InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why me and the Bully? ❯ The new transfered student ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: YEY I just got a great great idea for two new stories! The first one is: The Gambler; a struggling love and angsty story about Inuyasha and Kagome. Kagome is a best gambler in town and Inuyasha doesn't like the idea of her being an gambler so he decides to do somethings about it…COMING SOON!

The second one is Why me and the Bully? WHICH you are reading right now! ^-^ ALL two great stories OH! And don't forget my other first story: Memmories! Chappie 11 up! So keep in touch folks! And please please review! Remember that I'm waiting for at least one of my stories to reach 100 reviews! Please help me and read on! STAY TUNED FOR MORE! ^-^ LUV YA! On with the chappie!!

The new transferred student

"Kagome! Earth to Kagome! Time to get up now young lady! You're going to be late for your new school! You don't want that to happen now young lady do ya?!" The young raven-haired girl's mother yelled from the bottom stairs near the kitchen area.

The young girl poke her head out from her covers and got up quickly, only falling down on the floor. Her face met with the floor and the tip of her nose was now red. She growled down at the stupid floor and cursed then punched it.

She quickly went through her drawer and brought out her First Aid Kit. She quickly opened the latches on the top and pulled out a bandage. She pealed off the wrapper and stuck it on top of her cherry red nose.

She quickly went up to her mirror and was shocked with her reflection. Her hair was all messed up and especially that stupid bandage! She looked through her drawer and brought out her brush and a few make up kit.

She brushed her hair quickly and just tied it up high into a long wavy pony tail. She left out a bit of her short bangs covering her front forehead. She wanted to look calm not a hype girl like the others in the school so she decided to not put make up.

She didn't like people that bully others and act cool. Well she wasn't really a studyholic and bookworm and such, but she was the calm and Okay type. She never been out with anyone special except Hojo.

He and her went out 12 times before she moved to Tama Ville, and will be attending the Tama High School. She liked the name but her mother didn't really agree but they had to move here anyways.

Their house have been sold off by a guy named Naraku and since her father was dead now, they couldn't afford to make such money. Kagome was rich before, but now she would just be a plain normal average school girl now.

She'd always wanted to be normal and fit in with the others like her. She wondered if the school had any people that she could feel and trust comfortably. She really wanted and needed some friends.

She quickly wore her T-shirt with a cute cat on the front and long overalls. She didn't want to look like an hype, hot chick the first day, so she just decided to wear these instead.

She quickly grabbed her sky-blue spring jacket and smiled at her reflection. She hurried down stairs towards the kitchen and their family ate in silence.

Kagome's mother couldn't drive her to school, so she just decided to take the bus instead.

"Bye mom! Bye Souta! Be good with mom! I'll be back right after school mom so don't worry about anything!" Her mother replied with a cheerful tone. "Thank you Kagome and have a fun time dear! Make sure you stay away from bullies and bad influenced kids!"

Kagome giggled at that. She hurriedly placed her running shoes on and left and ran towards the bus stop. A few girls and some guys with huge baggy pants were also there and they all happened to be staring at her.

`Do I really look that stupid?? Or maybe they just think I look ugly….*sigh* I guess guys only think about Hot Chicks huh? Well everyone except Hojo and maybe Kouga…That reminds me! I should be calling them soon!'

She was about to make a quick phone call to them using her cell phone but decided not to since she saw the bus coming towards her stop. She quickly lined up behind a few people.

A guy was staring at her from head to toe and she didn't like that. "Um…could you stop looking at me?" And without saying anymore, she quickly got on the bus.

She sighed since the guy was sitting all the way at the front. She pulled out her book and started reading. She can feel another eye on her. She just decided to keep reading but stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulders.

She glared at the person and saw white hair. He had white hair, fuzzy looking ears pointing up on top of his head. Her glare was still on him and he frowned slightly.

"Hey don't look at me like that woman! Just move over so I can sit down geeze…" He was rude to her and she didn't like him. She closed her book and got up and he was staring at her confusingly.

"Yo, I never asked for you to STAND up and MOVE. I just asked you to scotch over to the next seat so I can sit beside you. Didn't you understand that? Want me to repeat it hmm?"

