sighed sadly and looked up towards the stars. It must have been a touchy subject. Kagome turned away before he could look at her. She scolded herself for bringing up and opened her mouth to apologize when Kahn looked at her.
“Hey name was Sajimi” he started.
“Come on, Imouto! Otou-san is just over the hill” Kahn called to his ten year-old sister.
“Hai, please, just one more flower?” Sajimi asked.
“Hai, hai, but hurry. Otou is calling” Kahn replied.
Sajimi skipped over to a flower and picked it up. Her pink kimono swayed in the wind as she went to pick up the small purple flower. Kahn stood a few yards away from her, smiling happily as Sajimi ran up to him. Then, the clouds turned a dark purple and the sky darkened. Sajimi stopped dead in her tracks. Kahn, then, felt it. A massive amount of power was coming their way.
Something burst through the trees and ran into Sajimi. Kahn watched in horror as the creature's sword impaled itself into Sajimi's chest. Kahn took a good look at the hanyou who dare attack his sister. He had dark hair and red eyes. He remembered them well.
“Move you damn brat” the hanyou spat.
Then, the hanyou pushed Sajimi off of his sword and let her fall to the floor. Kahn rushed over to her and lifted her head up. He cried and shouted for his father. This father and mother came from the top of the hill and looked down at the hanyou.
“How dare you kill my daughter, hanyou? You will pay” his father shouted.
Kahn watched as his father went to attack him with his claws bared. The hanyou threw his sword swiftly at Kahn's father. It hit him straight in the heart. Kahn's father stopped for a moment before falling onto the wet grass. His mother screamed in pain and loss and went to attack the hanyou also. Before Kahn could blink, his mother was right beside his father, their blood uniting in a single pool underneath their heads. Kahn began to sob even louder. The hanyou let Kahn, leaving him an orphan at the age of twelve.
“And that is what happened” Kahn said sadly.
Kagome looked up at him sadly. He was deprived of his family at the young age of twelve. She had a pretty good idea of who that hanyou Kahn spoke of was. `It must have been Naraku. He is the only one who would do something so…so evil as to kill a person's, or youkai's in this case, family and leave them to fend for themselves' Kagome thought.
“I-I'm sorry” Kagome whispered.
“It happened a while ago, don't worry about it” Kahn replied.
“I just wish that I could do something to help” Kagome yawned.
Kagome leaned up against the tree behind her and fell asleep. Kahn smiled and put an arm around her to make sure she wouldn't hit the dirt floor under them. With a grin, he closed his eyes and leaned against the tree behind him, making sure to check on the other two in front of them.
“Night, Imouto” Kahn said softly before heading into a light sleep.
“Kagome-sama! KAGOME-SAMA, WAIT” Xain yelled.
Hai, dear?” Kagome replied as she turned around.
“My little neko had kittens earlier and we had one left over! I want you to have her” Xain panted.
“Thank you! I will name her…… Alara! Oh, and if someone named Sango or Miroku come to this village, can you give them this?” Kagome said.