InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ Xain And Alara ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Left or right?” Kagome asked her group.
“Right” Kahn grinned.
“Right it is then” she replied happily, missing the fact that Shippou, Souta, and Kahn were grinning madly.
Shippou jumped from Kagome's shoulder to Kahn's and grinned madly. Two days ago, Shippou, Kahn, and Souta decided to try and hook Kagome up with someone; and Shippou had a certain special someone in mind. Shippou suggested Sesshoumaru because in the last fight (A.N: When the Inu group was still together), Shippou caught Sesshoumaru staring at Kagome with interest; though no one else saw it. Kahn and Kagome decided to have a brother/sister like relationship because she reminded him of his sister Sajimi so much. They wanted to hook her up with someone because she was extremely depressed and they saw through her fake smiles and laughs. She also started to have nightmares, so she hated to sleep. Kahn hated to see her like this, but she was so stubborn.
“Hey, let's make camp here. It is starting to get dark” Kagome announced.
Kagome set her bag down and started to cook dinner; ramen and some extra meat. After she made a fire, she got her bath supplies. She looked at the boys and sighed. Kahn and Shippou seemed to be whispering to Souta. Kagome felt left out, but decided to let the boys have their little conversation while she went to take her bath
“I am going to take a bath, okay? Souta, you know when to take it off” she called.
“Okay” they all said.
Kahn began to think about what Shippou said about Sesshoumaru. `Hmmm, a cold blooded killer he said. Is Shippou sure about this? But he does seem to like Kagome' Kahn debated mentally. All of a sudden, a dark thought came into his head. What were Kagome's nightmares about? `She said that her used-to-be-love did some horrible things to her. What was his name again? Inukuso? Inuyosho? Inuyasha, that's it' he thought.
“Shippou, what did this Inuyasha person do to Kagome?” Kahn asked.
Shippou and Souta turned pale. The two boys told the story; Souta told what happened at the house, and Shippou told him what happened after Souta was knocked unconscious. By the end, Shippou was crying and Souta was watching the fire emotionlessly. Kahn curled his fist and punched the ground. `HOW DARE HE' Kahn thought.
“That bastard! He had no fucking right. Damn it, if I knew what he looked like right now! I'll kill him” Kahn cursed.
Kagome returned about a few minutes later. She had on her clothing Kaede gave her, her necklace (A.N: As if she will EVER take it off), and the same gloves. A look of sadness haunted her face, but when she looked at her group, the sadness only increased. She shook away the look and smiled falsely.
“Hey, who wants some dinner?” Kagome asked in false cheeriness.
“I would love some dinner, Imouto. How about you guys?” Kahn said with the calmest voice he could get that moment.
Kagome smiled and began to serve dinner to her brave young warriors. She giggled at the thought. `Otou-san, we are coming. I hope you don't hate us like I think you will' Kagome thought.
IIE! HELP! LET ME GO NOW!” a child's voice cried.
“Kahn, something is attacking that girl! We have to help her” Kagome stated.
Kahn nodded and they took off running. They arrived to see a snake youkai attacking an eight year-old girl. Kahn grabbed the little girl with his amazing speed (A.N: But not as fast and amazing as Kouga. sighs dreamily Kouga. Not that he is cuter than Naraku or Sesshoumaru smiles evilly while running away from Kouga and Kahn) and ran back towards Kagome. She let the arrow she was holding go and it hit the snake. Instead of disintegrating, it exploded, shoving Kagome into a tree and breaking her arm. Kagome, now with blood all over her and a broken arm, yelped in pain and disgust.
“Okaa-san, are you okay?” Shippou asked.
“Yeah, I just hurt my arm” she whimpered.
“Wow, Imouto! I never knew you were that powerful” Kahn exclaimed.
Kagome whimpered some more as she let her arm fall to her side. Kahn picked her up and went over to the little girl. The girl slowly got up, not taking her eyes off of Kahn and Kagome. As they waited, Kagome fiddled with Kahn's pony tail (A.N: With her NOT broken hand people), which cause Kahn to grin happily as he let his tail sway back and forth rapidly (A.N: Like a doggie!!!!). Kahn stopped in front of her, trying to give the child the most innocent look her could give her without laughing from how dorky he looked.
“Is your village near?” Kahn asked.
“H-Hai. Are you going to eat me?” the girl said in fright.
Iie, what is your name?” Kagome asked sweetly.
“Xain” she replied.
“I love your name! Well, I am Kagome and I hurt my arm when I got pushed into the tree. We were wondering if there was a more… experienced miko or something at your village” Kagome said.
“There isn't a miko or healer, but I'll ask father to help you” Xain said.
“Well, ANYWAY, this is Kahn-kun, Shippou is the little kitsune pup, and Souta, my brother” Kagome said, wanting to calm the little girl down by trying to get off the subject of violence or injuries.
“Okay, Kagome-chan! This way” Xain said happily.
Xain lead them to their village. Souta carried the semi heavy, semi light bag. As soon as they got to the edge of the village, the villagers panicked at the sight of Kahn and Shippou. Kagome sighed as they gathered their “weapons”, thinking that her group was going to attack them. `Every time we come to a village, this happens. Stupid people. If we were going to kill them, we would have crashed into one of the huts and be shouting or something' Kagome thought in annoyance.
“DEMON! A DEMON!” they cried.
Men with pitchforks and other “weapons” came and looked at Kahn. Shippou cowered behind Souta. Kahn sighed and put Kagome down. Kagome let her arm hang limp at her side as she walked up to the gathering crowd. Many of the women and children were in the small huts, cowering in fear of being eaten and whatnot. The men lowered their A.N:…) “weapons” (A.N:pitchforks, torches, daggers, machine guns, and whatnot) as she walked up to them.
“What do ye want demon?” a man yelled.
“YEAH” the rest cried.
“Papa, these people saved me from a snake youkai! Kagome-chan got hurt when she hit it with an arrow and I wanted to help her! PLEASE” Xain said.
A man pushed aside the rest of the men and looked at Kagome. Xain was hugging her legs and looked at her father with pleading eyes. Kagome couldn't help but laugh, but it was a pained laugh. She remembered when Souta used to do that look in order to get something from the mother or grandfather. It hurt; it hurt so much.
“I don't see why not! They are heroes! Come, this way” Xain's father said.
They followed them small family into the hut so they could help Kagome with her broken arm.
“Kagome-sama! KAGOME-SAMA, WAIT” Xain yelled.
“Hai, dear?” Kagome replied as she turned around.
“My little neko kitty had kittens earlier and we had one left over! I want you to have her” Xain panted.
“Thank you! I will name her…… Alara! Oh, and if someone named Sango or Miroku come to this village, can you give them this?” Kagome said.
Kagome gave Xain the letter once she nodded. Xain handed her Alara. Alara was had blood red paws with black fur. `Kirara, Sango, Miroku, I miss you all. But NOT Inuyasha' she thought. (A.N: That's right girl! You tell him!) Kagome waved at Xain as they left the small village. Alara transformed, allowing Shippou, Souta, and Kagome to climb on.
“Kagome, there you are my little prisoner!” he joked.
“Oh no! You found me! What am I to do? Man, you should really keep track of your prisoners Kahn! I almost escaped” Kagome joked also.
“Sorry `bout that. Next time I'll lock you in a smaller cell with no windows. Will that be better” Kahn smirked.
“OH NO!” she laughed.
Kahn picked her up and ran back to their camp, not hearing the silent growls coming from Sesshoumaru.