She gave him a deadly glare before saying. "Look, you don't have to go ordering me like that OK?! And I am NOT I repeat NOT deaf! So don't go yellin at me like that and NO I do not want to sit beside someone like you!"

Without any sign of hesitation, she quickly grabbed her sling bag and got up and moved to sit down somewhere else, but stopped when she found that all seats were full. She growled a bit, and just grabbed a hold on a pole beside her and decided to not sit anywhere.

The silver white haired boy chuckled then giggled boyishly. She decided to keep herself calm and cool so she wouldn't punch him square in the face, but he sure was asking for it.

She looked outside the window and something shot through her head. `SHIT! I don't know where the school is! How am I suppose to know which stop to get off??!!'

She quickly slapped her front forehead lightly and this went noticed by the boy. He smirked and pulled out a piece of paper and scrunched it up in to a paper ball.

He aimed towards her head and it hit her! Square in her head. When she felt something hit her, she quickly looked towards that direction and was now face to face with him.

The boy was shocked. He never knew that she looked so cute in that pony tail and her cute little mad face, and of course her little bandage bridging her base of the nose. He playfully smirked. He never actually had a good look at her face but now was the time he did.

He gulped. She was walking this way, when suddenly the bus shook strongly because of the bumpy road, she lost her balance and was about to fall, but nothing came and she wasn't face to face with the floor.

She glanced up and found the same stupid boy smirking down at her. She blushed she was on on his legs well half of her body was and almost everyone was looking, staring at their direction.

She then heard someone saying the name Inuyasha and something about that boy being the school's biggest bully. She looked up at them and they looked away.

She gulped. `Bul…Bully?! Aw damn! Gosh… what have I done kami-sama???!!' She mentally kicked herself then quickly got up before he could do anything to her.

She just rushed out of the bus without even knowing which stop to get off at. He looked bewilderment for a second but quickly zoomed out after her.

The students whispered and murmured somethings to each other then the bus just left those two, out there in the streets.

Kagome took a deep breath, enhailing and exhailing. "Phew! And for a second, I thought I would have to deal with a bully…."

"And, what's so wrong about a bully huh?" She froze and turned back slowly, and came face to face with the same boy at the bus.

" uh….Bye!" She quickly ran away using all her strength but was caught up with something. Her wrists were taken over by his hands.

"What?! What do you want…..?" Her voice started off very strongly, but only managed the shaky ending.

He smirked then laughed. "Whoa…Look I'm not planning to kill you or rape you or anything!" She blushed. "Did I say you were going to rape me??!! What the hell do you want?"

At first he was a bit taken back by her attitude but he knew he was going to have fun with this girl. He decided to give her an easy start. Usually, Inuyasha would just ask them out and have fun with them on bed, but this girl seemed to be a bit different.

He smirked. "You didn't say anything about me raping you, yes I know. And who cares if I'm a bully? Everyone or anyone could be a bully girl." She growled.

"Listen up bastard! I'm going to be late for my school and I'm new so don't go talking to me like this! BYE!" She quickly turned around but was stopped once again.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" She yelled. He quickly covered his ears. "Hey! Watch it lady! My ears are very sensitive!" She smirked. "And I should care because…?"

He grinned, then decided to have fun. "OH no… look at the time! It's almost school time. And I'm guessing you're attending the Tama High School? Right? Then we're going to be late in this rate…I'm afraid.."

She stopped dead on her tracks and turned to face him. "Is there any way we can get there in time?! Answer me and I'm sorry if I was rude before please accept my apology."

He was a bit taken back but smirked once again. "Sure no problem! Just go out with me once and I will forget everything about this." He saw her frown then her smile turned down.

"Are you stupid? Why would I go out with you?! A bully? And no way in hell cause I don't even know the hell who you are! So just forget it…I'll go find the school my self!"

She huffed a bit then marched off. He was now running after her. "Hey! Wait up! Ok ok I won't be mean or anything like a bully happy?! Just wait a minute!"

She turned to see him. "So, then could you help me find the Tama High School??" She asked trying to keep her happy side inside of her.

He grinned. "Hell yeah. But could you please at least um, go out with me just once? It doesn't have to be anything like going to movies, clubbing just you know, hang out maybe study together…"

She thought for a minute then smiled sweetly. "Let's see the answer is…hm…OH! N-O!" She then marched off on her own again.

"What?! Why not?" he ran after her and was now circling around her. "I saw you- I liked you- and I want to go out with you…What's so wrong about that huh? Oh… maybe you're just scared to go out with me…"

She smirked. "Whatever nice try Mister. I would never go out with anyone except maybe some civilized people like say my Ex boyfriend, Hojo. Yeah! Afterall, he wasn't that bad…"

He growled. "HELLO?! I'm still here you know! And forget about your ex. I'll kill them later on." She shot him a deadly glare.

"You! Don't you ever talk about violent stuffs around me! And I was just joking geeze! I would never go out with anyone now! I hate guys and I hate a bully like you! You seem like a stalker than a bully to me!!"

He stopped her this time with a strong grip on her wrist. She winced in pain and was trying her best not to cry out. "Let me go!!! I'm going to scream! 1! 2! 2 and half!!"

"School is that way…" He pointed towards further north. She stopped with her screaming but her arm was now soar. "Oh…okay um…thanks, but could you let me go? Uh…please?"

He said nothing but turned around, still holding her wrist and marched off. She did nothing but to just follow him. `Maybe he wasn't that bad…? Who am I kidding! This is a bully or maybe a stalker we're talking about here! Act normal and civilized Kagome!'

When they finally reached the school grounds, they weren't late. Inuyasha still had his grips on Kagome's wrists and now turned to face her.

He smiled then smirked. "Name's Inuyasha. Yours?" She blinked a few times before replying. "Uh…Kagome. Kagome Higurashi." She smiled. "You're not a bully are you? I think you're not that scary or so tough looking."

He smirked then laughed. "Did you think I was? Who-" Before he could finish, he saw his friends actually his gang members coming this way. He gulped then looked down at the smiling angel in front of him.

"uh…Oh! Look at the time! Man…time sure does fly by fast! Well make sure you meet friends and uh I'm still looking forward to meeting you again! Don't run away got that?" He smiled at her then smirked and was soon gone.

She looked down at her hand then shook her head. "Bye sick bastard…Please god! Don't make me see him again! Never! Uh-uh! Boy I wish I was in a different class from him!" She then shivered a bit then left towards the school building.

"Inu! Who the hell was that chick you were with earlier? She didn't look so hot to me…" The others nodded. "Yeah! You should dump her man, she ain't your type at all." Said another. Inuyasha sighed.

"Look guys, I think I'm really interested in her and she's really different. Besides she looks cute enough for me…I'm aiming for her. Whatever you do, keep your dirty hands off of her got that?! She's off limits guys!"

They just nodded and separated as they went to their classes. Inuyasha sighed then remembered her mad face. He smirked. `Of course I'm aiming for her! She's definitely OFF limits.'

He nodded to himself and went to his locker. He picked up a girl magazine and just a few books then left towards his class.

Kagome picked up her books and pencils and such for her class. She had science first and she just couldn't wait…She hated science. She was hoping to have Gym or Physical education first, but she had it last…

She sighed then closed her locker and only came face to face with the same boy she met outside… `Ugh…There's that Inu something kid… Just avoid, and don't look up.'

She nodded to herself then kept her head low and steady. She was almost there, in class but a hand stopped her. She sighed annoyingly then looked up at him. He was smirking.

"Yes? What do you want now…???" She asked in a it annoyed tone. He frowned. "Whoa… Chill Kagome! I was just going to ask which class you have first!" She sighed.

"I have Gym first! And what about you??" She asked trying to bite back her annoyed tone and madness inside of her. His smile and smirks turned into a saddened one.

"Oh…Damn…I have Science first… Ugh shit… Well then I guess I'll just have to see you at lunch and yeah! After school. Meet me after school at the front gate kay?" He patted her shoulders before whispering a few more words. "Oh, and uh don't try to run away hmm?"

He smiled at her then left. Her mouth dropped open as he waved friendly at her. She gawked then stomped towards her class.

She went to the Lost And Found and picked up a red basball hat and a red stripped sweater and wore them on. She would just have to disguise herself so he wouldn't notice her.

She smiled at her reflection and made sure to loosen her hair. She made sure her hair was a bit messed up as it hung down to her shoulders.

She quickly pulled the hat lower down so it could cover her face and left towards the Science class.

When she entered, she saw Inuyasha flirting with another girl. They were sitting beside each other and she smirked. She walked to the other side of the room and thought to herself. `Great! Now I got an excuse to stay away from him and not go out with him! Kagome you are a genius!!'

While she was thinking all to herself, the teacher entered and when he saw Kagome, he cleared his throat and began "Eh hem… Miss, I'm afraid that you'll have to take off your hat during my class." Kagome's head shot up as she glanced over at the teacher.

She cursed a few words then lifted up her red cap and placed it down on her desk. She made sure to keep her head down and not lift them up. Just then the teacher began again. "Oh I almost forgot! Class please welcome a new transferred student, Miss Higurashi Kagome! Kagome please come up here."

The class looked around and Kagome cursed before standing up. She kept her head still low and steady, but thought to herself. `Whats the point?! He blurted out my stupid name anyways! UGH! I hate teachers these days!! They have absolute no common sense!'

She marched up to the front of the class. Everyone looked up at her and some guys whistled but only received a deadly glare from their girl friends. Inuyasha's ears perked up as he heard Kagome's name being called out.

He quickly looked up at the front of the class and saw her, standing there! `Is that Kagome?' Then he realized those bandages from this morning at the bus stop. `ARG SHIT! It is her!!'

Without hesitation, he quickly got up and sneaked to another spot near hers. Kagome smirked and remembered him flirting with the girl at the other side of the classroom. `Stupid Inuyasha. HAHA! Now I don't have to go out with him.' She smirked at that and bowed to the class.

"Hello everyone. My name is Kagome Higurashi. I'm from Kyoto (NOT Tokyo). Nice to meet you all!"

She bowed once again and the class hooted and clapped loudly. She went towards her seat and sat down quietly. Inuyasha scooted closer to her and sat down next to her.

"Hi kagome. I thought you um had Gym for the first class…?" He whispered to her. She smiled. "I guess it slipped out of my mind." She smirked when she saw his face go blank.

"Did…did you see um me during the beginning?" She tried to look like she was thinking hard to herself. "Uh…yup I did!" She smiled and whispered back softly at him. His face went white and he cursed.

"Are you mad or anything? Well, I mean I didn't mean to flirt with that other girl you know…Just that she was bugging me and all…." She giggled.

"Uh..That's alright, I'm sure I can understand." She pretended to look sad. "I guess there will be no date then huh? It's okay inuyasha, I'm really fine." She smiled to herself. `This is perfect! HAHA! See ya later Inu whatever!'

He smirked. "You mean you wanted to go out with me all along??! Sure! Then I'll gladly dump that girl and be with you just wait a few hours and soon we can start hanging out." He smiled at her then winked.

She choked. "Wha-what?! No! I mean uh no! It's ok! I don't need uh to go out! You see, I already have a boy friend and uh…." She couldn't lie anymore. She growled annoyed by his behaviour. "Uh Inuyasha look, I don't really want to go out that much right now, but maybe later…in the future hmm?"

He frowned then gripped on to her hand. "Don't worry Kagome and I know you don't really like bullies but I saw you and I like you. So just forget about that girl and me and just don't worry got that? And I won't take NO as an answer." He smirked when he saw her face turn into disgust.

She gulped. "Uh…." Was all she could manage for now. He grinned boyishly at her then turned to face the teacher. Kagome just sat there, dumfounded of what just happened. `HE likes me?! Why me?!?!?!?! WHY ME AND THE BULLY?! Kami-sama I hate you!!!!!' She cursed more and more and Inuyasha smirked at this.

He smiled. `Oh yeah…This is going to be fun. Kagome you're in my list now and there is no escape from me. Once I grabbed you, I will grab you forever until I have what I want…'